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53837569 No.53837569 [Reply] [Original]

Is working from home gay? How do you WFH fags cope with not being taken serious by anyone?

>> No.53837582


>> No.53837589

Yes, and you are gay

>> No.53837606

Being gay is objectively a much less worse punishment than being cursed to be black.

>> No.53837609

If you don't WFH you're gay.

>> No.53837627
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You are deflecting. Focus on the message not the messenger.

>> No.53837630

infinite gas stations and restaurants real estate etc have and will die thanks to the wfh coronavirus backlash. this will collapse the economy as planned

>> No.53837645

this is just cope for being dommed by his boss into showing up on a set schedule to beg for permission to not starve to death like the cuck he is. wageslaves arent men they are adult children

>> No.53837651

The message is a low IQ cope by a useless lazy nigger

>> No.53837674

What is the message? That you engage in sex with men if you work from home. All right, it's false. Most people don't have sex at all, gay or otherwise.

>> No.53837690

>posts random chink
>nigger sympathizer
go back. everyone knows that most gays are unfortunately mostly dumb white teenagers

>> No.53837691

if saving miles on my car, eating home cooked meals, and earning more than service wagies and blue collar laborers makes me gay then sure, I fuck my gf fag style

>> No.53837692

>The message is a low IQ cope
Valid opinion
>by a useless lazy nigger
Doesn't have any bearing on the message itself.

You seem to be unable to keep ideas and emotions apart. It's like hating all of Hitler's ideas because "he was a baddy". You reason on a child level, if you are young this is understandable, but if you are an adult you really need to work on this flaw of yourself. I'm sure you have lost many friends over this and are not picking up the signs

>> No.53837705

I rather be guy with a manly nerd friend than spend 25$ on some basedbean salad lunching with a roastie

>> No.53837708

Actually if you have to work at all "you gay"
If you use Emojis you gay
If you use instagram / facebook / twitter you gay

>> No.53837709


> How do you WFH fags cope with not being taken serious by anyone?

I make $200k a year plus 100% free healthcare for my entire family doing a couple hours of actual work each day from the comfort of my own home.

That's how I cope.

But have fun being taken seriously in your cubicle.

>> No.53837714

Hitler was a good guy though

>> No.53837717

>Roll out of bed 5 mins before start
>Make breakfast while listening morning meeting on my Bluetooth headset
>No one looking over my shoulder
>When I finish up for the day I'm already home

Yeah I'll take being called gay by some faggot on social media

>> No.53837728

>But have fun being taken seriously in your cubicle.
You work from a cubicle from home too, it's the same shit. Except you lack socializing.

Yes, but you understood the point

>> No.53837744

>slide thread

>> No.53837748

You left out the part where your partner penetrates your ass.

>> No.53837788

>You work from a cubicle from home too, it's the same shit. Except you lack socializing.

Oh no, how will I ever replace the meaningful experience of interacting with the loud football fanboy drinking 3 monsters every morning in the cubicle to my right, or the obese woman in the sweater with 15 photos of her cats pinned up in the cubicle to my left?

Fuck my house, I gotta get back to the crucial office small talk.

>> No.53837798


>> No.53837808

Even if you are merchant marine or work on an oil rig you're just another faggot working for Mr. Shekelstein's globalist resource management sim when you could be doing agrarian living

>> No.53837827

I feel as a WFH if you're out having to do stuff you a nigger.

>> No.53837834

i have sex with your mum! hahahaha!

>> No.53837841


>> No.53837950

I feel like, if you don't speak proper English, you're a nigger.

>> No.53837964

Wow making fun of gay people in the current year? How black of him.

>> No.53837977

Most of the time the work itself is gay. Where you do it doesnt matter. If your work matters the location doesnt.

>> No.53837987

>.t seething blue tradecuck

>> No.53838000

Y a u gae?

>> No.53838216

I wfh every other week and its a good balance.

>> No.53838260
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IDK. I dont work

>> No.53838276

You're a homosexual.

>> No.53838277

it actually sucks because youre there with your gf or wife or family all day

men gotta get out of the house and conquer

>> No.53838330
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Gee, I wonder why black kids grow up to be ultra aggressive? What motivates them to constantly feel the need to validate and and prove their hyper masculinity with exaggerated displays of aggression and dominant behavior? A mystery.

>> No.53838366

The final attempt to get WFH chads back in the office
>You gay

Is this all the office wagies can do?

>> No.53838385
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>> No.53838623

(Black) Females are a mess

>> No.53838680
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It's sad, really.
And it won't be corrected anytime soon.

In a perfect world, we'd be able to look at this critically and understand and try to fix this.

But as soon as someone says "hey I think there's a problem here, because the black people in this country tend to be poorer, less educated, more violent, and more criminal ... maybe we should take a deeper look and try to understand what's causing this, so we might be able to correct this within a couple generations"
The fucking idiots in this country shut down any attempt at rational discussion as "muh Critical Race Theory bad - education bad - don't try to learn about what's wrong"

>> No.53838693

First one is right tho sugar in tomato sauce is for fags

>> No.53838709
File: 60 KB, 1248x702, 7e422aa2-07d6-4409-800f-3c4aab85a642[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sistahs got it tuff

>> No.53838713

>feel like
lmao that's literally what women and gay men do.
Straight alpha males THINK things.

>> No.53838724

>totally not a psyops goy heheh go back to Schekelberg office you need omg pls just go

>> No.53838729

Learn English, "Smith" and go back to Africa where you belong, they won't even accept you back in Jamaica.

>How do you WFH fags cope with not being taken serious by anyone?
By laughing at what a braindead stereotype you are and how I'm funding an institute for you to analyze people like you dumbified by social "norms" to the point you become dumber than an animal and become a walking talking cereal mascot cartoon character. You sound like a cartoon character from a cheap Canadian comedy cartoon made in Flash or one of those American fart & scat fetish cartoons.

>> No.53838743
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Lmaooooo :skull: dyingggg
put yo feelings out the window dawggg it's all bout FACTS and SCIENCE, this flask look like it cares bout yo stupid ass FEELINS? fuck outta here lil bitchhh

>> No.53838745

I'm going to keep being gay as long as I can make six figs in my jams

>> No.53838762
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>nigger thinks he must work 18 hours a day on some construction to be "le man"
lol ok enjoy making 45k a year while deforming your spine for Mr Shekelstein while i make x5 programming at home for a few hours

>> No.53838781

Hello Ben Shapiro. I didn't know you browsed /biz/.
Thank you for coming. Please stay around and hang for awhile.

>> No.53838827
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Stop giving a shit about what people that don't matter think of you.

>> No.53838841

You can be a gay man and still be more stereotypically manly than this faggot, so it's moot. I bet plenty of gay men would curb stomp him, make more money than him, and in a lot of cases actually fuck more women than him. Also being a stereotypical male is maybe the gayest thing in the world. Every machismo guy I know comes off like a raging cock sucker, including this guy. I doubt this post is real.

>> No.53838843
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lmao, GOOD.

Gas stations are shit. I'm so glad they're going to die when EVs take over.

>muh commercial RE
lol, lmao

>> No.53838862

Post your wrist.
This basically except without the "science."
Informed logical deduction being the most based way to form opinion.

>> No.53838899

Jobs that can be done from home are less "manly". Definitely better and more white collar, but I don't think it's a difficult argument that more "masculine" jobs like roofer, construction, auto repair, etc. aren't work from home.

Give me the WFH any day though

>> No.53838912

Construction is just work from someone else's home. Not comfy and they won't let you wear your PJs.

>> No.53838958

seek decent employment

>> No.53838965

This is probably just because they're fat. I mean, the average American nigger has 25% white DNA and that was mostly passed to them through white men impregnating black women

>> No.53839022
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By plowing femboys and trannies on the clock while getting paid 95k/yr

>> No.53839074

As a WFH corporate cuck myself, you are truly not a man unless you own your own business. Everything else is cope. In office every day? That's just adult babysittting. High profile job like consultant or banker? You literally spend your prime years on this earth formatting indentations on powerpointe slides. Blue collar job that makes you tough? You are underpaid low skilled labor trading your physical health away for peanuts.

Arguing about titles, positions, office perks, wfh, etc. is just rats in a pit seeing which one can climb a bit higher than the others. That person who is forging their own path, willing to take a risk, pursue their dreams, etc. is the true alpha. Everything else is just cope. Even if it's Sally owning her own cupcake bakery, she is introducing legitimate change in the world and leaving a mark.

The rest of us are just managing the beuacratic red tape. Bragging about being more of a man for going into an office or for being senior director instead of director of widget sales or you work for a tier 1 firm instead of a tier 2 one is probably the most pathetic way to spend your limited time on this planet.

We are all in cages. If you aren't trying to get out then you already accepted death.

>> No.53839149

I employ twelve people at a business that took in $10,000 yesterday.
I'm updating UPS software and shitposting.
I have strong wrists because I help inventory and load often enough and grew up working.

Cope and post your wrist.

>> No.53839261

I tell people all the time that self employment is worth far more than they can imagine before they enjoy it's benefits.
Golf season is starting and I'll literally golf mornings about once a week just because I can and I decided I'm too stressed and should work less.

Now this is after a few years of absolutely pounding it, but even that wasn't that bad because it was, technically, ALL MY ACTUAL CHOICE.
I never HAD to do shit.

>> No.53839296

Not american so the opinion of subhuman nigger monkeys is worthless to me

>> No.53839308

cope cage wagey

>> No.53839314

If Andrew Tate was a black woman

>> No.53839365

>earn easy cash refactoring pajeet code
>lots of time free to make schemes and plots with every greedy zoomerette I have contacts with
If I was wasting time and effort in some drab office and commuting to work and such I wouldn't have even one woman.
Like this its kind of a pseudo harem.

>> No.53839525

>I don't cook: The post
Nigger, it depends!!! If you are an idiot and don't know how to choose ripe tomatoes for your sauce or if your local store is shit and doesn't have ripe tomatoes, or its fucking winter and tomatoes are all green and shit, it's absolutely fine to put sugar on your Marinara. If -on the other hand- you choose to eat that canned Prego shit to save some preparation time, what the fuck are you complaining about? More or less sugar in that shit isn't gonna make any difference. It's shit anyways and will still be shit after you pour the sugar.

>> No.53839554

Trying to get there myself one day brother, congrats on making it. After a certain point of money, you realize more isn't worth a damn compared to the value of owning your calendar. That doesnt mean not working hard, but not having to do 8-5 while being watched, and spending that time on mindless tasks when you could be building something much faster yourself.

I went to a pretty good business school when I was younger. It was funny to see people jerk each other off about what firms they work for, apparent that it's to fill a void in their lives. I only know this because I was that way in my early 20s and fortunately was able to course correct. Most hilarious thing is the people truly dont give a shit.

You go to a cocktail party and tell someone you are an associate at Barclay's, or Director at E&Y, and absolutely no one will give a shit. Meanwhile Dan can roll up and says he runs his own business teaching scuba diving and guess which profession will actually have eyes light up and have people ask questions about it?

Corporate clout is the biggest cope wank there is and it only works because you are stuck in these weird little ecosystems that you cant ever come up for air and gain perspective

>> No.53839578

How do you get a well paying wfh job? Is it even possible when you're competing with billions of 3rd worlders that are willing to work for pennies an hour and can be hired from anywhere in the world?

>> No.53839597

ITT: Kike boss cries about WFH

>> No.53839601

wfhsisters, our response?

>> No.53839608

Saying 3rd worlders are a threat to WFH is like saying 3d printing is a threat to furniture making business, sporting goods stores, etc. It's BS. There is a massive, massive quality difference

>> No.53839631
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cope. i m working from home now....paid to have fun watching anime while shorting the euro...

>> No.53839643

Hiring managers don't care though. They'll choose a pajeet willing to work for $20k a year over an experienced white man almost every time. I have 10 years of experience as a web developer and the only wfh jobs I've ever been able to find didn't even pay a living wage. Meanwhile I can easily find an on site job locally that pays 6 figures.

>> No.53839646

Dis nigga who posted this shit is seething hard. I smash pussy everyday and work from home.

OP is a low IQ faggot.

>> No.53839673

>Is working from home gay?
Is it gay to fuck my stay at home femboy on my lunch break?

>> No.53839722

I feel as a man "if u talk like dis" you're a nigger.

>> No.53839753

>Be black
>God blesses you with 110 IQ so you're not a nigger
>Innate sense of justice and morality
>Find white wife, have kids
>Don't get AIDs or get shot at nightclub for being degenerate
It's not so bad

>> No.53839769

I'm gay but at least I'm not black

>> No.53839953

this, let's be real

>> No.53840426


Thanks for making more niggers you fucking retard. You literally ARE the cancer. Bet they’re all ugly as sin too. Abysmal self own there dude, with the kids losing the interesting traits of both sides and making them mutts, and taking the L that black women aren’t attractive enough lmao

>> No.53840436

i feel like as a man if you human you gay

>> No.53840458
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>Thanks for making more niggers you fucking retard. You literally ARE the cancer. Bet they’re all ugly as sin too. Abysmal self own there dude, with the kids losing the interesting traits of both sides and making them mutts, and taking the L that black women aren’t attractive enough lmao

>> No.53840507

nah a little brown sugar and cinnamon is one of the keys to elevating yo sauce, along with red wine, balsamic fresh herbs, plenty of garlic and red pepper
you shouldn't put enough sugar in it that you can taste it as noticeably sweet though, just enough to make it pop and make u say "damn!"

>> No.53840546

seethe faggot

>> No.53840727

"Time is money" is the saying right?

To each his own on how that balances out but you are correct, at a certain point of money (it's WAY lower than most would think) time starts to be extremely valuable in comparison to more money unless you are totally brainwashed or a psychopath.

I've had some VERY big years in the past. This year is okay.
But a round of golf every Wednesday morning is legit worth $50,000 a year to me at this point. Or, more accurately, the freedom to do so is worth that much easily.

>anon you'll make $50k more next year if you drop the golf during "work hours".
Hell no.

>> No.53840738

hello black person

>> No.53840786

Here's something that "IT" or "programmer" folk never seem to consider and as a small business owner I would be VERY up for considering it.

Bring your skills to a small business that can't afford you and ask for a cut of the profits if you succeed.
I bet you will be surprised by the response you get if you approach 10 small, but big potential operations.
Of course you'd have to find them, but I know they exist, because I exist.
I'm fine without a $150,000 year guy doing all my web work and other programming needs. I do JUST fine.
But if he'd work for $60k, I know the gains out there are potentially huge and I'd make a deal pretty quickly.

No imagination out there from a lot of tech guys. They just assume they need to get hired somewhere. They don't have the "hustler" attitude that it takes to really make it.

>> No.53840879

This isn't the 1950s. Nobody goes around cold approaching companies to ask for a job. If you have a job to offer, post it online like a normal person with the salary you're paying and everything. Anyway I was talking specifically about wfh jobs. Small businesses aren't looking for remote workers.

>> No.53840894

ask me how I know you've never tried this

>> No.53840914

I bet this is the kind of guy delivering my Doordash order lol. Enjoy that $3 tip, straight man.

>> No.53840933

whenever someone doesn't wfh i assume they are an uneducated lower middle to low class labor worker who lives paycheck to paycheck. that's how i cope with my frail faggot wfh persona

>> No.53840954

I’m gay then. I don’t care what some nigger that makes less money than me thinks.

>> No.53841014

Sugar is naturally in tomatoes, retard.

>> No.53841088

Obviously he hasn’t because he’s a business owner, IT moron. He’s trying to say that IT experts should approach businesses and work out a deal for a percentage of the profits which basically means a cut of the company. It makes you the CTO of a company instantaneously.

>> No.53841109

I’m a small business operator and I’m constantly looking for remote workers. In fact, all I hire are remote workers and remote businesses.

Keep pining after Fortune 1000 companies that will lay you off at the drop of a hat for a chance to do some stock buybacks.

>> No.53841137

Immediately proves me right about having no "hustle."
Ask me how I know YOU haven't.
It is an idea. You want to break the chains or not?
No imagination. No hustle.
I'm cold approached for all sorts of "services" all the time. What's so different about approaching me for a full time job?

The main problem you guys have is your imagination is stuck. I said SMALL businesses with potential.
Of course it doesn't work at corporations.
But is there a KINDA busy (insert niche) shop in a big city?

Lots of these places are paying $3,000-$4,000 a month to an outside firm for mediocre SEO and then also need help listing and automating their OM system.
They DREAM of having someone on staff full time.

>> No.53841188

>Nigger that isn't able to write a proper sentence.
Gee I certainly care about what this seething monkey thinks.

>> No.53841219

Well said. Another way to put it is to ask whether your power is "borrowed" or "owned."

>> No.53841321

>It makes you the CTO of a company instantaneously.
A full time guy at $60k would actually be giving them probably $300,000 of overpriced remote work and would 10x as effective.
Get a sales pitch going and try it.
Literally nothing to lose.
You could probably get a 10-15% slice of profits this way which would grow as you helped them grow.

If you successfully do it for one company, you might be able to get 20% at the next one.
IT guys just don't have entrepreneurial spirits.

Me for instance. I'm at about 2.5 million revenue with PPE to handle 10 million without further investment.
I pay $3,000 for SEO to a firm that I know an in house person could do in 10 hours a week, leaving room for tons of other stuff.
I am in a small town and do fine enough, but if someone approached me I'd be highly interested in sharing the spoils.

>> No.53841348

*10 hours a month I meant
I pay $3,000 for what could be done in house in 10 hours by a knowledgeable person.
But that's because I have no other options.
I'd do it myself but I'm too busy. I am training "lower tier" type workers to do some of it, but I can't trust them and let them run on auto pilot so it eats up my more important time keeping an eye on it.

I can't pay upfront for someone, but I can pay for results quite easily.

>> No.53841478

He's right you know

>> No.53841561

Worker for another man is really gay

>> No.53841656
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Reminder that 47% of black people don’t agree that whites are even human

>> No.53841684

in 10 year time entire EV fleets will have to change the batteries and the money wont be there due to classic budgeting

>> No.53841806

based. i too have a very comfy home office, a full kitchen available at lunch, and a "commute" that involves walking down the hall

>> No.53841847

have you even dealt with pajeets? one of my jobs has poo employees, the daily standup is basically a tech support session for them, and my updates are usually "i got this working and tested"

>> No.53842156

lets see, I can trade stonks. Play about with crypto, not spend any money on transport/expensive lunches, spend more time with the kids. Yeah I think I can handle some zoomer calling me a fag. Oh but work also pays for when I can be bothered to volunteer to fly to other countries hook up with other WFH buddies and get pissed on the company dime. Yeah I'm not giving this up.
>bbbbut not productive
yeah not true, actually the opposite. My work is measured in story points on Jira so people know if i'm working or not. Can't get away with watching youtube all day but can have a wank any time I want.

>> No.53842191

As a fellow overpaid wfh wagecuck,

This anon had the most based post in this thread, possibly even on this board currently

>> No.53842252

nah, small businesses are gay
i'm just gonna keep WFH thanks

>> No.53842281

Seething because he's right. Nigger.

>> No.53842296

>God blesses you with 110 IQ so you're not a nigger
This musty nigger actually thinks that this is how it works lmao

>> No.53842334

>t. a man who will literally go into an emotional non-thinking tantrum state like a female child if someone even thinks of uttering a certain word
At least the bunkerchud who made this thread posted more than one ChatGPT generated response, nice effort

>> No.53842336

>Literally nothing to lose.
there's a lot to lose giving your labor away cheap to some gay small business that will probably go under in a year
wtf is wrong with you

>> No.53842345


Worked in an office for 30 years, now work from home.
I don’t feel gay. I feel free

>> No.53842810

>having a failing attitude
I've been in business 20 years.
If you can't discern a business with potential from one about to fail then you have other problems.
Some people are BORN to work for others and it's mostly in their (your) head.
You can't even and never will.

I'm posting on 4ch from my large windowed, main street office. My dog is beside me and I'm talking about documentaries with my secretary and other employees. I will literally have a large glass of wine as soon as 3pm hits and start watching Extravod videos to wind down the week.
You could be my sidekick and make eventually $200,000k doing the same but YOU WILL NEVER TRY.

>> No.53843255

What kind of business you in? How did you get started and with how much capital? Bootstrapped or business loan?

Working on getting there myself boyo. Am 32 and already have enough saved in 401k and other retirement funds to be able to retire fully at 65 without ever contributing another cent. Obviously dont want to work corporate BS until then and even being able to FIRE at 50 doesnt sound ideal.

I love working on stuff, but hate working for others. My thought is that if I dont have to really worry about putting away money for retirement I can take some bigger risk swings

>> No.53843362

Locally I'm a general store hardware store type place but 95% of revenues are online.
I got capital by working a lot and saving (I'm low 40s) back when you could do that a lot easier I admit.
However I grew by doing liquidations.

The way to make good money is twofold.
1. Have cash and have it NOW
2. Have a place and a way to store whatever you are about to buy.

You make money WHEN YOU BUY. You have to know the market and where you can get rid of it, so stick to what you know already.
But deals and I mean 15% COG deals only come to people that have CASH NOW and can take DELIVERY NOW.
Space and cash.

I've made some threads on it. I'll be back in a bit, I've got some customers to chat to for a few minutes.

>> No.53843384

I was a NEET most of my life and spend almost the whole last year sleeping in different cities across the country from Monday-Friday

Most of my "chad" coworkers just spend their evenings smoking weed and gambling their money in bars.
They were saturated with sex
Never leaving your home or being around all over the place doesn’t determine if you are chad or not
It’s an attitude

>> No.53843404
File: 120 KB, 736x744, notbiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth is if you're not working with your hands out in the field and interacting with public/ clients you're gay ie weak, effeminate and an embarrassment to your ancestors

>> No.53843459

News flash, your ancestors all died so clearly whatever they were doing didnt work out too good

>> No.53843482

she's cute. I hope she's not a man.

>> No.53843580

Postal workers interact with hundreds of people a day
But the quality of the conversation itself is so limited. You don’t gain nothing from it
It’s a fallacy

>> No.53843594

Most of the time you don’t gain anything

>> No.53843844

Okay so here's my spiel. I don't think it's sure fire, but I know the model is good and has a chance.

You are going to start planning and saving cash.
You are going to have to find a location that is mostly rural to get going because this is the only way you'll get cheap storage space.
If you insist on a city, then this plan is dead on arrival and I'm not the person to ask for advice.

You simply need 20k square feet minimum. Pole barn is good enough. DRY, make sure it's DRY.
Pretty doesn't matter.
Nearer an interstate is better but then pricier. These places won't run too much money.

Don't buy the space ahead of needing it. So you need research and things coming together at once OR a decent cash cushion.

As I said, you make money when you buy. This is done well when you learn markets and participate in them on the small time to start.
This takes several years to get going so you might want to be working out of your pole barn remotely doing IT if that's what you are doing already or something else because this does not happen over night.

You start poking around estate sales, liquidation websites and etc. YOU CALL THEM. YOU TALK TO PEOPLE.
This is key. Big deals are not advertised. Their known about. People will give you information, but the hustle is having the gumption to call around and ask for the deals.
This entire time you are getting information on markets, what people are selling for, what you can buy for and WHERE IS THE SPREAD.

A truck of your own to pick it up will save you a ton to get going. I made a thread a few months ago where seething faggots got incredibly butthurt as I told how I bought out another store, drove 3 hours in a Uhaul, and loaded the entire thing in 12 hours myself and drove back the next day.
That's hustle. That got me $200,000 is COG for $20,000 cashier check and $300 Uhaul fee.
Then you start calling around and shilling it to people.

>> No.53843872

Over time you'll start getting calls.
"Hey, I heard you have a lot of xxx". If you still have it, it's a sale. If you don't, you may know where to get it and you have a customer BEFORE you even buy it.

All this takes time. It's not for everyone. But if you have cash you can start this and you can be successful.
If you fail, the pole barn will sell for what you got it for guaranteed and you can liquidate stuff you bought on liquidation for usually about what you bought it at as things tend to bottom out in price.

If you have a large garage you can already get going.
Start a website. List pallets. Just start listing stuff.
Get your auctioneer license...repeat GET YOUR AUCTIONEER LICENSE.

I've got to pour a glass of wine and talk to someone about the seeds I just started carrying.

But over time you can open wholesale accounts to fill out a store or whatever with non closeouts/liquidations but for decent markup and to "have more stuff' because you'll be known for carrying and having good stuff.

>> No.53843977

As you get more and more traffic, walkin, notoriety, people will start requesting stuff and give you leads.
I just started a wholesale organic seed account with some company. Put up the rack yesterday, literally three customers on them today.
Why? My ears are open and I had the cash to buy the rack and take a shot at it.
Plus I like to garden so I'll just use them.

At 32, if you already have cash, there is some version of this hustle you can do.
It's not for everyone. But the main thing is that you have to keep it on the cheap.
Liquidators and the people you'll deal with WILL NOT CARE you are in a pole barn.
In fact, that gives you street cred because only idiots spend extra money on space and it drives up the price of the product.

The biggest liquidators and auction houses in the world are rowed with hundreds and hundreds of old shitty semi trailors.
Guys making $10million a year out of their "warehouses" of shitty semi trailers on blocks.

Getting your auction license and getting going on that opens a lot of doors.

>> No.53844101

Keep you're creative writing to reddit/amitheasshole

>> No.53844108

But again the seed rack thing is once you are well established. Once you are rolling you can start spreading out and taking advantage of traffic and general inquiry.
To start, you need high volume goods that you know the market for.

Mailing lists too for your liquidations, but that takes time and a real business model over time.
I know guys that send out mailing lists on closeouts they know about but haven't even bought yet.
Once someone responds, THEN they buy their closeout and shuffle it over to the other person without ever touching the stuff.
It's always who you know. You get to know people by making calls and showing up all over the place with cash and a truck.
Estates in big cities can be cleared out nearly for free sometimes as people will otherwise have to PAY to have someone haul it away.
Just throw the junk away.

I know this doesn't sound all that appealing. But if you do it right, after several years it all comes to you.

>> No.53844278

cool story bro
now get on your other IP and pretend to ask questions

>> No.53845071

You sound like you're high on meth anon, everything okay?

>> No.53845087

What's that even mean?
It never fails that /biz/ seethes at real advice and ideas.
The ONLY care about riding the coattails of someone else and getting rich easily.

>> No.53845092

The guy asked him a specific question.
Real answers can't be green text and four sentences long retard.

>> No.53845131

>i feel
Feelings are for women and sissies.

>> No.53845154

most AIDS sufferers are niggers tho

>> No.53845413

work siting in front of a computer made me weaker and puny.

>> No.53845437

is this your new IP?