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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53835810 No.53835810 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine how many wagies you are making jobless by not spending 14$ on a Starbucks Triple Spice Cinnamon Organic Fairtrade Vanilla Pumpkin Latte

Or going out on after work drinks paying 16$ for a watered out GT from some hipster guy in a leather apron and a moustache

>> No.53835834

I wake up, play with my 3-year-old son, bring him to preschool, then come back for a 30-minute meeting, then do actual work from a laptop in my bed for about an hour per day, then relax with either reading or games, and chat with my wife who does not work at all, then pick up my 3-year-old from preschool, play with him all afternoon, send a quick email with a status update before bed, and repeat.
>200k salary

I have been doing this every day for 3 years now and have no intention of stopping soon, even if it meant a higher salary somewhere else.
Being able to play with my kid every single day has been the greatest blessing I could have asked for.

>> No.53835848

You are an absolute faggot and don’t deserve to raise a child for not understanding how doing fuck all is retarded. Your kid is going to grow up thinking “gee I can’t wait to grow up and be a lazy shitbag like dad” lmao

>> No.53835861

You're right I should go find a job in construction so I can break my back, never see my kid, and make pennies on what I do now for my family. That'll teach him.

>> No.53836059

>spending time with your child in a healthy environment is a bad thing.. just because IT IS OK

go back to pol

>> No.53836117
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>> No.53836598

whats wrong with being gaY?

>> No.53836649

Jew York deserves everything for their covid theater. Adams is a fucking fascist dictator over it. I will never live in a city where my livelihood can be robbed by a dictator with a pen over refusing a medical procedure.

Shame Biden fucking tried to do the same thing. Stupid old bitch.

>> No.53836668

This is unsustainable.

>> No.53837339
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>manhattan is entitled to a part of my paycheck

>> No.53837532

I’m not sure that it is, actually. Society is devolving so quickly that brains are becoming in extreme demand.

>> No.53837937

That is some extreme recency bias. But you arent that smart it seems

>> No.53838765

"[...] the average worker is spending $4,661 less per year on meals, shopping and entertainment near their offices in New York. That compares to $3,040 in San Francisco and $2,387 in Chicago. These behaviors are most entrenched in cities with longer commutes, a higher proportion of white-collar workforces and longer-lasting pandemic restrictions.

Losing $12.4 billion a year translates into missed sales for restaurants, retailers and other businesses that drive New York’s economic engine. Office vacancies pose a multibillion-dollar crisis for America’s biggest office real estate market. The transit system’s finances are in free fall."
-- https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2023-manhattan-work-from-home/ (https://archive.md/QL8IG))
Oh yeah, that's totally because of the WFH trend, what else could it possibly be?

“If less income tax is being paid in New York City,” said Comptroller Brad Lander, “then it’s hard to figure out how to capture enough value to maintain the subways and invest in the schools and keep the city safe and clean and all the things that really matter.”"
>New York
>safe and clean

>This is unsustainable.
>manhattan is entitled to a part of my paycheck
"[...] the fiscal threat to tax revenue verges on the existential: What is the value of a city when workers don’t need to be there anymore?"

>> No.53838909

(((notice))) how they applied motion blur to almost every photo in the article to make it seem like people are in a hurry?
They simply cannot fathom day-to-day life without bustle and stress.

>> No.53839487


>> No.53839529

There's no way commercial real estate recovers from this though. The now permanent chunk of jobs that are remote is only going to keep growing. We reached peak office already.

>> No.53839573
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>have a comfy 100% remote wfh job
>want more money
>browse job postings
>fully remote jobs comparatively rare
i was expecting 1-2 days a week in the office to be the norm. these people are mentally fucking ill.

>> No.53839982

it's perfectly sustainable

>> No.53840014
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>Starbucks Triple Spice Cinnamon Organic Fairtrade Vanilla Pumpkin Latte
sounds cool. add some olive oil

>> No.53840019

nooooooooo not my heckin economino and societino!!!!!

>> No.53840030

Those are rookie numbers. WFH chads we can do better.

>> No.53840035

they aren't, they know exactly what they're doing

>> No.53840060
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pre inflation number. now a drink in SB is 20 (and don t forget to tip like 25%) then you go to chipotle for 50$ burito with some chips and guac...you DESERVE guac (oh and don t forget the tip)

>> No.53840130

That's the opposite mindset of pol you niggerkike

>> No.53840153

the only mindset of pol is being a deranged schizo incel

>> No.53840254

Cities are financial vampires that want to suck up taxes and capital from people who don't even live there. They can get fucked.

>> No.53840339

I work in IT. We haven't mattered to business districts like this since TLS-based VPNs existed since we and the executives are the ones who get them first.

>> No.53840380

>go back to pol
You mean reddit

>> No.53840453

Then why aren't you posting there

>> No.53840495

Cities make sense when you have an actual manufacturing base. "Information driven economies" only need good internet reaching towns that are small enough to build a sense of community and a datacenter in strategic locations.

>> No.53840537

the jewishness of bbq is insane
even nasty chains like dickeys will have you paying $30-40 for 1/2lb of walmart meat

>> No.53840902

Marcus, is that you? Get back to work, you shit

>> No.53842310

>city literally put out press saying they wanted wfh to rto so they could consoom things in the downtown core and keep the city afloat

joke is on them. i never bought lunch out. i just subsisted on whatever i could steal from the work fridge. they had free oranges and string cheese, and that was my lunch every single day.

>> No.53842351

if i can do my job just fine on thursday from my couch, why are they forcing me to sit in an uncomfortable office on wednesday? it's bullshit. people are fed up. the pay is shit, the office is crap, the city is full of junkies. my last job they had an open office and put me next to the printer with my back to the corridor so every time someone walked past i got a chill up my spine.

now i'm comfy. i still get paid shit, but hey whatever
i have no motivation. they twisted the screws too tight. no more blood in the stone

>> No.53842406
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>manhattan is entitled to a part of my paycheck
I literally cannot wait to guillotine the roastie that wrote this headline. I can already hear her begging "B-but it was just an entry level j--" *CHOP* *THUD*

>> No.53842423
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All these memes that WFH don't do any work. Any competent company has metrics. I'm busy all day or they offer people to take unpaid time to leave early.

>> No.53842460

guys are vaggots going to shuffle off the mortal coil and save the labor market from roastoids and boomoids or am i getting blue balled again? i was promised a mass casualty event

>> No.53842486

stop noticing things goy

>> No.53842498

>CC processing fee

WTF Is wrong with americans?

>> No.53842529

>one hour of work
Don't cry when you get outsourced or canned.
Nobody really works more than 4 hours a day, but one hour is ridiculous.

>> No.53842670

This is especially true if your work is sucking dicks.

>> No.53842733


>> No.53842874


>> No.53842909

kys faggot

>> No.53842921

Absolutely seething

>> No.53843975

The jew fears the office subsistence gatherer

>> No.53844028

Finally some good bait around here

>> No.53844055

Sounds comfy, keep it going for as long as it lasts. Spending time with family is more important than waging

>> No.53844354

I want to brutally murder every single person who looks at cutting taxes as "costing money"to the government. You see liberal commies arguing this point all the time, as if the money belongs to the government and not the people.

>> No.53844375

nobody mentioned cutting taxes here, dumb bot

>> No.53844625

Have your tried LinkedIn's job search? You can choose remote in the search options.

>> No.53846471

Holy fuck. You're retarded.