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File: 584 KB, 1290x1402, 67BC1E1F-9448-4B8B-A2B7-794E203E17B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53835124 No.53835124 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw studying medicine in europe

>> No.53835130

>tfw doctors get fuck you money over here but they are worked to the bone and there is never enough of them

>> No.53835148

Isn’t 125k in pounds amazing?
I’m confused

>> No.53835154


I receive more money working as an architect in Moscow. 13% tax on my income which is paid by employer and not by me. Feels good. Also, only 6 years of uni.

>> No.53835159

>I make more in rubles
don’t you have a meat grinder to go to?

>> No.53835162

Yeah, a medicine phd. Congratulations.

>> No.53835171

It's what medfags deserve. Fuck modernity.

>> No.53835175
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Are you retarded or what? My nominal pay in pounds is higher than his. I'm not talking about PPP difference which is higher for ruble.

>> No.53835176


>> No.53835179

>300k debt
>Work 60 hours/week forever
At least I get paid I guess but Euros live life on easy mode. I haven't worked a 34 hour work week or whatever euros do since I was like 19

>> No.53835195 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 1024x930, A1743D48-534E-42D3-B753-E6950D2CF084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He says 40hrs, and half the stub is cut off

No one cares, rubles are worthless and your country is a failed state. Happy one year anniversary to your two day special operation loser!
>2nd best military in the world can’t take over a country that borders them

>> No.53835204

based, i love my glowniggers
boleshevik kikes will be slain in the name of the jewish nazi west

>> No.53835303


>> No.53835337

He's making what, £82k after tax? Thats unreal. No one makes that sort of money in the UK.

>> No.53835354
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You lost

>> No.53835367

It says there that he makes £1671 monthly after tax

>> No.53835377


He means 40 hours a week but this is a monthly payslip (i.e. pay for about 160 hours of work). You see on the left it says 'monthly' meaning frequency. I've seen many NHS payslips before.

Also he has other screenshots on his twitter, and this appalingly shit pay after years of study corresponds with what junior doctors get in the UK in general

>> No.53835398

Lol how am I netting 2x a doctor's salary making fucking lights that turn on by themselves

>> No.53835421

the way you write and the pictures you post say that you are a pathetic little loser, whos still living with his mama

fucking loser retard

>> No.53835422
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Two more days of the SMO

>> No.53835425

If you believe those russian numbers (self reported) are anywhere close to reality with that amount of shelling you are mentally ill or a woman

>> No.53835427

Bitcoin fixes this

>> No.53835441

Retards like you deserve to do slave labor when you can't even process simple written information

>> No.53835453


Lmao, doctors are supposed to work atleast 80 hours a week

>> No.53835474
File: 610 KB, 601x567, 76-764960_transparent-pepe-laugh-hysterical-pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw make $2k net in hungary working at most 5 hours a day as a wfhchad
Lmfao my rent costs about $300. I only did 3 years of university too kek. God I fucking love my life

>> No.53835485

meant 5 hours a week actually kek. Holy shit I barely do any work and get paid more than this pajeet. By the time I'm at the age this nigga finished his PhD, I will have already accumulated $60k capital.
Should've stayed in india, pajeet

>> No.53835576






He is right. What you should be concerned is not his well being. He is doing alright, Ukrainians are the ones who get conscripted from the streets. Also learn what "meatgrinder" actually means. What you should be concerned is why a country waging the biggest war in 70 years and under Western Iran-like sanctions does better economically than yours.

>> No.53835583

turns out i'm making 4x a UK doctor's salary as a WFH eastern euro codemonkey

>> No.53835604

>europe is one country

Dumb fuck.

>> No.53835615
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Two more weeks

>> No.53835621

The purpose of pajeets is to be waggie slaves to the western consoomer, even if they have "prestigious" jobs.

>> No.53835640
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>> No.53835648
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Just how bad is the doctor situation in USA? Aren't poor people just allowed to go to a doctor? In my country (finland) there is currently a healthcare crisis and most doctors work 40-50hs per week.

>> No.53835684

Thats just a shitty place with shitty pay and not general for payment of doctors in europe duh

Like in any job, there are places paying shit and ways to make more money

>> No.53835694

He sounds like 40hrs a week is a lot, that's standard full time working hours

>> No.53835752

>spergs out like a retard and proceeds posting a meme that celebrates dead Russian children

you're fucked in the head mate, get help

>> No.53835795

I wonder what kind of hamster-boiling mental illness would drove someone to draw that

>> No.53835813

Yeah but you should believe the holhols numbers because they never lie

>> No.53835851
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>I want to help people
>It's my calling

>> No.53835871


>> No.53835927

It’s monthly, not weekly.
2628x 12 is 31.5k a year which is completely wrong - there is no way an actual MD qualified doctor gets paid that little. What’s missing here ?

>> No.53835942

thanks just paid more taxes so the USA can donate to Ukraine to bomb Donbas children lmao

>> No.53836032

Yeah, but he doesn't have to pay $500/mo in health insurance, so in the end, if you don't think about it too much, he comes out ahead of average americans.

>> No.53836086

The health insurance is part of his taxes, just how dumb are you?

>> No.53836097

Good. Everybody that works in the medical field is a parasite.

>> No.53836144

>medical doctor with PhD
>better than the average nigger

You'd hope so kek

>> No.53836147

I don't believe either, but I am almost certain that deaths are in the 6 figures on both sides. 20k dead in a modern large scale conflict that has been going on for a year with neither side being technologically inferior is laughable. Especially when seeing footage of entire battallions and armored columns getting blown to bits every day

>> No.53836155 [DELETED] 

>triggered troon
hahha you're going to kill yourself

>> No.53836160

You nato shills are pathethic.

>> No.53836172

really, he receives 1671 and half pounds of silver a month and he still complains

>> No.53836204

well, why did he get a phd right out of school? that doesn’t affect your salary at all, because you still have to start from the bottom, at least in my country
if he wanted to make money he should’ve gone to work after 5 years of school and now he would have something to show for it, salary wise

>> No.53836218

>40h weeks at the start of your career
no wonder you make no money lmao
probably thinks he’s too good to do what’s asked of all new doctors because of muh phd

>> No.53836259

who the fuck wants a tired doctor assessing their health?

>> No.53836280

phd in medicine is not the same as a phd in other fields. While a phd in medicine is your license to treat people, a phd for example in psychology is your license to conduct research. You must complete your phd right after med school in order to work at a hospital.

>> No.53836324

Not in the UK nor in my country (poortugal). Not sure in the UK but I believe you only need the equivalent of a master’s to (only need 5 years medical school total) work in a hospital, and PhD only if you want to do research or become a Professor.

>> No.53836341

>taxed at 40%
>b-b-but at least I get to wait six months for health car amerilard!!!

>> No.53836353

They unironically work atleast 80h a week

Im finnish too and being a doctor is probably biggest honeypot there is

>> No.53836357

Germany, though I thought it would be the same in the UK because of international standardization no?
Here you go to medschool for 5-6 years (if you're fast), finish with a state examination (equals to master degree) and then you're obliged to do your phd in medicine, which is a lot faster and easier than a typical phd for example in physics.

>> No.53836395
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In Australia, this would be
aud/pound = 0.56

2371.21 £ = $4201.18 AUD
52 £ = $92.13 AUD

Gross Pay = (4201.18×52)+(92.13)
= $223252.12

Tax (incl Medi Levi) = 73343.8392

NET PAY: $145117.52 AUD

That's a fuck load of money.
You could pay off a multi-million dollar beach front property in 20 years, if thats the lifestyle you choose, or spend cautiously (regular suburban house/ regular sedan car) and retire by 45.

This fucker is greedy.

>> No.53836507

>Same id
The average cognitive capability of a russian mong

>> No.53836515
File: 35 KB, 483x305, chX3pFbK_yZyR_bvL66konU55Ydr5_w0G0FNyU7_67U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW burger mailman and make almost 3x what a bong Doctor makes

>> No.53836527

the AMA is a crypto-union that makes it very difficult to be a doctor and works to make as many tasks require a doctor as possible, a lot of the stuff pawned off to nurses in other countries is doctor work here. So doctors get paid ludicrous amounts of money but also end up having to work insane amounts of hours because there arent enough doctors despite us looting the third world and Europe for as many doctors as we can poach with the giant salary boost.

USA spends more per patient than any other country and yet has mediocre to bad healthcare outcomes. USA also spends more per student on education than any other country and you can just look at any board on 4chan and see what the US public education system produces.

>> No.53836538

You're not obliged to do a PHD in medicine in Germany, there are many doctors that don't have a Dr.med. title. It's more of a prestige thing for overachievers

>> No.53836565

>Be doctor
>Be very smart
>Cambridge PhD
>Get paid barely above minimum wage
>I deserve more
>I am very smart after all
>Did I mention the PhD?
>Too smart to earn more

>> No.53836591

hes gotta be doing something wrong 2628 is only 32k a year he should be on atleast 40k, you get more than that at a call center

>> No.53836614

That this is probably his monthly commission check for selling pharmaceuticals and we don’t see his salary.

>> No.53836663

So white privilege is real? Nice.

>> No.53836794

That's pretty good I make 2.5k euros in Slovakia I have left work at 1pm today lol. I got my master's tho. Rent is also almost same for me around 290 eur. I go to the office quite often tho because it's very close and I got 2 screens and milfs in the office

>> No.53836809

Is it net and 40hr work week?

>> No.53836966


Don't you know that piece of paper from university means you are intelligent?

>> No.53836967


>> No.53837019

lol i make 1500 driving a box truck for 2 hours down and 2 hours back. fuck doctors

>> No.53837054

>Sour-dip Monkeejeet
holy shit

>> No.53837536

Difference is Russia isn't bombed to shit but Ukraine is. Haha!

>> No.53837570

>doesnt realize how stupid he sounds
>think about the 7 million dead jews

>> No.53837665

Its monthly pay anon...

>> No.53837668

You know the facade of doctors and nurses doing hard work was destroyed ever since the covid tik tok dances, right?

>> No.53837683

>tfw working in Yuropooria at all
Yuro is for being NEETs

>> No.53837694

His non-taxable pay is only £52
It should be over 1k as the tax free allowance is 12.5k a year.

He either underpaid tax at his previous job or is due a tax refund.

>> No.53837928

because prescribing statins to obese nigerian grandmothers in deptford is of virtually zero economic value

>> No.53837944

i did zero university and get paid 3000 euros as a WFH chad in Taiwan. my rent is 300 too plus its a family apartment

>> No.53837994

No mention of his of his pension contribution, which is part of deductions.

>> No.53838032

Thats not what non taxable pay means.

Non taxable pay is for things like purchases youve had to claim back from the business, e.g. Hotel or train tickets to attend a business event.

Your entire salary is taxable pay, the calculation involving the 12.5k allowance is bundled into that figure of tax deductions.

>> No.53838058

good, be a bit creative and start a business. doctors are nothing but fucking robots really. my sister is a urologist btw

>> No.53838077

which color of Lada will you reincarnate into?

>> No.53838136
File: 176 KB, 1024x639, 1668061648075945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is to let burgers and other third worlders feel good. If you can feed the euro/us casual hatred/rivalry, maybe they won't so easily notice the fabric tearing around them.

We're supposed to be better

>> No.53838183

He sits on his ass all day and just chucks out pills. If he doesn't like it, there plenty of other "doctors" from India and Nigeria ready to replace him.

>> No.53838231

Why do medfags always play the victim?

>> No.53838271

>souradip mookerjee

>> No.53838490

>You're not obliged to do a PHD in medicine in Germany, there are many doctors that don't have a Dr.med. title
Thanks for the redpill, didn't know that. I'd assume a doctor has a Phd even though it's not in his title every time I met one.

>> No.53838510

What'd you do?

Doctors make stupid high money here, but the tradeoff is it's stupid expensive to get in. Really, the root of the evil with scarcities of jobs is purely the parasitic shylock certification gatekeepers. The thing left unsaid when there's abloo bloo bloo about a shortage of pilots, doctors, dentists is not that people are too stupid for it, it's that so much schlomos fleece the shit out of you for trying to get your foot in the door you're in the hole for a long time after starting your studies. And obviously they're not all jewish it's just a perfect slur to use for the greedy fucks who've connived to make the process of getting certified/approved for a discipline so expensive.

>> No.53838541

Wagies get what they get, lol.

>> No.53838624

>guaranteed around 300k give or take as a family doc in Alabama

Am I gonna make it bros?

>> No.53838739
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>500/mo in health insurance
Americans earn more than bongs and pay less taxes. Plus stuff is cheaper.

>> No.53838776

That’s. . . That’s high in Europe, right? Like a top 5-10% salary?

>> No.53838820

Imagine the looks on all of the faces of all the lefty docs/med students here in the US if the socialized healthcare they wanted actually got through and they ended up with 30% of the pay they thought they were going to get while grinding through 10 years of extra schooling kek.

>> No.53838837


It comes with the territory. Becoming a doctor involves endless amounts of robotic rote memorization and little critical thinking otherwise. It isn't creative stuff and they become ridiculously dogmatic from what I can tell.

>> No.53839371

>little critical thinking

How naive. Practicing medicine involves some of the most critical decision making possible in some situations. I mean literal life and death decisions on a regular basis depending on your specialty. Sure "becoming" a doctor is just a lot of studying but if you can't think critically in residency you will kill someone. Simple as

>> No.53839447


Critical thinking requires the ability to criticize and pick apart orthodoxies, and modern doctors are not capable of that. They are sycophants, they to the line, they recite what they've read and they leave it at that. They are by and large non courageous robots.

I know why you're confused, "critical thinking" education in schooling now is an embarrassing routine of reading a thing and reciting what you read. They don't ask you to puncture, pick apart, criticize what you've read, form your own hypothesis.

Doctors in the 19th century were in fact mavericks, slowly but surely that has all changed. Feminization of the industry has played a big part. Women don't want to think independently under any circumstances.

>> No.53839496

Hahahah fuckin poos.

>> No.53839548

The "stupid high pay" is mostly offset by massive loans, late starts to building equity, and tough contracts. I don't know any doctors getting rich purely off of being a doctor, and many of the highest paid ones work 60 hour work weeks for it. You're either gonna be a hospital/physicians group's bitch or run your own place which is a headache by itself. It's really less and less appealing to be a doctor in this era. It's absolutely a passion job more than something you do for the money. Certifications aren't really all to blame here. It objectively sucks being most kinds of doctors in America in 2023

>> No.53839640

Not gonna lie it sounds like you actually have no idea what doctors actually do. Seems like a massive cope post

>> No.53839669


My sister is one, and it's not like they're a shadowy secret club. Not coping at all. The modern doctor is a follower, not a trailblazer. Trailblazing is vilified if anything. See the whole covid thing for reference. They might as well be a goosestepping army for their admins...

>> No.53839701

>take the vaccine, it's safe&effective

>> No.53839710

If you do radiology or shit like that you can make it

>> No.53839746

>which is paid by employer and not by me

>> No.53839749

>my sister is one
>followed by a string of pseudointellectual nonsense

Definitely cope

I don't recommend it to my patients anymore

>> No.53839754
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>shilling for glowniggers and every single western corporations supporting jewkraine
Back to your NAFO twitter

>> No.53839761

you chose that lifestyle faggot.

>> No.53839770

>Feminization of the industry has played a big part.
I'm guessing you're the black sheep of the family?

>> No.53839787


Exactly what I mean. Your eyes just glazed over and you jumped to the "pseudointellectual" buzzword the moment you heard some key words that indicate anything other than following an orthodoxy. I mean, you personally could be a critical thinker. We're speaking generally here, I don't know how you could deny that it isn't considered acceptable. Med schools are follower mills, you comply or you get booted. The mindset bleeds into the next level. Journalism is going through the same shift.

>> No.53839873

Ophthalmology is probably the most comfy and pays similarly. The rads I've rotated with seemed kinda stressed. Same with ortho.

>> No.53839895

lmao you make 300k in alabama. Buy up some real estate with that salary and you'll be living large there.

>> No.53839896




>> No.53839923
File: 122 KB, 508x588, 79210D56-2591-4970-B35B-AE7B36DB00FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loves his life
>in Hungary
Your wife wants to borrow your beard trimmer again Orban…

>> No.53839927

I hate to break it to you but he's right, you are that meme, and you should kill yourself

>> No.53839930

>40 hours a month

Well he deserves it then

>> No.53839932

MDs are some of the worst subhuman scum on the planet, they deserve poverty wages, or prison.

>> No.53839950

One of my attendings does a lot of real estate. Rents to medical students. Financially savvy guy. Told me about white coat investor and some other shit. Haven't thought much about real estate but you might have sold me on it considering

>> No.53839967
File: 411 KB, 3168x3080, 1b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw DO

>> No.53839983

>Let's import poos and pajeets to work in our slave based shitty public health system
>Make poo wages
>Give poo level care

>> No.53839994

>13% tax on my income which is paid by employer and not by me
I just want to second this guy here: >>53839746

>> No.53840045

Stopped reading. Europoor rentcuck

>> No.53840088

it's to incentivize people to go into private corporate world instead of doing things to help the public

>> No.53840101

>brownies seethe after becoming Doctors in the UK

>> No.53840149

This need to be the salary of the doctors in burgerland. I am tired of being another money pit to them.

>> No.53840154

the Rockefellers

>> No.53840244

I'm a finnish doctor and the pay is fucking great, pretty much the highest you can get with waging. I also get to choose my working hours. It's like actually the deal that american doctors were promised. The only truly hard part was getting into med school.

>> No.53840386

Rockefeller medical system is satanic

>> No.53840400

the fact that he hasn't accepted a job with satanic pharmakeia corporations (demonic entities) indicates that he has integrity and this is commendable, the system is designed to break the spirit of people like him

>> No.53840421

yes more shareholder profits for the profit-driven medical corporations who kill millions through criminal negligence or outright malfeasance is the answer just like cutting salaries for teachers and creating a profit-driven charter school system is the answer for the education system you fucking demon in human skin

>> No.53840460

He makes 100k after taxes.

>never enough
Doctors deliberately vote to increase the 'standards' to which med students are held in order to keep competition low.

>> No.53842273

Those aren't self reported. It's from an leaked "Israeli intelligence report" first published by a Turkish paper. It's bogus. Fot most of its Russian numbers, I've seen more destroyed than it counts. 12 AA systems lost? 12 battery's I might believe but 12 launchers is bullshit.
Also by tonnage most of the shelling is Russian.

>> No.53842772


>> No.53842931

Kek just noticed it's monthly, not weekly.
>literally making like 25,000 USD a year

It means you're qualified, which should in fact entitle him to decent pay yes.

>> No.53843629

True but c'mon I make software for lightbulbs

>> No.53843648

It can be condensed into a three-year trade utilizing AI with epidemiology information. At that point GP's are glorified drug dealers.

>> No.53843682

Burgers retards ITT really think this is weekly, its MONTHLY idiots

>> No.53843718

This may just be a joke in Europe at this point, but if you work here and pay taxes, you are getting cucked beyond belief. Europe won't last longer with all the third-worlders driving our social systems to the brink. Might enjoy being a neet while it lasts and learn something at home like programming, blender, becoming a draw fag ,writing books, making youtube videos,gaming anime, the world of the neet is a truly big one.

I work out, feeling great. All i need is a GF that accepts me as who i am, a neet that likes being a parasite on society.

>> No.53843756
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I get like €1000 a month as a neet. The doctor in OPs pic only get's €670 more, clownworld.

>> No.53844079

Nigger how did you do it?
Got a bachelors in compsci and want to chill in taiwan too, we brits get 6 month tourist visa

>> No.53844090

Its not for overachievers. I know plenty who finished their medicine phd in one or two semesters. It can't be that hard.

>> No.53844259
File: 19 KB, 423x512, ris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the actual fuck ????
if i'am reading that picture right, you pay 40% income tax on £2.6k a month?

>> No.53844298

Yes welcome to being single in Europe.

>> No.53844308
File: 23 KB, 195x195, 1359352070435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cig smoking tradie with a flat shovel can make that take home

>> No.53844311

he's free to go back to Chennai at any time

>> No.53844331

What's wrong with these fags?
Ukranians are sent to die for the globohomo while russians just retreat
Use your brain or your knowledge in starcraft or command & conquer, which one is harder?

>> No.53844368

>Souradip Mookerjee
How about you go practice in Pakistan instead of driving down wages in the UK, you shitsmeared goatfucker?

>> No.53844806

> 40hrs per week
for a doc that's impossible unless you are a complete mouthbreather
fucking diversity trophy pajeet
if he was even a bit competent he would be scheduled to grind 60 hrs, if actually smart doc, then 100-120 hrs per week
He is basically neeting it up, free money

>> No.53844896

Probably an intern or something. Uk wages are shit but I was earning more as a bartender while over in that shithole

>> No.53844954

I am on £55 K per annum. I take home £2300 after tax and I'm on emergency tax code (all taxed at 51%) due to crypto income, any I overpay I reclaim at the end of the year. How is his pay so little?

>> No.53844977

Why a Russians so poor? Is all there money still going to cover their loses in Ukraine?

>> No.53845916
File: 2.20 MB, 2912x2587, 20230225_013259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bongs pay less taxes than france
Between 35k and 80k euros, bongs pay less tax %
between 18k and 35k french pay less tax%
And between 10k and 18k french pay more taxes

Its over for france

>> No.53846044

>sour dip monkey