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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53833232 No.53833232 [Reply] [Original]

electric vehicles are a bigger ponzi than crypto

>> No.53833630

EV ponzi already bursting
the new bubble is AI

>"During last night's conference call, the acronym "AI" for artificial intelligence was mentioned by Nvidia personnel and sell-side analysts an incredible 90 times. "

>> No.53833655

how? EVs are useful

>> No.53833674
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good luck replacing your batteries bro

>> No.53833675

>Electric vehicles

>> No.53833809

unless it snows, or gets too hot, or the power grid stops, or the batteries combust

>> No.53833862

i am in the EV industry right now because it is the "in" thing
i absolutely hate the people who promote them and support them, and i'm just in it for a paycheck
i've gone drinking with some of the preeminent voices in EV NGOs and corps and heard what they really think
they think you need to live in the pod, eat the bugs, share the EV with blacks
i'm just in it for the shekels, and you may or may not take anything I say as real or false, as this is 4chan and i'm drunk, but the people pushing EVs think you should have a more expensive life at a lower quality, and that is the unvarnished truth
>they also haven't thought about what they'll do when africans are running ICE vehicles form the 80s onwards while you're in your centrally controlled goybox

>> No.53833888

I'll never buy an EV because I don't want people to think I'm a weak libtard

>> No.53833893

I was just thinking, as I often do, that I will NEVER drive one of those ridiculous faggot cars. Notice how they coined the term 'EV' out of nowhere to telegraph the transition to you? It's all so tiresome.
I will literally machine my own engine and buy black market gasoline before I drive an 'electric vehicle'.
Plus there's not enough lithium in the world to replace all cars with these ecologically disasterous pieces of shit.

>> No.53833988

>transportation doesn’t work without an energy source

Umm /pol/Chud sisters?

>> No.53834003

>car company pay off politician
>politician pass bill to fund electric vehicle production
>you pay taxes, your tax money pays for the production of the electric vehicle
>you buy the electric vehicle from the company even though you paid for it to be produced

>> No.53834020
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>using words to describe things accurate is a Jewish globohomo wef Illuminati NWO reptilian schwab soros CZ Gates Rothschild master plan to make me… speak English?
>btw we will never figure out alternative battery chemistries or solutions to the lithium question lmao
>degree? School of hard knocks

>> No.53834026

Gasoline is much, much more decentralized than relying on a fucking coal power plant to keep your shit working

>> No.53834038
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>> No.53834041

>uuuuhhhh science will fix it later so you should adopt it now!
I loathe retards like you.

>> No.53834071

Nvidia is a blockchain zero carbon emissions big data AI tech metaverse virtual reality augmented computing semiconductor company, Chud. Deal with it.

>> No.53834081

You’re not generating the electricity or making the gas so on a local level the impact will be the exact same for you.
>but I can store gasoline in containers!
>battery bank
Where did I say buy now?
There is already alternative chemistry with sodium ion batteries.

Btw chuds I don’t give a fuck about the environmentalist aspect of EVs (they’re called electric vehicles because it includes planes, boats, and other means of transpiration for the absolute retard who thinks it’s a Jewish conspiracy)
I simply find the idea of less maintenance much more appealing than internal combustion engines

Can you imagine that? Most people in life care about convenience

>> No.53834177

>he thinks you can achieve comparable energy density with a fucking battery bank
>look no maintenance! (you just have to get a completely new vehicle)
>I didn't say buy now!
disgusting pilpul rat thank you for shitting up the board

>> No.53834198

>bro just store a bunch of hazmat in your garage because you’re a happeningcel
>objectively less maintenance? Let me just make up some shit about buying a new vehicle!
>calling me out for making things up again? I think not

>disgusting pipul rat how dare you call me out on making shit up! How DARE you challenge me!

>> No.53834221

>y-you can repair your tesla just fine!

fuck off faggot

>> No.53834263

Just bought 2012 Xc70 d5 awd volvo
Stealth wealth car

>> No.53834283

those cars are like 10k
everyone can see you're rich

>> No.53834286

>DOT labels gasoline hazmat
>any subhuman but you can intuitively know it’s hazmat
>noooo it’s not heckin hazmat because I said so!!!

The one thing you keep going back to as well shows how utterly retarded you are but I’ll go ahead and address it
>battery degradation is no where near what you think, if I recall a taxi company using Tesla with 500k+ miles only had around 25% degradation

>pulling an engine to replace or a transmission is a similar job to replacing the battery pack
>hurr you have to buy a new vehicle when the engine fails!
You are truly one of the biggest retards I have ever interacted with and I will not entertain this any longer as it’s futile to convince a mentally disabled person how to have any common sense

>> No.53834292

>electric plane
>electric boat
LMAO get vaxxed

>> No.53834549
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Fuck all you EV naysayers. The AI powered FSD teslas are the way to the future and freedom of humanity. Most anti EV people are only against it because of all the stigma of woke environmentalist bullshit surrounding the EV project and revolution. This shit is taking over the roads and there’s nothing bandwagon jumpers of the redneck or woke community can do about it. The AI in the tech is racist that makes it based. Elon musk is anti trans wich is also based.

>Gasoline is much, much more decentralized than relying on a fucking coal power plant to keep your shit working

This fear of centralization is where the whole cypherpunk community will step in with all kinds of ways to keep your FSD vehicle off the grid. Invisible to GPS yet still able to autonomously drive. There WILL be FOSS projects like linux OS or graphene OS for the need for privacy and decentralization. These will be something you could install in your Tesla, could void warranty but who cares. Privacy. As for what you recommend, just buy your black market gasoline burn it and charge your Tesla that’s rigged to be off the grid. The more big tech and all the centralized woke authorities develop new tech the more advantageous it is for the smart and innovative individual who believes in freedom and independence.

>> No.53834592

how do i save my dad from this shit
he watches MSNBC all day and literally falls for every new CURRENT THING plot line. like he even bought multiple copies of that White Fragility book and gave some to his friends

his newest thing is getting a billion estimates for solar panels on their house and is now trying to convince my mom that they need to be a "one car family" and get rid of their two perfectly fine cars (one of which is literally a prius) because muh environment
he literally test drove one of the new hyundai EVs the other day. he doesnt need to do any of this or spend any of this money
i feel like liberal boomers are now all being sold some sort of "the world sucks now" guilt which always has a convenient retail purchase to go along with it

>> No.53834894

>appeal to authority as an excuse not to have critical supplies

>> No.53834908

There's not even a single functional botnet free smartphone, there won't ever be a uncucked EV

>> No.53834971

Guess you’ll have to build your own vehicle with zero computer systems installed. Could be gas or electric however you like it.

>> No.53835247

maybe i just will