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53833064 No.53833064 [Reply] [Original]

why THE FUCK do I have to make a quarter million dollars JUST FOR A CHANCE to fuck a young lightskin chick?

shit, mulattas are demanding half a million a year niggas now, and the bitches whos white genes are far up the line (e.g. white/mixed w/ Cherokee grandma) are demanding 250k minimum

there was actually a time where an average man could breed a white/mixed bitch, have a mortgage and pout kids through college on 50k

what the hell happened

>> No.53833077
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I should be able to have raw sex with multiple beautiful women on a 100k salary

what the hell is going on in America

>> No.53833094

you would have to pay me to fuck cheeta

but im european, not a mutt

>> No.53833113

Money doesn’t matter unless you’re jet/mansion/yacht rich my nig. Any income up to 1M/yr is just middle/upper middle/low tier rich. 250k is hood rich

>> No.53833119

The exchange was unlimited porn in exchange for limiting sex. Men took that exchange. You can't just back out of it now.

>> No.53833177
File: 264 KB, 1283x1583, Foh8k6qXEAM_CMd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

250k at 25 years old for an actual young nigga? Like a black guy?

also, I didn't make the porn deal - it's a curse, not a deal

I should be a fucking cog making as much money as possible (half a mil a year) and breeding a pretty young bitch to bear the pain needed to procure income

pic related, it's frustrating how much money I made last year yet I'm not having raw sex with this woman

>> No.53833237

you must be ugly or have no personality, there's not way that hoe is worth a half a million dollars. She doesn't look that good.

>> No.53833318

why the fuck would, I as a white man even bother with a low iq mixed woman who probably makes 200 posts into her IG story everyday and probably can't talk about much other than pop culture. I'm good

>> No.53833367

It's one or both of the following reasons:
> They've been alpha widowed
> You're too ugly for them and them saying they want a $250k-$500k minimum is just a BS "nice" way of them telling you to fuck off

>> No.53833389

So if my grandmother is indigenous but I'm white. Am I white or not.

>> No.53833435

You would unironically have a better chance with the lighter mulattas if you jokingly made comments about how much you like their mulatta look, or about their mixed race. This has to be done in a very specific way or it'll backfire horribly though. I've had some of these girls get super interested in me after doing this but, even though I like their look, I'm racist so I won't pursue them

>> No.53833592

You're a half mutt according to science

>> No.53833629

top tier chads fuck them broke & unemployed, the best part is then SHE goes to work and supports him. sorry about your genetics

>> No.53833701
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I will always feel pity for people who have to make 100k a year just to have pussy, meanwhile, I just have to spend 30 dollars on my midlength haircut

>> No.53833703

This is how I know you're not attractive. I'm good lucking and broke as hell, but fuck bitches like that for free. You can too; just work out, have a decent face, and know how to flirt. Mixed girls are easy as fuck, especially if they have daddy issues from having black fathers who walked out on them. Go for the suburban type that talks normal and isn't stupid if you want a relationship with one. Don't bother with the city ones unless you want a quick fuck. They're not worth it.

>> No.53833777

How old are you I’m 21 and only had sex with one girl os it over for me

>> No.53834052
File: 238 KB, 1242x2188, Fl0BLNdXoAEJLWg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you expound on this, Anon? I think I'm doing pretty ok with the mulattas I've dealt with, but I KNOW I can up my game - game is game, and I would appreciate learning some of yours

I had access to more women when I had time - unfortunately I was broke

I know for a fact I'm attractive (mulattas kiss me during sex while I'm in them raw, missionsary contemplating how perfect my life would be if she was my wife and not a hoe)

250k is the new 100k

is this bitch worth 500k? post a bitch that is

>> No.53834065

I'm 27 and didn't fuck til I was 22. Now I've got 50+ to my name. You're fine, dude. Everyone develops at their own pace.

>> No.53834197


i fuck a girl that looks like this but im white

>> No.53834475
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the problem is you think what they want matters. But by all means keep doing the same shit and expecting a different result. Woman want a guy with money because they dont want him or his dic. Then why don't you just hire a hoore they will at least pretend to like you.

>> No.53834490

1 or 50 its never enough. Greed is a bottomless pit

>> No.53834662

Western women's perception of their own value is absolutely fucking broken. They think they're all 11/10s who deserve their very own billionaire prince.