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File: 592 KB, 1170x785, 34DF2F52-048A-49F5-A5DF-F4851B977289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53814676 No.53814676 [Reply] [Original]

A little shitbox house like this in Phoenix would’ve rented for like $1600 just a few years ago. What the fuck happened? And how bad will the correction (or crash) really be?

>> No.53814711

And no this house is not in Scottsdale or anywhere nice. It’s near the Metrocenter so 95% of the neighborhood will be junkie hicks and cholo gangsters

>> No.53814713
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Im not as articulate/intelligent as other anons but from wages stagnating to sky rocketing rent/mortgages with a slowly increasing demand out of workers the only way i can sum it up is
> human greed.
Every civilization gets EXACTLY the government they desire in direct relation to the amount of corruption they are willing to accept.

>> No.53814740

It will be very bad, even worse than 2008.

>> No.53814764

desire** deserve.

>> No.53814872

>A little shitbox house like this in Phoenix would’ve rented for like $1600
No where in the country would that house have ever rented for $1600. Mortgage, tax and insurance would be way higher than that.

>> No.53815018

Meanwhile niggers/Mexicans/Ukrainian refugees get free housing

>> No.53815037

2 more weeks renter chads

>> No.53815042

wrong lol .

>> No.53815191
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>> No.53815202

I can literally rent a house of this size where I live for $1600/month kek

>> No.53815209

google 'section 8 housing'

>> No.53815473
File: 603 KB, 2048x1536, frys-electronics-stores-closing-2021-phoenix-out-of-business.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn Phoenix is such a shithole. I grew up just East of this listing.

>> No.53815512

Are you in Brazil? My 2018 $130k at 3.77% home purchase costs me $1200 a month.

>> No.53815562

aging population wanting to move to that area, and it was comparitavely cheap to neighboring states. it was only a matter of time before we arbitraged the difference. plus there is economic growth here way beyond average.
t. 2019 california transplant

>> No.53817112
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>At $7,900, this listing is priced $5,556 more than the current market rate for a 4 bedroom home

Anyone have an idea why they're doing this?

>> No.53817124

plenty of homes in phoenix were sub 100k 5-10 years ago. crazy what has happened to that city.

>> No.53817139
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Yikes no thanks. I bet there's no usable public transit near it either. I'll stick to where I live

>> No.53817162

And for what? I do not understand the appeal of Arizona whatsoever.

You know what, I bet this is a former Airbnb property the owner thinks he can get the same cash flow on a 12-month lease. Fucking moron

>> No.53817191


>> No.53817195


Trying to pump data for comparables in the area. Zillow data is highly manipulated. If you look at reports on it, a lot of the time they report numbers by 'listings' and 'pending sales' and things that don't report actual final sales numbers or even sales numbers at all. Doing something like this could pump a stat like 'average rent in this zip code of comparable places' up by a few hundred a month. These people are pulling out all stops to try and stop the falling knife. I like to go tour houses in my area for fun occasionally and the tone of real estate agents is still way too postive. They're acting like it's still a competitive market and there's a bunch of buyers and cash offers. No blood in the streets yet until I go to one and the real estate agent is telling me they'd love to see an offer and the buyer is flexible and all this stuff. That's when you buy,

>> No.53817220

Yes. Keep thinking that though because I still need to buy here

>> No.53817256
File: 49 KB, 689x714, 551B50AB-7175-4E96-89B0-EDAE23B21B07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huh nobody applied to rent my house after a month on the market..
>durrrrr I guess the price ain’t premium enough!!

>> No.53817262

>Rosenbaum listing

>> No.53817294

No correction. Boomers will let it totally collapse before they rent for less. They know what they've got.

>> No.53817307

You sure they weren’t trying to rip off superbowl faggots

>> No.53817322

>hicks and cholos
I'm wondering, do cletus and paco get together and fuck each other's wives? Do their kids fuck? Share meth and crime tips? Is there some kind of underclass of spic-redneck hybrids being created that I'll have to watch out for in 20 years? Some post zoomer who 'looks' blond or some shit but he opens his mouth and he's like "ey meng can I bum a vap from you senpai" before he pulls a knife on me. Time is terrifying.

>> No.53817359

Take some more meds your brain is fried commie

>> No.53817370

How many months did they advertise it for?

>> No.53817434

I just don't wanna get stabbed by a post-zoomer in phoenix when I'm a post-boomer in 20 years, meng.

>> No.53817866

A lot of middle-of-the-road students got great offers to go to school there and a lot of parents realized they could follow their kid and retire comfortably instead of waging to death in higher income states like California and Colorado. Especially as politics have only gotten gayer and gayer since Obamas second term.

>> No.53817895

>Anyone have an idea why they're doing this?
Pure cohencidence.

>> No.53817960

To live in this for a year would cost $96,000.
What the fuck kind of income do you need to have to afford that, and if you were making that kind of money why would you rent??

>> No.53818908

>What the fuck kind of income do you need to have to afford that,
Middle class incomes in the US now. The prices aren't outrageous compared to western Europe and Canada, but they're not cheap either.

>> No.53818942

ok so it won't get rented
people can ask for any price they want, doesn't mean they get it

>> No.53818951

if you can afford 96k in rent per year you are not middle class
good lord, why do i even come to this board full of retards

>> No.53820618

>Diversity Avenue

>> No.53820789

>Rosenbaum Realty
Sounds like Jewish magic tricks to me

>> No.53820832

Jesus rates really jew ya. I pay $1k in mortgage/tax/interest/whatever for a $210k house in 2017. I think we refinanced at the lowest rates will be for a long time

>> No.53820835


30% rule is 316K/yr to pay 7.9K/mo. i dont care how much biz larps the amount of people making 316K that choose to live in fucking arizona is not a huge market, and how many of them want to RENT and want shitty old ranch style houses with only 2 bathrooms? lmao. this address is not even the nice area of phoenix btw (rio vista or desert view)

>> No.53822338

>homeownership is a scam!
>I can just pick up and move!
Rentoids seeething

>> No.53824414

That is my thought too. Who are these people paying out the ass to rent a house?
My old apartment was going to raise the rent by $300. I noped out of there and rented a room in a house. Now I'm buying a house 30 minutes outside of the Phoenix. Then I look at the prices to rent and people are paying more in rent for a smaller house than mine. I do have to fix a few things on my house but it is all simple handyman shit.

>> No.53824534

Its the state taxes that get me due to a low pop state. Of my $1160 payment $559 is escrow which is 90% taxes. Nogs keep raising the value on my home too. Yeah I just gained $80,000 in value since 2018 Nebraska. Yeah sure tax me at $210,000 appraised value. Niggers got a 10x in property taxes on my lake lot too.
>buy lake lot for $3k
>too smol to do anything but allow access to private lake
>house 5 min away in smol town
>oy vey that lot is worth $30,000 now pay up goyim
House prices need to crash. As a mortgage haver and tax payer I want it to

>> No.53824569

I have to move out and now rent is high everywhere. Go to the shop and theres like 15% price hikes on things from a year ago. Feel like we are getting screwed.

>> No.53824587

>public transit
A free man goes where he wants when he wants. He does not wait for a bus only to be merely dropped off adjacent to a single destination. You are a slave. You are less than human.

>> No.53824642

Inventory is low and lending practices are tighter, but demand is cooling and debt is high. There will be a slow, agonizing descent, not a crash. It won't reach 08 levels though. Builders and lenders have been very cautious.

>> No.53824648

rent a room, save as much as you can over the next year and shot for buying home when you move out.

>> No.53825110

>And how bad will the correction (or crash) really be?

>infinite immigration
>housing 'crash'


>> No.53825343

when? Still no crash here, and I have the cash to buy

>> No.53825508

>poor people from venezuela will support the hyperinflated housing market forever, guys

>> No.53825623

I use to always wonder who's willing to pay these prices. My town was around $1000 - $1300 for a three bed room house a while back and now they're 2k+
Absolutely no one from here should be willing to pay these prices, but then I saw all the Mexicans and transplants moving in that have no clue what a good price actually is and will pay whatever.
I don't even know how these mexicans have so much money

>> No.53825646

Land Gods know that rentoids are retarded business men like OP so they know to list the price high then make the rentoid think they are getting a deal by lowering it by 20%. In exchange for this 'good will and deal' the rentoid will have more loyalty to his Lord

>> No.53825727

why is phoenix so expensive?
>no water
>nothing to do
>no transportation
>no real downtown
>no waterfront, no beach
>terrible weather
>full of mexicants
it's basically utah/texas but charging california prices

>> No.53825796

renting a house makes no sense if there are apartments around. i've only seen viable house rentals in college areas where a bunch of students split it.

anyone who can afford 8k a month in rental expenses can rent something a hell of a lot nicer. that gets you a luxury place on the waterfront in california or even a really nice place in nyc. who would pay that for phoenix, home of walmart customers and meth junkies?

>> No.53825810

It’s because they’re all willing to live together and pool their income together to split the rent. Plenty of whites do this shit in NYC. You have 5 adults making $50k each so the household income is $250k

>> No.53825832

It's literally next to California you retard. It's osmosis or some shit.

>> No.53825838

One of the reasons people were moving to Phoenix was simply because it was affordable. People priced out of LA could live a suburban middle-class life. Now that it’s expensive I agree there is literally no reason to stay

>> No.53825858

>bot listing
clearly their bot is broken anon, the house obviously isn't worth $7,900. How long did you search whatever website you pulled this from looking for an image for a stupid bait post??

>> No.53825869

nevada is next to california and meth trailers there still aren't ten million dollars
>next to california
means 500 fuckign miles away from the city you dolt

>kansas is expensive because it's next to a state that's next to a state that's next to the ocean! chud!

>> No.53825915

Did you check Reno and Vegas? Have you ever been to Phoenix and seen all the California plates?

>> No.53826042

i don't go to arid desert shitholes, i'm white. leave that for scalp-cutters and corn-eaters.

>> No.53827250
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>nothing to do

holy shit spend some time outdoors are city cucks really like this lmao

>> No.53827336

it's a fucking godforsaken desert. you can't go hiking, you can't grow a garden, you can't even go outside without dying of heat stroke.

>> No.53828280

There’s literally nothing to do for 6 months of the year from 8am to 8pm other than sitting in a pool or shitposting on this website. Humans were not meant to live in a hellhole like this

>> No.53828303

maybe that's why they list the rent for so high because the government is compelled to pay? so if you list your shithole for 8k a month and the government wants the house for refugees you get 8k a month? idk if that's how it works.

>> No.53828314

governments rent rooms from big hotels for refugees, not random houses

>> No.53828335


It’s so fucking tiresome

>> No.53828372
File: 69 KB, 1024x952, 5314880C-CE5E-4484-9562-DC2A7DB27097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime poster is a flyoverfag


Last weekend I went on a hike, then an art museum, then I got the beach just in time for dinner and a sunset with my gf

Kys weeb hick lmao

>> No.53828439

it truly is a soulless urban sprawl hellscape- but i love visiting in the winter to escape the cold and use my dad's pool. it's so comfy.

>> No.53831276
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People mistook low interest rates for economic growth. The price growth we saw had no foundation in reality. Prices wilp return to the mean. Simple as.

>> No.53831340

My guess is there was a bidding war and the renter back out and now they think the hige bid is where it should be.

>> No.53831358

Peak crash was 2012. 5 years after the shit show.

>> No.53833487
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Priced out renter cope.

The bottom was in Q1 2009 2 years after the peak in Q1 2007 and prices sat there for 3 years. Normal people couldn't buy anything in 2009-11, because banks wanted all cash for the distressed properties on their balance sheet. Inventory was suppressed because banks owned everything. Blogs popped up everywhere in 2008-2012 broadcasting loss porn about California, Las Vegas, etc. getting owned thinking "price only goes up!".

The exact same scenario is repeating itself. Normal people can't buy anything because rates are 6% making the payments unaffordable. Inventory is suppressed as people bought homes with cheap interest rates - they have no reason to pay off their mortgage or dump the property for a loss and enter a contract for a more expensive mortgage. And the news is full of housing crash articles to bait broke Zoomers and loser Millennials into clicking on them for ad revenue.

>> No.53833517

$2.8k for a 4 bed/3 bath isn't bad at all for a major city.

>> No.53833562

They jacked it up that high because of the Super Bowl you moron. Yeah that’s a shitty area but it’s by the aren

>> No.53833897

but... youre a broke soiboy city cuck trying to pretend its not so bad... so who cares lmao

>> No.53833953

Lots of lower middle class whites and mexicans have families in texas, I for one look forward to the new american caste system. Jews -> Whites -> asians-> white/asian -> mexican/white -> mexicans -> white/black -> blacks
The future sure is bright fellow Magapedes