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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53820997 No.53820997 [Reply] [Original]

free money i recommend python

>> No.53821009

I obly know C and C++

>> No.53821030
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We are full. Go be a scrum master or something

>> No.53821042

ah so you're like me, unemployed

>> No.53821046

I know C, C++, Lua, 6502 Assembly and javascript

Do you know what I've built with my programming knowledge?


Knowing how to fizzbuzz on an NES doesn't help you build anything or get a job. I am worthless and all my time spent on this shit was WASTED TIME. I would have been better off learning PLUMBING because at least that would match my LOW INTELLECT, LACK OF CREATIVITY AND INADEQUATE PROBLEM SOLVING ABILITIES.


>> No.53821055

just remember, no redeeming

>> No.53821058


Also I'm 30 so it's too late to fix with stimulants

>> No.53821067
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>Free money
How? I've been a programmer for 12 years, I know many things, from webdev to systems level programming, and I've never found a way to make money with my skills, because the only think I can think of is game dev, but have no artistic skills or ideas, and because I'm way too anxious to do any sort of commission work. How the fuck do I make money, by myself, with my skills? Genuinely asking.

>> No.53821074

>and I've never found a way to make money with my skills
I'm sorry, this is a lie, what I meant to say is that I've never made money on my own. I'm employed.

>> No.53821082

i wish in high school, instead of lying to me and telling me i'm good with computers, all the teachers just told me to kill myself and handed me a rope

>> No.53821100

Actually I wish my mom taught me to brush my teeth, that's probably the root of my issues

>> No.53821114

>no artistic skills or ideas
Most of game dev is uninspired anyways, just steal an idea from a game made 20 years ago and no one will bat an eye. Also what's your job?

>> No.53821129

Fullstack dev
>just steal an idea from a game made 20 years ago and no one will bat an eye
I'd still need art assets. I think one of my issues is that I'm way too perfectionist when "good enough" is enough to make a load of bank in our current environment. I should just bite the bullet and put something together in unity with a bunch of free assets, but the idea makes me feel like shit.

>> No.53821139

Fat ugly loser

>> No.53821141

i know what you mean. i think it's some sort of mental illness.

>> No.53821145

not fat! and i wasn't ugly until i turned 30 and went BALD!

>> No.53821193
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simple KID you didnt learn the overlord language PYTHON

>> No.53821205

don't give up anon, i believe in you! maybe you could hire some desperate art student and spin it as an unpaid "remote internship". the perfectionism fucks with me too, i feel like i can't even get started on my game without being a god-tier programmer first

>> No.53821223

I heard of cs50 and other courses to learn to program, but they seem aimed at web development
Is there anything like that you guys recommend fir Dara science? Or people wanting to work in video games? I'm still trying to decide how much if a career switch I want to make

>> No.53821230

Des bedarfs

>> No.53821255

I don't have the heart to swindle people. If I did I'd be golden.

>> No.53821259

bros how much do i ACTUALLY need to know to get a web dev job?
i have a CS degree and ive made a couple react dapps in my spare time over the past couple years, but ive never actually had a programming job
i have horrible imposter syndrome and i feel like theres no point in applying unless im 300iq and doing this since i was 14
what kind of portfolio projects should i have? should i just start applying and assume all the requirements on the job listing are bs?

>> No.53821266

don't fall for this meme, it's a midwit trap
>web development
fullstackopen and java
>data science
python + statistics + whatever database bullshit
>video games
learn C++ for unreal or C# for unity
For me, I'm trying to get a comfy remote job so I can work on games in my spare time so I'm probably going to end up doing webdev

>> No.53821270

>i have horrible imposter syndrome and i feel like theres no point in applying unless im 300iq and doing this since i was 14
please don't fall for the tech is full of savants meme. if you already have react dapps you're already halfway there

>> No.53821276

this guy
>bros how much do i ACTUALLY need to know to get a web dev job?
Not much, believe it or not. Webshit has so many technologies that nobody actually expects you to know anything other than a few frameworks or languages of your choice just to prove you can learn shit. Unless you're applying specifically for a job which uses like 1 language you should be fine, and even then you could just look that shit up in a week, and you'd be golden 99/100 times.

I also suffer from really bad imposter syndrome, which is why I'm trying to find ways to make money on my own. I have terrible work ethics too (sometimes), though, so that's a big part of the problem. Last year I took a whole total of 8 vacation days just because I feel like shit and don't think I deserve vacations, so that's how bad it is.

>> No.53821299

Do entry level jobs exist that aren't just pure webshit? From what I've seen on linkedin not really, or at least not remote. I wouldn't complain if I got a fullstack job, but it would be nice to work using a language I'd use in game engines
>I feel like shit and don't think I deserve vacations
You deserve to be free from the cage anon, that's why we're all here. It's cliche but you really are your own worst critic and that'll stop you from doing anything creative

>> No.53821373

>Do entry level jobs exist that aren't just pure webshit?
I have no clue, frankly. I didn't even try to look for them, though. Maybe App development if you're into that, but low level programming jobs like graphics developer, etc, seem incredibly rare to me. I may 100% be wrong, though. My general advice is to go with webshit because it's easier and has better demand and just work on your passion projects on your spare time.

>> No.53821385

Makes sense. I don't know why but I retardedly thought maybe there would be some remote low level programming entry shit available. Webshit seems like the safest route

>> No.53821394

*barps in your thread*


>> No.53821436

You also need to be brown for this trick to work

>> No.53821672

How would you go about finding a full remote job anon (webdev here) ?

>> No.53821692
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>scrum master
Literally waste of skin.

>> No.53821724

job boards unless you know someone who could get you a job

>> No.53821784

What are your job boards of choice?

>> No.53821802

Get an electric toothbrush. Slowly move it across all surfaces of your teeth. Outer surfaces, inner, and top. Should take 2 minutes or more.
Also quickly and gently pass it over your gums, outer and inner, at the end.

>> No.53821804

Protip: if you want to make money, don't make a game. Make some kind of boring business software. Or sell shovels to those other wannabe game devs.

>> No.53821833

>job boards of choice
i've only ever used indeed (for minimum wagie shit) and linkedin. no results on linkedin yet but it's worked for people i know and i only started a couple days ago. i've heard good things about dice and remote.co too

>> No.53822011

Spoonfeed me please. How long does it take to learn python in order to get an entry level wfh job where I can move from the US to LATAM or SEA/ i can maintain a US address easily.

I have a dead end job where I'm comfortable, but it sucks and I want to go digital nomad.

>> No.53822035

>Make some kind of boring business software.
I can't. I have no business knowledge that would help me find useful ideas within this context.

>> No.53822105

Thanks, fren

>> No.53823921

Is making meth easy

Asking 4 a fren

>> No.53824141

you can find recipie on the clearnet look up uncle festers cookbook

>> No.53825960

>Encouraging people to go into a hyper-saturated job market that is now ALSO collapsing.
Don't listen to this head into engineering where the blue collar jobs won't be hit nearly as much by this coming massive recession

>> No.53826190

Too late. Didn't switch in time. Programming related fields are all us post undergrads have if we chose wrong

>> No.53826489
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I'm getting demoralised on a daily based, i should really leave 4chan. I have nothing to my name, not even a HS diploma. I am just now recovering from depression at 27 y.o. I wanted to learn python and already started too, but reading all these demoralising posts here made me doubt myself again. I really don't know what to learn or to do anymore, i feel lost and overwhelmed. I have absolutely no clue where to start, and if i even like what i'm doing.

Owari da.

>> No.53826619

If it makes you better millions of young men are in the exact same place. This is going to become a chapter in a history book of a generation of lost men

>> No.53826746

I hear Wagner is hiring foreign mercs. Go kill hohols and if you live you'll come back a man.

>> No.53826775

>learn a skill
>make money
You guys are learning! Keep it up!

>> No.53826795

what do you think about stl concepts?

>> No.53826818
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Yeah, that might be the case, but seeing the successful men my age driving Audis and BMWs with girlfriends or even families makes me want to fucking KMS every single day. I don't see the others like me they are scattered far and wide in between normies.I feel like I'm just wandering aimlessly around, looking for purpose. On top of that, the regret of not doing shit for the past 7 years creates an overwhelming sense of doom that hovers like a cloud over my head. I now have the drive to want to do something but it feels like as soon as I reach my hand out the others pull theirs away from me.

>> No.53826828
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>not getting paid $180k to write retard-C
lmaoing @ your life

>> No.53827080

Teach us your ways

>> No.53827108

I am a senior JavaScript engineer and make 500k salary for 2 hours work a day

>> No.53827164

A turk dev made a singleplayer Star Citizen with stock assets, it's pretty impressive


Never understood why I can't get into programming while I've been spending all my time on a computer since childhood

>> No.53827439
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Nah AI will take over programming jobs too lol companies that needed 10+ programmers will only need one or two. Better start buying Cryptogpt and other AI overlord tokens wagie, you are not allowed to leave yet.

>> No.53827476

is GO a worthwhile language to learn?

>> No.53827483

Then become that one programmer they are looking for nigger

>> No.53827490

It will definitely not, we're gonna enter the final minutes of Doomsday Clock soon enough for us to see a stone world once again, nothing will stop us from ending all

>> No.53827513

I'm honestly sick of this shit lmao, you guys don't understand

>> No.53827520

>CS degree
>has apps to back that up
Anon you are good, just start looking already.

>> No.53827522

What kind of pajeet scam is this anon

>> No.53827539

I think it’s about a minute in but Sam says something along the lines of how “you were sitting on the computer all day doing nothing but selling Diablo 2 accounts”, stuck to me. This plus some of his advice shit made me turn my life around at 19 and so far so good, I feel more accomplished trying to build my skills than I did playing vidya, although I still play games for a few hours per week

>> No.53827962

I don't think this works, did you consider survivors bias before asserting everybody can learn a skill?

>> No.53827976

You could have made responsive websites

>> No.53828180

is that markus ruhl? wtf is this from?

>> No.53828347

No experience
No degree
Only a few projects built using Python, JavaScript, and HTML
GitHub shows a decent commit history
How do I find a jr dev remote job? I live rural so not a lot of opportunities.

>> No.53828390

>sell shovels
I've always heard this, and it makes sense. but the shovel manufacturers are everywhere online. gamedev fags already have plenty of options out there for services.

>> No.53828596
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based gochad

>> No.53828693

I've been looking. It's really tough right now. If anyone else has tips let us know!

>> No.53828748

You wont, havent you seen the news of mass layoffs, youre competing against tens of thousands with experience or degrees why would they choose a nobody like you. Learn to KYS instead.

>> No.53828879

Not everybody can make as a software developer, sorry..
You need a certain IQ level, you need to enjoy it and be willing to put in the hours.

>> No.53828931

When I'm coding, time goes by so fast. It doesn't feel like a job at all

>> No.53829241

The layoffs will be flocking to other big companies that can pay more and not smaller shops a jr dev will be looking to work for to get his foot in the door.

>> No.53829460

Schwer und falsch

>> No.53830228


>> No.53830241

>synty assets
please don't anon just learn blender

>> No.53830318

some of the best advice you’ll get on /biz/ right here, take notes anons

>> No.53830334

Do you have any idea how time consuming 3d art assets are to make?

>> No.53830338
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What can I learn at home that will help me get a job and earn money? 3D porn in the blender? Learning unreal engine and working for some gamedev?Currently learning python, but reading all this still makes me depressed and not hopefull at all. I'm fucking lost, and this place is not helping one bit. I am an autist and have the ability to research stuff into the most minuscule, retarded detail and can compare stuff easily, if I'm really curious about it. Don't know where that kind of ability would fit into the job market or anywhere though..

>> No.53830606

Yes I'm currently making a game. Visit /adgg/ on /vg/ if you want more. It's a pain in the ass. I've been on vacation recently and haven't wanted to get back into it so I took up piano. At least I can pretend it will help me make theme music. I can post a pic of 3d assets I've made. The hardest part is once you think you have something done right (joints, UVs, animations) something comes up and you realize you didn't do the set up correctly and you have to reformat a bunch of stuff. But yes I do know what I'm talking about but it's a pretty rewarding thing to do

>> No.53830627

If you want theres a hole in the market for a variety of first person animations. If you purchase those mocap gloves I'm sure you can fill that hole and charge on the Unreal Marketplace for them.

>> No.53830641

>But yes I do know what I'm talking about but it's a pretty rewarding thing to do
We're talking about making money. I wouldn't be talking about stock assets if I was discussing a passion project, obviously.

>> No.53830675

That's interesting, but you can only do so many animations, and i don't have capital for these gloves.

>> No.53830691

Think I can do some certs on coursera and that’ll be good enough

>> No.53830786

it's hard to kys because they put me on a "no gun list" when i applied for disability

i would have to use a more dangerous and error prone method like rope or poison and i'm not ready for that

>> No.53830869

I DON'T WANT TO HURT ANYONE BUT MYSELF these fucking INCELS ruined it for everyone

>> No.53830887
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Something else you could do
I was primarily trolling. You can use stock assets. Pic related is synty assets. They're in almost every shitty generic indie game like "among us but cowboys" etc. I do wonder how profitable it is to just make pajeet tier games but I'd like to be proud of what I do.
I'd also say it's probably smart to commission (or make) your main character/s because you do want your own look.

>> No.53831020

>i would have to use a more dangerous and error prone method like rope or poison and i'm not ready for that
lol dude
there's a massive artery on your neck
take a hot bath and gently prod it with something sharp
no need to overthink

>> No.53831205

python is disgusting

>> No.53831211
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>> No.53832925


But hohols are just dudes like me. They're not the kikes or feminists or encroaching hostile foreigners in my own land. Why should I be ok with killing young white bros who got forced by corrupt kikes to go die for nothing at 18?

>> No.53833973

>i should just
You will never make it

>> No.53834012

plumbers know a lot of shit and make more money than most webdevs and code monkeys. disparaging that profession when they will always be necessary, unlike webdevs and code monkeys and server backend fags, is the sign of someone who is low in spirit, low in ethics and low on likeability. Right now, there is someone out in the world who knows your deepest, darkest secret.

>> No.53834033

>pining for a luxury car
likely very easy to get a loan and buy whatever moneypit your retarded heart desires. how do you think 90% of everyone else who drives these things have them?

>> No.53834040

top jej

>> No.53834500

you're right i'm definitely too retarded to do trades, i tried working with my dad and its unbelievable how bad i am, i am dull and slow and i can't remember directions and i space out and think about wanting to saw my arm off

i really wish there was a fascist government that would jsut throw me into the incinerator

>> No.53834525

also why are you just repeating what i say explicitly, obviously i am trying to communicate that i am low in spirit, ethics and likability

>> No.53834563

Java is printing money

>> No.53834579

All the jobs will be gone in 5 years.

>> No.53835351

>Then become that one programmer they are looking for nigger
this works
you don't even need to put in a lot of effort
be genuinely interested in the subject matter and you'll already be head and shoulders above most devs who just see it as a job

t. one of the highest paid devs in my company, survived 3 layoffs and counting

>> No.53835430

you code for people with ideas you stupid fucking retard THEY pay you

>> No.53835478

i'm sure they'd hire me with a portfolio of hello world assemblies and superficial test programs that barely crawl over the finish line

i'm sure they'll be so impressed that my 200 lines of C i drooled out over a month actually read the serial port and printed data before segfaulting

>> No.53835563

What I hate the most is that I wasted so much time on this pretentious "lern a skill bro" shit instead of being a normal 20's dude who does METH and has sex. I would rather be 200,000 dolalrs in debt and addicted to METH than what I am right now.

People who destroy themselves with drugs and alcohol live more fulfilling lives than I do. I wish I was fucking DEAD.

>> No.53835650

There's a saying, "I'd rather do METH than MATH". It really resonates with my soul.

>> No.53835711

You have no genius game idea either though.

Probably true, nevertheless I bet if you spend either one year making a game, or one year making a rpg-maker/visual novel maker/some-other-maker you'll probably earn more money from the latter.

>> No.53835800
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>> No.53835870

That means a lifetime of work. Not Johnny who switched fields 2 years ago.

>> No.53836048

Why do you have a problem finding a C++ role ?
Im getting opportunities left and right.

>> No.53836050

it's really not that difficult if you're above average IQ

>> No.53836096

After i’ve taken a few Python courses, where do i go from there? How do i find work exactly? All the job postings i’ve found say they want previous expirience.

>> No.53836145

we are so disgustingly overpaid this shit will backfire. we are scamming multiple industries and the zoomers will be the end of us because they are tech savvy and know how full of shit we are.
im gonna miss milking money out of dumb, confused boomers.

>> No.53836266

>zoomers will be the end of us because they are tech savvy
they are not
the tech they grew up with is extremely dumbed down
your average zoomie wouldn't be able to use dial-up internet without asking mommy for help

>> No.53836297

>the average millennial coder can't write assembly
>the average millennial can't use a typewriter
>the average boomer can't use the cotton gin
yeah no shit

>> No.53836299

I had to learn basic shit like js and bootstrap to add some functionality to my wordpress website. I'd hate to do that for a living though

>> No.53836657

Whats the best skillset for freelancing?
I've got a comfy goverment job doing nothing, so I could use that time and freelance on the clock.

>> No.53836924

>compete against 100 billion pajeets
im good b

>> No.53836961

I was thinking the other day a piece of software or app that targets the ho's(and their managers) that use onlyfans etc..
Would obviously need to be useful to them, but they are a good target due to the massive disposable income.

>> No.53837669

is it worth learning how to code smart contracts?

>> No.53837711

What about barely a standard deviation above? If even that

>> No.53837778
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>i recommend python
Get a BSCS. You do not want a job as a coder, you want to be the guy supervising a half dozen coders.

>> No.53837829

zoomers can't find files or even the calculator on windows
if it isn't an app they don't use it

>> No.53838075

I coded my own modplugtracker which was lot of fun.

>> No.53839660

A fork or a clone? You're not Olivier, right?

>> No.53840503

Nah, these days you don't have to learn how to code, but just know how to prompt AI to code for you. Python is open source so you'll never have to write a code from the beginning.