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53815632 No.53815632 [Reply] [Original]

Zillow has price reduced-gonna see a crash soon

>> No.53815647
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>largest decline

>> No.53815672

Not my problem.
I don't need a house, I would have needed a house 10 years ago. So unless they include time travel and rejuvenation with the package, not interested.

>> No.53815688

they pulled forward 10 years worth of RE demand

>> No.53815702

alright I'm with bobo on this one. crash this faggot shit to the ground. i want to see zillow go out of business

>> No.53815703

>*via low interest rates*
even NIGGERS were somehow able to buy homes in 2020-2021

>> No.53816040

I hope so. My escrow is $599 a month on a 130k 30 year loan. Its almost as much as the principal and interest combined. Please halve my property value.

>> No.53816058

Prices doubled and tripled everywhere. If you retard no home poorfags think it's ever going back to pre Chinkflu you're dreaming.

>Oh look honey, our dream home dropped from $899k to $849k (it was $400k in 2020).

>> No.53816166

you seem anxious dude, are you okay?

>> No.53816196

feds not stopping so its going lower

>> No.53816314


>> No.53816338

he's not anxious, he's chillin because he probably bought at record low interest rates like me and plans to never sell

>> No.53816392

you have to be illinois or new jersey, right?

>> No.53816741

if you don't sell you don't realize the loss
chainlink PTSD?

>> No.53816823

>"Honey our home's value is down to 700k from 850k, but that's okay we locked in a great rate"
1 year later
>"No don't worry honey, i know the shitbox house we bought for 850k is now only worth 500k, but it's just some rate hikes it will go down eventually and our house will be worth more again. Just another 28 years of paying off this mortgage."
1 year later
>"Okay honey i know you had sex with the with the TikTok rapper but I don't want a divorce. Please, think of the rate we have. If we split up we'll have to sell and we'll be out 350k. Come on babe let's just go to couple's therapy"
1 year later
>"Ouch honey can you please tell your boyfriend not to be so rough on my asshole when he bends me over in front of you. We've still got another 25 years on this mortgage and it'd be dumb to sell now, it's recovered to 700k and we can't sell it under value"
Housecucks are so fucking embarrassing. If you bought in 2018-2020 you deserve everything that is coming to you >:)

>> No.53816872

It means you bought at the top of the bubble and won’t ever be able to refinance lmao. Best case scenario you can rent it out and break even for the next decade

>> No.53816883

Yeah, unless you bought at the very tippy tip top then home buyers are going to be sitting pretty for a long time, and even if you did the drop isn't so drastic unlike crypto.

>> No.53816924

minus 40% hurts a lot more on a $1 million house than a minus 95% does on a suicide stack you spent $500 on

>> No.53817043

Let’s say you have to move and you’re underwater. Having to come up with $100k-200k to the bank would be a nightmare. And consider a lot of these people have families so being able to just move back in with parents is not a valid option. This is how so many men started getting addicted to opioids post-2008. This crash will ruin a lot of lives

>> No.53817066

I bought in 2021. Phew!

>> No.53817082
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>houses pumped on cheap credit
>houses will hold these prices b-because they just will ok!
boomerbox baggies gonna rope

>> No.53817196

Check the median income in your area. Then compare the mortgage payment for the average priced house at 2.5% rates vs. 7+% rates and ask yourself if someone (or a household of two income earners) can afford the monthly payment at current prices. Based off this alone, it looks like we need to see a 30% drop at least nationwide.

>> No.53817274


agree. i make 250k/yr and people are asking for 4k/mo payments on decent places here. how the fuck can people pay this shit? i don't even want to. the 'price reductions' are like 10-30k off list price while the price is still up 200k from 4 years ago when rates were also 3%. someone posted a one bedroom (admittedly nice loft) town house for 850k near me. lmao. they bought it for 600k in like 2016. that thing is worth maybe what they bought it for now with the rates where they are. maybe add 50k for costs if you're really being generous, but people are straight up DELUSIONAL on these prices, and it's being propped up by real estate 'investors' having to park money 1031 money so they overpay instead of paying taxes. 1031 makes real estate a government sponsored PONZI SCHEME. it's investors paying investors to prop up prices in a merry go round to avoid taxes.

>> No.53817299

lol just hope a few people in your neighborhood don't sell and maybe you won't be underwater.

>> No.53817311

I bought a 350k house on a 30 year mortgage.3.2% rate, 75k down. I pay ~1500 a month. It helps that I saved money for 10 years living in a studio apartment. I make 70k a year and am the sole provider in a family of four. It can be done.

>> No.53817334

Lots of cheapies for Blackrock to slurp.

>> No.53817346

>3.2% rate

not at these rates, my man. ya, i can pay 850k at 3%. prices and rates can't be high for home sales to average people. the only people it's not 'terrible' for are people who are rolling over full cash with no financing for something like a 1031. if you sold your house now would you be able to find a comparable place for 350k? the answer is no, and your rate would double. you can sit and hold out, but someone LIVING in a house is not an issue. it's the people constantly trying to flip them.

>> No.53817387

I'm pretty much dying with this house in my name. Giving up a 30 year at 2.375% would be retarded.

>> No.53817396
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Just closed on a house on the Oregon Coast. No banks involved, paid in straight cash cause I'm not a poorfag. Deciding whether I want to actually reside there or just rent it out to vacationfags for exhorbitant prices. Feels good having no mortgage, I won't hardly have to work anymore if I don't want to (I don't, which is why I'm leaning towards just chilling on the beach). Stay mad rentcucks/mortgagecucks

>> No.53817418

Except for the fact a lot of new buyers are on 30 year loans with ever increasing mortgage rates
Most owners are comfy, but there's gonna be a lot of blood

>> No.53817419


>> No.53817430
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>Honey you need to spend your vacation days doing home improvement projects to get our Zestimate back up or I'm going to leave you!

>> No.53817452

>if you sold your house now would you be able to find a comparable place for 350k?

Probably not, but not because of rising home prices, but because I live in the country and there isn't much inventory left here. And yes, I bought just as rates were starting to rise, and I bought it to live in it, not as an investment. Edge case all around.

>> No.53817464

To be honest, the opioid addiction began to increase significantly during the beginning of the afghan war. Tons of herion was shipped back her via the military. Afghan wasn't about a bunch of sand niggers flying planes into buildings it was about controlling the drug trade. Man military bases saw increased opiate usage in the thousands of percent follow deployment.

>> No.53817471

>tfw I bought May 2020

>> No.53817487
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Two more weeks

>> No.53817536

kind of based i guess, you bought the top in the best way

where on the coast? i want to go back there some day

>> No.53817576

It was about that, especially to get the opium into Russia, but also about surrounding Iran.

>> No.53817673

You made that up, the only people buying homes during that time period were Californian silicon valley expats.

>> No.53818480

I’m seeing literal mobile homes for going over $300K in my state

>> No.53818495

Foreign investors are buying up all the property to destroy America. You’re literally renting to some rich chink or sheik while our politicians sell us out

>> No.53818511
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People in my town are trying to sell some 1970s home for the same price as new ones

>> No.53818676

The floor is still above pre pandemic prices, and institutional investors will be the only ones buying at that price because of interest rates.

>> No.53819040

North coast (Gearhart/Seaside). Its all richfags and retirees out here, and richfag tourists during the sunny season. Housing market pretty much only goes up out here, as there isn't hardly any room to build, its a vacation/tourist destination, and recently everyone wants to bail out of Portland

>> No.53819049


>> No.53819068
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>> No.53819081

I smell a MAJOR happening. How's the GCP dot looking? Someone pull it up.

>> No.53819100

Yesssss. I hope he struggles to sleep every night

>> No.53819108

Kek. I hope the boomer that bought this murders his family and then kills himself once he realizes how hopeless his situation is.

>> No.53819136

you are the sole provider and make 70k? thats insane and probably a larp

>> No.53819164

>not even 7 days later
>70k more

They deserve everything coming to them.

>> No.53819170

>me listing my nfts

>> No.53819175
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You love to see it lads
boomers deserve the rope

>> No.53819277

everything is fine, look at the UFOs

>> No.53819326

Home prices are not going to crash. There will be a moderate price correction. The decline in volume is solely the result of having record high rates so soon after record low rates. No one has an incentive to move.

>> No.53819332

>source: ur butt

>> No.53819333
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>6/14/22 - Sold - $567,000
>6/20/22 - Listed - $637,000
This guy bought a house and then immediately relisted it for $70,000 more than what he paid for it? Am I reading this right?

>> No.53819372

>The floor
When will real estate agent/former bottle girls stop pretending we've seen the floor? There are houses in New York and NJ on the market for over 6 months unsold.

>> No.53819389

they just think they're being edgy acting like everyone is priced out of homes forever

>> No.53819402

If you live in cuckfornia I guess. Median household income in the Midwest is like 50-75k depending on the state.

>> No.53819409

Satisfying. I hope it never sells and squatters move in.

>> No.53819421


>> No.53819422

>gonna buy a home with cash this year
>gonna have an extra $1.5k/mo to buy bitcoin
Life's gonna be good

>> No.53819458

Niggers bought my house last year in California for 530k lol gottem

>> No.53819464

If you have a mortgage fixed at 2.5% why would you move and be forced to borrow at 7%?

>> No.53819467

yup and it BTFOs their muh inventory and muh blackrock buying everything cope... if that was the case then why would the biggest market have unsold homes

>> No.53819469

>flyoverfag mentions CA for the millionth time

Hahahaha I forgot people unironically live in bumfuck cow towns. If I were you I’d keep that to myself

>> No.53819539

>Then compare the mortgage payment for the average priced house at 2.5% rates vs. 7+% rates and ask yourself if someone (or a household of two income earners) can afford the monthly payment at current prices. Based off this alone, it looks like we need to see a 30% drop at least nationwide.
That's exactly why there won't be a drop. 99% of those homes were purchased pre-2022, they're already locked in with either 2.5% rates on expensive homes, or 5+% rates on half-priced homes.

>> No.53819573

>escrow is $599 a month
you don't know what escrow means

>> No.53819574

feeling nervous nobody is renting your airbnb?

>> No.53819597
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Fucking this.

Fucking RETARD nohomers.

Shit could be
>omg down 60% worstest home crash in histories!!!

And prices will STILL be 2-3x what they were a few years ago.

GodDAMN I wish I owned a home

>> No.53819611

>one bedroom loft
>he thinks it's worth $600k
You are in for such pain and suffering. It's really going to destroy you.

>> No.53819629

Interest rate doesn’t mean shit if/when you can’t afford to pay your mortgage after getting laid off.

>> No.53819691
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>home sales at 1995 levels
>US population in 1995: 266 million
>US population today 2023: 332 million
>66 million extra people in the country with the same amount of sales
>homo nerds STILL think is just going to be a minor correction with a 2020 floor
You're fucked. You're so fucked. You really are FUCKED

>> No.53819711

flipper's gonna flip off a building

>> No.53819714
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>1995 demand
>1995 prices

>> No.53819723

>what are apartments

>> No.53819740

>lurking biz since 2016
>realized what an exit pump looks like from following crypto
>everyone i know starts buying property in 2020 and 2021
>i don't buy
Thank biz

>> No.53819769

How am I fucked?

anons should I buy my Cocoa Puffs and milk this week? really do not want to buy the top. Better wait a few days and see if it drops. Yep always want to time the market.

If you guys are going to spend your lives watching the noise of the housing market, then it was just too much fir you in the first place.

>> No.53819808

no one is going to reposess your coco puffs if you overpay for them
but if you're 300K underwater in a house and can't pay, the bank will send cops to "your" house to remove you
usury is demonic

>> No.53819848

why are you acting like houses aren't an investment all of a sudden?
oh yeah, because you're coping with the inevitable price dump lol

>> No.53819855

>ignoring supply
Nice one, retard.

>> No.53819863

Well yeah if you some ppl bought that much house to where they could be 300K upside down that would be a different story. But we’ve got to stop putting so much emphasis on purchasing a home. You guys are milking yourselves with how much you’re trying to speculate on something that is really just a place to relax in. Geez I don’t even pay attention to my call options as much as all of you follow interest rates and home prices.

>> No.53819875

>getting laid off
Doesn't happen anymore in significant amounts (inb4 muh meta), we'll just keep printing money

>> No.53819876

The rentoids are coping again

>> No.53819883

depends if you're like 99% of people who can only afford cocoa puffs by taking a loan that takes a lifetime to pay back and the ones giving out loans will continue to

>> No.53819895

I’m not coping at all. The house I wanted had 2 price reductions and then I made an offer. If it goes down, nothing I can do about it. If it goes up, I’m still not going to do anything. Either way I’m sitting in my chair drinking beer before I go to bed.

>> No.53819897

>it went down a bit and now it's gonna stop going down
lol k

>> No.53819904

I'm not selling my house because then I'd be homeless but the super leveraged niggers with 30 properties and $80k in the bank are fucking finished

>> No.53819909

Funds own houses anon, not plebs
Own nothing, Be happy

>> No.53819914

sounds like ur coping but w/e. glad you have a place to sleep tonight

>> No.53819935

Niggers get vouchers and giga benefits for moving next to white people

>> No.53819941

yup, and it'll happen to every smug asshole itt
a big building full of niggers, poppin up right next to your lil hovel

>> No.53819996

Yeah, what the fuck. I was prepared to lower my standards an insane amount and I'm priced out of even fucking mobile homes.

>> No.53820010
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>> No.53820146
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Using your analogy then no I would not buy Cocoa Puffs when they are 8X my yearly income. Also why are you eating goyslop have some fucking self-respect and eat like an adult.

>> No.53820158
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Oh so you're a boomer that got in before the biggest bubble in human history and can't see past the tip of your own nose.

>what's the big deal I got mine

>> No.53820199
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>the price crashed so we're going to see a crash soon
Bobo logic

>> No.53820251

I just bought a week ago.

>> No.53820262

No. I will continue to eat them.

>> No.53820283

>muh goyslop
Will faggot boomers get off this board? You fatfucks don’t do shit and act like you’ll overtop anybody. Anon enjoys their cocopuffs, you’re not going to do shit about it, fuck off and eat a dick. Muh save the west. Muh grow up. You aren’t going to do shit either fag may as well enjoy some cocopuffs as long as you’re not an overly fat fuck.

>> No.53820410

chances are the bank holding the loan is charging that much for property tax.

>> No.53820429

>You're fucked. You're so fucked. You really are FUCKED

>> No.53820786

Im monitoring the house market in my area since 2 years and since rate hikes, barely any house is sold, and starting this year you can tell that more and more houses come into the market but arent selling, obviously because those retards want 2020 prices for their shitboxes, people are getting anxious and want to exit the market but they are to fucking late

Watching this is glorious and when the first discounts are coming its gonna be even better

Maybe i should harrassing them like the other anon, making offers at half the price kek

>> No.53820965

I like the sound of that
I'm going to make an offer based on 1995 prices just to see the reaction I get

>> No.53820968

The housing market doesn't crash.

>> No.53821056


>> No.53821195

Holy shit this is beautiful

>> No.53821328

>90k shitbox
>they want 300k
I think I'll wait, let it rot

>> No.53821361
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As someone that paints and does cabinets I’m so fucking tired of grey. I worked in a house that had all grey+slightly off white and I wanted to kill myself.

What the fuck happened to colors, tones, accent walls in bold colors like yellow or blue or even green? No, It’s gotta be grey and silver. Every fucking thing is grey and silver. What a waste.

>> No.53821378

>bought it a 70% up charge compared to boomers in the 80s

>> No.53821380

Kek its over

>> No.53821401

ok this is funny

>> No.53821413

>8k property tax at ath price
Burgers are insane

>> No.53821415

Yea they were trying to keep it strong by increasing prices one more time and teaser rates. Less buyers than before. I am starting to see the same shit listed from last year at a discount now, shits going to be bad. 15% at the minimum possibly going up to 50% in less than 5 years. I am hearing shit from my friends lawyer mum too, she handles foreclosure procedures and estate transfers due to death(covid, many selling).

>> No.53821597
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>record low interest
You know there's only one direction interest rates can move when they're at all time four hundred year record lows, right?
>morgies on sui

>> No.53821623

Houses might hold these prices

>> No.53821631

>paid in straight cash
Ahhhh finally. An actual home _owner_

Learn how to use a screwdriver morgies. Ye shall reap'eth what you signed up'ed'eth for; I.e. decades of wage cuckery

>> No.53821649
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>opioid addiction began to increase significantly during the beginning of the afghan war. Tons of herion was shipped back her via the military.
It increased so much because Dr's started handing out oxycodone like sweeties

>> No.53821650

>boomers dumped their bags on retarded millenials

Kek, love those guys. Feels good to be born just at the right time

>> No.53821694


>It was about that, especially to get the opium into Russia, but also about surrounding Iran.

Iran had restarted its nuclear program and refinery components were turning up in Libya. Pakistan also demonstrated a nuclear weapon around this time, which is also were Iran and Libya got the centrifuges from.

Then Iran, Iraq and Libya all stopped selling oil in dollars. Then osma appeared talking about a holy war and planes flew into the world trade centers, pentagon and one was on the way to the Whitehouse. They're all symbols of US overseas meddling and government control. Osma was eventually found in Pakistan.

They were trying to basically build a giant oil based, nuclear armed superblock; the "Arab spring". Which America obviously wasn't too happy about, particularly after having some of their stuff blown up at home.

The drugs are no where even close to as valuable as the oil; of which there's about 140 years worth left, and a lot of which is around there.

>> No.53822084

Its never one thing that justifies troops on ground and opiates is too much money to be ignored but most meddling in middleast is because of Israel and in afghanistan to balance russia.Thats why they left afghanistan just when a new front Ukraine was about to open . And Pakistan nuclear testing was in late 90s.Pakistan is bigger shithole then Iran its not like their testing couldn't be stopped but they were given nukes to balance out south asian power structure. Also Arab spring was globohomo movement which killed gaddafi.

>> No.53822572


>> No.53822594

>the right time for 22yos to lose their jobs
Yes, zoomer mutt scum.

>> No.53822598
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>> No.53822718

Where do you live? I live in CA and am thinking of moving to Wisconsin. CA isn't that great.

>> No.53822910
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I hope whoever owns this place loses it all.

>> No.53823193

NPC grey. Colors and variation are a risk to awakening some part of human.

>> No.53823318

have fun holding those boomer bags

cant wait for the peak suicides

>> No.53823886

>I’m seeing literal mobile homes for going over $300K in my state
in my state, there are less than 350 houses that are listed under 300k.
the market is completely and totally fucked.
the 1 house that was for sale near me sold for 485k and they had the deal closed in 24 hours.
all around town, there are zero houses for sale, 3 years ago there were houses for sale on every single street you drove down.
nobody is selling because there is nothing to buy, or if you are trying to go bigger you need a million dollars.

>> No.53823932

Its either this, or the market is full of houses but all over the top expensive so they stay on the market with no buyer since months

>> No.53823989

kek, imagine trying to sell a home in December

>> No.53824017

Not the same thing

>> No.53824040
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Last I checked average prices haven't budged though. Powell needs to raise rates higher and force boomers to capitulate.

>> No.53824597

What is 1995 pricing adjusted for inflation rn? I wouldn't be shocked if they purposefully caused inflation so prices would remain the same even during a massive downturn.

>> No.53825003

>stepdad buys piece of shit riverfront lot for $2k
>river eats away the property line too fast so he sells it for $20k
>guy who bought it asked him how much he paid for it and he told him to mind his business
>buys a car for $700 from a friend's garage sale
>immediately lists it for $1,200
"They know what they got", meanwhile I sell something for what I paid for it just to get it out of my way quicker

>> No.53825644

Good, fuck boomers, house flippers and investment groups

>> No.53826347

Good, every real estate "investor" (criminal) deserves the rope

>> No.53826536

Parts of NJ crashed insanely hard and almost didn’t recover at all from 2008. I haven’t checked prices recently but I remember Hunterdon County (wealthy area) still had shitloads of houses only worth $150k. It almost didn’t make sense

>> No.53826777

mahinrdasex county here
there were about 10 houses listed last week in my city; every single one had the same description:
>selling as is
>buyer responsible for c/o and fire
>great investment opportunity

we're almost there lads

>> No.53826789

yeah im seeing soo many "investor opportunity" listings too lol

>> No.53826829

>selling as is
i see this a lot in SUCKS COUNTY, pennsylvania. what does this mean -- that they will make absolutely 0 concessions or repairs?

>> No.53826867
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>There is no access to this property. This is as-is. This is a possible short sale and they owe a lot. DO NOT call office. Submit your best sight unseen cash offers, with no contingencies and hope for the best. Offers will be reviewed on February 28th.

>> No.53826921

This is the biggest rentoid cope I’ve ever seen. Holy shit.

>> No.53826937

>short sale
>no access to property

>> No.53826957
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>> No.53826958


>> No.53827002

>Do Not Call Office

>> No.53827036

>Submit your best sight unseen cash offers, with no contingencies and hope for the best.

i thought you were trolling. kek
yes that's what it means. they might have to disclose major issues like a sinkhole or a straw roof, but they ain't fixing shit

>> No.53827089

Keep in mind half the state’s housing stock is severely damaged from all the flooding every year. At least 25% of NJ’s houses likely have black mold at this point

>> No.53827091
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>(chain necklace jingles furiously)
>(grips belt buckle)
>Sent from my Alcatel 1B

>> No.53827123

Iirc Zillow and Redfin are practically almost out of business already being underwater on the properties they bought as investments to prop up their estimates that they now have to sell for losses. Their stock prices were at all time lows last time I checked. I’m sure they have near infinite tech vc money but I would love to see them go broke

>> No.53827143

>Larry Steinhouse

>> No.53827188


The federal Minimum wage in 1972 was $1.60. The price of Gold was $65 a ounce. If you divide this that equals 40 hours. If you worked a full 40 hour week at McDonalds back in the day you could own a OZ of gold.

Now let’s factor minimum wage against the gold standard now days. If I want to buy a oz of gold today I will have to pay about $1,800.00. 1800/40 = 45$ a hour. That is the equivalent of making $97,000.00 a year. If your worked in 1972 for minimum wage your buying power was the equivalent of someone making almost 100,000k a year.

>> No.53827438

I made sure to send him my thoughts.

>> No.53827488

that's something I hadn't factored in. all the 'in demand areas' are right by a river or by the beach too.

>> No.53827492

Because an economic crash wiped out your job.

>> No.53827514
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can't wait until boomers are beaten by minorities in their retirement homes, they the cancer of this planet, among pic related and many more

>> No.53827528

It's all so tiresome

>> No.53827540

This is not sustainable. Either the US lets the economy crash to curb the damage they’ve done to the money supply or the US inflates its way out of reserve currency status. The fed would rather every American become poor and their children and wife raped than give up American imperialism.

>> No.53827590

If you are unemployed why would you be buying a new house with rates at 7%?

>> No.53827767


>> No.53827891

you realise that you just spelled out something very bearish, right?

>> No.53828074

Do you realize this is the bottom right? Lol if you don't have a house or are not buying one now in the lows you will never have a house

>> No.53828150

>Do you realize this is the bottom right?
you meant to say
"You do realize this is the bottom right?"
do better, pajeet

>> No.53828202
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I'm waiting to see an unraveling of the FIRE, landlord crowd. I imagine it will go something like this:
Initial condition - we are here
>Buying slows
>Renters finding cheaper options
>Sellers lower prices
Downward spiral
>New landlords (g2) enter the market
>Buy houses at discount and charge lower rent
>Tenants continue moving to cheaper options
>Old landlords (g1) either lower rent and eat the losses or sell and eat the losses (lowering RE values)
>New generation of landlords (g3) enter market
>Cycle repeats

>> No.53828205

homeowners must die. i was promised cheap boomer houses.

>> No.53828348
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>that overview

>> No.53828362


>> No.53828937

You do know mortgage rates in the US are fixed, right? Not like in Canada where they are re-evaluated every 5 years or whatever

>> No.53828957


>> No.53828986

More like 2-4 years kek

>> No.53829013

RIP leafs

>> No.53829030

This. It's like we time jumped a decade in prices. Unfortunately, I don't think we're ever going to see prices come back down to earth,. The only concession we'll get is that houses won't go for ridiculously over valued prices.

>> No.53829120
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Does the west literally have any industry other than fucking real estate

This is getting pathetic

>> No.53829216

there was a literal basement under a kebab shop going for 150k a couple months ago when I was last looking at home prices (London). We still have a ways to go.

>> No.53829317

>Foreign investors are buying up all the property to destroy America. You’re literally renting to some rich chink or sheik while our politicians sell us out
ya it can be pretty cucked
These chinese are rich because they can exploit their workforce way more than an American could ever dream of (not that you should dream of this)

That is, someone that is artificially wealthy overseas is bidding for the same houses as you here in USA. Meanwhile, you can't access any of their home country real esate

>> No.53829406

Larry STEINhouse

>> No.53829432

That Jew in the mirror is having a great time

>> No.53829486

>Last I checked average prices haven't budged though.
They haven't from what I've seen. While you have these bespoke listings cutting their price, we don't see overall correction in RE really at all.

>> No.53829635

>. Their stock prices were at all time lows last time I checked.
4-5x all time low for Zillow, but it's low for the 5Y chart>>53829120
>Does the west literally have any industry other than fucking real estate
>This is getting pathetic
It is pathetic.
The few of us that got into a real skill are doing engineering with literal chinks and pajeets because whites 80% jumped to easy life options

The rent seeking behavior truly got ridiculous

>> No.53829737
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Houses ultimately return to their true value, free. Nature doesn't care about zillow.

>> No.53830293

Prices peaked in June pretty much everywhere except Miami. Year-over-year there’s still a 1% increase but once summer rolls around the retard journalists find out everybody already lost 20% year-over-year that’s when the panic will start to kick in and you’ll see mainstream articles about the housing market crashing

>> No.53830312

Why can't these assholes just buy equities on margin?

>> No.53830420

wtf happened in this house.. owners obviously died suddenly

>> No.53830494

larry housestein, you just can't make this shit up

>> No.53830517

>Prices peaked in June pretty much everywhere except Miami. Year-over-year there’s still a 1% increase but once summer rolls around the retard journalists find out everybody already lost 20% year-over-year that’s when the panic will start to kick in and you’ll see mainstream articles about the housing market crashing
I hope so. I'm 2/3 cash right now.

>> No.53830558

Same anon my escrow is higher than the p&i and I only put 10% down shit is ridiculous xx0xds

>> No.53830573

Kek it’s almost as bad as (((Sam Bankman)))

>> No.53830784
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Remember all the posts about "buy now or be priced out forever?"

Where are they now?

>> No.53831761

No. The west buys shit from the turd world and recollects capital by selling real estate to said turd worlders.

>> No.53832237

Houses that were 250-350 2 years ago are now half a million around me. Shitboxes are selling for 300.

>> No.53832316

People talking about houses like this disgusts me. I just want a house to live in. I just want to actually be able to have a house. Shit, an apartment, even.

>> No.53832552

which is exactly why the prices have a long way to collapse. wages haven’t kept up.

>> No.53832667
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>> No.53832767
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Living in their house

>> No.53832873

but the combination of high prices and high rates HAS priced you out, anon, and you're just desperately hoping it gets better for you

>> No.53832922

The only reason it's not crashing is most people locked in rates at 3%.
every month we go on builds more pressure. At the very least prices are not going up any time soon.

>> No.53832948

prices dont need to keep going up for housing to remain far more unaffordable for the average person than it was 2-3 years ago

that's just gonna shove more rentoids into the rentoid pool, great time to be a landlord

>> No.53832968

Are you saying affordability is any better than the past couple of years? Interest has more than doubled. Did the price drop enough to make your monthly payment lower? Or are you still waiting for the "big one"?

Anyone who locked in at the all time low interest rate got a deal of a life time. Anyone who bought before the post covid frenzy and refinanced into 3% or lower rate won't find a better deal for decades to come.

Unfortunately I missed that boat.

>> No.53833044

US population is over 450 million if you count all the illegals

>> No.53833158

Day of the rope soon

>> No.53833231


>> No.53833671

I wish that were me. Instead I’m alone in this 120 year old house, constantly working on it. And nobody cares. I would take a wife that yells at me over this silence.

>> No.53833695
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>boomerbox baggies
fucking hilarious

>> No.53834189

grass greener etc

>> No.53834316

>Does the west literally have any industry other than fucking real estate
not really, no

>> No.53834349

>Are you saying affordability is any better than the past couple of years?
yes? go look at the housing affordability index

>> No.53834482

House prices should decrease over time just like cars

>> No.53834509

>Larry Steinhouse

>> No.53834582

A lot of flippers buy houses using short-term loans with adjustable rates, so any amount of extra time needed to sell can be a total backbreaker

>> No.53834692


real estate is a ponzi based on 1031 money. if you dont know section 1031 go learn. real estate 'investors' must continue to roll over capital into new 'investments' else they'll get taxed. they then overpay on properties to keep delaying taxes. eventually the merry go round will have to break down, esp. for the greedy ones who got variable rate loans thinking it'd continue to go lower (more than you'd think). the only ones that can really sit around and do nothing are people living in houses, but they've never been the problem anyways. it's flippers and 'investors' that are constantly moving money around, and it's getting more expensive to keep moving it. like musical chairs.

>> No.53834696


In 2007 the papers said, “buy now, or be priced out forever”. Look how that turned out :/.

The pendulum takes time. No matter what nimwhits on here say, many individuals who purchased overpriced homes are living paycheck to paycheck. It takes time for everything to blow up. But just like in 06-07… everyone knew something was messed up/wrong.. many People are maxing out their credit cards trying to survive. If necessary products like food, gas, and electricity continue to rise, people will get behind on payments, and eventually their going to get upside down in debt.

I know of some people that are two months late on all payments.

>> No.53835189

he did kinda