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File: 6 KB, 193x261, bitcoincas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5380931 No.5380931 [Reply] [Original]

Where my Bitcoin Cash bros at? How much you holding? 7.5 here.

>> No.5380975

bout tree fiddy

>> No.5381127

kill yourself for holding a shitcoin. Have fun being poor

>> No.5381180

.34 rogers

>> No.5381215

Bitcoin cash is bitcoin. Tfw making transactions with 0.01 dollar fees.Tfw 10 minute confirmations.

Currently holding 3.8, should have bought more during the dip.

>> No.5381267

i'm holding 43. i bought some before coinbase listed it and bought some after

>> No.5381292

>being this jelly
stay salty, corecuck

13 here, eager to scoop up 8 more to lock down my 21 club membership. bummed I missed the 1600 flash crash.

>> No.5381316

i'm debating to sell my 15 bitcoins to go all in on bitcoin cash...

>> No.5381337
File: 60 KB, 600x633, 30ag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Typical BCH holder

>> No.5381340

shitcoin no longer allowed on /biz/ for crashing the market and fucking everyone including yourself

>> No.5381410
File: 81 KB, 980x608, images.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


leet digits, bro. I agree, BCH holders are the chads of crypto

>> No.5381413

.41. Wishing i had more fiat to buy into this dip

>> No.5381474

Yeah. BTC works great, the fees are low and lightning network is coming soon™

>> No.5381475

>mfw picked up 21 at .06
>bought a shitload more at .08
>selling tops and buying dips ever since
>stacking crazy exponential gains
>mfw my blonde hair blue eyed son thanks me for selling the jewed segwit coins
>mfw just got my shaved cock and balls sucked off by my fit white wife
>mfw no face

>> No.5381809

We really have to thank Blockstream for fucking up Bitcon so much and giving all the people who were late a second chance to get into Bitcoin

>> No.5381878

People keep asking if Bitcoin is back. I'm thinking it's back. As cash.

>> No.5381910

Agreed. This coin is going to replace. Libertarians who believe in bitcoin on principle are out numbered. The majority of investors will soon be normies on coinbase and rich people looking to get richer.

The name bitcoin + usable fees makes it attractive.

>> No.5381990

lol, we hunt you down like sheep

>> No.5382027
File: 5 KB, 211x239, 1513648151717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw just got my shaved cock and balls sucked off by my fit white wife

Lucky your wife likes prepubescent boys and men who try to make their dick look bigger huh? My woman loves my hairy alpha cock and balls.

>> No.5382141

You fuckers convinced me to buy more bitcoin cash. I had 17 of them back in November when I first got started, I went all in. Now I split up what I have into 7 Bitcoin Cash and .4 bitcoins

>> No.5382233

>Libertarians who believe in bitcoin on principle are out numbered.

Desueue actually every old school bitcoiner who has ancap or libertarian leanings that I know thinks Bitcoin Core betrayed bitcoin and they support Bitcoin Cash. The fact that poor people can't even interact with the blockchain and have its security with the "fee market" transaction ideology of Bitcoin Core is stinky banker tier "pull the ladder up behind us" economic elitism.

>> No.5382372
File: 320 KB, 400x560, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice work anon. You will be rewarded 5x for your intelligence.

>> No.5382381


>> No.5382402



stop trying to co-opt the brand

>> No.5382407
File: 3 KB, 120x117, smugnotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hodling 55 BCH here and I'm gonna buy more

>> No.5382419

Incase you couldnt tell I was making fun of Roger Ver who calls "Bitcoin Cash" Bitcoin, when its NOT bitcoin

>> No.5382442

500 here

>> No.5382443

holy shit core cucks are deluded

>> No.5382476

I mean I had 17 Bitcoin Cash when I first got started, sold all my Bitcoin Cash for Bitcoin at a high which was like .12 back then, I got in at .085

Then I fucking traded and lost some money. now I'm down to .44 Bitcoin and 7 Bitcoin Cash.

Kinda shit, I had more when I first got started and I put in a lot of money since then. My initial trade was well timed but every one afterwards was shit. It feels like shit anon to lose so much money.

>> No.5382549


>> No.5382578


>> No.5382696
File: 233 KB, 1200x800, 1512796475633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll be easier to deal with if you got 9 bch and watch corecucks neck themselves when btc goes to zero. If you suck at trading just buy and hold.

>> No.5382746


Vs the BTC niggers?

"$30 a G? Sure, I'll send $80, to make sure I cover the fees too :-)"