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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53808213 No.53808213 [Reply] [Original]

How has;
>Ronin bridge
>FTx wallet
>Warmhole bridge
>Beanstalk etc handled the hacks
Channers, is this the end of time for all those projects that were hacked. If crypto got no insurance, then how they come back?

>> No.53808576

Mirror Defi protocol for Terra was hacked and there was no recovery.

>> No.53808633

Lost a fucking 90 million dollars. No record and no fucking compensation.

>> No.53808835

That was a major one but i believe some other products on Terra were able to move to other chains.

>> No.53808907
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Luna was a fucking rugpull. They need to be sanctioned.

>> No.53808925

This is where regulation comes in, I believe with regulations on board there would be repercussions for these sorts of incidents.

>> No.53808946

Well, the US government have eventually woken up from their slumber and they are finally planning to bring Do Kwon in.

>> No.53808980

The US has a plan. I don't trust those assholes!

>> No.53808998
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I need to be clarified before I run mad. BonqDAO or AllianceBlock who was fucking hacked

>> No.53809003

i'm not familiar with these projects specifically, but a DEX i use last year had an exploit that drained liquidity from several pools. the DEX were able to make the affected people (liquidity providers) whole by paying out the protocol trading fees it had been collecting over the previous several months.

>> No.53809059

They go the same way and the Defi attack seems to be more these days.

>> No.53809060

Considering how the FTX fiasco turned out with SBF almost walking free trust me no way anyone trusts those clowns again.

>> No.53809080

BonqDAO got hacked but the ALBT which was used for liquidity was stolen hence tanking the price.

>> No.53809089

You must be under the influence of quinine. How come you couldn't spot the bounce back opportunity in LUNA to include it in your list. Screwed asshole posters on this board misleading ranjeets

>> No.53809113

Which DEX is this? How long did it take them to do this as well?

>> No.53809153

Presently I trust LUNC better than LUNA

>> No.53809159

Bonq is a lending protocol yeah?

>> No.53809171

Do Kwon is still on the run. But LUNC passed three proposals for upgrade yesterday. Are you blinded on the info or don't want to share it ?

>> No.53809189
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I don't know why this is so hard for many to understand

>> No.53809220

We don't need repercussions, we need techs like Nexera that will prevent these types of hacks

>> No.53809234
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>> No.53809239

I don't even know which ones exactly recovered kek

I mean FTX recovered at first but we see how they did it: FRAUD

Wormhole was covered by a 3rd party: never understood why

What's with others?

>> No.53809241

do kwon went to stanford
he was probably a government agent/planned collapse operation to give a pretext for regulation similar to nuke goldstein and sbf's family

>> No.53809252

Bonq is a lending protocol Oh! I see why they entrusted them with their troves now.

>> No.53809292

Was LUNC ever attacked?

>> No.53809369

I thought they had a protocol breakdown. It is all shit.

>> No.53809374
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Live on Bitcoin and stay away from hot wallets. Everything is all gamble rn. Stay wise in this market. Only BNB bridge and ETH recovered strong.

>> No.53809501

>I mean FTX recovered at first
Where did you get this fallacy from. Is SBF free from trial yet. Investor's fund still hooked there.

>> No.53809504

Some of them employed the minting of a new token. LUNA created LUNC and ALBT will be replaced with NXRA. I think this method is becoming prominent.

>> No.53809514

Yes, it's just the same way some projects moved off the Solana chain
I think it only works for DeFi projects right?

>> No.53809554

I hate to believe this cause we all know crypto is volatile.

>> No.53809600

Yes. I honestly can't wait for the NXRA drops Oldfag.

>> No.53809633

I am fucking impressed how the team handled the situation. The new era is coming.

>> No.53809675

Bonqdao fucking got hacked and ALBT got affected.

>> No.53809737

Ocean also recovered, and Allianceblock is also doing well with its new token that's about going live

>> No.53809774

Lunc wasn’t attacked directly but the stable coin was. And the mint function went into over drive which hyperinflated Lunc. Some believe it was SBF

>> No.53810113

I reckon privacy's the way to go, senpai. How else the normies gonna know your stack if they can't peek at your transactions, ya feel me?

>> No.53810196

We also need tech to secure and keep users data and txn history private.

>> No.53810221

When Airdrop? I had an LP of ORE/ALBT.

>> No.53810304

Yes Ocean had similar issue in 2020 and recovered well. Looking forward to the new token.

>> No.53810335

You dumbass refused to read announcement. Airdrop would be claimable from tomorrow.

>> No.53810506

It's BonqDao heist in the custody of Allianceblock troves.. Get it clear anon..

>> No.53810608

This were all plans SBF masterminded in the basement before the FTx fiasco. On his trial now, he's using Do know as a countercharge against his charges.

>> No.53810770

You will need to claim the new token, and that will start tomorrow

>> No.53811918

The same Do Kwon that ran away already! Nah they can't get him

>> No.53812094

That's the problem with bridges, fucking vulnerable, I think most defi solutions should work like Railgun for interoperability by making SDKs for multiple chains, eliminating the need for bridges.

>> No.53812111

A DeFi project that is regulatory complaint is the solution

>> No.53812122

The stable coin was attacked, fucking algorithmic piece of shit.

>> No.53812203

It's for DeFi and TradFi, like something that helps bridge the two

>> No.53812652
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I like the way ALBT team handled the whole situation, and very soon I think they should be back on track

>> No.53812730

buy an ad, bunger

>> No.53812744





>> No.53813514
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Was at its peak last year ... None has happened this year ...

>> No.53813618
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You don't have to conclude shit now until the token distribution is done.

>> No.53813770

Dwindling brain cells ranting..

>> No.53814528

Yea, ALBT have one of the smart team so far, I'm sure the team are fucking working to resolve the situation, got to know how capable the team are during their partnership with AIKON

>> No.53815325

Based. I would opt for such solution to vulnerability with bridges.

>> No.53815346

ALBT still on? Thought they got hacked while I have an LP pool of ORE/ALBT.

>> No.53815371

There's only one way. Fork like ETH did.

>> No.53815534

The ORE-ETH seem to be my favorite on the pool