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File: 39 KB, 850x400, he's right, you know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53807028 No.53807028 [Reply] [Original]

Virtue holds more value than any currency.

>> No.53807042

>Let me tell you who owns this country

>> No.53807054


>> No.53807073
File: 55 KB, 821x1024, alex jones everything will be ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf OP, i tried telling my landlord i'm virtuous, but he still said rent is due

>> No.53807196

>the concept of property is theft
>theft is taking others' property without their consent
>therefore accepting the concept of theft requires accepting the concept of property, otherwise theft is not defined
>stating that property is theft then logically requires that you also believe in the concept of property, which also means you support theft
Are leftists really this dumb?
>inb4 leftists use a different definition of theft
As is their strategy, they change the meanings of words as they see fit and use whichever definitions are convenient to defend their statements logically, but rely on people interpreting the generally accepted definition to accept their points.

>> No.53807266
File: 382 KB, 1500x1002, slavshitl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You forgot about prolétaire dictate. So individual property is a theft if you consider commune of individuals who share rights to said "property".
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs".

Shits sounds somewhat right if you're five and attend special needs class. It all collapses in reality when you'll realize that property is also commitment. If you own shit, you pay upkeep cost. This is where shit in socialist countries always failed. If it belongs to everybody, it's nobody responsibility, so you with shit looking like this.

>> No.53808058

The idea of property is not to "take it with you". What kind of mental midget thinks like this? The idea of property is to protect the fruit of people's labor during their lifetime so they can have some motivation for using their time to produce something of value for humanity. And the effect could not be more obvious. The poorest countries in the world are those where property rights are not respected or enforced. China went from a third world shit hole to a very prosperous nation in a few decades just by recognizing property rights. The similar examples are legion.

And, by the way, George Carlin didn't give away his intellectual property during his lifetime. He sold it. For money. Which he kept in a bank account in his name. He also had an expectation that people would not walk into HIS house and take HIS shit and that if they tried, the police would come and protect HIS PROPERTY. Douche bag. I really wonder at people who say shit like property is theft while enjoying the benefits of a system that protects their property.

>> No.53808931
File: 13 KB, 250x250, 1527699785113s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U r a midwit with bad reading comprehension. He is saying property and theft are the same thing, not that neither property nor theft exist

>> No.53808954

If neither property nor theft exist, why are we talking about property or theft at all?

>> No.53808961

>Property is theft
if nobody owns "anything", then how can it be "stolen"?
checkmate, athiest.

>> No.53808972

because we have to say some kind of socialist anti-establishment sounding mumbojumbo to keep up creating division and hate between goys

>> No.53808981

The philosophy of boomers, particularly this fuck, is the most tedious thing in the world

>> No.53809045

He's saying both words are defined in relation to each other dipshit.

>> No.53809054
File: 31 KB, 480x469, 1620915348179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theft from who? the people as a whole, I assume?

Who decides rules like this and who enforces them?

The government ofc, otherwise known as the Jewish cabal. Communism is such a massive grift. Just like "democracy", Jews get people to believe that they hold political power when in reality the governing body exists only to serve jewish interests. Fuck Communism. Fuck "Democracy". It's time for a new Hitler

>> No.53809082

that image speaks volumes

>> No.53809247

Theft of what? Property?

>> No.53809274

Fake and gay.

>t. gullible subhuman mongoloids

>> No.53810910
