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53805686 No.53805686 [Reply] [Original]

>women don’t want me if I have don’t have money
>women don’t want me if I have money

There’s no point in working or contributing to society above the point of having your basic needs met if you aren’t dating women, getting married, raising children. If I can live a subsistence lifestyle doing little to no work then that’s what will happen. If I can leech off welfare or coast in a WFH job, that’s the best course of action. What’s the point in putting in the effort to start a business, climb the corporate ladder, chase promotions, or do dangerous/shitty work if the outcome is you being alone with no family?

>> No.53805718

stop being lazy you selfish lazy do little bugger incel

>> No.53805738
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>> No.53806096

NO. I won't support amerimutt culture.

>> No.53806116

Your problem is that you're basing your success or worth in life, based off what women think of you. This is why you are still a loser, with a loser mentality, and will most likely remain one for the rest of your miserable life

>> No.53806186

american men are fucked, the very least they cold do for lonely men is make consenual prostituion legal

>> No.53806284
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You have friends, right?

>> No.53806321

based fellow neetcel

>> No.53806344

You know, I was going to say who the hell are you - you think making money is way to judge a man’s worth? He can live a life of contemplation or ease as he sees fit.

But yeah. /biz/-business and finance. At some point, you should at least acknowledge where you are. I’ll get you next time, Anon.

>> No.53806406

Where did he say anything about money? He said don't base your success on what women think of you, that's it.

>> No.53806434
File: 434 KB, 1440x2034, strongmengoodtimesweakmenhardtimes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened to wanting to be better?
what happened to wanting more in life?
are you such a cucked pussy that you want to live the same mediocre life until you die?
so pathetic. men used to be achievers and builders striving for more, to be better

>> No.53806478

30yo khv here
hit rock bottom last year. literally something in my brain switched, oozing with confidence and desire to win nos
im gonna try tinder or whatever. any tips from sex havers?

>> No.53806491
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>> No.53806498

>any tips from sex havers?
stay relaxed, at all times

>> No.53806525

yea i got that down
im somehow a god at controlling my emotions now since hitting rock bottom

>> No.53806552

sex tips?
when you're fucking her you gotta keep a constant rhythm, cardio is key also drink lots of water and always pee after sex , if you're a virgin you're likely to get stds easily since you've go nmmo immune resistance yet

>> No.53806562
File: 103 KB, 450x503, 1257969419588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woman are shit, woman are obese, woman are lazy and not cute and funny, womans vaginas are loose and hundreds of other men have been in there the time they turn 18. you get lucky you get to be #325
they become addicted to drugs and all kinds of pills, they get abortions and love vaccinations, they get tattoos, they clog up every job in the government and corporations ruining everything for everyone. they are everywhere they even ruin videogames and every other medium.
woman are posting their worthless opinions absolutely everywhere, they fall for every jew lie, woman demand respect but dont give any, woman will backstab you and laugh about you and bully you and the government is their pimp and will protect them from what they fucking deserve. you are cucked and cant do shit. woman are CRINGE.
they are entitled little crybabys that never grow up and expect to get everything handed for free from everyone and they get it and its YOU who pays for it.
YOU are supposed to make money for the CHANCE of getting THAT as a "wife"?
so let me be clear here I can get one of these roastie dumpsters into my home and watch her balloon up to 300lbs while I work my fucking ass off at some goy factory or goyim office? genius man, wow man seriously what a great motivation what retard thought that up?
"bro just work 60 hour weeks" so you can have a "family" with that thing and continue grinding for this clownworld roastie society that lies to you, poisons you and works against you and you keep paying taxes for THAT?
NO thanks, I check out of "society" as fast as possible and take the absolute freedom hobo pill

>> No.53806643

what happened? Where the fuck should I begin bro? Without even going into how fucked society is and how much it has turned on men, even biologically speaking we're less and less actual men (testosterone levels decreasing year on year, sperm count) due to the damage we've caused to our environment. Don't even get me started on the amount of things available online which are there to pacify us into accepting our shitty situations, from porn to pointless entertainment

>> No.53806691

>striving for more
How can one 'strive' without defining the objectives?


“We are fond of talking about 'liberty'; but the way we end up actually talking of it is an attempt to avoid discussing what is 'good.'
We are fond of talking about 'progress'; that is a dodge to avoid discussing what is good.
We are fond of talking about 'education'; that is a dodge to avoid discussing what is good.

The modern man says, 'Let us leave all these arbitrary standards and embrace unadulterated liberty.'
This is, logically rendered, 'Let us not decide what is good, but let it be considered good not to decide it.'

He says, 'Away with your old moral standard; I am for progress.'
This, logically stated, means, 'Let us not settle what is good; but let us settle whether we are getting more of it.'

He says, 'Neither in religion nor morality, my friend, lie the hopes of the race, but in education.'
This, clearly expressed, means, 'We cannot decide what is good, but let us give it to our children.”


>> No.53807437
File: 150 KB, 815x1024, C9EA8193-3768-45C1-A1C2-77D58DE3089F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna get even more black pilled? Yes they are in your video games now, every single game design team has a green haired fat woke cunt, and what she says goes, which is why you get woke bullshit in your vidya now. Also. These used up ham beasts you complain about that society produces? You WILL pay a chunk of your salary every paycheck to support her and her single momma lifestyle raising a niglet. So to all you mother fuckers who think you can just hide in your own cheap flat with Doritos and vidya in peace and live by yourself? Dream the fuck on! Lol! Your still supporting the roasties AND roasties choose what goes into your vidya content and what gets censored online while you play. Isn’t the 21st century great! Shit we thought we’d be colonizing the moon back in 1995, but nope 2023 is here and all it’s glory! ;)
You can still kiss a tranny if your sick of the vaginal Jew though. Lol.

>> No.53807463
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>> No.53807469
File: 586 KB, 971x685, 8B0DC62A-1CC9-411A-9C91-E7F3E5E691C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your “video games” you will all go home to hide from society with. Lol. Your replacements are already in the vidya.

>> No.53807475

That a whole gang of incels? I’m beginning to wonder if mafias and cartels all arose out of a societal collapse and a rise and inceldom?

>> No.53807496

literally just
>work out
>dont be fat
>groom youself
>get a nice hair cut
>wear basic fragrant deodorant like old spice
>dont be a sperg
its that easy to get pussy
if you really cant get over being a sperg just take some betablockers or like 0.25mg of xanax before dates, or just drink

>> No.53807592

Lol I’m a sperg and I got women. Literally you can be skizo, autistic, chauvinistic, homeless, rapist, every shitty thing imaginable. And so long as you look good you’ll get laid. Women are extremely shallow, far more so than men. I wouldn’t recommend drinking or Xanax if your an ugly sperg. Just hit the gym and get some anabolic steroids if your going the drug route. Xanax and drinking will just turn you into a fat ass with gynocomastia.

>> No.53808091

I can't imagine the horror of being a man who doesn't strive to develop his skills, his competence, his knowledge, his wisdom, who doesn't derive satisfaction from producing something with his mind and/or his hands. What a barren existence it must be.

>> No.53808097

So fight against it! Men have ALWAYS had to struggle against something. So fucking do it! Take on the battles of the day. We all die eventually, so the only glory is in the fight.

>> No.53808117

We’re talking about working. You know what, you’re stupid. How about that?

>> No.53808125

Fucking this.

>> No.53808433

>another demoralization thread
you can get any girl you want even if you're disfigured cripple, severe burn victim or a short king as long as you have confidence in order to attract someone. once you attract someone you have to open up to them emotionally and after that you can have sex. the thing is (You) have to do the work. these rules are the same for every man. women have to be good at filtering demoralized people like everyone ITT.

>> No.53808705

I understand and to a large extent sympathize with their sentiments but that being said I’ve tried the checking out and playing video games route and the self-improvement “seeking the good” route and the latter made me far happier.

In the end it may not fundamentally change my prospects in life (but it might) I realize that but I’ve been much happier doing it than the checking out route.

>> No.53808732

>you're a loser if you don't do the rat race
I get jobs because I want money but OP clearly doesn't, why is he a loser for not caring about your bullshit?

>> No.53808741

You should kill yourself.

>> No.53808766

Naw I don't sympathize at all. There are way too many faggots going "harrupmh I'm gonna larp as a 19th century british gentleman, into the night brothers we ride!". You're not a fucking soldier fighting impossible odds in some ballad, stop posting shit like "FIGHT IT, FIGHT AGIANST THE WANING OF THE FIRE MY BROTHERS!" you're a guy that played too many videogames thinking there's something noble in being squashed like a bug as long as you tried to fight back. Just don't. Just get your bug feed and pile it up and become an effendi. If I had taken every opportunity I could have in the past few years I'd have a measly 20k more available to me right now. The juice isn't worth the squeeze everything is fucked and it's not going to be unfucked by grabbing your dick.

>> No.53808776

>>women don’t want me if I have money
you're doing several things very wrong if that's the case

>> No.53808837

we allow anybody to reproduce here. it's called freedom.

>> No.53808849

>support a society that hates you

>> No.53809130

Well said.

Reminds me of an image that's been posted on a red board here of an anon basically saying that society is to just get men to work and that they hate you for figuring this out and be a drop out. Wish I had it. Was posted on /pol/ i think.

But yeah if a singe guy doesn't have expensive habits he can get by on very little. Can just rent a 1 bedroom/studio apartment and be content. Have a job that he tolerates but really don't care about and able to do what he wants on his own time. If he's an outdoorsman type he can buy some of his own land in bum fuck nowhere and live a quiet, stress free rural lifestyle.

>> No.53809204

>What’s the point in putting in the effort to start a business, climb the corporate ladder, chase promotions, or do dangerous/shitty work if the outcome is you being alone with no family?
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