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5375358 No.5375358 [Reply] [Original]

When can I realistically retire?



>Net Worth
$10k emergency fund
$20k in Roth IRA/401k
$5k in crypto (currently: 2k in BTC, 2k in ETH, 1k in LTC)
$90k condo
$15k car (paid off)

$60k Mortgage

I put 15% of my income into retirement. My Roth IRA is in a 2055 target fund on Vanguard.

My goal is to retire in my 40s - early 50s. Is that feasible? I don't plan on buying more crypto, I'll just sit on what I have for the next 20 years.

>> No.5375412

Nice LARP.

Maybe if you weren't an idiot and bought btc instead of putting it into a meme IRA you would have actually been able to retire.

>> No.5375441

nice constructive shitpost

>> No.5375455

IRA is far from a meme in a stock market this good.

>> No.5375482

I've been maxing out my Roth IRA for the past 3 years.

>> No.5375496

Never, faggot. Quit job, sell condo + car, all in BCH. Become a billionaire.

>> No.5375503

> 90k Condo

Where do you live?

>> No.5375519

what about when it crashes in the coming year. You didn't think the longest bull run in stock market history would never stop, did you Pajeet?

>> No.5375522


>> No.5375575

>calling me a pajeet because he didn't have the foresight to pour money into a Roth IRA for the last 5 years and is now mad that the only way he can possibly save fore retirement is gambling on crypto
sad, pathetic, desperate cry from a weak soyboy

>> No.5375597

you didn't answer my question anon, and investing in crypto the last 3 years I'm pretty sure I've beat the market by a little.

>> No.5375634

You gambled and got lucky.

>> No.5375855

Is this board just full of crypto shitposters now?

>> No.5375890

don't get butthurt you're doing great with your retirement outlook I'm sure you'll be free from the system at 60 if not 58.

>> No.5375931


People have been saying stocks will crash any time now since the dawn of time, literally every year people think stocks are about to crash. Even right after crashes they think its going to crash more.

>> No.5375973

>le retirement
being stuck at a job until you're 50 sounds like hell, work towards automating income until you can live how you want off of it, don't just save up a bunch of money to burn off while you die.

>> No.5376013


Sorry OP I will be brutally honest with 15% you will be working into your 60s unless you are counting SS in your retirement income and plan to live off low income.

If you want to retire in your 40s you're going have to but at least 50%+ of your gross. It doesn't matter so much in what right now, just that you build up the principle.

Most importantly you have to up your income. $80k just isn't enough enough. Secure 150k+ by late 20s, with 50% gross savings / year and you will be on target for mid-upper class retirement in your 40s.

>> No.5376047
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Why do you want to retire goy? You should aim towards having a job you like. Work hard, progress your career and make me ri- I mean make me happy to have you as my valuable employee!

>> No.5376073

Thanks for the feedback. I'm pretty new in my career (software developer), but I should be making 100k in 2-3 years. Cost of living is pretty cheap down here, so I'll try to up my retirement contribution. I don't think I can hit 50%, but 30 should be feasible.

>> No.5376214
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I want to retire before 2020.

Mid 20's


150k Cryptos (pic related)
2k cash
4k car

35k student loan

>> No.5376217

I'm 31 with 400k mortgage
110k salary
80k in BTC/BCH, 205k in 401k, 41k in IRA and otherwise nothing of value

I'm on track to retire at 65 and death at 80. my brokerage gives me a score of 119 which means "likely retirement ready!"

>> No.5376282

Congrats man. Looks like you're doing very well.

>> No.5376336

>50k salary
What is your occupation and where do you live? Seems kind of low for your mid-20s.

>> No.5376679

>Make good monetary decisions based on timing and research.
>you just got lucky

>> No.5376774

Buying crypto 3 years ago was nothing more than gambling. You bet on black and won.
>hurr durr I know how to beat the market

>> No.5376816
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0$, ee student

>Net Worth
4k$ cash
10k$ crypto
5k$ bike


basically wanna retire before I ever get a job because working sounds like a waste of life

>> No.5376824

Just stay in your bucket, crab.

>> No.5376836


>> No.5376873

You should pull out of crypto and put it in your Roth IRA, just stay in the system, goy.

>> No.5376895


you two need to go to time out
now sit in the corner and think about what you've done

>> No.5376946

I want to start saving for my 2nd retirement fund.



>Net Worth
$3.5MM in crypto
$42k in gold
$20k car

I want to be able to retire again. What should I do?

>> No.5376984

Well you can start by securing some of that crypto into FIAT before the government makes it incredibly difficult to.

>> No.5376997
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>mfw when 25
>mfw being stem student


>> No.5376998

>no property
Why? You need to buy real estate if you want to have some guaranteed appreciating assets

>> No.5377020

I don't even know what point you're trying to make

>> No.5377028

Ignore him lad, it's very normal to be a student at 25

>> No.5377059

What are you, some kind of boomer? I make 16.50 hr CAD and get paid more than most of my friends at 25.

>> No.5377127

>Seems kind of low for your mid-20s.

Your measurement of "life standards" in mid-20.
Doesn't apply to the realworld of today.

Thank you pal. This ratrace thinking sometime gets at me

>> No.5377132

I just did actually, moving in to it by the end of January. I didn't include it because we haven't closed yet and thought that would be unfair. Dead serious about my situation btw, not that I really call it a "situation".

How much would you do?

>> No.5377135

my age and salary are here >>5375358
if he's making 50k as a student, that's really good. I thought he was making that as full time.

>> No.5377235

Median household income in the US is like under 60k, if you have a salaried position for 50K a year at 25 you are way ahead of the curve. Don't know why you would be so out of touch with reality at 25 unless you have rich ass parents with good connections.

>> No.5377336

Nice, at that kind of level I would mostly leave crypto markets and get much more conservative with my money, get really diversified over a variety of assets and let the stress free gains roll in, I would probably leave 500k in crypto if I were you, spread over the top 20 coins or something like that so hopefully you catch a few x10 moon missions in the next few years

>> No.5377438

>if you have a salaried position for 50K a year at 25 you are way ahead of the curve.
You have college debt, which implies you have an education. You are worth more than 50k. I don't care where you live or what you do.

>Don't know why you would be so out of touch with reality at 25 unless you have rich ass parents with good connections.
I don't. I have an education and know I'm worth more than 50k a year. Most non-impoverished people would tell you the same.

>> No.5377440

Interesting that you trust crypto so little. I guess from a "you've already made it, why risk anything at all" perspective, you have a point.

Any examples of these variety of assets you'd get in to? Talking like, index funds?

>> No.5377681

Yea I mean a diversified portfolio of stocks that gets rid of the firm specific risk, as well as bonds which will perform better in times of economic retraction, then on top of that, property and if you still have money left over, art.
It's not that I dont trust crypto bit I certainly wouldn't trust it with my entire livelihood, I see no problem keeping a 5th of my net worth in it

>> No.5378174

Cool, thanks man.
I'll toss you 10 bucks worth of your crypto of choice from binance if you throw an address.

>> No.5378205

Inherit some money and invest it into dividend stocks. Thats basically what im going to do.

>> No.5378549

No problem man
ETH would be nice


>> No.5378713

heres hoping you wont have to

>> No.5378918

>5k bike
>0$ salary
>expects to retire before working
please end it all

>> No.5379094

I enjoy living and I'm sure there are ways to get automated income from starting businesses, especially e-commerce stuff. I rode from Vancouver to Halifax last summer on my bike and spent like 500$ total from staying in provincial parks. I do like 30km/day, never owned a car and don't plan to so my expenses are pretty low. I can design my own PCBs and ASICs as well and already wrote a trading bot for binance. If worse comes to worse I can try and get a job in some foreign country so I can at least have a fun and interesting experience rather than some 9-5 wagie stuff.

>> No.5379556

Just bought 20k BZC, who cares, maybe it'll get to the normies.

>> No.5379575
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33 bucks


20k cash
96k crypto
50k 401 (k)

200k mortgage

Just starting to dabble in altcoins I bought btc and eth cheap but not enough. Any reason I shouldn't be a millionaire?

>> No.5379698
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>Net worth
$10k in crypto
$15k in stocks/401k/IRA
$13k car
$5k cash maximum

I recently got my new job which pays a shitload more than my past one, so my goal is to save at least half my money. Assuming I manage this, and I make 11% in gains a year, I should be able to retire at 35

>worried gf will want kids and all my wealth will vanish

>> No.5379843

26 and retiring next year.

>68k after tax from job.
>35k from rental properties.
>zero debt.
>save 95% of my income per year (I live at home)
>86k in BTC and ETH.
>60k in stocks
>20k in a savings account for emergency.
>car worth around 20k
>no gf or kids, and enjoy the hermit lifestyle.

Feels good man.

>> No.5379885

Unless you go all in crypto or start a successful business you will be wave cuck working till you die

>> No.5379896

What does what you are "worth" have to do with anything? That's retarded.

Also "college educated" meme. Fucking so many college educated people, seriously this isn't the 80s, you aren't special for getting a degree. A degree is the bare minimum these days to make what a boomer would have made without a degreee.

>> No.5379987

I want to play too.


$95k + potential 15k bonus

>Net Worth
$2.5k savings
$50k in retirement fund
$100k in crypto mainly LINK and DRGN
$117k 1 bedroom apartment
$8k car

$127k Mortgage
$5k student debt
$12k credit card debt (0% interest rollover)

LINK will set me up before I reach 35.

>> No.5379993
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>$10k emergency fund
>0 Ark

This IS an emergency. Board the ark now while you still can. Save yourself from the 40 days and 40 nights torrential downpour of normie tears when Bitcoin crashes.

>> No.5380032

What age can I retire /biz/?

Only about 30k per year (used to be 75k but got fired from that job)

Net Worth
>$110k all made this year alone in crypto
>$15k car (paid off)
>$4,500 in Roth IRA

No debt.

What year can I realistically retire, especially if I keep trying to trade crypto like this? I get that my crypto gains aren't sustainable but still.

>> No.5380049
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>23 point five

Get on my level wagecucks

>> No.5380060

$60k car
$400k home
$2k crypto
$5k savings
$20k student loans
15% per pay period

My goal is to never retire, is this feasible?

>> No.5380106

I'm actually surprised by how fortunate I seem to be to have no debt and about 129k to my name now.

But it just hurts that I was fired.

Also I should include that I live in a fully paid off house that I own with my wife. I didn't include that in my net worth.

So with that in mind, when can I retire, seriously?

>> No.5380150

Why would anyone want to stop working? You'd just sit at home all day masturbating for years on end.

>> No.5380156


Why did you get fired?

>> No.5380182

Depends on how you want to live dude. If you have a house paid off you just need to cover monthly expenses, calculate that and figure out how much you'd need. YOu would also have to estimate health costs since when you get older, shit is going to be wrong with you. Still, what guy would want to retire so early in life. Go work you faggot and put what you earn to get more money.

>> No.5380213

If you've got money, no, there's tons of stuff to do. Cut out the media, cut out the computer stuff, travel to a foreign country for a few months and learn the language, learn whatever their national hobbies are like MMA or meet people there to go hiking, bike riding, play sports, learn to cook their cuisine, enjoy the nature and get to understand the people. Then find a new country and repeat, there's endless things to learn and discover and it's much better than being a salaryman.

>> No.5380225 [DELETED] 
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>>Net Worth
>20 Ark
>Forza Motorsport 3 game


I guess Im closer than most of you

>> No.5380269
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>>Net Worth
20 ark
Forza Motorsport 3 game


Im ahead compared to most

>> No.5380326

They said they ran out of projects that would arrive at the office for the foreseeable future so my "salary will no longer be justifiable." It hurt because I was doing everything I could to try and make myself useful but they just didn't need me (too inexperienced for the big projects and no new projects for a whole year apparently).
All I want is to retire and kind of backpack around and travel on a shoestring budget while still having a "home base" that I can always go back to. So I guess I just need to go figure out how much that is.

>Who would want to retire so young
I genuinely think working for the majority of one's life is a mistake. Not to sound weirdly hedonistic, but I want to make as much money as I can and then live cheaply without ever having to work for the rest of my life doing odd jobs, even labor jobs, on and off and having fun gaining new experiences without the pressure.

I want money to alleviate all the pressure in my life, basically, that will allow me to basically just go out and experience as much as possible for as little as possible without worrying about maintaining a fragile career or networking my way to the top of some company. That's what's most important to me.

>> No.5380371

What are you, a woman? Or you work at a job you hate? Like you don't have aspirations my dude.

>> No.5380383

>3k in crypto
>36k car (25k paid off)
>100k in savings account
>7k in 401k
>no debt

>> No.5380403

>200k business net income

>> No.5380406

>backpack around and travel
What the fuck is wrong with you girls.

>> No.5380417

well I don't work and don't really want to, see >>5376816
If you had financial freedom would you still do whatever job you're doing without getting paid? If you would, that's great, that's your vocation. I can't think of any jobs that I can get that I would do without pay, except maybe being an athlete and I don't think I'm good enough. I'd rather spend life learning and enjoying other people and nature than working for someone else. What aspirations do you need?

>> No.5380420

The way I see it, really, my 110k now at 22 with no debt is about enough to conservatively invest now and retire modestly by age 65 without any new contributions. Not wealthy, but modestly retire.

So by investing that money now and letting it accumulate (I'm still trading crypto but after this I mean, assuming I don't fall below 100k here), I feel like I've "bought" my life after 65 already.

That means all I have to do is fill in the gap between now and 65 and any money saved along the way only lowers 65 closer to 22, but effectively I can spend each paycheck in full if I want and know I'll still be able to retire, but spending my money along the way only lengthens that time (up to a possible 65).

Now the ideal goal for me is remove that gap completely but I like knowing it's there, like I've "bought" that part of my life already.

>> No.5380465

I'm not a girl. I want to go help my wife's family on their farm in a foreign country for fun, to take on a bunch of part time jobs abroad and not be afraid to quit and move on when the time comes, to keep on backpacking around SEA and meeting people and not worrying about a career.

I hated my desk job because it was mind-numbing despite paying well.

>> No.5380498
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30 x your living expenses. 35 x to be safe.

Alternatively, when you can draw 3-4% of your portfolio each year to cover living expenses, it should last forever without depletion.

Google Firecalc and plug in some numbers for more.

>> No.5380528

I pity people who don't work, you'd probably hang yourself.
Than you should create mock budgets and try working with them now to see if you'll be comfortable with it in the future and you'll figure out how much money you'll need to retire at 65 in good shape. I still think people should work when they are 65, you'd get bored traveling.
Farm life is cool, you don't need a lot of money to do what you're saying, so why don't you do it right now and return to work later in life when you're less able to perform manual labor or jump around?

>> No.5380546

What's the value in working?

>> No.5380569

"working sounds like a waste of life"
if you hate your job, yes.

i want to retire as early as i can too, thats the dream right?

>> No.5380597

Improvement and the continuation of _____ - depending on what you're doing and how that'll influence it. That's how we are here in the first place.

>> No.5380602
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>30 x your living expenses. 35 x to be safe
>30 x ~$7k

So you're saying all I need to do is earn $210-$250k and I can retire? Sounds doable. What about beating inflation though? I mean, wouldn't I need like a million bucks for all that to scale over the next 50 years or however it is Im gonna live.

Paul walkering myself sounds like a good alternative though. It's getting expensive to stay alive these days and life insurance can pay good money if you get a good plan.

But I still haven't fallen for dog's insurance meme anyway.

>> No.5380615

Well even if you like your job, is it really your dream? Would you really do it if you weren't getting paid? I can think of jobs that would be bearable, most of them really, but nothing worth spending the majority of my life on.

>> No.5380647
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Do you mean to say contributions to the world can't come without being a salaryman? Saying your service of working is a bigger contribution than what I can do purely voluntary is pretty silly.

>> No.5380679

We all start from the bottom. The accumulation of their efforts bring about a bigger contribution than one would traveling and backpacking.

>> No.5380680


In theory, yeah. $7k annually are very low expenses. You may want to build in an extra safety margin assuming expenses could rise someday due to boredom, health issues, family, etc.

>> No.5380692

All that shit sounds gay as fuck for normies or women.

>> No.5380711

Right? It sounds gay to me too.

>> No.5380783

There's nothing to say my service through churches where I'm traveling won't have a much bigger impact than a pencil pusher trying to save for retirement. What value do you place on contributions? Contributing to the economy wherever your from may not help anyone who needs it at all, while the 20 000$ I spend on a panama reforestation visa may save the plant that cures cancer. My contribution would be infinitely bigger than the salaryman's although he was working all his life. Trying to compare contributions by using this chain think is silly as you have no idea the impact of your work or of my service and contributions would do. That's not even including the economic contributions I would have to have made from starting my own businesses to create the automated income to live a financially free lifestyle. Attaching your contribution to humanity by the amount of hours you work is just plain stupid.

>> No.5380794
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I am too lazy to check if I tagged the right people, but do you somehow *not* like sitting home all day and jacking off playing video games and trolling internet forums?

Its great

>> No.5380844

Good for you, you can have your goals in life as well. Working for the sake of working is just one of the worst ones you can choose.

>> No.5380847

I'd rather build something.

>> No.5380866

I've been there and it gets tiresome dude. >>5380783
Pencil pushers in NGOs can forward money towards grants that allow reforestation efforts. Donations from salary men help fund botanists who go out and can actually discover those plants that can become new drugs. You don't value what you're doing and you think escaping will solve it. That's a mistake.

>> No.5380901

The collection of things you posted doesn't actually seem like a goal in life, just a list of hedonistic activities that are socially acceptable to post on facebook.

>> No.5380905

But the donation from the salaryman has nothing to do with the work of the salaryman himself. Donations are donations, they can come from a NEET and have the same affect. You need to tell me how working for the sake of working provides a contribution greater than voluntary service or your argument makes no sense.

>> No.5380910
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I would like to build some mining rigs. Just to screw around with hardware. Man that would be sweet. I suppose you wouldnt be interested in that?

Id love to have a wee rig out in the garage, have some classic GTX 295s out there, goddamn run that shit, taking temperature scans and shit. But I dont know anything about software.

GTX 295s have really held their value over the past 10 years too.

I like to collect pictures graphics cards. One day I might be able to afford collecting them for real. Here is my prize GTX 295 picture. Print one out and put it up on your wall for inspiration man.

We are all going to make it

>> No.5380926

>12k in Roth
>5k in crypto

Jesus first time browsing this board and I feel like a fucking NEET by comparison. Nobody else I know even has a Roth

>> No.5380956

The lifestyle of freedom where I can always be learning and making friends is the goal, not owning a material item, that itself doesn't bring any happiness. I want a family and some cute kids I can raise in the name of Jesus as well, if you care.

>> No.5380974

Donations are funneled and there are people that decide what to do with those donations, usually a board or it's diverted to higher ups, who are also influenced by their own employees. I work at a non profit

>> No.5380993
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The fact of the matter is my friend, you don't value what you're doing and you think that the monetary influence of funding other people's endeavors will solve it.

It sounds like you are lying to yourself. You want to be the botanist, not the financier.

Follow your dreams while you still can. There is hope for us all yet.

Here is another of my gems of my collections, a r9 290 tri-x oc. I am not a fan of the 290x.

>> No.5381015


If you dont want to get as fucked by taxes consider establishing an LLC that "Manages Blockchain Assets" or something similar.

corporate tax rate is less than than capital gains tax for an individual

it would also provide proof of income to creditors

>> No.5381050

Great, you work at a non-profit, I'm sure you do great things. But how is your contribution greater than someone who doesn't work and actually makes a donation? or specifically goes out and helps build houses in tsunami relief?

>> No.5381071
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300k savings in stocks
NEET at 25 with mental issues but an engineering degree, probably making 50-60K when I fix em
Going to inherit 2m home but can't sell it because I want to stay here
Going to inherit 500k second property but don't know if will sell or rent.

What do you think guys? I'm thinking retire at 50?

>> No.5381138

wow what a bigot. this is cultural appropriation.

>> No.5381142

>140k per year
>30k cash
>65k in crypto
>10k in stocks
>54k in 401k
>80k student loans (graduated with 165k)

been working for 2.5 years
thinking about going all in for 2018. if i win, fuck yeah. if lose, i'll just continue working.

>> No.5381148

Fundraising gets people who wouldn't normally contribute, to contribute. It's effectively creating a cry for a cause and having people funnel money towards it. Great that you can contribute or someone who doesn't work can contribute (government funding I guess), but without a pathway or voice, you probably wouldn't know enough to care or send it directly imo.

>> No.5381185

Well I'm not saying that you can't contribute by being a wagie, that's possible as well. Your argument was that without working you can't contribute which just doesn't make sense, I definitely can and even much more than a salaryman.

>> No.5381191

>80k student loans (graduated with 165k)
yikes man, what did you study?

>> No.5381284

i became a pharmacist. school tuition was like 35k a year.

>> No.5381759

What are you, some kind of European?

>> No.5381850


>> No.5382748
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This is a good thread, please stay alive

>> No.5382792

lol im also a pharmacist. how long have u been working? its saturated as fuck now