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53801933 No.53801933 [Reply] [Original]

>interest rates are now 7% at only slightly lower house prices
What's with this "don't buy a house" psyop going around? Any interest rate above 6% is barely affordable

>> No.53801959

dude in two weeks there'll be a crash like you've never seen. We'll be picking up mansions for fun. Get your cash ready, in two weeks you can be the owner of houses that right now are 20x too expensive for you.
And when the vaxxies die, well then it's going to really kick off. And don't forget about the La Palma vulcano two weeks after that... We're going to be feasting, boys

>> No.53801997

>2 weeks pass
>10% interest rates
>paying almost 1 million dollars for 200k houses

>> No.53802004

jealous rentcuck cope

>> No.53802009

interest rate is kind of a meme
buy at 6% if you want, refinance when it goes down. and yes, it's gonna go down

>> No.53802016

do you seriously expect prices to drop by fifty percent or something in a year? sometimes I wonder if some posters here even border on the room temp iq

>> No.53802029

What makes you think now is the time to buy tho?

Best moment to buy is at the bottom after the fed decides to lower interest rates

>> No.53802078

The best time to buy is when you need somewhere to live.

>> No.53802119

Spot on. If you need a house, then buy one. If you want to speculate, then there is a market that opens up at 9:30 EST. Laughable how many real estate moguls are on biz now.

>> No.53802140
File: 125 KB, 1024x702, E64EFA59-1EFD-4DAD-A56A-2B60BCFBD05E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"don't buy a house" psyop
You didn’t fall for it did you anon? I locked in a 2 story home at a generational interest rate bottom in 2021. I hope anons here didn’t get filtered.

>> No.53802203

> he listened to 18 year olds on this board for financial advice

The best time to buy a house was yesterday. You need a place to live, stop treating a home as if it’s some sort of investment, that’s Jewish thinking. A home is a place to build a family and something to give to your kids. What you pay for it is irrelevant as the property should remain in your family forever

>> No.53802236 [DELETED] 
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>that's jewish thinking
>makes a jewish thinking post

>> No.53802252

just 2 more weeks lmfao you fags have been saying this since before my brother bought a house last year and I'm in the fucking dust

>> No.53802266


interest rate is not a problem but prices are. the prices right now have not corrected much. real estate moves much slower than other markets. prices will continue to go down. not forever, but they haven't reached bottom yet. you can do a simple payment calculator. is the payment near what it was when the rate was at 3%? if the answer is nowhere near, then the prices has not fallen appropriately. no one should be buying a house that has a 4k/mo mortgage payment @ 7% when it was 2k/mo @ 3%. maybe at 2.5k or something it'll be around where it should be

>> No.53802564

>> *time passes*
>> I have 10 bitcoin that go up a lot more than houses
>> I just move around and rent forever!

>> No.53802577


>> No.53803456

People running out to buy a house right now are only fueling the market and digging themselves a huge hole.
I'm not talking about anyone that got a low interest rate. If you have a high interest rate and you're payments are extremely high. One bump in your income can mess up the entire house of cards. Sure if you can afford it go ahead. But don't listen to these daddy's money or people that can make large down payments. Unless you're willing to "house hack" and rent out rooms to strangers and share 2 fucking bathrooms, It's a bad time

>> No.53804589

Really don't know but they can't take responsibility for being wrong so tell them to stfu by saying as such.

>> No.53804642

doesn't understand how prices are set

>> No.53804915
File: 157 KB, 1088x652, real estate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Home prices are down 10% and rates have made monthly payments increase 40% which is why it's way overpriced right now.

>> No.53804927

You should be making offers on properties in East Palestine Ohio right now.

>> No.53804935
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I will NEVER get a mortgage. I either buy a home in cash or I don't want it and it will be after you foreclose

>> No.53804951
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Depends on the part of the country. Midwest isn't seeing much of a correction at all because prices weren't ridiculous compared to their income. West coast on the other hand has people down 30% from the peak.

Fed isn't planning on dropping rates until there's an actual crash like 2000, 2008, or the COVID dip.

>> No.53804954

You can refinance later at a lower rate, you can't buy again at a lower price.

>> No.53804959

is making a large down payment a worthwhile endeavor? i'm young and living cheap, and currently don't have any debt and I'm not really in a hurry to get my own house

>> No.53804986
File: 39 KB, 826x324, usda rates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's why you're frog posting and homeless.

USDA rates are 4% right now and Treasury Bills are over 5%. Net profit if you take a mortgage out and dump your money into Treasury Bills instead.

Had a friend who paid off his mortgage in the summer of 2021 when rates were 2.75%. Absolute moron.

>> No.53805016

I couldn't care less. Homes will go down. I'm mot buying the peak, faggot salesman

>> No.53805034

also retard, crypto will be entering a bull market soon. I'm not spoon-feeding you as to why, but it will VASTLY outperform real estate anyways. Only a retard wouldn't be highly focused in crypto right now

>> No.53805046
File: 146 KB, 1229x719, home prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right now is the peak

Zero market knowledge to accompany zero financial literacy.

Thank you for renting.

>> No.53805053

Your neighbors dead it looks like, or at least losing his job. How much for the house

>> No.53805078

Retard, people are swimming in debt and only getting pressured harder which is a recipe for foreclosures. What you're looking at will mot determine how real estate will look like 1-5 years from now. And again, retardo, crypto in a bull market > all other markets. That's an empirical fact. Why the fuck would I be throwing money i to anything that will yield shittier rois while also being in overbought territories? Even IF real estate didn't crash, crypto would STILL outperform it by multipliers. You're a fucking moron

>> No.53805152

>Why the fuck would I be throwing money i to anything that will yield shittier rois while also being in overbought territories?

That was literally my question as to why you would pay for a house in cash, LMAO.

>> No.53805234

>That was literally my question as to why you would pay for a house in cash
1. Waiting for the inevitable crash
2. If markets remain jewish, I'm going to Brazil to get some Portuguese pussy and real estate is more reasonable there anyways
3. I simply don't like debt so I'll never get a mortgage. A home to me isn't an investment. It's retarded that it's traded as such. It's a place to live in and nothing more and I want to scoop a cheap dip and then treat it like it's worth 0

>> No.53805422

Don't you pay over 300k in interest payments if you actually pay off a mortgage? That's such a huge waste of money if you live in it, compared to not paying at all.

>> No.53805424

What if there's a housing bust also? Take a mortgage on 500k home at 6% go to refinance at 4% home is only worth 350k now what do

>> No.53805433

They’ll go down low in the summer

>> No.53805768
File: 5 KB, 226x223, 16497783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah i don't get the whole "don't buy a house" psyop. Isn't this supposed to be an investment and bizness? What the fuck, everyone's main goal should be to have a stable roof above their heads. I've had enough money made from DEXT's collection of gems (you can invest on their page) that would allow me to sustain a good house and i know the average biztard invests by DCAing on coins, so there is literally no reason why people should not have a house or a plan to buy one at least

>> No.53805796

To be honest, just buy a house when you need one. It doesn't matter when. Sure it's better to start stacking equity earlier, but if you want a house now and can afford it just buy one. Worst case scenario we crash 25% and you can't move for like 2 years

>> No.53805802

Live there until in profit, take the haircut, or rope

>> No.53806041

the real psyops is trying to get people to buy the top

>> No.53806283

Run an Amortization Calculator and find out. Compare interest paid + property taxes + insurance to rent. If the house will rent for less than the mortgage payment then buy it. You can always walk away from the place and have some retard rent it out from you.

Rates are the highest they've been in 15 years, the only loan I would recommend taking out is a USDA loan where you put 0% down and can get a 4% rate. Both interest and property tax are tax deduct-able. Rent is not.

>> No.53806302

>put 0% down and can get a 4% rate
i'm not poor enough to qualify

>> No.53806628

Buut Anon rates are historically low still. I remember paying guess how much interest when I was your age?
Fifteen 15%!

>> No.53806644

i would never purchase anything with a 15% interest rate unless the price of the house was cut in half