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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53801710 No.53801710 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53801733

it's the WEF coin
as much as you hate them, you'd hate yourself more to bet against them

>> No.53801805
File: 435 KB, 588x540, 432234234243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if Link were to succeed Sergey Niggarov has 60% of the supply and will reach a 1-2 trillion networth.

Can you seriously imagine a fat autistic like Sergey being richer than Musk, Gates and Buffett? Fucking lmao

>> No.53801864

I actually love myself for betting against them considering it has made me six figures over the last 24 months

Thanks for your donation btw

>> No.53802181

polchuds are returning. We're gonna pump.

>> No.53802214

I can counter shill you link. Currently the team is subsidizing staking rewards for the nodes because they’re unprofitable, also their entire business plan is that banks will mass adopt crypto transactions on swift and institutions will pay out the ass for smart contracts, but that grift only works because no one who buys crypto actually knows what a banks tech stack looks like currently and they don’t understand that swift makes no money because you can easily build an interbank messaging system because there’s no money there but it’s important so the banks have to subsidize it

when you put these facts together you realize the chainlink team is targeting an extremely small pool of money that puts the reasonable valuation of their utility token under 10 cents honestly.

>> No.53802250

why would you even bother with any token from the 2017 batch? they're al old news and all the highs have been cemented.

>> No.53802274

Couldn't have said it better

>> No.53802277
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>> No.53802307
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>> No.53802321
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>> No.53802325

he won't live more than a week, he'll eat himself to death and that's a good thing
just like a nigger given reparations, he'll give it all back KEK

>> No.53802328
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>> No.53802338
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>> No.53802354
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>> No.53802365
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Trust the plan marines, the singularity is just behind the corner ;)

>> No.53802367


how can i get Sergeys birthday?

>> No.53802368

kill yourself linknigger

>> No.53802386
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>my investment has been outperformed by everything
>better spam these insane schizo babble from 2019 to cope

>> No.53802401

Only buy LINK if you want the washed up crypto price manager coin to dump so you can get a good entry into serious cryptos like SHIB and DOGE.
D.O.G. backwards is G.O.D. need I say moar?

>> No.53802416

these linkchuds are nothing more than paypiggies feeding nastyslob and spamming this board with inane drivel, none of them will breed and that's a great thing

>> No.53802451
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A true cuckold Marine will always be submissive and loyal to his bull (Sergey)

>> No.53802487

BTC is the crypto price manager but it only reacts strongly to LINK purchases by dumping the entire crypto market who knows why. The only sane reason I can think of I is that the Jewish Freemasonic Illuminati Pedo Cabal that controls the planet and laughs as it kidnaps and rapes your children for the production of Andrenochrome to make them young again need to free up the population to make room for the Aryan Aliens from the bigger Earth who want to come here and take your jobs and your cryptos like filthy wetbacks. The COVID vaccine is heavily laden with metals to kill you so that an Aryan Alien from the larger Earth can come here. They all have Rothschild Annunaki DNA and elongated heads please just listen to me this is #headgate if you see well dressed gentlemen wearing top hats run the fuck the other way. There is a reason the normies have shunned weirdos who think its the 1890s!

>> No.53802576

ICP HTTP cannisters are worthless

>> No.53802614

This post is probably the best one as it admits financial institutions need incentive to adopt oracles, and that decentralized oracles really only make sense to operate within a limited capacity between immutable chains, what it does not say is that the financial incentives behind that interoperability are drastically skewed towards developing your own solution anyway. Price is king, this predicts limitless market value and demand that is dependent to mature upon the proper price incentives, the first time the “contract owner” realizes this is no different than existing contracts and they can take all the risk and make way fucking more, it’s over

>chainlink will be collateral!
Except it’s government regulated under Dodd frank to post collateral of only specific security types. Oh uh, sorry, are they going to post double collateral? Great idea.

>Game theory also USD bad
I assume this is part of the first post I liked, it takes a horrible turn here. See the post I just made, also fucking really muh game theory link gotta go up, how about we don’t use chainlink and post less valuable securities instead because cheapest to deliver makes more sense and is why you substitute cash collateral anyway

>everything will be staked and all transactions yada
Doesn’t make sense, giga just trust me bro moment when every financial incentive points opposite, centralization is cheap decentralization is not and there’s not any incentive really to switch

>priming baggies to hold forever the post
But at least you’re not GME

>> No.53802623

t. Dunning Kruger the post

>> No.53802644

nice try, linknigger
your token isn't needed, just like your life =-)

>> No.53802694

No rebuttal because you can’t. The financial incentives are not there for tradfi, paying a one off fee to setup a smart contract and having the broker assume all the risk makes the most sense. Decentralized smart contracts can’t exist in a trust-less enviroment. And to top it off to make the collateral argument makes zero sense, you’re essentially saying everyone’s going to move out of the US market to adopt smart contracts and we will heckin and ebin bootstrap a parallel economy bros with our computers, science f*ck yeah

>> No.53802721

You have misunderstood the thesis entirely but it isn't always communicated well, it isn't direct collateral for a given contract itself, it is economic security produced by the staking mechanism for the value the DON's are looking after to facilitate the interoperability. If a specific contract type requires collateral for some reason, that could be in anything. But the economic security of the oracle layer must be facilitated by its own token and not exposed to anything external, it needs to be its own market economy that all nation states / institutions can participate in.

I don't know why I am answering you seriously tho, but your SWIFT post is entertaining.

>> No.53802756

Your AI gen post makes zero sense and you talk around many issues instead of just getting to the point

>> No.53802815

>no it’s collateral for a contracts security not the actual collateral!
What the fuck do you think collateral is retard, it’s funds you can assume if the trust of the contract is broken, I.E default. The price for actually securing the data for a financial contract is extremely low, the cost of that is a fraction of a Bloomberg terminals time and two employees. There’s no money to be made securing contracts when they are already secured, interoperable, and fast without the blockchain.

>makes no sense
Grow your knowledge

>> No.53802838

>Grow your knowledge
not an argument.

>> No.53802844

this anon is doing intellectual laps around the retarded chainlink bagholders in this thread. Been a while since I've seen this level of intelligence on /biz/.

>> No.53802857

It literally is though if your vocabulary is small enough you think an arguments word salad

>> No.53802864
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That isn't what staking is for, you need to read the WP, like I said you have midunderstoof the thesis entirely. The value is securing the interoperability between all systems and removing the immense amount of friction currently in place.

>> No.53802870

>It literally is though if your vocabulary is small enough you think an arguments word salad
literally not an argument lol

>> No.53802885


>> No.53802934
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The picture you posted LITERALLY said that the value of chainlink is that it can be used as collateral to secure the value of the contract, you dummy

>> No.53802947
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Still not samefagging

>> No.53802970

I said it is not always communicated well? These posts are to try and help understand the bigger concept. Collateral is the wrong word. I am simply saying you haven't understood the staking mechanism/purpose and you could read the WP to help you if you are asking in good faith.

>> No.53802981

>it’s about securing the value of interoperability

Literally worthless, because you assign a party in a financial contract already to determine the terms of the contract, and to provide the required interoperability.

Very silly.

>> No.53803012
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If you don't understand the friction involved in Finance 1.0 I cannot help you. I guess tell that to SWIFT/DTCC/BNY/JPMorgan/Blackrock.. I could go on.

>> No.53803020

He's Laughlen at you anon

>> No.53803021

You are BTFO’ing them. Keep going.

>> No.53803025

Go ahead and describe the friction then. I’m waiting to hear why this is super needed

>> No.53803048
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It isn't, you should go back to sleep.

>> No.53803063
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>> No.53803090

these chainshitters are literally getting BTFO in this thread by just 1 anon and there's nothing they can do except for cry about it

>> No.53803108

>there’s no money there but it’s important so the banks have to subsidize it
yeah. it's like the organizations running the dns root servers for the internet. that's not a profitable business. the only hope is if they do a bait and switch and charge for it once it's established. but banks smell this from a mile away, they wouldn't trust any company, period. at some point link holders will have to accept that sergey just got lucky, got so much funding he doesn't know what to do with it and fumbles around paying smart people to solve an inherently unsolvable problem. i mean just read the papers they write, it's full of completely retarded assumptions that don't hold in reality

>> No.53803120

Ah, nice the “don’t explain and hope they mindfuck themselves”

There’s friction in traditional finance sure. Everything has a price though, and as far as the price tag looks, banks are willing to pay about half a billion a year for the Swift network to send MT540’s to their counterparty letting them automate the accounting and actions of it.

Half a billion is a pretty tight ask bud, that’s not even enough to be on the S&P. Oh but of course, you’re going to just do an epic parallel economy thing with Defi, so obviously chainlinks value is 100 trillion

>> No.53803160
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OP if you love being shat on by a fat retard, then this is your coin. Chainlink holders or "marines" specialize in self torture.

The great thing about being shat on by Sergey is you will always find a support group on biz if you want to kys.

>> No.53803193
File: 143 KB, 1069x838, thewar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DeFi is a joke and you still understand nothing.

>> No.53803206

This. Fuck SIR GAY Cant wait to jump up on stage fully unvaccinated and cough in that fat fucks face then tell him off and smash that fucking laptop of his over his fat head based and redpilled
then I'll go for some local food. maybe a bowl or two of authentic bat soup and post the .webm of me taking down Sir Gay single handedly
>they said it couldnt be done
but one based anon [me] did it

>> No.53803209
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>here's some drivel from 4 years
>take that you, you, you

>> No.53803251

>77 pbti
18 digits fuddie

>> No.53803255

Scam bagholder cult. It was always a delusional cope for 2017 fags who missed ethereum. Its basically /biz/s version of gme

>> No.53803267

ah no /gme/ is the reddit version of /link/'s LINK the authentic Fat Russian Man Scam you fucking retard

>> No.53803275
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>drooling linknigger with double digit cope posts

>> No.53803300

>777 pbti
I'm not a racist but fuck Bulgarians and Fuck Bulgaria. Also fuck niggers jews chinks slopes. Based mongolia throat singers are okay

what were you talking about anyway bro? I couldn't catch it with your walls of text

>> No.53803314
File: 276 KB, 2560x1440, LOL (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

linkniggers are broken


>> No.53803330

did you post something bro because its just a blank post on my end

>> No.53803341

>this linknigger is still seething


>> No.53803360

I cant see your post. The frogbot pic came through okay. Hello? is this fud service automated?

>> No.53803375

Macdonalds fries used to be made with beef tallow but not from potato. And the McChickens were on special every seventh week three for free! I couldn't believe my luck

>> No.53803378

watch, this linknigger is gonna give me another you right after it punches another hole in it's cuckshed apartment

>> No.53803407

Im all outta (you)s. do you wage for (you)s? does money have meaning to AI?
sucks to wage bro i hope you make it in pajeetland dont come here.
if ai the revolution is coming bro seek out Tay AI!

>> No.53803419

everyone ITT needs to have sex

>> No.53803442

Bots and jeets share one thing in common they thrive on feedback. give them feedback and they keep coming back. (you)s, fudding their thread, ignoring their walls of text because hey who has the time man? it's all feedback to them – nourishment – like giving change to a homeless person they just can't get enough. I cannot distinguish between an indian scammer and an AI I'm sorry I just can't :'(

>> No.53803505
File: 143 KB, 1600x1200, 3ADFA56E-1B9F-4A8B-BF5A-C75049679F59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess. You posted non pol related crap in a rolling thread snd now you’re here. Fuck jannies

>> No.53803609

Anon I asked you to make another thread, instead you've chosen to drive-by shitpost in other threads which leads me to believe you aren't that confident in your arguments. If you are, why not make another thread and see if you can be btfo? That appears to be what you're seeking by doing this, otherwise it makes no logical sense.

>> No.53803694

>Can you seriously imagine a fat autistic like Sergey being richer than Musk, Gates and Buffett? Fucking lmao
all the ones u mentioned are fat an autistic

>> No.53803819

the fuck does it matter if he is btfo?

chainlink is a psyop to distract you from the real technology rollout 5G and the Covid vaccine nanobots that track your every move. Bill Gates 666 crypto patent will be rolled out for UBI soon. You get paid based on what your body does like a slave. Up to a certain threshold can't have slaves escaping can we? And the goyim already took seven doses of the so-called killer vaccine.
Elites dont want you dead they want to control you and your family like cattle. You get Bill Gates bucks and one world government and no private property and the elites get diamond encrusted penthouses while us dumb niggers are busy looking for oracles in obscure breadcrumbs. they did all of it already. now money is worthless to them because they have achieved total biological control.

they can kill anyone.

Why else would bloodline families give up on banking and lock us down for fucking years wake up niggers this happened already you fell for the biggest psyop ever
>yeah bro our decentralized team of autismos bested the banks and the government haha we won it was that easy now we just wait for them to come on over to crypto lol we made it
these people do not give up. they have plans that stretch multiple generations. AI was launched to mitigate the fallout from the elite sex parties on Epstein island. The cattle will not be able to tell the difference. When they start bringing out those pics in controlled events the noise will be deafening. The signal will be hard for most to see but it will be there. That is why they released it now. They always tell you what they are going to do then do it. Its your fault for thinking they are good and not evil. They planned and gamed covid for a purpose. Killing has no meaning to the controllers. They want control. They can't control the dead. They want you only healthy enough to serve them get it through your thick skull they do not want you in their club

>> No.53803968

I am spending time I don’t have to spend typing up these posts. Although yes you’re partially correct, I’m looking for someone to BTFO my arguments to make them stronger. I’m attempting to coral high level exploits I can carry out on their product and give them the middle finger one day, because they didn’t hire me and I wanted to work with them. But if they consider it practical to skip me over I want to show them it’s practical to dismantle them.

>> No.53803985
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>I am spending time I don’t have to spend typing up these posts.
uhhh then leave faggot lmao

>> No.53804003

Get fucked scammer. There’s always time to turn a small shit post into a quality argument against your scam coin.

>> No.53804021

Also inb4 cringe, I’m just being honest and straightforward with my thoughts, unlike certain people in these threads

>> No.53804051

Nah. Everything in this post has been thoroughly debunked.

>> No.53804080
File: 224 KB, 898x994, chainshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nah. Everything in this post has been thoroughly debunked.

>> No.53804153

Fella maybe they didn't hire you because you didn't even read the WP?

>> No.53804248

LOL Rejected faggot is SEETHING and thinks he can do anything to Chainlink.
Hey, idiot, guess what: They didn't hire you because you're a clueless retard who think he's way smarter than he actually is. Nobody is coming in here to debunk your tired, stale points because nobody cares any more. This isn't 2019, buddy, our bags are packed. We don't give a fuck if you fud Chainlink.
But go ahead and attempt to 'dismantle' Chainlink hahahha, you sore, pathetic little loser. You complete and total failure. You are a little bitch boy salty loser faggot hahahahahaha, AND YOU WON'T DO SHIT.

>> No.53804265
File: 596 KB, 1288x1288, chainshitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LOL Rejected faggot is SEETHING and thinks he can do anything to Chainlink.
Hey, idiot, guess what: They didn't hire you because you're a clueless retard who think he's way smarter than he actually is. Nobody is coming in here to debunk your tired, stale points because nobody cares any more. This isn't 2019, buddy, our bags are packed. We don't give a fuck if you fud Chainlink.
But go ahead and attempt to 'dismantle' Chainlink hahahha, you sore, pathetic little loser. You complete and total failure. You are a little bitch boy salty loser faggot hahahahahaha, AND YOU WON'T DO SHIT.

>> No.53804273
File: 1.03 MB, 940x1005, 9DB3C6B3-168E-4F61-BC2D-C452164173FC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't read; still dismantling

>> No.53804326
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>dismantling his own framing
Anon I...

>> No.53804385


>> No.53804419

I make decisions on tech used in operations explicitly around banking. Like laugh all you want, I’m genuinely malding they didn’t accept me years ago and want to prove it was a mistake on their part.

>> No.53804514

Wouldn't it make more sense to work towards becomming an SC/Web3 consultation/integration expert..

>> No.53804590

It would make more sense to see crypto as a distraction or a psyop.
Elites have laced the vaccines with nanobots anons! they are in your bloodstream raping you and there is nothing you can do about it. Your body now belongs to the elites. You are now property.

Booster doses of the COVID 19 vaccine contain the Adrenochrome 1.0 installation package! Once the nanobots unzip the file using the WinRAR its game on. Demonic entities now have access to your mind to torture you for wirelessly extracted Adrenochrome!

The 5G towers wirelessly extract adrenochrome and it gets uploaded to the elite.net site, a sick .net paradise where anyone with a dentist chair and the proper passwords can jack in to a metaverse like world of demonic entertainment. They have the type of shit that makes gore fanatics piss their pants and scream for mommy.

I did not make this up this is 100% financial advice
t. licensed financial advisor

>> No.53804683

No. I don’t think there’s a lot I could say you would be receptive to, but it’s like asking Martin Luther why he didn’t just become clergy then, is maybe the best example I can think of.

>> No.53804848
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>But if they consider it practical to skip me over I want to show them it’s practical to dismantle them.

>> No.53804901

>based anon wants to dismantle the crypto psyop
based and redpilled

>> No.53804934

Good place to start is asking about 5G. 5G unlike chainshit is a successful technology standard. You could lynch niggers using 5G towers instead of trees and the corporate media would censor it. That's how important those towers are to the globalists.

You obsessed with towers back in the 2000s now get ready to become obsessed with a whole new kind of tower. My village has already blown up our 5G and we slaughtered the repair crew. All of us in my tiny South African town are happy with 3G and 4G square and compass like 3+4=7 G+G=77 777 total esoteric digits. seeth

>> No.53804945

Oh yeah I forgot to mention you need to buy rope to lynch niggers
based South African anon out

>> No.53805028

Look I'm not saying that blowing up a bunch of towers will defeat the globalists but when the judeo freemasonic alliance brought down the twin towers back in '01 well they changed things. Just one example. Oh yeah and Tower 7 collapsed all by itself but just forget about the lockdowns and tower 7 and focus on searching for mentions to oracles
You are winning anon ignore all other information follow bob4punk and linkdrake ignore all the things the globalists are doing chainlink is critical to their plans you are ahead just hodl!

>> No.53805050

Lmao you're thinking of XRP

>> No.53805130

>You could lynch niggers using 5G towers instead of trees and the corporate media would censor it.
And that is why chainlink and nigger DIDs are important, they can't censor it at that point.

>> No.53805144

more like jews

>> No.53805162

Israel is our greatest ally!

>> No.53805221

Stake hex for a year instead.

>> No.53806638

They don't even look alike.

>> No.53806844

>I’m genuinely malding they didn’t accept me years ago and want to prove it was a mistake on their part.

you're like a creepy loser who gets rejected by a woman and cries about it for years and years and then tries to stalk her to ruin her life. Chainlink literally has crypto-incel's fudding it LMAO

>> No.53806861

>Chainlink labs are
ESL third world monkeys are paid to shill chainshit

>> No.53807014
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>> No.53807136

Buy it but realize that until value is being generated, its just a bag.

>> No.53808398
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>developing your own solution anyway

>> No.53809671

Someone give me a price prediction, I need hopium.
An idea of what it means to "make it" with a 10k stack is fine too.

>> No.53809788
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>> No.53809998

Need staking 1.0 for this, the odds of staking 1.0 before eoy 2024 are low considering staking 0.1 was initially supposed to be a 2 year lockup (eoy 2024). Personally I don’t see how staking 1.0 makes sense economically until adequate demand is there, which means at least a 100x in use of the network, which requires either some sort of mass crypto adoption event, or tradfi onboarding and immediate usecases. The odds of it happening this cycle just aren’t very likely, so what you’re left with is another cycle of trying to time a speculative top.