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53803952 No.53803952 [Reply] [Original]

have you ever fallen for a scam?

>> No.53803961

everyone has at one point in their lives.
best to learn your lesson and be more prudent in the future

>> No.53803978

When I was 13 I got scammed in to giving someone my steam password, they posed as Greg Coomer (kek) a Valve employee and threatened to ban me if I didn’t provide it. I was a retard. Got my account back after a few weeks

>> No.53804019

Yes, I gave my friend my Dragon 2h sword on RuneScape in 2006. He wanted to "borrow" it. He logged out once I gave it to him.

>> No.53804022

did you learn your lesson bro?
maybe that help you so from that time you're aware of scams

>> No.53804025

yes, but i learned about parabolic markets from it so it is okay.

>> No.53804038

Yeah I haven’t been scammed since. Even worse is I used to scam people in RuneScape before then so I should have known better. I stole like 5 RuneScape accounts as an 11/12 year old

>> No.53804054

Give me back my fucking Dragon 2h you nigger

>> No.53804059

hopefully you're not scaming people anymore

>> No.53804088
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>give anon my full addy
>goodbye 30k
feels bad man. also lost an abby whip to a scammer

>> No.53804090
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>> No.53804104

Ya I bought chainlink

>> No.53804121
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Yeah i trusted my mother.

>> No.53804131

yes, I fell for one in real life and it was the dumbest gypsy scam ever but I was young and in a foreign country

basically a gypsy dropped a "ring" on the ground right in front of me, instinctively I picked it up and he started yelling at me in gypsy-speak and "forced" me to buy it (in retrospect I could have just dropped it and walked away or even run away with it for free). Gypsies have a weird way of working their scams though, they catch you off guard and target foreigners so I ended up fucking paying 20 euro for a "ring"

I kept the cursed ring for like a decade to remind me of how stupid I was

>> No.53804140

I was scammed on eBay
>be 18 and flipping stuff from estate sales on eBay
>buy Nintendo with dozens of games for $10
>sell online
>sell two of the games for $40
>have few left and decide to throw them in with the two that sold to be a nice guy
>the minute I sent out the parcel the customer canceled the payment
>eBay just let them
>can’t even leave a negative review

This was like a decade ago and I’m still mad

>> No.53804141

Several times, feels bad desu

>> No.53804142

i used to think bitcoin was the future of finance. then i saw the bitcoin 2022 conference in miami kek

>> No.53804161

when I was in Gibraltar I bought a gold chain from a pajeet gold seller and he scammed me by giving me 19 carrat gold when I asked for the highest quality. he also scammed the price. that fckin bastard. i have never gotten scammed online tho

>> No.53804167

but why did you buy it?
so he could stop yelling

>> No.53804196

Put 20 ETH in 2020 into a contract that didn't do anything

>> No.53804210

definitely part of it, so he would stop harassing me, but it's more than that. If you've ever met a gypsy or seen their scams maybe you'd understand

when you're a young foreigner living in a foreign country and don't speak the native language, you're a lot more likely to fall for these retarded scams because you don't understand what the fuck is going on. So when you're confronted about something, you submit. The old gypsy man recognized this immediately, probably because I was wearing a backpack and American clothes. And he got me good

>> No.53804216

I guess if you don't know about gold you should get it from a reputable place
bro stop that

>> No.53804217

Kek, the future of finance

>> No.53804234

>If you've ever met a gypsy or seen their scams maybe you'd understand
never seen that

>> No.53804240
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I purchased GandalfRonPaulCyberPunk1488Niggers (Ticker: CHAINLINK)

>> No.53804259

hopefully you never do

they're magical, like evil scam magic

>> No.53804284

Dude said he’d pay me to drop him off at some sketch hotel while I was in a company vehicle on the clock

I never got my money

>> No.53804306

yes but why did you fall for that?
about crypto, I think I fell for the bitcoin scam because I thought it was something like what monero does
also I didnt know markets were all manipulated

>> No.53804328

I bought BTC at the top because a hat on twitter told me to.

>> No.53804341

sometime ago I bought some brand name glasses. it was on sale...
I received some made in china scam

>> No.53804354

I lost 30k on a dude weed stock being shilled by Gene Simmons. My fault for listening to a kike. A hair metal kike at that.

>> No.53804408

hopefully this time you won't buy coins at the top
specially if you notice something like your granma or your aunt talking about btc
yes, people used to(still) believe whatever rockstars are shilling

>> No.53804645

Letting someone convince me not to kms two years ago. All is suffering.
>Verification not required.

>> No.53804663


>> No.53804729

Transparent monero kiddo detected.

this site is for 18 yrs or older

>> No.53805051
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Got suckered by this chick who tricked me into signing this open-ended contract that lets her take basically every penny I ever earned plus all future money as well. Knew her for 12 years and she tricked me with sex. Fell for it hard. Now the sex is about once a quarter and I am currently laying next to a person with a capacity for grouching and complaining that I never thought possible. Feels bad man. Not picrel, but she’s racing towards it.

>> No.53805065


>> No.53805477

That's not scam faggot! Even the government are buying cryptocurrencies, not just BTC. Even have my DCA on BTC atm and also waiting to bag the new Allianceblock token once the trading starts.

>> No.53806535

many fall for that

>> No.53806690

In middle school I would join the weird roblox games, look for obviously stupid people or kids that had premium memberships, tell them I'd beat the level or win the game for them if they let me log in -> log in, sell everything they owned -> buy my bs collectible for shit tons -> exchange for real money. I made about 6k in a few months before my acc got banned.

>> No.53806698

that is just the future of finance equivalent of flushing money down the toilet

>> No.53807120
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bro i literally saw some dude selling a 'frontrun sniper bot' on enzypt for 2 ETH (eth was like $1k then), so I decided I could do the same skem as him ...
i started selling the bot, got 3 ppl to buy it, and then with 6 eth was like 'hey this might be legit'
so i spent 2 of the 6 eth i made scamming ppl using this dude's literal scam word for word on his scam
i got a fucking txt document reading 'skemmed' in return
i felt so dumb
i fell for my own fucking scam

>> No.53807147

Yes, when I bought Bitcoin

>> No.53807249

Yes, I bought 500 EUR worth of LINK

>> No.53807258


>> No.53807264


>> No.53807340

Bought new bike when I was 8 with my holiday/chores savings. Go to park and white kid asks to try it. Rides around then gives it back. Does the same again a little later. Then never comes back. This is in euroland.

Black guy jumps out of nowhere in touristy area and sprays my shoes. Tells me he’s cleaning them (but they are suede!). Bullies me into paying him for the service.

Buy gold chain from random dude irl. “See there’s the 18k stamp!”. Weeks later the gold fades and it’s all brass.

t. gullible and kind-hearted

>> No.53807409

Yes, threw some money at a dozen rugs or so during summer 2020 shitcoin season, but I knew they might be scams and it was part of the risk. Still frustrating, but made 200x (started with less than 500$) that summer so didn’t beat myself up over it.

>> No.53807620

oh yeah, and forgot about this one:
>Be at work late afternoon, getting ready for dinner. In line to order food. Waiter tells us to wait until after we finish our meal, since we are the last customers, and we can take home extra things.
>Go ahead and take home all the stuff we want. Come home, get email telling that there’s an error. They need to charge us for those extras we took home.
>Go back to restaurant. Told that no one told them we wanted them to put items on our bill, so they can’t do that.
>Call credit card company, say we weren’t informed of any changes to our billing, and ask to reverse the charges.
>Credit card company agrees to reverse charges.

>> No.53807745

Yes, I bought Link.

>> No.53807774
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I was tired one night a few years ago and fell for the Amazon gift card scam. After like an hour on the phone I didn't even understand why I was being told to do stuff so I just hung up. The worst part us that I'm not even a boomer.

>> No.53807794
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Yeah, "Christian Identity". I realized later it was jewish and anti-European.

>> No.53807822

How? These scams are proper retarded.

>> No.53807830
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Every year when I pay taxes.

>> No.53807838
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>> No.53808243

I hope you passed on the genuine product to the 3 people you scammed.

>> No.53808251

>t. pussy
Sorry bro

>> No.53808272

I always fall for the qt asian girl crypto scams

>> No.53808281

Ordered a loaded debit card off the darknet. Was supposed to have like $500 and cost like $50. Never arrived obviously but I thought it was worth a shot since not that much money. The sad part is that those bitcoins actually are worth a lot of money now as it turns out.

>> No.53808338

the real scam with link is that it steals your time looking at embarrassing marketing materials of graphs of numbers unrelated to token price going up

>> No.53808350
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Exactly once, OP. When I was 7 some guy scammed me out of my first set of full rune plate armor in Runescape. It did bother me for a minute, but then I realized: if he can do it so can I. So from then on I studied the art of scamming and social engineering. After learning the main tricks, it became much more difficult to fall for them. Truthfully I owe that guy quite a bit for the inexpensive life lesson.

>> No.53808405

Loads of rugpulls in 2021 when I was throwing 0.1 BNB at every new shitcoin posted on this board

>> No.53808410
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>Trimming Full Rune, 500 gp
He was not trimming it

>> No.53808412

OG rare pepes. There was one that had like "Taylor Swift panties" and such that was advertised on here in 2018 and it was going good for a bit then the guy just deleted his site

>> No.53808650

>be playing RS in elementary school
>all the neighborhood homies play, have some frens idk in real life on it too
>guy says if I give him my password he’ll make me rich
>steals account
>can’t login
>make new account and play a bit but mostly just go ride my bike or do other kid shit instead of RS
>3 months later decide I want to play RS and I want my account back
>submit stolen account report to Jagex along with my security questions
>get account back
>bank is full of raw lobbies and swords
>WC, fishing, smelting all +50 levels
>combat level went from 33 to 99
>full rune, all the quests including the dragon one are done
>scammers friends start messaging me telling me I’m a scammer and to give account back
>block them all and reads my frens, enjoy new account

>> No.53808783 [DELETED] 

Ladyluck, stakenet and linkpool

>> No.53808808

>tfw penny stocks

>> No.53808819

Yeah a fake ICO for some normie staking service. No intention of handing my coins over to anyone to hold hostage staking but I would buy their token at 5 cents and sell in a few years if it took off. It was an all jeet team but I ignored my racism and boughted $100. On launch day to collect tokens the site was gone. Oh well. It just reinforced my racism.

>> No.53808906

yeah I bought a gacha game account

>> No.53808922
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>> No.53810238

i bought chainlink instead of buying BNB, still regret to this day.