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53800772 No.53800772 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a 30yo NEET on gibs who kinda wants to work. I've had several orientation meetings with different companies (my job coach from the gov helped set them up) and I feel such dread every time I go. It's kinda nice to see how companies work, but the culture is so soul-sucking and the work so brainless and useless, I'm starting to feel demoralized again. I can't believe how people do it, I can't comprehend it. But doing nothing all day except going to the gym isn't the way either. What are some 4chan/schizo friendly jobs or careers? Or should I learn to code/get into cybersec? I really want to leave my room and do something valuable to me and others if possible. I can be pretty social if I like what I do and have some confidence

Here are some meme stats about me since I'm pretty desperate:
>130IQ, taken with an actual psychologist
>INTP-T, main function is Ni
>Multiple traumatic life events, including sexual and physical violence in childhood, no parental figures to learn from directly, multiple refugee camp stays
>Currently working with a psychologist on a treatment for c-ptsd/bpd

How do you find out what you like and what you're good at? Any tests are appreciated. Oh and i have a 2.5k ICP stack so with some luck, it'll ease the financial stress

>> No.53800792

>Oh and i have a 2.5k ICP stack
You're ngmi

>> No.53800793

you're so delusional it's not even funny anymore. good luck.

>> No.53800810

Just become a plumber

>> No.53800835

You need to do literally anything bro... Go apply at Walmart and dump your entire salary into the crypto all year and sell sometime next year with hundreds of thousands of dollars...

>> No.53800854
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we'll see, i have no idea what to expect
how come? its probably true, i can feel my grip on reality getting slippy. it would help if you point out why you think that based off my post. i truly want to change but its hard
im considering blue collar work as well

>> No.53800876

Have you ever had a real job?

>> No.53800999

Kek get fucked. Should have been A like me. I suffer at work and constantly tell my boss I dont want to work. I still get promoted anyways because I turn in quality work in record time all the time.

>> No.53801003

>ICP stack
At 2 sigma I'd expect more. fyi at that level you need to try really hard or get fucked your entire life by lazy 150+ fuckers.

>> No.53801024

yeah, mostly worked as a waiter in the summers back in my hometown. also did some delivery and some other warehouse job for a short amount of time. did some sales job a friend offered me as well for 1 month and made 5k euros. next to that i did psychology in uni but quit the last year and did AI at uni and quit the second year. thats basically my CV

im scared of going back to those kind of jobs because i'll feel like a loser. and i already feel like a loser. funny thing is ive done some good things this past year. quit smoking recently, quit weed and gaming a year ago, started going to the gym 5 days a week and started eating healthy. but i still feel like shit and a loser. i have this feeling that i need to find my purpose so i have some internal engine to drive me, but i dont really trust my own thoughts anymore. maybe i should wait for the therapy treatment but that will take a while.

>> No.53801077

34 y/o neet here who invested his 1.2 mil inheritance into a nontaxable special needs trust here. idk, should i get a job? I still get gibs because all my assets are shielded.

>> No.53801106

nice digits. what kind of work?
technically my full iq couldnt be stated since the different parts were too far apart in score
working memory 145
verbal 135
spatial 126
processing speed 89 KEK
i took the test more than a year ago when i still smoked weed, gamed and fapped all day, ate and slept like shit but yeah
i want to work hard but its difficult for me to focus and stay on track. and i was thinking some kind of passion or intrinsic motivation would help. but i dont know what i actually like to do,

i like a lot of things. geopolitics, macro, crypto, history, you name it, but i have to focus on one thing and excel at it. preferably i'd prepare for the cybernetic future but i feel too schizo if i believe that and get scared

>> No.53801134

lucky bastard. but i would find some work, maybe volunteer work so you stay in touch with people/the world. that is, if youre a shut-in
doing something and building relationships are important I now realize

>> No.53801156

idk but office bureau jobs absolutely are soul killing to me. for some reason I enjoy more doing physical work in the factory than sitting at the bureau filling excel sheets and answering mails.

>> No.53801276

yeah, maybe i should consider something like that as well. but im so low in self worth and confidence id feel like a loser wasting his life away.

>> No.53801382

breh I did a lot of jobs:

DevOps (I.T degree in pocket): it was mega stressful and all the stacies and bureau people just did nothing while I was working super hard with my team. super stressful, my eyes hurt my head hurts from the thinking and the deadlines for fixing things. destroyed me. I did this for 3 years. until i was sick and tired of it.

Administrative bureau job after: did this 2 years. I figured I wanted to do the b.s jobs i saw the stacies and office people do where they just chill and relax. I got a job where the hardest thing I had to do was a vertical lookup in excel. make some excel sheets answer some mails. post some data into SAP or take some out. it was ok for a year but then I started absolutely hating it. it was so boring and soul crushing that I got depressed and couldn't even put myself to work 2 hours a day. I got bored

Thing is if you are smart you will get bored of everything. especially when you are redpilled and understand its all low key wage slavery and no matter what "job" you do. you'll still be fucking slaving for 40 years to pay the mortgage.

then I quit of course and my folio was high so I went to travel for 18 months. met gf. best time of my life desu. Uhm. I came back recently and now I'm doing factory work, production. I don't have to think much just do physical working a bit. for now I am enjoying it more than sitting at a desk staring at a screen. but this too will get boring eventually. idk man

Good luck. it doesn't realy mater what job you do. it will get boring and it will suck after X amount of time. and for me X is within 3 years.

>> No.53801410

>my job coach from the gov
become a job coach for the government, you sound perfect for it. those who cant do, teach

>> No.53801452
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>including sexual and physical violence in childhood
Tell me more

>> No.53801491
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for me? x is 3 months. sometimes I suffer 3 years. but it always starts after 3 months.

>> No.53801539

how the fuck do other people do it?

i have to find something i like, or ill stay a neet the rest of my life

>> No.53801698

>DevOps (I.T degree in pocket): it was mega stressful and all the stacies and bureau people just did nothing while I was working super hard with my team. super stressful, my eyes hurt my head hurts from the thinking and the deadlines for fixing things.
There's software engineering in a nutshell lol
Responsible for all the actual working output while other roles LARP as productive

>> No.53801763

For me i last a bit longer but I hate that feel too, so god damn much it’s not even fair sometimes

>> No.53801779

It’s legit not even about what you like sometimes man, it just helps

>> No.53801849
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who the fuck am I kidding. I can last 3 years max. then I want to kms. I am already bored 6 months into it usually. I'm applying for work abroad jobs. fuckem they pay shit but I am not going to work for money anyway. my folio moons a yearly wage in a day already. i just need to keep the tax man off my back.

>> No.53801906

literally me bro. if you ever unlock the secret please come back and tell us. I've legit tried retail, sales, warehouse work, security, basic-entry tier auto mechanic work and I lose my fucking mind after 3 months. never made it past 3 years.

>> No.53801929

browse 4chan at work

>> No.53802107

i did that at my office wagie stacy tier job and i still got depressed as fuck.

>> No.53802510

>my folio was high so I went to travel for 18 months. met gf. best time of my life desu. Uhm. I came back recently and now I'm doing factory work
Literally what my plan is except backwards. Getting the factory job now and maybe a second job earning investment money until that big stock payout. After traveling I'll pursue my business ideas. Or whatever.

Best of luck to you.

>> No.53802740

Anyone with the P subtype should be eradicated from the gene pool

>> No.53802768

>multiple refugee camp stays
Are you black or brown? Need to know this before i can help you

>> No.53802964
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Ah fuck who cares ill be not a racist for tonight. Try out if you like programming, try a free course at

See if it's for you, if not, you know that it's not for you.
And yes, a wageslave job will be boring no matter what it is; that's just part of life. At some point, your job will be just meh, and your life will be just meh. What most wagies lack is curiosity. Tell me, anon, are you still curious about life? The workings of nature, biology, medicine, AI, mathemathics, music, and literature? If you truly, truly hate the idea of becoming a wagie, get into a field that you truly enjoy, and by enjoy, I mean that you wake up the next day for the rest of your life excited about what you will do next. Since I discovered my passion, I have literally felt like a child again, Every day is something new and exciting, just like when I was a child.

t. researcher in mycology who is learning the arcane practices of machine learning at the moment.

>> No.53803168

Dart and a board

>> No.53805037

You’re 135 or higher, you can make it if you try. I know a random anons reassurance isn’t much but these are some good stats you’re listing. You’ll figure something out.

>> No.53805316
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>Unemployed INTP who is utterly useless at anything but bragging about his high IQ and how intelligent and above it all he is simultaneously


>> No.53805510
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I'm kind of in the same position. I lost my job a year ago and just NEETed it up. Started reading all day at the library or studying things I enjoyed, then going to the gym at night. It's a comfy little life, but I feel like I should be doing more. Living with parents at 33 is pretty lame and I'd never get a girlfriend being this way. I keep getting hardcore anxiety every time I have a job interview or before first shift and I end up ghosting and not showing up. Not entirely sure why. I'm afraid to work again for some reason, maybe it's a self-confidence thing. I've mostly been applying for jobs in kitchens as they seem pretty easy and I wouldn't have to deal with customers. I'm not sure what to do with my life otherwise.

>> No.53805530

Are you white?

>> No.53805654
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Feel you fren. Same here, but the anxiety translate into me sweating like a fucking pig on a brooch. It's absolutely unreal, we are speaking waterfalls tier of sweat leaking from my forehead. And there is nothing i can do about it.

Seems like i developped this "condition" after neeting for too long and loss of self-esteem. Or rather, back when i was among normies, i created this fake personae of the cool dude hitting on girls (i'm kinda Chaddy) and playing the court jester, but with time i lost the will of larping as somebody i am not. And once i lost this will, i stopped pretending i wanted to party, be with my friends, fuck stacies, and so on...
Went full hermit.

Now i'm getting bored of hermitdom (after over a decade), but i developped a profound disgust for normans, and since i cultivated my autism for so long, i sperg about anything and everything, as i see jewish propaganda and MK demoralization all around me.
And since i spent all my neet time studying and reading shit, i never learn from anybody. Anytime they speak about something, i always know x10 more than them, and this is deeply depressing.
I feel like i should be a high ranked diplomat or a geopolitical tactician all the world's leaders should learn from. But in reality, even Mcdolan don't want to hire me becuz i sweat all over the fries...

>> No.53807058

i'm also an intp according to some online test i did a long time ago and my iq is about the same (not that it matters), and i work in tech. i'm not very good at communication but good enough to get the point across. i would recommend other intp bros to work in tech as well - there are so many clueless normalfriends here who got the job by bullshitting and they really appreciate you helping them continue the lie. it's a nice way to foce yourself into situations where you have to socialize.

>> No.53807706

glycopyrrolate pills can be prescribed by a dermatologist and it helps stop excessive sweating

>> No.53807853

Thanks anon. Yeah, I'm still very curious about life, so much so that I sometimes feel like I'm on some sort of mission to understand why I'm here. Sometimes I think I should study physics or math, but also with a certain understanding of computer science. I honestly feel like life is a puzzle to be solved. But I'm too scared to actually follow my desire since I have zero confidence in myself, I'm afraid the path I follow is gonna end up being useless and I only deluded myself to neglect the fact I feel lonely and can't develop a healthy relationship with other people.

Mycology is awesome. There was a super smart mycology guy when I was in a mental ward. Very smart man. Why do you think of trying shrooms? Also, how did you discover your passion?

>> No.53807891

Tale as old as time. But I don't want to give up yet.
Neeting can be comfy, but at a certain age you want to have friends and a gf, eventually a family. And can't have those as a neet, usually you're just alone in your room.

>> No.53807924

What do you think i am, a genius?

>> No.53807966

Are you retarded? Stop thinking you’re better than work and go work. Just pick something and do it. Get a fucking grip dude.

>> No.53807983

yeah its tough. there’s something deeply disturbing about sitting around pretending to work most of the day, only so much busywork can be made. no idea why the 8 hour workday is so standard. just pay me double and let me go home in 3 hours lmao, its the same outcome since I finish everything by lunchtime anyway.

>> No.53808034

Seriously, how dense you? I’ll put it like this - if there was a magic bullet, a panacea, you wouldn’t have this problem. How do you live life Anon? Gee Anon, I just realized one day that I would have to get up and live it. Quit being scared. There are no easy answers. Just get up and do something. And unironically, believe in yourself. Stop quitting.

>> No.53808045

I mean you can go study politics and do the job you describe (geopol tact). You probably won't do well as diplomat cus it's a very social thing

>> No.53808132

im afraid you might be right. i should not aim too high and learn to be humble. i think that is the actual answer. and maybe once im more stable i could look for more if i wanted that

>> No.53808152

ISTP here
Life is hell and hella boring
I smoke a lot of weed to cope

>> No.53808262
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Are you on medication? Medication can help with "not caring what other people think." Else try this https://beta.character.ai/ maybe an AI can give you some confidence, they are really good at it. I just thought really hard about what am I
am interested in and i always loved mushrooms because they are so weird, and that they create whole super organisms kilometers in radius etc. And yes, try shrooms, in some countries, you can even do it supervised by a medical professional. But sometimes you might not like what you see; they tend to open your deepest parts of the subconscious that are hidden for a reason, but once you face them, you might feel a lot better.

>> No.53809436
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ive been on and off on medication the last decade, but im trying without now. its kinda hard, my thoughts keep racing, but aside from that, im not sure meds would help. otherwise they wouldve helped in the past as well. ill try to think of what i am and what im interested in, and maybe treatment will help with that.

wrt shrooms. ive been thinking about doing them for a while now, since i feel i need some hard reset for my brain. but im scared ill get into a full blown psychosis if i do it. theyre doing phase 3 trials here tho, so maybe itll be clinically available in a couple of years. then ill def try them if possible.

if i have to think about what i really like and am interested in, it would be some sort of metaphysics. i might brood on that and see if i can narrow it for myself

>> No.53809498

Consider joining a cult. You're exactly in the target demo.

>> No.53809558

>i have a 2.5k ICP stack
im already in one

>> No.53809594

The one common denominator is Perception is inferior to Judgement. Does not matter what the first 3 letters of your personality are but if you have a P at the end, you're retarded

>> No.53809642

its more having trouble with structure and discipline i think. keeping possibilities open versus making a choice

>> No.53809798

Prob Google cert

>> No.53809820

They're superior then Js
Js are much dumber and more asshole
Autistic innately even
Obviously your comment was asshole

>> No.53809877

True, but it's not a "totalizing" cult. They don't tell you what to have for breakfast, how to spend every minute of your day, and what the meaning of life is. That hollow existential anxiety you feel is abolished when you are ensconced within a community that provides you with constant love, connectedness, and certainty of purpose. That, in any case, is the allure.

>> No.53809950
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im too skeptical to fall for that, even when im extremely desperate

>> No.53810181

Ayyy OP
All those iq points and you saw the ICP graph and you pressed buy ??
Shieeet homie, you played yourself and the moonman got you goood !

Yo, you have the ability to see the future with that iq, like I’m not as high as you, but I can picture the world in 3-4 years pretty much and I knoooow you have got a clown ass coin. Look up about real assets tokenization bro, that’s the key

Other than that it shows iq ain’t shit, it’s what you learn and how you use it ain’t it ?
Go work in a retail job so you interact with «populace», it’ll be al’ the fuel you need to figure out what you want to do to not end up like your old colleagues fr fr

>holding Hbar

>> No.53811049

You could try for ketamine, it works almost the same by inducing incredible amounts of neuro plasticity/genesis

>> No.53812457

Under different, better, circumstances more decent human beings would have the motivation rise to the top i.e through merit and not ruthless cock sucking through a gate to make millions out of thin air our of various scams like showing ads and harvest information about people's lives, and playing with their money so yes. Be my guest and go ahead and sell yourself at the kike glory hole nigger it's the only thing you're good at.

>> No.53812512

The cult is finding an actually useful 0.1% protocol that is useful? Fine then you will buy my cultist bags at no less than 2 0 0 0 united states dollars per token. Because that's what will happen and you will learn.

>> No.53813003
