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53799763 No.53799763 [Reply] [Original]

Is investing in a home gym worth it? my closest gym wants me to pay $50 a month

>> No.53799815
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>> No.53799820

If you're looking to just maintain your body yes it probably is. If you're trying to build muscle then no you'll be going through different weights rather quickly

>> No.53799849

I have two close friends who built their home gyms, and they barely workout. So there's that.

Going to the gym is better IMO.
1. It has all the equipment
2. Motivating, because forces you to leave the house
3. It's good for you socially, I'm not saying you'll make friends, but it's good to be around others if you're a spaz like me, and your on 4chan, so highly likely.

>> No.53799852

If you have the space, yes. 100% yes. Best investment I've ever made. Does not take long to make that money back if your gym is charging $50/month, either.

You underestimate how nice it is to not be around retards while exercising. Plus, you can't exercise naked in a gym without having the cops called.

>> No.53799960

I built my home gym in 2020 when lockdowns closed regular gyms.
It cost ~400€ in total (we built the rack ourselves to save money) I split the cost with my gym bro so it's more like 200€ each. I've been using it ever since and invited some of my friends to work out there. In total we're 6 people that work out there.
If I kept going to the gym I would have paid 1200€ in the same time, 6 times as much. If you factor in also the other people that work out there the money saved is a lot.

>> No.53799993

Also that pic...
>chairs facing the wall for no reason
>incredibly small table that can't fit two row of plates comfortably
>darts on top of a bench so if you miss you'll hit those who are sitting on the bench
>table off-axis compared to the tv so only one side can see it
>random rug to catch all the shit and liquid that falls off the table
Epic woman moment

>> No.53800025

>guys this is where we drinks our DOUBLE IPA'S AND PLAY CARD GAMES!
>hah so glad i got snipped so I can watch marvel while drinking a frosty cold IPA instead with our fur babies instead of having a game room for the kids!

>> No.53800183

having your own basement space and no children is fine on it's own, but this shit right here is embarrassing. You gonna rag on the man for having a gym instead of a "game room for the kids?" first pic is 1000x better and actually functional. That "full-fledged pub" probably doesn't even have a tap, and even if it did those things are a pain in the ass to maintain anyway

>> No.53800305

The point he’s making is these consumer and Peter Pan syndrome habits are fun in the short term. But by 40-50 you’ll soon begin to realize the mistake of a childless home.

Imagine telling your ancestors you’re too lazy for kids and want to just “have fun”. After everything your bloodline went through to put you here you spit on the faces of all of them.

>> No.53800859
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I made my own gym before Covid. I lift 3 or so times a week, my wife and mom use it. It’s nice to have, worth the money? Not sure. I’m gonna keep this equipment forever, so it will probably be more worth it.

>> No.53800916

Yes, fuck going to the gym. I had a "home gym" in a 1 bed apartment, its just a power rack and bench, olympic weights. you can do a full body work out. only heavy deadlifts was kinda sketch on wood floors. you can get all that for <$1000 so it will even pay for itself after a few years.

>> No.53801000

>Is investing in a home gym worth it?
Not monetarily. But I built one anyway because the time it took me going there and back, also having to wait for some dumb thot taking squat rack space for some dumb meme exercise to make their ass bigger.

>> No.53801022

Where are the safety bars anon?

>> No.53801035

You built your own dumbbell rack and yet paid for a Rogue rack? I get buying a Rogue barbell but why pay for a brand name rack?

>> No.53801050

If you have the space and money to invest in equipment then it's worth it. I've frequented gyms for the last 20 years and the culture change is unbearable to be around. All you really need is a squat rack, bench, barbell, and some weights. It will pay itself off in a couple years. Great thing about weights is they tend to hold their value.

>> No.53801092

You married your own mother anon? Nice of you to let her use the gym at least

>> No.53801112

best of both worlds is... both. home gym for lifting in an efficient manner without normalniggers bothering you. gym membership for doing cardio while you eye fuck sluts in tight and revealing clothing.

>> No.53801252

40 year oldfag here. Three homes, no home gym, no home pub, no wife, no kids, no problems. Pooping rn, and I can poop for as long as I want.

>> No.53801283

The rack is nice as fuck and I don’t have to worry about some chink metal breaking on me while im pressing. Also; because rogue is American and I buy American products.

>> No.53801338

How often do normies entertain guests at their house? Neither I nor my family often have guests. I hear normies irl and on house hunter shows talk about wanting space to entertain guests as if it was a big part of their lives. Am I just weird and asocial or do most people live under the illusion that a new house will suddenly make them interesting so everyone will want to make it their hangout spot?

>> No.53801359

I have 3 homes and I’m 29. With 3 kids and a wife and I’ve ever only made $60k per year. Zero inheritance. Every day I wake up with my kids is like Christmas morning. (They are not iToddlers like most kids). You are missing out on the best years of life. Enjoy the deafening silence after 55

>> No.53801446

1. you will not use your home gym like a regular gym and neglect it.
2. cheapest 24/7 gym in Dubai also takes $50, higher class gyms easily take $150 and people pay this. if it's really the cheapest, just bite the bullet.
>t. gym life since the age of 16, still lifting, still natty, peaked at 25 with 4 sets of 8 reps 120kg flat bench.

>> No.53801619
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I've had a home gym for a year and use it 3x a week.

You save time getting to and from the gym
You save time not having to wait for equipment in use by someone else
You only need a rack, bench, barbell, plates and some dumbbells (I suggest those you can change the weight on to save space)
You can listen to whatever music you want on your own speakers, no more top 10 spotify lists
You do not have to interact with people anymore

It's a fucking blessing and worth every penny.

>1. you will not use your home gym like a regular gym and neglect it.
I suggest buying all your equipment from guys like this lmao, good as new everything and cheap.

>> No.53801638

A home gym is a must. My nearest gym is filled with Arabs, zoomers, and niggers can't have that. I work from home and only leave my house to do writing at cafes.

>life is beautiful

>> No.53801650

My gf and I have friends over at least twice a month (UFC, boxing, super bowl, poker/game nights, etc)

If I had to guess why you don’t have any friends it’s because you unironically use words like “normie” you gay faggot

>> No.53801780

>Every day I wake up with my kids is like Christmas morning
anon are you trying to gaslight yourself?

>> No.53801800

>own 3 homes with $60k income

how? slumlord?

>> No.53801881

I've been enjoying the DEAFENING silence for ages, it doesn't get old. Sometimes I listen to music to change things up.
People who want to have kids should have them. Not everyone should be psyopped into making cogs for the machine.
Anon is low IQ and/or mentally ill, disregard

>> No.53801936

Why are all the roasties like this now? I fucking swear there are three 5’5 retarded roasties hoarding the squat rack in yoga pants trying to make their asses bigger every time I go to the gym. It’s pathetic. Get on a fucking treadmill and do cardio you dumb sluts

>> No.53801949

totally worth it if you can afford the equipment costs (squat rack, dumbbells, olympic bar/weights) but after covid its much more expensive with lower supply of instock equipment

>> No.53801975
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>Three chairs just pointed at the wall
>Random chair in the corner
>Bench right under dartboard
>Those meme overpriced metal stools
>Brick wallpaper
>No actual bar, not even a fridge
Wtf is that setup?
Also, yes, if you already have a habit of working out, a home gym is worth it. If you don't already workout regularly, building one in your house is unlikely to change that.

>> No.53802019
File: 3.67 MB, 4032x3024, home gym - 2020 4mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fell for the dumbbells in your home gym meme
I have an EZ curl bar, bands, Elitefts grenade balls with chain attachments, Elitefts landmine attachment to the weight tree, and an actual homebuilt deadlift platform (middle not in pic) to drop shit on. There's so much variety within that stuff that I don't see the need for buying dumbbells. Plus I like dumbbells at some level, but not paying $1000+ for a good set of them. Even with that, they take up a ton of room that could be used more efficiently

I recently bought a cheap incline bench from Goodwill for $20 and I'm either getting a sissy squat stand or a Rogue portable reverse hyper bench soon.

I used to pay $60 a month for a gym that had a pool, sauna, and a decent weight area. Advantages of home gym include letting friends or your gf come over for a lift, tons of travel time saved, no gas cost, can cook while you lift, and you can lift at any time you want. I love it, highly recommend

>> No.53802053


Depends entirely on the price of real estate and if you have free space. If it takes up 5% of the space in a $200,000 property you're tying up $10,000 in value, which would be $800 per year at 8%. Could have just bought a smaller and cheaper place without being locked in.

The main benefit of a commercial gym is the superiority high you get from lifting heavier than almost everyone there, while also having a couple people above you that you want to eventually match and outpace. Feels good.

>> No.53803134


>> No.53803151

I have an elliptical runner and mounted a tv in front of it so I can watch anime when I do cardio. Best investment of my life.

>> No.53803154

>oh you wanted to workout? stare at a fake brick wallpaper from your cuckstool instead

>> No.53803287

>Also that pic...
>Epic woman moment
the wife definitely posted this to reddit herself
probably after an argument where the husband pointed out that the room used to be usable and perfectly fine as a TV and workout room, but is now useless and uncomfortable

>> No.53803337

Nice anon. You'll probably need more plates + heavier dumbbells' than that before too long though.

>> No.53803426

Yeah. Having a jacked up fitness machine around while I trade and watch YouTube is great.
You have no idea how much easier it is to just go do a 3x10 when it's within eyesight.

>> No.53803446

I expected this.

>> No.53803468

I'm 34 and every single day I think k about how one of my ancestors was alive when Alexander the great was alive, one when napoleon was alive, one when they guy who chisled Gilgamesh was alive...

>> No.53803485

Only reason to is so you don't have to wait for squat rack.

>> No.53803495

And now you are alive and humans today do nothing but stare at a screen most of the day and stuff shitty foods down their gullets and their kids are effeminate spoiled nigger loving faggots who will probably give you brown grand children. Today is not the same as the past. If my ancestors could see the world today, and where it’s headed, they would demand that the bloodline be ended so it doesn’t end up feminized or niggerdized..or worse we become plug ins to an artificial intelligence over lord

>> No.53803499

Lmao anon got called out. No one who has kids would say this.

>> No.53803509

If you don't have kids or the biggest house in your family, you shouldn't be entertaining guests.
Basically, if someone is already handling Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas hen your family is good to go.

>> No.53803608

Anyone who incellishly rages against this is a retard and missing the point
Women know how to decorate if you let them, stfu unless you're a fag

>> No.53803701
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My ancestors are faggots for not killing the Rothschilds when they had the chance, their faggotline ends with this faggot

>> No.53803836


>> No.53803854

>t.skinnyfat dyel simp

>> No.53803898

lol you're a fag

>> No.53804343

I’m not a poor faggot like you, so I can afford dumbbells. Imagine using cheap shit weights. I have an ez curl bar too, but dumbbells and bar work different twitch muscles.

>> No.53804480

>Dont have to wait for equipment
>no commute
>your choice in music
>can use it 24/7
>nobody else’s germs

I just finished lifting in my basement. It’s worth it regardless of cost. If you are patient and do it right, you will buy equipment that holds it value. So if you decide to sell, you’ll recover your cost or make money. If you want to build muscle, buy a power rack, bench, barbell+weights. Add 45 plates as you need them. I also have a rower and treadmill but you can jog outside when it’s nice out

>> No.53804526
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I got my plates for $0.50 a pound on Facebook market place.
It is better because it will save you time long term and you don't have to deal with the retarded New Year New Me tards.

>> No.53804531

the dumbells cost more than the rest of your gym combined. bet they're nice to have though. I have a power rack in the garage and thats enough for me to never want to go to the regular gym again. would love a set of dumbells though.

>> No.53804660

For sure. The resell on those rogue ones are crazy. I bought them before everything skyrocketed

>> No.53804800

Yes. It’s usually the same friends or relatives that meet up regularly. It’s not a big party or anything, just hanging out. It’s way cheaper and more comfy than meeting up somewhere

>> No.53804858


You got me!

>> No.53804909

That room sucks for entertaining though. There aren’t any comfortable couches and normal people just hang out in the kitchen or living room

>> No.53804981

the pub might look nicer, but it's less functional
even if you have people over at your house to hang out a lot, you'd much rather have everyone gather in a ground floor room with actual windows and sunlight

>> No.53805036

Those chairs facing the wall get me every time

>> No.53805109

They want to attract a black man

>> No.53805148

you don't need a fucking gym. just get a kettlebell and use it, faggot.

>> No.53805170

>the weight lifting dead head investor
You're basically a modern patrick bateman

>> No.53805213

Personal preferences

>> No.53805353

It didn't work for me, primarily due to the underinvestment. I think the only way a "home gym" will work for me is if I do the following

- A very large insulated garden shed with aircon/good fans
- A full range of dumbells from 4kg -> 50kg
- cable machines
- good sturdy benches
- trap bar
- a good sound system with a tv to play shitty repetitive music videos
- A rowing machine + exercise bike

I need the separation from my main house to help with motivation since I'm "going somewhere" to work out. At present I'm going 3-4 days a week to a normal gym that has very good equimpent. It would be a $30-40k+ investment to get it set up properly, I need more cash to burn before I can justify it.

>> No.53805361

why do you need a fcukton of dumbells?

>> No.53805400

Based dads, only cringy childless 30 year old males say shit like that.

>> No.53805407

Fuck he got me

>> No.53805513
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I wouldn't go back to a commercial gym.

This is in the back of my warehouse, one of the perks of your own business.
Bought most of it secondhand.

>> No.53805557

only better for socializing if its not impeding you. if you’re not going or not trying your hardest due to social embarassment, get a garage gym. practicing not being a spaz is 100x easier if you look good

>> No.53805566

>just own a commercial warehouse

>> No.53805586

I tried very hard to make my homegym out of used equipment, but there's no getting around the fact that weight is at the VERY least $1/lb. and flooring is no less than $2/sqft.

It will end up costing me $3k, five whole years in your commercial gym. If you do it, it's not gonna be about saving money. To me, it's a productive use of space that would have otherwise been empty. I'm not going to put some pool table or some other retarded shit in that area, it might as well give me as much utility as possible.

>> No.53805605
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>> No.53805661

>my wife and mom
Even oedipus would be ashamed of that motherfucker

>> No.53805685

i look forward to your self inflicted injury

>> No.53805805
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Buy a home gym, do it. Train your mind but also train your body. If you want to make it, you need to have a healthy body. Your DEXT gems and gains won't go away if you train for an hour each day and put time (money) on the real investment (your body)

“The mind and body are linked together in a meshwork of oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and neuron health. Physical exercise drives that meshwork, stimulating the brain and freeing one's intellect.” - General thrawn

>> No.53806024

Jewish hands typed this

>> No.53806210

Just fucking run outside and watch porn

>> No.53806261

>chairs face if wall
>no gaming
>no gym
Wife is a tard

>> No.53806303
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day 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8..... think one penny on day 1 and two pennies on day 2 and three on day 3 and so on. it gets almost unrealistic after realizing your core strength is better than probably 65% of most athletes and you can't workout at the college gym because the little workers notice you can run a mile in under 6 and recoup after 5 minutes and anything beyond that isn't for another person to see.

>> No.53806335
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>be me, a grown ass man
>go to gym
>everyone except for me is an 18 year old girl on a volleyball team or some shit I can't guess why they are all here
>Immediately feel like I'm committing some sort of crime so I leave
>try to take up yoga
>again just a bunch of teenage asses and vagoos in the air, once again I am just deeply afraid that this is somehow not OK
>go to a Krav maga class
>Asian girl and I take turns punching each other in the stomach
>ok that was kinda fun but seriously I don't want to go to jail
Can I please just go to a gym for homos?

>> No.53806394

Yes, home gym is absolutely worth it. Do it.

>> No.53806528

>always wanted a home gym
>got a home gym
>dont want to use it
>miss gym community
>miss the gym

was easier to stay motivated through a long workout when i wasn't at home as well
home gym would be a great supplement tho especially if your schedule needs to be flexible

>> No.53806745

Hello batman

>> No.53807096
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>> No.53807213
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I am personally building my own gym in the back of my garden. Foundations, blocks, mortar and a roof etc. I've estimated it will probably take 5 years to get my "returns".

It depends on why you would see it as an investment. If you talk strictly about money then you simple think about what time frame you are comfortable with and factor in how many years you see yourself using the gym.

I have been already lifting for a decade+ so its a lifestyle thing for me. Money and time are not factors.

A home gym is theoretically about your comfort. Your comfort to use it at a time most convenient to you. I am getting older and I work shifts so having to go to a public gym was getting in the way of my gains. Having it as a personal space also means you can make it whatever you want. It can be your muscle mecca, your entertainment room, your focused athlete training center or your rape dungeon etc.

The cons would be the limited space for types of equipment (but I argue that a power rack, barbell, adjustable bench, pull up bar and dumbbells is more than sufficient). You're posting in $ so I take it you are American so I hope space isn't an issue for you.

I think it depends on what a gym means to you and if you think its worth it. If you plan to lift till you're grey then I would say yes.

>> No.53807223

Damn I haven't seen this image in a while, I love it
>Chairs facing a fake brick wall
>Darts where you stand in front of the TV and throw them next to someone's head

>> No.53807241
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I used to be embrassed at the gym but I now go with total noise cancelling headphones which really allows me to dial in on my workout whilst blaring touhou music

>> No.53807263


>> No.53807288

gyms have really gone downhill. you can't jerk it, you can't sniff, you can't even stare anymore. no anon, gyms are not worth it anymore. i just go to starbucks, you can't jerk it in there either but the coffee makes the girls fart nonstop so it is actually better sniffs than the gym and you just pretend to stare out the window when you can see their asses reflected in the glass, nobody is taking tik toks in there.

>> No.53807346

Nice rogue setup anon, is this in your pole barn?

>> No.53807578

i live in the uk so no space for home gyms sadly. we have tiny houses and apartments, one of the smallest in europe

>> No.53807703

>chairs facing the wall for no reason
So? Probably put them aside because they weren't being used at that time.
>incredibly small table that can't fit two row of plates comfortably
It's not a dining room. It can fit drinks and snacks easily.
>darts on top of a bench so if you miss you'll hit those who are sitting on the bench
It's not intended for use (why fuck up the walls in your house?). It's called a decoration.
>table off-axis compared to the tv so only one side can see it
Um, what?
>random rug to catch all the shit and liquid that falls off the table
So, rugs are bad now? Got it.

Epic incel moment

>> No.53807731

Bare gym equipment like Bars, weights, rack, ... will keep their value and use for decades with minimal maintenance. It's a GREAT investment for your health and your wallet compared to gym subscription

>> No.53808047

Nah nigger, I paid like 350 years ago. Got a bench press Olympic 20kg bar bell and like 130kg worth of weights. I use it and it's so convenient to have available wherever.

When I had a gym membership, I used it once a month, if that. Fucking hate gym bro faggots and women at the gym.

I get out, have a gf, interact lots socially at work. But no, I fucking hate people in the fucking gym. Fuck you dog. Shut the fuck up.

Can punch your head in and lift more than you. Don't care about your bloated water muscle creatine faggot powder.

Okay rant over

>> No.53808541

Could you also come up with a retort for "those lowback high chairs look uncomfortable" for completeness?

>> No.53808725


This was my thoughts, the only thing I don’t have that I want is a cable machine.

>> No.53808770
File: 660 KB, 1920x1200, TranscodedWallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GD? Based as fuck nigger

>> No.53808799

the before looks better, why have chairs just facing a wall?
home gyms are nice for consistency but lose out on building strength for me, I dont like upping weights without either a spotter (lol no one will do this) or a smith machine, hence where the gym helps me

>> No.53808800

all you need is a pull up bar and some discipline

>> No.53808856

>home pub

Basements are for extra shit that take up too much space. So home gym equipment goes in the basement. That extra TV goes in the basement. I can tell these are childless losers. Basements are for your kids to go some place where they can be loud and play around. Nothing screams fruitless cat parents more than home pub lmao

>> No.53808886

Only buy what you're gonna use.
I go to the gym but I got a barbell, 2 dbs, a curl bar. Most of the time I only use the barbell and curl bar

>> No.53808950

You don’t need a home gym, you need hard work and dedication. Do some push-ups, squats, and pull-ups. If you want to add equipment, get a kettlebell so you can use it to workout several different parts of your body. The person who gets fit doesn’t buy the best best equipment: the person who gets fit sticks to a routine of exercise and a healthy diet.

It’s either get mentally strong, or waste your money, regardless of whether you buy shit for home or a gym membership. I will say though, that renting equipment that you must waste time to drive to is way dumber than owning equipment you could resell or give to your children though.

>> No.53808997

Top zozzle

>> No.53809017

Not only do you save on the monthly costs but at some day you can turn around and resell all of your home gym equipment and likely get close to 60 percent or more of what you initially put into it. Dumbells and plates probably closer to 80 percent. An old dumbell works just as well as a new one. So that cost isn't down the drain like a gym membership is. $50 a month is something you'll recoup none of down the road.

>> No.53809037

it comes and goes, unless youre in prison you probably wont consistently stick to a routine. im
a 39 year old boomer and i have a top tier stationary bike, a bench with barbell and dumbells and a dip rack.
today I am going to do 60 dips or so, feels fucking good

>> No.53809074
File: 72 KB, 678x381, chicago tavern style pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you. Deep dish isn't american. It's not even Chicagoan. it's a tourist gimmick. we are tavern style enjoyers here

>> No.53809079
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>3 houses
>Shitty income

Cool, your kids will enjoy paying his reckless dad's debts

>> No.53809110

No anon would think those words were being uttered here unironically and greentext left no room for error. You need to go back reddit faggot.

>> No.53809223

There isnt a single thing a woman does better than a man who gives a shit, not even interior decorating. We just dont often give a shit about it. If you DO, DEFINITELY dont let a woman "just take care of it" or you wind up with that shitshow and a retard like this demanding you shut up she did amazingggg

You know youre anonymous here right anon? Tell us it sucks she wont see here.

>> No.53809298
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This entire idea of building a home pub is retarded
Like, I don't even get the idea, are you supposed to find a reason and a correct context in order for you to get shitfaced? There's something important about getting drunk and you need a special place just for that? I don't understand, as a borderline alcoholic I find that just about any environment or spaces can be places where I get drunk and I have no necessity of a specific ''getting drunk place''. I would have understood it if there were like an actual bar where you had a lot of different drinks, maybe even hire a bartender to work for you, that would make sense, but this to me does not make any sense, there's no need for a place where you get drunk when you can just get drunk all over the house and there's nothing keeping you from it.

>> No.53810226

>chairs facing a wall
good job honey!

>> No.53810344

i would be so pissed if that was my room and someone did that to it

>> No.53810351

I 100% agree with you
But I live in Phoenix. I have a gym membership for 2 reasons.
First, it is hot as fuck to run outside; so I go to the gym to run.
Second, it is hot as fuck and I don't want to run my AC all day so I go to the gym to enjoy their AC.
My home gym would be a treadmill, a bench, and free weights. But I would have to run the AC harder to keep myself from dying of heat exhaustion

>> No.53810470

Two dumbells that go up to 30kg (35 for one) and a pullup bar in the local park is all I need to maintain decent gains. Sure if you want big legs then it's not really viable, but weighted pullups, dips, OHP and all kinds of accessories are enough for the upper body

>> No.53810483

uh excuse me did you just say woman bad

home gyms are good finical decisions, but most rentoids can't have them

>> No.53810848

all you really need is a power rack and some plates. pull down attachment is a nice add on too, but everything you want to work can be done right with traditional barbell lifts. $1k is sufficient

>> No.53811199

retard lmao