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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.24 MB, 1217x689, lazy men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53798283 No.53798283 [Reply] [Original]

society needs men to work

>> No.53798307

why would we, equality of outcome turns everything to shit.

>> No.53798311

pay is bad, future is bleak
mike rowe is a cool guy but it's getting to the point where he needs to shut the fuck up

>> No.53798343

why do you hate america? we need tax money to pay for programs. if we want to bring america forward and build back better we need you to work. we have so much work to do to undo the past injustices.

>> No.53798358

Cost of living is too high. No point in working a shit job if you can't afford kids or a house you're literally a slave hoping to save enough to buy your retirement at old age

>> No.53798454

I work in a casino paying out money to degens... It's pretty fun desu

>> No.53798455
File: 47 KB, 1000x588, comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just remember billionaires own the news station. funny how what they won't do and won't talk about is increase the wages instead of making more money fore shareholders and the c suites

>> No.53798512
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Rise in population made labor worth less, especially with illegals. people don't want to work for wages they can't even survive on. its pretty simple

>> No.53798560
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>Mike Rowe
>TV show host
>Yells at kids to break their bodies in the trades

>> No.53798573

>This bait thread
>every day

>> No.53798633 [DELETED] 

work for what exactly, they don't pay shit and women don't know their place anymore.

>> No.53798649
File: 254 KB, 946x1360, killingthehost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hudson has devoted his career to the study of debt, both domestic debt (loans, mortgages, interest payments), and external debt. In his works, he consistently advocates the idea that loans and exponentially growing debts that outstrip profits from the real economy are disastrous for both the government and the people of the borrowing state as they wash money (payments to usurers and rentiers) from turnover, not leaving them funds to buy goods and services, thus leading to debt deflation. Hudson notes that the existing economic theory, the Chicago School in particular, serves rentiers and financiers and has developed a special language designed to reinforce the impression that there is no alternative to the status quo. In a false theory, the parasitic encumbrances of a real economy, instead of being deducted in accounting, add up as an addition to the gross domestic product and are presented as productive. Hudson sees consumer protection, state support of infrastructure projects, and taxation of rentier sectors of the economy rather than workers, as a continuation of the line of classical economists today

>> No.53798739

you heard the roastie, it's not attractive to NEET, get on the job slaves.

>> No.53798765

Does outsourcing to oversees explain this?

>> No.53798820

Back in like the 1980s a factory worker lived a respectful life. He wasnt upper class but he wasnt in poverty. Factory worker was this so called "middle class".

>> No.53798919

Most tax money goes to israel and niggers. 104.20 dollars per second to Israel matter of fact. Make (((work))) worth it again and maybe men will work, until then they can pay their fucking way

>> No.53798927

Modern men are lazy and childish (look up peter pan syndrome), men need to grow up, how I'm not sure they just have to

>> No.53798943
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No pussy? No work.

>> No.53799210
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It's not worth it. Work as little as possible to get by and maximize chilling

>> No.53799267
File: 97 KB, 771x1200, Fn6IjvhaYAIdh_K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why aren't men working
>Society needs men to work
Pretty much answers itself.

>> No.53799333


No. I don't think I will.

>> No.53799571
File: 22 KB, 248x248, 1651429706794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actual hard work should be reserved for personal projects that directly benefit you and your family/close friends, everything else is just toil and drudgery and noise, and avoiding those things as much as possible is the right thing to do nowadays

>> No.53799612

yes, partly. it leads to the loss of bargaining power by the workers. the difference all went to the top 1% and 0.1%

>> No.53799661

we, /biz & finance/ people, side with the capitalists because that's how we make money, through the stock markets and real estate

>> No.53799691

This is the EXACT reason why I will spend the rest of my living days, not ever providing a single fucking cent to the government. All they do is take from you when you ever earn anything and redistribute it to fucking braindead apes. Until we stop sending food to Africa and wherever else I will happily enjoy myself and simply enjoy nature.

>> No.53799700

The conditions that allowed men to be happy, prosper, and spread forth have now enslaved them.

>> No.53799928
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Nah. Get fucked. America stacks on new injustices every day, and the taxes go to bullshit, unjust war rackets and keeping the populace hooked on welfare. What happens to it is not only karma, it's not my problem.

>> No.53800046

just wow... you 'men' are fucking leeches. baka. fr.

>> No.53800145

I work as a software engineer. Why the fuck would I wanna work manual labor or other worthless positions. I'll keep being a developer thanks.

>> No.53800185

>society needs
Not my problem.

>> No.53800190

My crypto portfolio is the highest it's ever been and I have zero education.

>> No.53800206

>Modern men are lazy and childish (look up peter pan syndrome), men need to grow up,
I'm already grown up.

>> No.53800230

Just admit you're a loser and naturally lazy and take the L.
Not working isn't taking a political stand, it's just letting everyone know you're a trust fund.

>> No.53800254
File: 49 KB, 600x600, 0f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Society needs men
>Society doesn't compensate men in any of 9001 ways which would be acceptable
KYS you thespian kike.

>> No.53800275

>codenigger is about to learn just how worthless he is during a recession

>> No.53800325

lol keep telling yourself these things kid. It makes the field better since we don't have to deal with zoomers who think they're nihilists when in actuality they're just worthless without their ipads.

>> No.53800413

>like manufacturing
I'm allergic to working hard to make crappy pay for jobs that are going to be outsourced or replace me with illegals, sorry.

>> No.53800437

>mike rowe is a cool guy but it's getting to the point where he needs to shut the fuck up
Every boomer is like this. Like why do you even care what I'm doing? Hire me for GOOD pay or shut the fuck up. Not your slave, boomnigger.

>> No.53800466

No we come to /biz/ because the post-2007 economy was completely broken for anyone born after 1982, creating 16 years of a totally broken country overall, so we gamble on the fake bull market created by giving our jobs to women and foreigners and undermining our wages with debt printing.

>> No.53800511
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>> No.53800528

someone post the "nobody wants to work" timeline that dates back to the 1900s

>> No.53800541

In the past the average man was married by 25 and the woman was married by 22. Only 2.5% of married women had fucked more than 10 dudes. Now it's 10% and marriage rates have utterly collapsed. Unmarried women are more numerous than ever so the slut rate is a lot higher. There is no juice worth the squeeze and on current wages you can't "grow up" because you can't afford anything unless tech is hiring (right now they're laying people off) because tech/engineering/a few other sectors are all that's left for "jobs too complicated to be left to incompetent whores and actually pay decently". And even then they try to push men out with discriminatory laws, telling you to be happy to work on an oil rig out in the ocean while nasty boomers like mike rowe have teenage/20-something girlfriends. It's not worth the squeeze and it's literally subsidizing your creepy dad to fuck what would otherwise be your girlfriend/wife because he covets your youth.

Boomers exist in a fantasy universe where they seethe and try to fuck you over out of jealousy and you should just be cool with that, then lose their fucking minds when you tell them to kick rocks because they're weak old men who never accomplished anything in their miserable joke lives. Both their fathers and sons will be greater men than them in the long run of history, boomers a hated footnote of losers who created hard times for everyone else.

>> No.53800554

women don't want me if I have money
women don't want me if I don't have money

makes zero difference

the whole point of life is to stick your pee pee in holes and make babies so if I can't do that then why work

>> No.53800579

>Modern men are lazy and childish (look up peter pan syndrome), men need to grow up, how I'm not sure they just have to
"growing up" historically involves getting pussy and a resulting family or at least going to war and getting death over with pretty quickly.

We all know heaps of men are getting zero sex. There's essentially no way to get modern women to accept them willingly, so we are in a rough transition period between literal AI sexbot waifus + artificial wombs that will replace "real" biological partnership (slowly but) surely; it will be too ideal and good for either sex to ignore. It will be cars vs horses, but for relationships, but it's in a future beyond a 30yo virgin

While I am a working man that has a gf, I completely understand the mess we are in isn't going to be fixed by "just" do X aimed at men.

There's really just not an incentive system that's aligned to get the flywheel turning. Even on my end, I'm not working to make overall society as a team better. I'm just concerned about my little unit, with no loyalty to larger entities.

>> No.53800582

nobody is hiring me

>> No.53800602

that said I still choose to work because if I become wealthy then at the very least I can buy access to pussy

>> No.53800605

"We" side with capitalists because "we" are degenerate fucking gamblers that fantasize about achieving what we were brought up believing the American Dream was through what is basically the only remaining means: winning the lottery.

>> No.53800686

Not to mention Mike is an actor who barely did any actual work in his life. To top it off he’s rich as fuck now and doesn’t even do an acting gig or anything anymore.

>> No.53800711

society can suck my dirty dick

>> No.53800725

I'm a young man, next month after all my bills are paid I might buy a 10 oz bar of silver.

>> No.53800726

Mike Row? More Like Mikro dick

>> No.53800823
File: 290 KB, 1024x779, 1642678472028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work for what? So that a femoid who has had 27 dicks inside her will give me the time of day? Yeah, no.

>> No.53800836

>American TV
>le token diverse hire

I guess you are accustomed to it? It just looks so odd

>> No.53801045

i wonder how they would feel about refugees if we only allowed fertile asian, latina, ukrainian women who could only dream to have a white husband

>> No.53801083

No pussy, no work, no taxes
Simple as

>> No.53802511

In the past the average man was married by 25 and the woman was married by 22. Only 2.5% of married women had fucked more than 10 dudes. Now it's 10% and marriage rates have utterly collapsed. The old traditional life path has disintegrated and no one cares to designate a new one that's accessible to the vast majority. There is no juice worth the squeeze and on current wages you can't "grow up" because you can't afford anything unless tech is hiring (right now they're laying people off) because tech/engineering/a few other sectors are all that's left for "careers with a clear and even moderately accessible port-of-entry and that actually pay decently". And even then they try to push men out with dysfunctional corporate and recruiting culture, telling you to be happy to work on an oil rig out in the ocean while nasty boomers like mike rowe have teenage/20-something girlfriends. It's not worth the squeeze and it's literally subsidizing your creepy dad to fuck what would otherwise be your girlfriend/wife because he covets your youth.
Boomers exist in a fantasy universe where they seethe and try to fuck you over out of jealousy and you should just be cool with that, then lose their fucking minds when you tell them to kick rocks because they're weak old men who never accomplished anything in their miserable joke lives. Both their fathers and sons will be greater men than them in the long run of history, boomers a hated footnote of losers who created hard times for everyone else.
>Fixed it so I can used it as copypasta

>> No.53802555
File: 65 KB, 1241x700, inclusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53802618

That's the most hilarious thing. You know those photos of the endless hoard of "refugees" travelling to their destination they use for propaganda? It's always just 20~40yo men as far as the eye can see. Now if instead, all of those people were women in the tens of thousands (if not more) you can bet that roasties would be firebombing the oval office demanding immigration be made illegal.

>> No.53802643


reminder mike rowe is a theater kid and opera singer who larps as a tradie. also business owners are most angry about people not working because it drives competitive wages. they want more people working so they can PAY LESS

>> No.53802831


>> No.53803054
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No pussy, no wagie

>> No.53803095


>> No.53803393
File: 219 KB, 828x1792, 1677019154515197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you people are just like the taliban! evil!

>> No.53803475

Why bother.
You make shit, you get overworked to prop up a bunch of people who don't actually do anything (useless managers, hr, h1bs)
And then I get taxed for half of my income after all of that.


>> No.53803785

>we need tax money to pay for programs
Just call Jerome to have it print.

>> No.53804435
File: 22 KB, 412x360, 1669589105808943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the man in the pic? Did he work in the trades for his whole life? Is he an actor who pretended to work in the trades for a few months? I need to know!

>> No.53804544


>> No.53804591

noooooooooo not my heckin economy

>> No.53804626


> low pay
> no sex
> can't afford house
> society run by actual satanist pedophiles

Gee I wonder

>> No.53804785

>Does outsourcing to oversees explain this?
No, the divergence between productivity and wages in the west unironically begins when feminism gets normalized. I'm not a poltard, it's just a logical consequence of doubling the supply of workers while keeping the demand for labour the same as women decide they want to also be breadwinners over the course of a few decades.

>> No.53804880
File: 43 KB, 641x524, 1600835675715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Each time i learn something new about Hitler, it's something of unspeakable basedness. It's like basedness wanted to take human form and lead us toward a brighter future. No wonder kikes were (and still are) seething so hard at him.

>> No.53804904

Fuck this worthless society

>> No.53805737

fuck you

>> No.53805795

This is sad

>> No.53806082
File: 503 KB, 700x699, hearinganalarm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so if we don't work.. society stops?
you're really making a tough sell here.

>> No.53806200

I just want to stay home and watch anime and play vidya

>> No.53806253

>Society needs men to work
Wrong, we have women that can replace men at work now

>> No.53806317

if I could get a gig telling every news station about a made up statistical problem while never having done the thing im ranting about you know id be all about it

>> No.53806466

What jobs pay rent? There is nothing under $2.5K a month near me.

>> No.53806598

Just never pay rent

>> No.53806646

I don't work because I am not a retard
All my effort goes towards ME, and my family
Take the Jew-lite pill

>> No.53806686
File: 321 KB, 750x750, 68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......................... I just don't wanna work for bantu maximizers

>> No.53807460


Existing economic theory does not derive from the Chicago School.

>> No.53807551

>we need tax money to pay for programs
>we need tax money to pay for niggers

>> No.53807610

>we need tax money to pay for programs
LOL... programs for WHO what programs helped me out?

>> No.53807693


>Not vaccinated
>Fail psychometric tests
>Too educated (No one wants to hire a doctor for an entry level position)
>Native born English speaker
>Not gay
>White name
>Want to work in an office face-to-face instead of the privacy invasion work-from-home bullshit
>Want a salary and 5 days a week, not a 3 hour shift at 10pm on a Monday and, if the manager feels like throwing me a bone, another 4 hour shift on a Thursday afternoon
>Wear suits and ties, don't even own a hoodie
>No mental or physical disabilities

I would've been snapped up by any company in the 80''s or 90's, but really at this point I am not diverse enough and cannot be hired. I'm giving it another month, though am quitely resigning myself to teaching English in Asia for the rest of my life because I can't even get a job as a berry picker thanks to unfettered immigration.

>> No.53807840
File: 114 KB, 1024x683, no jab no bratwurst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not vaccinated
Is this really something US companies ask for?
I guess "vaccinated" solely pertains to rona-mRNA and nothing else. (healthcare workers being an exception, maybe)
Asking from Germany, where the MSM envisioned picrelated to be the future not too long ago.

>> No.53807902

>Is this really something US companies ask for?
All over the Anglosphere really.

For example you can look at the listings for most office jobs in the UK or Australia and there will be a whole list of mandatory requirements, education, experience, qualifications, working rights, security clearances, and then YOU MUST PROVIDE PROOF OF VACCINATION WHEN APPLYING. Okay, that's some HR cunt being a hysterical moron, but its really confusing when its a new listing and you don't even need to be vaccinated to enter either of those countries. There are no lockdowns or anything, I can go eat lunch with them, shake their hands and everything with them without any sort of government restrictions in place, but I'm not allowed to work with them for some mysterious reason.

>> No.53807916

show me a job that pays 100k without a college degree, mike.

>> No.53807949
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>why aren't men working?

society sucks, and it is a cultural void. Men are used as slaved without the benefit of giving them control of their household. the state wants to own your children, and women are frequently dumb hoes that can divorce rape you on a whim and take your children away.

Why is it a good deal to destroy your body to do miserable work for bad odds? Meanwhile all your taxes go to spics and niggers who don't pay for anything.

>> No.53808017

feminists should have tried their revolution to demolish white cis male a bit later when automation and robots had replaced men completely

>> No.53808076


This must be bait but just to address the redundant attempt at psychology here, factors of 'Peter Pan syndrome' that are axiomatic if you want to interpret this materialistically and not spiritually:

Wendy - running away from the responsibility of maturing and finding a partner raising kids etc

Captain Hook - Time to act on your looming responsibilities is running out

There is no GOAL to which you should aspire. Genuinely what are you aspiring towards? Unaffordable housing? Unpairable women? Children you're not allowed to raise with your own values?

>> No.53808219

Only in America you adore a guy who never worked a real job in his live


>> No.53808297

>7 hours of leisure time each weekday is bad
lol what? How can spending 1/3 of your day on things you like be such a strange concept?

>> No.53808327


Personal life
Rowe sang professionally with the Baltimore Opera.[9][40][41]

>> No.53808355


Get in trades, UNION only , easy as

>> No.53808420

I doubt it. More like buy your way into a jail cell with tyrone.

>> No.53808530
File: 2.70 MB, 640x640, 1672832165858507.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow OP you just really like sucking dick don't cha little guy?

>> No.53808553

The whole premise of this is that people should work. Why?

The more we rebel in NEETdom the faster the full luxury AI automation will come.

>> No.53808602

we are working but not getting paid. we're learning how to use AI so we have a head start over normies

>> No.53808610

They have already been seething about Europe happily accepting Ukrianain women and children but not wanting to take men from Africa and the Middle East

>> No.53808622

>Maybe the real Taliban was the friends we made along the way

>> No.53808759

Certain parts of society aren't needed.

>> No.53808784

Automation and robots would still need men to maintain them. In reality tools are your friend and with sexbots you don't need women at all, they become a liability to every man who wants to enjoy life.

>> No.53808790

Boomers shit on the social contract for kitchen remodels and cruises in europe.

>> No.53808794

>a guy who never worked a real job who is adored because he appealed to middle aged and now old aged boomers screaming about how their kids are useless and that's why kicking them when they're down is good

>> No.53808805

*and who takes testosterone to be more masculine

>> No.53808831
File: 6 KB, 267x189, Thomas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Chicago School in particular, serves rentiers and financiers and has developed a special language designed to reinforce the impression that there is no alternative to the status quo
lol this nigga has no idea what he's talking about

>> No.53808853
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>Factory worker
>middle class
What is this? Post stupid shit on /biz/ day?

>> No.53808918
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This guy is so full of shit. What kind of faggots whole mission is getting people to work the worst jobs possible. I cannot stand this dude. He talks down to anyone younger than him. Someone needs to make an expose on his bullshit. He needs knocked down a peg.

>> No.53808945
File: 123 KB, 881x905, 1642676152231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill Mike Rowe. Behead Mike Rowe. Roundhouse kick Mike Rowe into the concrete. Slam dunk Mike Rowe's family into the trashcan. Crucify Mike Rowe. Defecate in Mike Rowe food. Launch Mike Rowe into the sun. Stir fry Mike Rowe in a wok. Toss Mike Rowe into an active volcano. Urinate into Mike Rowe gas tank. Judo throw Mike Rowe into a wood chipper. Twist Mike Rowe's head off. Report Mike Rowe to the IRS. Karate chop Mike Rowe in half. Curb stomp pregnant Mike Rowe wife. Trap Mike Rowe in quicksand. Crush Mike Rowe in the trash compactor. Liquefy Mike Rowe in a vat of acid. Eat Mike Rowe. Dissect Mike Rowe. Exterminate Mike Rowe in a gas chamber. Stomp Mike Rowe skull with steel toed boots. Cremate Mike Rowe in the oven. Lobotomize Mike Rowe. Mandatory abortions for Mike Rowe descendants. Grind Mike Rowes hands in the garbage disposal. Drown Mike Rowe in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Mike Rowe with a ray gun. Kick old Mike Rowe parents down the stairs. Feed Mike Rowe to alligators. Slice Mike Rowe with a katana.

>> No.53809100
File: 41 KB, 720x720, ...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the old baboon at the end says
>it's not attractive
There is nothing to attract. This shitworld is going to zero.

>> No.53809122

Mike Rowe is a former opera singer turned TV star who’s job is to larp as a plumber for 30 mins and convince you to make $22/hr for the rest of your life

>> No.53809152

why are jews kvetching?

>> No.53809188


>> No.53809254

That wasn’t even bait but just irony posting and you still fell for it. Jesus

>> No.53809310

Okay so here's the deal. I'm a nice white guy but most blacks, other whites, and ALL hispanics hate other white guys in the workplace? Why? Is it because I have better genes? I'm better looking? I clearly don't dress to impress but I still am more impressive? Is it because I can string together entire sentences? Is it because I don't have 20 rape baby children to feed at home? Is it because I talk about crypto at work? Lol . Fuck everyone who isn't White and who isn't like me.

>> No.53809520

These tv people are amazing. The only things the can comprehend people doing when they are not working is watching tv.

>> No.53809537

Not just that. By using the Internet and AI we have been instrumental in training it. We are contributing more than we may think.

>> No.53809568

i just got done working for like 5+ years, and investing and wife hunting and all that good shit.
my bank account?
like $200. right now.

i havent gone to work in about 3 months.
and i am single.

think im gonna do that again?

>> No.53809605

biz is, and was created as, a crypto board, its amazing how many newfags and reddit migrants still dont understand this

>> No.53809922

i for one appreciated how the negress just had to sneak in a snarky comment about how she wouldnt fuck a jobless man. thank you tv people

>> No.53810009

>someone posted this on /pol/
>one guy claiming he became a 200k a year linux dev with no college because he "asked professionals and they just helped him with his resume"
>says that people are lazy, as he admits he mostly plays league of legends at "work" from home

>> No.53810023

She works very hard at her job being a tv commentator, now unclog her toilet wagie.

>> No.53810527

Nice, Hitler as NEET

>> No.53810550


That's why NEETs are utterly reprehensible. It isn't hard at all to do the bare minimum but still work and support yourself. Somehow they're below that even.

>> No.53810579

this isn't that big a deal. If this job awarded me a decent house and enough food I would easily do it.

>> No.53810595

Truly amazing

>> No.53810833

I don't blame Zoomers for not working. Young white males have been dealt the worst hand socially, economically, and romantically since ~2013. Glad I made it and "got mine" just before that.

>> No.53810868
File: 112 KB, 820x729, 792-7926107_104-kb-png-apu-apustaja-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to work for paltry wages that do not afford me a decent life. Simple as.

>> No.53810928

work used to mean you could afford a house, a family (if you wanted that) and a comfy middle-class lifestyle. now "work" simply provides the absolute BARE necessities, and therefore you're just working to survive, and surviving just to work

fuck these kikes

>> No.53811018
File: 316 KB, 1520x720, Screenshot_20230222-120326_NewPipe_SponsorBlock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non working people have less than 7 hours free time. If there's 24 hours in a day, and 8 are spent sleeping, they're spending 9 hours doing something. Even a full time wage could be expected to spend several hours per day in leisure. What is this? An attempt at guilt tripping people into being goycattle wageslaves?

>> No.53811031

Meant for >>53809520

>> No.53811046 [DELETED] 
File: 295 KB, 1210x1000, e54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>company partner says we have a big problem and can't solve X
>everyone says it's impossible
>find out they're lying to their clients they can do X to land the contract
>contract is worth millions
>spend a few months, hundreds of hours of my spare time coming up with a solution
>present it to management, they tell me to wait until performance review for a big raise
>at performance review they come up with reasons to only provide inflation tracking raise
>barely making minimum wage to begin with when calculating # of hours worked
>decide to resign from company
>management only offers 40% raise after I turn in resignation
>see job posting of my position at the company with almost twice my salary
>tell them to pound sand anyways and quit job
why are young men not working?

>> No.53811119
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>> No.53812060

care to elaborate on these "programs"?

>> No.53812863


>> No.53813340

yup. hitler is the platonic ideal of the form "based"

>> No.53813368
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Cause the game is fucking rigged, and the only way to win is not to play.

>> No.53813389

>anti-utilitarians actually believe this

>> No.53813529

It's pretty funny seeing how many job that I ever applied for in my 20s till my 30s was only ever retail work. Everything else was never accepting or they had some retarded requirements. No learning on the jobs none of that shit. OR the unemployment office which had you get up at like 4am sit in a lobby and compete with niggers and other felony having shitheads for a chance to move object to one place to another with below minwage no insurance and so on. I'm 37 btw.

>> No.53813629

I don't agree with this at all I think that if jobs paid, and it was run by non boomer minded bosses the we'd see more people. Look at some of the threads on /biz/ when it comes to working or days off. You'll see how bad the boomer mindset is even with zoomers. It's a cancer that need to leave society. For fuck sake we have a mentality here that if you get sick s cold/flu whatever you should still come into work to infect everyone else with your disgusting bullshit and you need a doctor's visit just to show proof. If you can't trust your employees you are doing something wrong and 99% of the country doesn't trust anyone they hire. Also don't fucking get autistic with me here I'm not talking about extremes.

>> No.53813676
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>> No.53814889

>"why do cats meow?"

>> No.53816430

Good post, will check this out