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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53784069 No.53784069 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc

Blackrock 14% stake in BBBY

10Q Filing

>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Announces Completion of Public Equity Offering and Provides Strategic
>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Announces Pricing of Offering of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock and
>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Announces Proposed Offering of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock and

>> No.53784085

New 8K's


>Carol Flaton - Carl Ichans appointee in Xerox take over

Latest hires
>David Kastin - M&A Specialist board member & CLO
>Shawn Hummell New Snr VP

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

As always:
>Sneed hedgies
>Reminder to filter the spamming shills

Last time in BBBY

>> No.53784282

Kek dumbfuck baggies

>> No.53784309


>> No.53784541

sneed rimjabi
better luck next thread streetshitter

>> No.53784577

DRS some of your shares and this will be over in a month.

>> No.53784632

Kashmir is rightful pakistani clay

>> No.53784691

Gme baggies said the same 2 fucking years ago

>> No.53784832

you seem nervous

>> No.53784833

>apparently replying to shills are considered troll posts now
>ignores the actual trolls
>but action the ones abusing the report system on multiple devices who pretend to be /gme/ holders but FUCK UP every single time
kek shillies the fear is palpable

I presume for non burgers it takes the same months long process with ATS opening a CS account?

>> No.53784868

it took me a couple weeks to get the process finished. AST is archaic in comparison to CS but it is what it is for now

>> No.53784876

kek hedgies

>> No.53784879

Is that in Freedum land?

>> No.53784886

yeah, idk what the process is for anyone outside the states

>> No.53784900

Today is actually a blessing for baggies because they’d otherwise be losing more money if the markets were open

>> No.53784909

Lots of hassle and waiting, then more waiting after you get the first letter I presume. My holdings aren't big enough to bother with frankly, if it was the same as my GME holdings then I might consider it but I think this play would be over before the transfer and paperwork would be completed. The deal has been done, now it's just the big dick news to come.

>> No.53785302

Is $80 a share very unrealistic?

>> No.53785329

Short squeezes are irrational, its a sellers market when the other side needs your shares. If they sold more than a float short then it's a name your price scenario

>> No.53785341

kek wagmi

>> No.53785397

aint the problem with DRS you wont be able to sell the pump

>> No.53785420

maybe people are holding for successor shares

>> No.53785484


>> No.53785503
File: 546 KB, 508x683, 2023-01-31 21_16_34-BBBY - Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just sad how you abuse the report system then try and gaslight people who got an warning for a reply

>> No.53785761

It’s starting to feel like something has to give soon. Idk how much longer a trade can be this crowded before something snaps, to either side. I just want another BKKT or SIGA, those were the last plays I actually made a lot on :(

>> No.53785843

Weren't BBBY supporters boasting about reporting hedgie fudders and encouraging others to do the same?

>> No.53785853

>reporting trolls
>abusing the report system to report replies to trolls
Yeah kys faggot

>> No.53785883

People were reporting others who provided facts countering shills opinions, not trolling. If you want one-sided discussion then I think you already know which website I'm going to recommend.

>> No.53786252

Unironically if the shorts catch wind that r/BBBY is starting to DRS they're gonna have to let it run, I wouldn't be surprised if the smaller fish started to close out of fear once that starts

>> No.53786303

>last thread dies before hitting bump limit
>they make a new one
why do you galactic level niggers even bother? It's like 4 of you and the rest are shills. Go back with your own kind on plebbit.

>> No.53786349

Seems like you don't even need to be here, seems like you need a giant cactus up your rectum

>> No.53786395
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and what you gonna do? Come over here and do it yourself? Fuck you nigger, you're not gonna do shit but sit right where you are holding your bag and typing into the void like a little faggot.

>> No.53786456

>Seething at threads being made now
Kek shillies truly are some of the saddest fucks on the planet, grasping at anything they can to moan about.

>> No.53786496
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>Noooooo my 2342356th Animal shit coin thread isn't getting any attention!!!!!
kek shillies

>> No.53786528

Is it even enough to make a difference though? I thought institutions held like 80% of shares

>> No.53786585
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>46.7% but we own a lot more than them at this point

>> No.53786664

>Dilute every issued share
>Company issues 900 million more
kek bbbyaggies.

>> No.53786678

I meant DRS, fuck.

>> No.53786725

Jesus christ. The baggies itt are openly admitting they want to report and ban everyone who disagrees with them
Never before has the fact you are all reddit tourists been so cruelly exposed

>> No.53786824
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Based general, op. You are a scholar and a gentleman. kek seethies

>> No.53786836
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>> No.53786886

That guy is an actual fucking retard for even agreeing to such an interview in the first place. Why do predditors continue to fall for this scheme?

>> No.53786929

main character syndrome

>> No.53786954

He's not a retard. Looks like he fucking rekt the fake news media with some pretty legit DD.

>> No.53786971

He was also quoted by them a while ago, he did a bang up job and they ignored it and just printed lies lol.

Imagine being afraid of the truth as a journalist / Hedge fund cock holster

>> No.53786979

i laugh every time i see this guy’s face posted here

>> No.53787010

yeah, if anything this discredits WSJ as a reliable source now that i think about it

>> No.53787029

Now? Lol my sweet retarded nigger. They have always been lying judenpresse

>> No.53787042

That, plus they're all gullible as fuck, just like the rest of the democrats. They're still signing petitions to the SEC and sucking Jew Dave's cock. Pathetic.
You're just as retarded as he is. The WSJ doesn't give a flying fuck about this no name posting DD on his twitter. They're not going to share any of that, and none of the people that read WSJ are going to see it. They used his ass for a hit piece, exactly as planned.
You thought they were credible to begin with?

>> No.53787064
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>The WSJ doesn't give a flying fuck about this no name posting DD on his twitter.
Akshually they did

>> No.53787098
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This proves that the MSM is more interested in narrative than the truth. The shillies desperate for us to sell are also part of fabricating this false reality where BBBY is going bankrupt. I think the short selling dogpile was picking up steam long before the stirrings of M&A really came to light. Just one look at the insane levels of volume paired with the market wanting to move the price higher tells us everything we need to know.
I've said it and I will say it again. If I am falling for some massive hoax orchestrated by hedgies to spin me some Q tier investing narrative to plunder retail then so be it. Well done. But I don't think I part from my BBBY shares without several hundreds of thousands of dollars. And at these prices? It's a no brainer.

>> No.53787318

Can't wait to be rich tomorrow

>> No.53787649

sneed rimjabi
better luck next thread streetshitter

>> No.53787721
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>> No.53787759

sneed rimjabi
better luck next thread streetshitter

>> No.53787795
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>> No.53787864

sneed & filtered

>> No.53787922
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>tomorrow the market opens up
Best of luck guys

>> No.53787944 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53787975

$80 please. Even just $30 and I’ll sell

>> No.53788011

something like 5m FTDs are due by the end of the week

>> No.53788030

>didn't sell at $7
how's $1.80 sound

>> No.53788034
File: 7 KB, 310x163, OneMillionDollars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My demands are simple.

>> No.53788044

Sounds a lot better than $0 lmao.

>> No.53788047

>German market closed at equivalent of $1.79
Kek baggies. Never going above $1.80 again

>> No.53788065

shorts unironically need to start making moves on closing their positions before this gets even more out of hand, with Reg SHO mandatory settling period still active and reddit waking up to DRS this could blowup bigger than GME

>> No.53788102

price is fake, doesn't matter.

all that matters now is DRS. the float will be DRSd in just a few weeks. hedgies are FUCKED! yes DRS seems like a last ditch effort to make it harder for people to sell and AST is complete garbage but ignore that. TRUST THE PLAN!

>> No.53788110

I'm sure they'll wait until something forces their hand, stockmaster is going to get absolutely reamed though.

>> No.53788117

>what are successor shares
kek you are fucked retard

I'd imagine a share recalled triggered by a M&A would do it.

>> No.53788211

yeah m&a is the preferred route at this point because it'll trigger a recall, but DRS is a great way to raise the heat

>> No.53788231

>yes DRS seems like a last ditch effort to make it harder for people to sell
If DRS made it harder to sell, then why would you suspect short sellers of pushing it? Surely they'd want it to be easier to make people sell. Your issue with DRSing BBBY should be that it's pointless to DRS a company that's just going to dilute anyway. For every share you lock up, they'll print 10 more.

>> No.53788234

I think even reg sho should apply enough pressure, but it will be slightly later than the regulations imply.

>> No.53788260

>senior shill openly scolding his underpaid 1pbtid pajeet underling for using the wrong argument
So hard to find good shills these days, eh? lmfao

>> No.53788469

I sit on this toilet, taking yet another big stinky poo.

>> No.53788486

I had a poo once. So big it actually split my ring. I thought I was going to have to call an ambulance from the amount of blood on the paper.

>> No.53788574

I call out retards whenever I see one. Usually it's bbbyagies, but occasionally other retards join the thread.

>> No.53789617
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Yeah I'm still gonna hold the thousand shares I bought for fifteen hundo, until triple digits minimum. And not with anything but a five at the beginning or higher. Thanks for bumping the thread though fudsters!

>> No.53790165

> le DRS!!11!!

i think this is the sell signal lads. same shit as GME all over again

>> No.53790195

Eh, could be fun watching reddit speedrun it.

>> No.53790511

>250m market cap
>80% SI
over? it hasn't even started


>> No.53790545

200 M x 9 you fucking idiot

>> No.53791091
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>> No.53791197

Just the fact that you retards refer to the threshold securities list as regSHO makes it clear that you have no idea what you’re doing

>> No.53791248
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Who even said you need to know anything about finance to invest? I just like the stock. This shit is so easy, I should go to Wallstreet now that I am a trader. Why anyone pay professionals to do this shit when you can literally just keep your money and watch youtube videos?

>> No.53791307


>> No.53791412

What's the new cope baggie bros?

>> No.53791507
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U/umad-falala so sad..

>> No.53791630

No cope today? Only rope. Got it.

>> No.53791770

I hate to say it but this predditor is right.

>> No.53792031

thanks friend

>> No.53792464

so we won't even get another run up will we now?

>> No.53792608
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>> No.53792610


>> No.53792934

Not going to lie, the amount of 2 year old accounts posting about DRS is unsettling. I am in full support of DRS for GME, however, one size doesn't fit all. I'm going to do some more research into AST. Don't rush into anything and think before you make a choice.

>> No.53793101

should i sell all my gme for bbby?

>> No.53793150

yes, its a guaranteed 10-20x

>> No.53793162

Do the opposite

>> No.53793489

if GME still mattered you wouldn't be in a BBBY thread

>> No.53793601

Both matter, I hold both, I post in both threads about the related stock and that stock only, and I am also in your moms walls. And I don't mean between the sheetrock either faggot, although a stud finder would definitely go off on me still.

>> No.53793627

I got a feeling in my stomach that the volume is gonna be crazy today

>> No.53793655

Cohen killed the squeeze by not issuing the NFT divvy like he was supposed to.

>> No.53793672

Nice off topic post faggot, there is no false urgency and you don't hold a damn thing but these nuts in your mouth. You're not good at this whole "craft a narrative" thing, last (You) of the night from me.

>> No.53793698

idc about GME baggot cope and hopium and the Cohen cult can go fuck themselves.

>> No.53793720


I did this, now im 100% BBBY. Being totally honest, here is my idea. Running, for example, a 10x on BBBY takes us to like $18. Thats nothing. Running a 10x on GME takes us to $200. Thats more rare. Apply same principle on 50x or whatever multiple youre into.

There are only two possible triggers for GME; DRS (will take more time) or BBBY. Im latching on to the trigger and will ride it, not very high.

My broker allows me to sell and instantly get into GME position. When BBBY runs, for example, 10x, i think GME will not have run 10x, but maybe 2-4x.

I will take most of BBBY gains straight into GME, almost instant in my broker. As i already have account, DRS will take two days. Thats ok seeing how moass will take way more time.

Worstcase, im left out of GME squeeze. But i find it unlikely,, as i find no scenario where GME will run prior to BBBY running. In this case, if i dont have GME, i will have some comfort in having a chunky BBBY position. But more likely, BBBY will spurt faster, as it will be the trigger, and i will take proceeds straight to GME to DRS them. GME squeeze will be the more violent, by high factor, but its so well guarded that others will come first. I would not want to miss out on GME squeeze.

Im not saying everyone should do this, but I did this, its a calculated risk and im comfortable with it. If some other here is not, thats ok with me. Ultimately BBBY and GME is on same team. If one should fail, hedgies get so much collateral that the other is at risk of failure too. If one wins, the other one does to, due to the connection in basket.

My50c. Good luck!

>> No.53793740

BBBY is a proxy war for GME, like vietnam or something.

>> No.53793755

no BBBY is simply some retards overshorted this expecting bankruptcy and have been trying to cellarbox it, reddit has never been right about anything since ape culture took hold.

>> No.53793767
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Only cult I'm in is the one where we all cum in your mom cucky

>> No.53793809

Kek get diluted baggies

>> No.53794039

The fact that everytime a comment says DRS not even in the context of doing it but just those 3 letters gets heavily devoted shows you they are either using bots or meltdownies to brigade the comments sections. I have never seen so many [DELETED] profiles in BBBY is bullish and they havent even started the rule about permabanning meltdownies. Though the chromosome smugglers got smart and bought accounts or spun up ones and post on r/cats or r/freekarma to get around this issue, they clearly have several accounts each made at the start of GME for this purpose. When you can see the pushback on it from talking heads on twitter and youtubers like the pickle nigger who is such a blatant plant to get people to waste money on options rather than holding shares in their name, you know they have great fear over the removal of liquidity from the DTCC.

>> No.53794056
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I cant find the post but one comment section had a string of about 8 or 9 deleted profiles. Bobby mods aren't fucking about now

>> No.53794071


What do they delete? Pro DRS stuff?

>> No.53794121

meltdownies posting fud

>> No.53794160

I like where your head is at.

This is exactly what I am thinking as well, I still have 7200 shares of GME DRSed that I will not touch.

But like you said, I think BBBY runs up to $30, and honestly goes WAY beyond that--but I think $30 is the price that us long term GME holders will be taking the 10x from BBBY over to GME and then that rocket gets primed for Moon.

>> No.53794691

>hudson bay
Is there any proof of this yet? no? then this whole post can be disregarded as well

>> No.53794752

Are we just going to barcode at $1.78 indefinitely?

>> No.53794808

Nah, it’ll go to zero pretty soon

>> No.53794821
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Legit retard

>> No.53794946

>Legit retard
I mean, I’ve been telling you it’s going down and it keeps going down is idk maybe you’re actually the retard. Ever think of that smart guy?

>> No.53794997
File: 279 KB, 1170x2532, 591A6ADE-6EDE-46A9-AB3E-6BBA12771714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks just bought more

>> No.53795002

Kek BBBaggie

>> No.53795043

Hey big spender over here! And you retard niggers think anyone would pay shills to spread FUD among retards who probably make less than $40k a year

>> No.53795051

Just found out I had some old fonds laying around at another bank that I'm not even using, I'm gonna sell them off and put them all in BBBY later this week so please dip some more

>> No.53795084

Sorry bbbaggy, hudson bay needs you to slurp harder than that.

>> No.53795112

>sell so you wont lose money
>what a loser, cant throw 40k at this play
shills these days...

>> No.53795188
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>> No.53795204

>tfw 1.96 cost basis

feels good bros

>> No.53795213

Keep slurping to average down.

>> No.53795258



>> No.53795277

>reposting meltdownie shit
thanks for proving you retards are on the clock

>> No.53795295

Its a clip from a ppseeds (the biggest wrinkle brain on r/bbby) livestream
Its the most cringe shit ive ever seen in my life

>> No.53795300

dont care retard

>> No.53795465

Remember when you thought CTB was going to be a catalyst. Or was it the AH announcement. It’s hard to keep up with you retards

>> No.53795469

Never seen a ticker make people seethe so much kek

>> No.53795475

>he is still samefagging

>> No.53795476
File: 90 KB, 670x608, GMESneed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one thought that you chromosome smuggling retard

>> No.53795477

bruised battered and broken baggies get BTFO by BBBY bonce again

>> No.53795558

kek they can barely contain it

>> No.53795597

>sub 2 dollars after hitting 30
>muh barely contained
you're lookin very contained to me bagnigger

>> No.53795617
File: 181 KB, 1280x1600, 1650583553131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is nothing but baggots coping, seething, and dilating

>> No.53795644



>> No.53795646

another day another thread full of seething shills, kek

>> No.53795679

an equal amount of seeth cope dilate from fudniggers

>> No.53795680

sneed rimjabi and dikshitar
better luck next thread streetshitters

>> No.53795691
File: 269 KB, 713x654, 2023-02-12 23_43_51-BBBY - Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every day
thank you fudfags, makes this so easy, just bought another 100 shares

>> No.53795705

t-thanks for the discount hedgies

>> No.53795716

All around me are familiar faces
worn-out places, worn-out faces...


>> No.53795731

>t-thanks for the discount hedgies
t-t-thanks for making this so easy f-fudfags

>> No.53795739

The denial hahahahahhahahahahahahahha
Everyday in this thread has been circle jerks of CTB and AH annoucements

>> No.53795745

>shits up biz with redditnigger memes
>still hasn't killed himself for being said redditnigger
many such cases

>> No.53795772
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at least be less obvious with the collateral swaps hedgecuhuds

>> No.53795793

>this cope again

>> No.53795800

>BBBaggie posting this
Don't post my picture ever again. Those are for GMEchads only.
>buys BBBY to "bully someone"
>gets deathspiralled to death

>> No.53795801
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>> No.53795812

Oh no baggies. Oh dear

>> No.53795826

god you're such a faggot imagine not being able to read

>> No.53795837

No greater pleasure than lighting up a cig and reading the baggie seethe on here and reddit on a 10% red day

>> No.53795862
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Thanks for the discount Hedgies

>> No.53795877
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>he bought
nnnnoooooooo save me kenny man

>> No.53795878

>Can't afford to charge his phone because he put all his money in a dead company
Kek, bbbyaggies.

>> No.53795910

Already red. Congrats baggie

>> No.53795922

>I M M E D I A T E L Y loses money
it's literally that easy bros

>> No.53795944

You know baggies, I was thinking about everything you said last week. I admit I was wrong, and you were right. $bbby is definitely shooting up to $10 today. Sorry for doubting you.

>> No.53795959

Thank god for that AH annoucement

>> No.53795968
File: 390 KB, 1080x2066, Screenshot_20230221_150217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy has been pretty much calling the exact price movement every day based on dilution. He predicted we would dump to around $1.67 today
Looks like baggies are getting diluted

>> No.53795996

I farted and it stinks

>> No.53795997


Discarding this info until you can provide proof Hudson is involved.

>> No.53796019

>100% accurate for over a week straight
>”disregarding this”
Kek baggies

>> No.53796022

We’re going to have a v-shaped recovery by the end of the day but end up like 3% lower

>> No.53796024

Imagine BBBY sold to Hudson during a standstill with RC ventures, where hudson heard about the deal on Friday and close a complex deal on the Monday. It is literally impossible and retarded because the people on the board RC and Ichan put there would have blocked the deal. They are legitimate retards

>> No.53796027

Apes are screaming that no dilution has occurred, but with BBBY down another 18% over the last week, they better pray the dilution has already started.

>> No.53796050

the only thing that’s started is your dilation

>> No.53796123

>It is literally impossible and retarded because the people on the board RC and Ichan put there would have blocked the deal.

I'll give you a link to the agreement. Find me a clause saying that they can't dilute. When you can't find one, will you admit that there's nothing stopping the company diluting all it wants?


>> No.53796134

Turns out that $bbby really was just a bad investment. Well, live and learn. Back to wage-slaving. Maybe the next get-rich-quick scheme will work.

>> No.53796144
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>didn't mention dilution
>mentioned Hudson
this is how we know you retards have a script you can't deviate from

>> No.53796203

>Talking about the reasons the current price action is occuring MEANS YOURE ALL INDIAN SHILLS READING FROM A SCRIPT
kek baggies. You really are paranoid schizophrenics
The least retarded apes left the cult at every missed hype date and now only the dumbest people remain

>> No.53796206

>I may be losing money on $bbby, but at least I can call other people shills
Kek baggies

>> No.53796217
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Shills and their 3rd grade reading level will never cease to amaze me.

>> No.53796226

Are you fucking retarded? You were talking about the equity offering they made with Hudson (aka, dilution). Despite you saying that it's impossible, dilution is happening. There's nothing in the standstill agreement to stop it, and Cohens board members (if they even wanted to stop it, which they wouldn't, because without it the company's bankrupt) only have 3/14 seats.

>> No.53796227

What’s your cost basis?

>> No.53796238
File: 294 KB, 1305x1485, 1663112693192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll buy 100 shares of bbby right this second if it's under $5

>> No.53796244

It’s bounced up to $1.69. TAKE THAT SHILLS!!

>> No.53796251

working overtime to be mean. embarrassing

>> No.53796266

It keeps bouncing in the wrong direction!!!!!!!

>> No.53796286
File: 89 KB, 1242x310, B7009087-3468-444B-84FE-5897738F4A72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53796288
File: 30 KB, 704x304, fallingdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the baggie?
I did everything /biz/ told me to

>> No.53796308

baggiebros, is it unironically over?

>> No.53796311

lmao, word for word

>> No.53796313


>> No.53796322

Today 1.73$

>> No.53796333


They said it was dropping to $1.70 today. Well guess what, it went down to $1.66. Take that shills, totally BTFO.

>> No.53796341

Last week r/bbby always had over 10k online during market hours
Its now just 4k
Last week the daily discussions would get over 1k comments in the first hour of market
Only 500 today
Baggies are out of ammo

>> No.53796351

Kek, I did say $1.67 tbf >>53795968

>> No.53796377
File: 33 KB, 680x680, 1648752415232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keked and checked

>> No.53796389

What’s your overall cost basis of the shares you currently hold?

>> No.53796410


>> No.53796414

Best I can do is half a V
Don’t you act like you know anything about this stock’s direction lmao if you did you wouldn’t invest

>> No.53796430

what makes you so in the know

>> No.53796435

Go back to fucking your dog, furfag

>> No.53796439

None of your business

>> No.53796456

Post screenshot

>> No.53796471
File: 2.70 MB, 4032x3024, 91322A19-5F7C-491A-8ACD-617BE260C146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t have to be “in the know” to avoid a dying company

>> No.53796472

Please? I really want to laugh at how far underwater you are.

>> No.53796494
File: 61 KB, 721x1280, 08BA9A21-7D9F-423B-B8AD-C85852395A6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet you wish you could see these prices again

>> No.53796519

Remember baggies - all your theories about naked shorts were proven wrong with bbby. That means it also doesn’t work with GME. Just sell all your meme shares and get what money you can. Before it’s too late.

>> No.53796536

I'm not listening to you redditors

>> No.53796537

Hitting good levels of fud here, very encouraging.
Got mid xx,xxx bbby at avg $2.1.
Very comfy.

>> No.53796539

all this "DD" was proven wrong 20 years ago with CMKM Diamonds

>> No.53796551

Surely you’d post a screenshot

>> No.53796564
File: 29 KB, 393x550, 1619467011949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the best thing is, there are bbaggies who managed to buy this shit at $7 just two weeks ago.

>> No.53796581

That's actually what I'm going to do lol.
I can't afford to ride it to 0. I've been in GME for 2 years now and I only lost money XD

>> No.53796631

Then do it now and post a screen shot.

>> No.53796641

The best time to get out of the GME scam was 2 years ago. The second best time is today.

>> No.53796656
File: 3 KB, 226x81, furry redditor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit dude, get a life

>> No.53796683

>mid xx,xxx
just say the number dumbass. I'm gonna assume you're at 50k so total cost of $105k. so at $1.67 you're only down $21.5k. congrats!

>> No.53796688

As soon as it drops to 1.59 (this is your chance Kenny)

>> No.53796702

embarrassing, we’re definitely getting brigaded by redditor shills

>> No.53796705

>Still posting about CMKM
>Still trying to say the cellar box manual is wrong
>Jim Cramer goes on tv to say it's how they operate
holy fuck you retards are so bad at your job

>> No.53796709

>if we whine about Reddit, it’ll make the stock price go up!
Kek baggies

>> No.53796710

the phrases they use are all from meltdownie sub, since they got locked out of r/bbby they now come here lol

>> No.53796716

All your QAnon theories aside, bottom line - $bbby is down.

>> No.53796727

You could have averaged down. GME was $16 a few weeks ago. Meanwhile, BBBY literally might not have another green day before it's delisted. These are two completely different plays - one is a gamble, the other is over but some people have realized it yet.

>> No.53796743

Roulette is a gamble. GME is a pump and dump scam.

>> No.53796766

oh baggies... oh no... oh dear

>> No.53796771

I think it's got a very high chance of squeezing, and in the meantime I'm making money selling covered calls. BBBY is now the PnD.

>> No.53796774
File: 83 KB, 948x899, citadel shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is too funny, Citadel must be good money

>> No.53796776
File: 44 KB, 1405x840, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes I do internalize all the orders and then short it with fake locates how could you tell

>> No.53796783

>very high chance of squeezing
It has zero chance of squeezing.

>> No.53796788
File: 69 KB, 1073x585, FAA09895-82A8-4650-9D49-FEFCD974019F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1.64 lmaooo don’t be like this dude

>> No.53796825

That dosent even make sense. You said you were going to sell but not until its lower? Your either shilling or retarded.

>> No.53796840

I hold both GME and BBBY, so I guess the answer is obvious?

>> No.53796842

Where do retards like this even get so much money to buy the top? It must be inheritance right?

>> No.53796849


>> No.53796853

go back nigger

>> No.53796861
File: 1.45 MB, 1200x1000, bbby moon2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought.

>> No.53796868
File: 1.05 MB, 1024x1024, 1666291483304064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, I am shilling by admitting I'm very bad at investing.

>> No.53796869
File: 570 KB, 3148x1400, 1671783842849801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering dumping my calls for shares instead. Calls are good through end of May, slightly OTM. Thoughts?

>> No.53796873

>already down
Kek baggies

>> No.53796876
File: 250 KB, 1170x1482, 35B92C87-97AB-4CEB-B3DA-827E682324FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ain’t much but it’s honest work.

>> No.53796890

hudson thank you for the donation, no matter how meager it may be

>> No.53796913

Plenty more money to average down. I started with 2000 shares at ~$1.5, sold at $5.6 and I already more than doubled my share count. I'm gonna swing this shit and double it again, let's go shorties.

>> No.53796932
File: 48 KB, 1071x360, 7EEDB45C-CB46-4140-A108-ABE15E92BFB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He claims it’s all a trust fund but still retarded. I haven’t done the math in a while but he probably blew like 90%

>> No.53796942

Hey big spender!

>> No.53796948

Nice average.

>> No.53796978

>I think
That’s where you went wrong
Stop investing in vibes

>> No.53797026
File: 139 KB, 1170x639, D255B37F-B891-4D46-A8FD-849DB2FD4346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you I got it a little lower now.

I am a big boy investor

>> No.53797046


>> No.53797068

Just bought more. $1.85 basis now

>> No.53797081

I bought another 58 to give myself a round 1500

>> No.53797109
File: 5 KB, 225x224, bad day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2.4& average, 4k shares

>> No.53797148
File: 95 KB, 1056x895, 167601096449372291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep telling you that every time you post my portfolio I will buy more and you keep ignoring my warning. You're playing a dangerous game, maybe I'll consider DRSing half of these

>> No.53797151
File: 103 KB, 1169x1148, 1666660339573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being up 25% at 16 and he still chose to not sell when it hit $25
It's just greed at that point.

>> No.53797154

unfathomably based

>> No.53797166

Based. You're in for a great time when this hits $80.

>> No.53797192

>I am one of the pump and dump scammers making money off the delusional “buy and hold” baggies
At least you’re honest about it.

>> No.53797193
File: 44 KB, 720x611, eeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the best financial decisions I've made have been from trusting my instincts. When BBBY dropped to 1.5 last month I bought a bunch, then sold when it hit 5. I will have the last laugh with GME. I'm most excited for the I told you so's tbqdesu.

>> No.53797252
File: 44 KB, 900x500, AA683BAE-DF8F-44D8-8CA1-F51C243EF26E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I pump the stock up by posting bullshit theories and rumors on line, then sell once it jumps up

>> No.53797264
File: 101 KB, 497x749, DF0C1E8C-15A7-44CA-97DC-B68BDFD20688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are healing. If you look inside this circle you can see big things happening which shows growth in the stock represented by the line going upwards within the circle while excluding the line going down outside the circle.

>> No.53797272

Need a smaller circle.

>> No.53797281
File: 40 KB, 497x673, 150D3ADA-6F59-4C83-AFA1-41B3194044BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a bull flag if I ever seen one.

>> No.53797283

Would be nice if we could stop healing downwards though

>> No.53797302

AHAHAHAHA. It’s not so hard to buy more. I’m not impressed if you bought 85k more when this shit is almost worthless. Buy more, pleaseee
He bought even more. A fool and his money..

>> No.53797312

Here's another shill, seems that he likes to jerk off to RWBY porn

>> No.53797318


>> No.53797322
File: 42 KB, 627x597, E591B00F-08C6-4513-83AE-CB77B7468E00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to my charts it looks like we are going to be breaking out on a Mac D while side trip hustling up a short legged ladder, lookin pretty saucy boys lookin pretty saucy. The RSI is about to CRUNCH bros! Solid swiping of the warrants and bonds bro!

>> No.53797324

holy heckin based chungus, you should buy even more because this is undoubtedly going to 80 dollars

>> No.53797326

Are we meant to be impressed that you're down 10% (so far)?

>> No.53797435

Another shill, this one is a weeaboo

>> No.53797469
File: 89 KB, 660x574, c27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody claims their average is like $2 or under, but we had this general back in august before it died so either people are lying or some of you sold for a loss back then and bought back in

t. 8.93 average

>> No.53797474

why would they have so many porn posts on their shill account? they’re not sending their best…

>> No.53797502

6.5 here, been holding for almost a year

>> No.53797511

my average is like 3.03, and im sad at the current price action. In fact, id go as far, and call this price action gay. Gay ass price. Gay ass shills. I hate this company. Why cant the price shoo back up to at least to 20?

>> No.53797512

Under $0.87 and Hudson become the baggies

>> No.53797520

We can have some fun with them, just post their usernames on /pol/ and watch the fireworks

>> No.53797527

Prices not seen so low since 1992!
Buy, hodl, DRS!

>> No.53797552

Because you bought the hype and literally ended up in a cult. This is like the branch Davidians of stocks. I just feel bad for the true believers because it’s like, how could they trust anyone ever again? I wonder if they will just fall for the same trick again

>> No.53797562

Baggies are such newfags.
>let’s get /pol/ to be our personal army!

>> No.53797574

anon, for this fuckery we deserve $40 at minimum, all gained in PM so non-martyrs can't profit from our pain

>> No.53797577

They 100% will. In fact, it’ll radicalize them. Instead of accepting they fell for a scam, they’ll tell themselves that it’s the corrupt system that stopped them from being poor. And that will somehow turn into voting Republican.

>> No.53797579

get better material wolfxlasers, maybe go and jerk off to some more furry porn to clear the mind a bit

>> No.53797588

Says the actual redditor

>> No.53797597
File: 242 KB, 847x944, al_sneed_by_captainedwardteague_df4vd4g-pre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awful weird how there were barely any posts yesterday on a national holiday and suddenly out of the woodwork comes literal hundreds of people who care about how I invest my money

>> No.53797609

Meme stocks are literally a Reddit movement. Get this shit off 4chan.

>> No.53797613

>I wonder if they will fall for the same trick again?
Lets see, most of them have red bags in
Some of them even have red bags in
>other shitcoins
I would say yeah, they will continue falling for the same pump and dumps. Just each time will be a lower pump because they have less money each time
Ironically if all the baggies concentrated on one stock/shitcoin they could meme it into a multi billion $ mcap

>> No.53797619

I honestly feel bad for you fucking idiots

>> No.53797628

Kek. This is good bait

>> No.53797629

I'm not the one with the reddit account here, go back to gme_meltdown

>> No.53797643

post your portfolio and YoY gains

>> No.53797648

More of a .win poster?

>> No.53797661

I just hold cash in US dollars at zero percent interest. I’m way up over all meme stocks.

>> No.53797685

Whatever you say pandoracam

>> No.53797690

this is the gayest post in the thread so far

>> No.53797703

Whats the CTB now? why has reddit stopped talking about it?

>> No.53797710

I love that the shills keep moving the goalposts like they claim bbby holders do

>member when we were going bankrupt in the first week of January?
kek shillies

>> No.53797723
File: 24 KB, 309x482, obsessed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's Los Angeles by the way?

>> No.53797724

The end point of all these movements targeting gullible idiots (QAnon, pizzagate, crypto, NFTs, meme stocks) ends up being “vote for the Republican candidates and donate to the GOP!” Odd, huh?

>> No.53797729

you are literally gay hahahahaha

>> No.53797740

Yeah, so?

>> No.53797751

LA is home to many fags

>> No.53797756

yeah buddy keep pushing the qanon posts, that's worked so well for the last 2 years I'm sure it's gonna work eventually if you keep saying it

>remember when the shills even tried to us 'E' in the GME threads lmfao

>> No.53797762

you're right, I'm voting for Bernie now :)

>> No.53797764

Last month it was priced for bankruptcy as if it was certain, but it wasn't. So I bought then sold. Simple as. That's not a PnD it's good investing.

>> No.53797773

QAnon forums have dedicated meme stock threads. Tons of overlap.

>> No.53797775

>that's worked so well for the last 2 years
How much money have reddit memestock baggies made in the last 2 years?

>> No.53797783
File: 243 KB, 1036x1154, 29d09b463db7ef73c8d636abeae94565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kek they're defensive over their narrative

>> No.53797786

>last month it was priced for bankruptcy
And today it’s even lower.

>> No.53797788

Crowded trade. Something will break here very soon.

>> No.53797793

It's down to around 100% now. Anything in double figures is still very high, and apprently it dropped before the August run, so who really knows what's going on with it.

>> No.53797812



how long before the FTDs are due and the pool of shares to borrow is dry, then there is an announcement reaming shorts? It's going to be violent lol

>> No.53797819

homosexuals and pedophiles have tons of overlap. what's your point

>> No.53797825
File: 213 KB, 800x450, 1675157016965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You HAVE to go back.

>> No.53797830
File: 9 KB, 933x84, pandoracam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think you can reason with this fag?

>> No.53797901

>those averages



>> No.53798132
File: 9 KB, 190x266, MCDONALDS WOJAK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53798213

Which is why I sold when it went to 5. Now bankruptcy is almost a certainty and the company has implemented a death spiral dilution, which is why my instinct is to NOT buy this time.

>> No.53798260

so short it retard