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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 271 KB, 1368x870, problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53794430 No.53794430 [Reply] [Original]

>pic related takes 5 minutes to fold and bake on the panini press.
>chicken breasts and all total 1.40$ per wrap
>but you choose to order a 25$ onions meat pizza + 5$ tip.

no wonder you dont have money.

>> No.53794448

chicken wraps are good but those ingredients are kind of bizarre. for me, it's baby spinach, shredded cheese, and a little ranch dressing if i want to be a fatass.

>> No.53794457

well you dont like a crunch that much.
i like more of a crunch.
but i agree on the baby spinach.
in fact im gonna grow some rukola.
i need some green leaves in the recipe.

>> No.53794464

>spices $30
>cutting board >$15
>food $40
>Drinks (doesn't come free with the meal) $50
>Side $30
>Panini press $40
>Your own napkins 0.30
>wear and tear + bills for cooking $50
>your own time spent in a kitchen doing woman's work. 6 hours a week

All for an unfulfilling goyslop wrap to eat alone while standing up or sitting in front of a computer in isolation.

>> No.53794478

chicken and vegetables wrapped in a tortilla isn't "goyslop," mister 85 IQ /pol/ enthusiast

>> No.53794491

Yeah, better spend those 6 hours jerking off to Japanese cartoons or posting on a Tibetan yak breeding forum.

>> No.53794492

almost forgot
>Paper cups: $10

>> No.53794504

I enjoy jerking off to Japanese cartoons

>> No.53794596

>Muh goyslop

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.53794610

orange juice
canned oysters
a shitload more nutritious than whatever bullshit op made

>> No.53794614

I'm still eating beans and rice here

>> No.53794625

what time spend in the kitchen?
20 minutes once to cook and chop the meat (8 portions)
and 5 minutes to make a wrap from a cup?

its literally faster and cheaper than frozen pizza

>> No.53794648

absolutely peaty.

>> No.53794649
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>>spices $30
>>cutting board >$15
>>food $40
>>Drinks (doesn't come free with the meal) $50
>>Side $30
>>Panini press $40
>>Your own napkins 0.30
--- IT IS 30 CENTS
>>wear and tear + bills for cooking $50
>>your own time spent in a kitchen doing woman's work. 6 hours a week

You have proven to /biz today that you are a completely smooth brained moron. Good job, you earned it!

>> No.53794654
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>> No.53794672

It is when cooked like that

>> No.53794673

I swear to God I know the author of that post. He lives with his mom and they both just got evicted because he spent their rent money on pokemon cards. Sad, many such cases.

>> No.53794677

disposable cups is a galaxy brain move, please recommend more stuff like this

>> No.53794688
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>> No.53794698

>The Cook At Home®, Big Chicken Wrap™ Shills © Cry out in pain as they strike you

Tick tock goyslop pushers, the people won't buy your lies any longer.

>> No.53794705

>8 wraps
>8 chicken breasts
Is this post from 2019?

>> No.53794712
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Only retards do not know how to cook at home. Cooking provides the best nutritional outcomes because you can exactly control every ingredient that you eat. Having said that I still eat out from time to time, because I'm not poor -- but I don't eat goyslop.

>> No.53794717
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>> No.53794816

thats 2 chicken breasts cut as 5 thin pieces to bake on the panini press.
and they cost 5$ total in bulgaria

>> No.53794857

don't redpill people on cooking, and want to keep buying cheap groceries with my McDonalds dividends.

>> No.53794886

people are too stupid and lazy to grow 4 tomatoes on the balcony, + 1 tray of lettuce + 1 tray of rucula/spinach.

they will keep eating onions burgers and bugs

let the faggot get in his car and drive 15 minutes to wait in line for a onions burger.

>> No.53794944

>cutting board
You can get a pack of 4 servings of frozen stir fry mix for $2. Perfect filler and no cutting required.

>> No.53794957

actually.....youre right.
you can use frozen stir fry mix. nothing really prevents you to.

>> No.53794991

I live on $10 per month, get on my level richfag.

I eat 1 meal a day, the rest I fast
>boiled buckwheat sprinkled with mustard oil and salt / rice / potatoes (grown on my own land) / boiled yellow peas
>fried eggs with onions, dried mushrooms (I gathered in the woods last summer), garlic, dried nettle (fresh when it's summer) seasoned with pepper, thymes, oregano and so on (not as much for taste as for health benefits)
>for sweets, I eat fruits, like banans, apples, oranges. Especially I like to eat bananas with salted dried nuts. If it's summer I also eat stuff that grows on my yard like cherries, strawberry and makes salads of veggies and plants. All apples I eat are from my yard as well from 4 apple trees + some I gather in nearby forests. I make sweets out of it like pastila with honey, dry, eat fresh.
>for beverage I drink black/green tea with dried mint and other herbs I grow myself
Basically I live for free, except the bills for electricity and gas. But I don't actually pay water bills, it comes for free because local authority fucked something up and never charged us with anything and my parents were like whatever, so it's free now.

If I had money, I would probably live the same and woudn't change a lot. But I have none because of rubic

>> No.53795004

Ok, so DCA the price of the hardware over a month of meals. The result will be just a few additional pennies per wrap, stupid. And, just because you eat alone due to your ignorance and failure of basic social dynamics, doesn't mean the rest of us don't have a cute piece of tail to cook our wraps and eat with us.

>> No.53795019

I can do a shitload of beans and rice, but my beans always have 4 or 5 types of peppers and a pound of bacon or smoked ham hock. My other favorite rice pairing is asian style savory egg omlette on rice with a little sweet chili sauce. It's seriously less than $2 for a hearty and healthy meal, even including the price of the condiments spread over a month of meals.

>> No.53795028

This man is an investor.
This man is a speculator.

>> No.53795033 [DELETED] 

Based. My local supermarket offers a few different kinds of frozen veggie/mushroom blends for about the same price. I buy one of each, they're so good.

>> No.53795163

Just want to say its threads like these that are the best of biz & feels like coming home - I love you all frens and sincerely hope we all make it
Sometimes wish we could all meet up irl

>> No.53795207

come to frens4an if you want real convo
i got banned from fit for posting this thread

>> No.53795228

incel queers

>> No.53795233

>fried eggs
Nice larp. More like $10/day.

>> No.53795276

not a burgerino-americano to have this problem. 20 pack of eggs costs $1 where I live

>> No.53795304

Obvious b8 post, but if you "drink" anything other than water and maybe some other high protein animal milk (or rarely REAL fruit juices), you deserve to be spinning a wheel in a gulag like the goyim you are

>> No.53795326

If you eat two eggs a day at EVEN 5$ a dozen you spend 25$ a month on eggs. If you pay 5$ a dozen you should move somewhere else, or at the very least stop bitching as your issue is self inflicted.

>> No.53795354

Based, got any more I can have OP? This actually seems like the best mix between low effort yet tasty food I’ve seen in a while, I think I’m going to do this and finally kick my pizza habit

>> No.53795394
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i was the pizza guy on /fit/ i was making pizza at home. this recipe was specifically designed to be the fastest and laziest cooking, hence the panini press.

literally chicken/pork/beef meat. with vegetables on a fucking wrap, back into the panini press. once you learn to fold wraps...its easy and a game changer.

best of all i can hear my stomach signalling im hungry 30mins after i ate lunch. which means theres far less carbs than what i used to eat. and no insulin spike to make me sleepy.

fat bros.....this iss a game changer

>> No.53795421

make sure to take your 15 asperins a day, Peattards

>> No.53795435

oh and im also growing some lettuce, tomatoes and now urugula at home. so i can practically eat organic tacos for free. i dont wanna eat shit sprayed with roundup bro

>> No.53795440

>just own property to save 5 dollars a day on vegetables and fruits
>also spend more than their purchase price in maintaining/growing them

>> No.53795466

>lettuce, spinach and urugula grow in 5 weeks, in cups on your table
>strawberries are a weed that grows every year, in cups on your balcony
>4 tomato plants can grow no problem on your balcony

sounds like you love being a faggot that munches on roundup GMO goysslop and has 101 excuses.

i live better than you, without much effort...other than watering.

>> No.53795499

>just grow your own veggies like time and water are free

Will you retards go away

>> No.53795541

What’s the quality of your soil and groundwater? I basically live on a superfund site.

>> No.53795566

i have an apartment and a filter can, so most of the stuff i will be growing in my room/balcony this year.

i make my own compost from all kinds of stuff, my nails, hair, urine, dandruff, along with food scraps, beer, yeast, sugar. (first time im trying this).

you dont need anything special man.
and just think 4 tomato plants produce 6 tomatoes each, thats tomatoes for 120 wraps for free. no paying 3$ for some gmo crap tomato
that means you are saving 24x3$ on tomatoes,a nd you are eating organic

>> No.53795583
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here s apic so you dont think im larping

>> No.53795590

Nvm, just saw that you grow in cups. I tried growing broccoli sprouts in a jar once but then one day I noticed it had maggots crawling on it and that disgusted me discouraged me from ever trying again.

>> No.53795621

but I (s)need to eat wild caught salmon and avocados

>> No.53795629

it shoudlnt
i tried having earth worms in a bucket composting faster..but they kept trying to get out, so i threw them away on the grass outside.

>> No.53795634

Are paninis the new memefood of the 2020s?

>> No.53795653

>All for an unfulfilling goyslop wrap to eat alone while standing up or sitting in front of a computer in isolation.
To be fair you could be eating anything and still sitting alone in front of your computer.

>> No.53795665
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you cant win against the panini crew bro
>faster than a pan
>no need for oil like a pan (maybe a drop)
>cooks both sides at once
>makes the wrap stick and stay closed
>cooks a slice of chicken breast in 7 minutes
>heats your wrap in 3 minutes.

panini famiglia wins again

>> No.53795684
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Nobody will read this but I'll give you a good one.

Beans, lentils, garbanzo beans, rice. Everyone knows these, but they really should be done from bulk and dry. Bonus: Garbanzo and rice create a complete protein.

Buy frozen vegitables as they are cheap and usually have more nutrition since they were allowed to ripen, then frozen onsite. Vs being picked before they are ready so they can survive the trip to the grocery store, then last sitting there for days before being bought. Leafy greens like kale, chard and spinach can be easily sauted in REAL olive oil. Don't go cheap on this, but it in bulk.

For protein go for eggs, grassfed beef liver and chicken quarters. Pork is probably one of the best values out there as far as flavor goes. Get used to buying meat as unbutchered as possible and cutting it yourself and freezing. I pay $2 a lb, often times less. For good quality meat from Sams. Try not to buy your meat from walmart or the poor mexican stores. Look for sales. The only good meat at walmart is Polar brand has a fresh caught canned sardine that is very inexpensive and good for you.

Buy sweet potatoes and bake them in the oven with your chicken quarters. I do 1 hour @ 400 degrees F (sorry, americuck here)

Finally buy whatever fresh citrus you can find that is low in sugar. Try and stay away from pasta, bread and sugar. Even fake sugar. Beans, rice, sweetpotatoes all have carbs, yes, but they're the ok kind.

You can eat a very well balanced diet and fill yourself up for $5 a day. Granted you need a place where you can store, prep and cook your food. Sadly a lot of poor faggots simply don't have the time or space and are forced to pay a premium just to survive.

Make sure you're staying hydrated. Being thirsty can trick your brain into thinking you're starving. But make sure you're not overhydrated. Your piss should NOT be clear. There should be a light yellow tint. Clear piss means you're wasting electrolytes. And no, table salt is not a replenisher.

>> No.53795690

full of seed oil and stupid shit. not even cheap. just replace it with real bread

>> No.53795707

im not sure beans and rice can create a complete protein, as vegetable protein is not absorbed fully like whey. but you said nothing wrong.

>> No.53795719

funny you would say that.
because when i eat bread buns...i get an insulin spike and feel sleepy after lunch.
today after eating a wrap, no insulin spike, no feeling sleepy.

so there must be a very good difference. oh and im feeling hungry, 30 minutes after eating. which means this is good

>> No.53795726

I'm not 100% sure, but I've read a few times in the past that it's only garbanzo bens (chickpeas) and rice. I don't think it works for any other beans.

>> No.53795738

I didn't order pizza sir, nor do I eat your homo grass padding

>> No.53796061
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>> No.53796160

>Drinks (doesn't come free with the meal) $50

>> No.53796208

Only processed or chain food is goyslop.

>> No.53796343
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just eat a can of beans. one a day should be fine.

>> No.53796546

if your ready-made wraps contain 99% corn and 1% salt, as it should be, it's fine but it's more expensive. if you eat cheap shit brands you'll have the seed oils and sugar added which will fuck you up. a way cheaper alternative is to just make the tortillas yourself or cook cornmeals

>> No.53796549

I drink monsters all the time and I consider myself to be pretty effective

>> No.53796553

lol if this isn't bait, please don't use human waste of any kind for compost. You will 100% get a disease.

All you need is food scraps (no meat), mulched up leaves, and time.

>> No.53796773
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>to eat alone while standing up or sitting in front of a computer in isolation
i am fat yes, but that last part is what really stung

>> No.53796908


>> No.53797964

>legumes+whole grans OR
will provide all 9 essential amino acids.

>> No.53798190

Congrats on this, seriously.

>> No.53798285

Wraps are excellent
>rotisserie chicken
>red onion
>shredded cheddar
>bbq sauce

Or maybe
>ground beef
>shredded cheddar
>burger sauce

Or if you know how to cook a pork shoulder (it’s easy)
>shredded pork
>shredded cabbage
>shredded carrots
>green onion
>wonton strips or peanuts
>asian dressing

Bbq sauce, burger sauce and asian dressing are all very easy to make with normal pantry ingredients.

>> No.53798346 [DELETED] 

>>ground beef
>Yes yes eat the ground beef. We grind it so you can't identify the ingredients but you can trust us.

>> No.53798385
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>he doesn't grow his own plantation....
Are you even trying bro?!

No but more seriously you're totally right. I tried doing uber about a year ago and can guarantee even with a McDonald's in an area with a hundred thousand or so people, you face would be coloured stunned if you saw how many orders they launch and how many of them are £25+; giant baggies.

Part of that, I mean outside of the pure laziness, is you get free delivery with prime I think if it's over 25. One order was literally just for a couple of items and it was delivered ~2 minutes walk from the store. It would have been quicker just to go and pick it up in person. That's how I knew.... this is the top. Peak consumption. And now.... all red.

>> No.53798643
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>disposable cups is a galaxy brain move, please recommend more stuff like this
Take the
>no washing up pill
And simultaneously get greta (#ourgirl) damp

>> No.53798728
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>Cooking provides the best nutritional outcomes because you can exactly control every ingredient that you eat.
I'm not a total hippy but.... I have worked in labs quite a lot and I know sodium nitrite is added to any processed meat to prevent botulinum growing in it. It's added in small amounts on the basis that it's safer than botox poisoning. That said, I would also like draw all anons attention to what a bottle of sodium nitrite looks like when it's delivered to a lab. Paying particular attention to the symbol at the top.

That's not shoop or one off either. It's on all of them. The long term consumption of some of these things en mass has not actually been very well investigated, but suffice it to say, you'd probably be better sticking with whole cuts of meat.

>> No.53798885

>best of all i can hear my stomach signalling im hungry 30mins after i ate lunch. which means theres far less carbs than what i used to eat.
That's backwards. Carbs are absorbed far faster. People lose weight easier eating protein because it takes longer to break down so they feel fuller longer. It'll be gurgling because you need more in the wraps.

My bmi is bang on the centre of green without even really trying. I just slurp about a pint of milk with a scoop or two of whey in it for breakfast. The whey supplies essential amino acids. I also eat a generic vitamin and mineral tablet every day or few for the same reason; ensuring baseline supply of essential vitamins and amino acids.

Cheap, easy, effective. I also eat other things.

>> No.53798915

>he doesn't make a batch of egg bites each week

>> No.53798926
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>i make my own compost from all kinds of stuff, my nails, hair, urine, dandruff, along with food scraps, beer, yeast, sugar. (first time im trying this).
Awwwwww dude.... dandruff!? Fuck....

Get a copy of this. It's like the bible of mushroom production. He also discuss how to _correctly_ produce compost. Which doesn’t include body parts.

>> No.53799013

>spices $30
They would last years dummy. Less than a penny a day over time.
>drinks $50
What the fuck are you drinking? Champagne?
>your own napkins
Nigga you saying you don’t have napkins/paper towels already? Do you live in a box?

>> No.53799403

>fresh ingredients
>freshly made
GTFO Chaim.

>> No.53799544


what is that wrap bread called? i only find ones that have shit texture and crumb easily.

that one is the one I could never find because I have no idea in which section on the store to look in. is it at the frozen section, or pastry section?

that looks fucking delicious

>> No.53799657

deli section

>> No.53799672

Do you think I can just pre-assemble the burrito in the tortilla a freeze it like that?

>> No.53799851

Lovely, lumpy chicken wraps.
What are the cups for btw?

>> No.53799935

that's the reason why i dont eat cured meat often. where i live 99% of cured meat contain nitrates. parma ham is the only one without it

>> No.53799987

kek, why are so many people falling for this? Have my (you), kudos m'nigga.

>> No.53800008

$5 is quite a bit of money in Bulgaria, easily $20-$50 in PP depending on where you live

>> No.53800015

it's called flatbread, or mexican tortillas. better to do it yourself and not buy the gslop with seed oils and corn syrup >>53796546

>> No.53800037


>> No.53800039

Put down whatever you're drinking dude, you post like you're blackout drunk or on bars or some bullshit

>> No.53800088

what's guillermo's problem

>> No.53800126

having to fuck the ginger before until he receives his green card

>> No.53800299

I want to make my own because the ingredients are healthier. You can use almond flour for low carb. I'm just too lazy.

>> No.53800495

i was being creepy with the dandruff but hair and nails is totally fine dude dont be a bitch.

>> No.53800610
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>> No.53801271

>I'm just too lazy.
the ultimate life hack for the ultra lazy is to eat a bowl of rolled oats on the side with just water in it, instead of cooking some grains. no glycemic spike, no gluten, cheap, and literally made in a few seconds.

example of cheap, healthy, no cooking, ready in 1 minute top: sardine can, bowl of rolled oats, fresh brocoli or other veggies you eat raw.

>> No.53801293

>rolled oats
*and by rolled oats i meant instant oats, the ones that are already cut

>> No.53801348

>boiled mush
monk mode activate

>> No.53801620

very based, even if it costs more than 10/month. that's how poorfags should eat, instead of their disgusting ready-made slop. my only concern with your setup is the tap water. unless you live in a top country for tap water quality i wouldn't trust your government and would only drink it through a filter. nowadays there are tons of nasty chemicals in the water that aren't even tested in most countries.

>> No.53801661


>> No.53801816

>lean breast meat
>green water
>red water
This is garbage nutrition to money ratio and merely illusory bulk. $1.40 for 20g of protein seems atrocious and I live in basically a top 10 CoL city in the world (especially for chicken for some reason)

>> No.53801872

add spinach, hummus, and optionally some greek salad dressing

>> No.53802043

>What are the cups for btw?
portioning, but its retarded. mix it all up and throw it into a large pyrex container, then just scoop out a wrap's worth when needed

>> No.53802097

are you kidding me?
i tried having oats for breakfast for a few months and i would get bloated and fat consistently.

>> No.53802111

what is chlorophyll, enzymes, vitamins, minerals in bioavailable form and fiber for 10,000$ dave?

>> No.53802124

imagine feeling superior to others because you made some shitty looking chicken wraps

>> No.53802467
File: 7 KB, 320x187, sUzVQMyyrkM8oCVjxgJhtD-320-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile your mommy is bringing you hot pockets and gently your shoulder taps

>> No.53802470

How you feed is to "eating" what "existing" is to "living".

>> No.53802541

that sucks, i have so such problem
i'm not saying you should eat this every day, just when you're too lazy to cook anything and still want a healthy meal

>> No.53802891
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and yes some friends think i'm crazy to eat meals like that, they're all EWWWW!! IT HAS NO TASTE? NO SALAD? NOTHING IN THE OATS? OATS FOR DINNER? OLIVE OIL IN THE OATS??? they are what we call here; normies. normies just can't imagine eating even one meal that is bland and not that enjoyable. they don't understand the only thing i care about in that meal is a rational arbitrage between my macro/micro nutrients and not wasting any time cooking. i only have to clean a bowl, a spoon and a fork. that's based. but they don't understand, and it's ok.

>> No.53803022
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whe have a plebbitor accountant here, I guess you have a "I stand with Ukraine" tshirt

>> No.53804510

It's fine. Everybody has different ways of approaching sensations. Some people don't care that much about taste and others like to go after it. None are in the wrong.

>> No.53805332


I can't imagine having such a 4chan-addled brain. You probably go out in public and talk to people about sneed and shitcoin while everyone thinks "oh, it's an anti-social shut-in, I'll just be on my way."

While you remain oblivious.

>> No.53806964

>mix it all up and throw it into a large pyrex container, then just scoop out a wrap's worth when needed
The salad would probably go mushy in the meantime doing that. The chicken will be / should be biologically quite clean / sterile after cooking so should last a while in the fridge. But if you just slice veg / herbs up / stir in sauce etc, it starts getting a bit dodgy.

>> No.53806979

>have a "I stand with Ukraine" tshirt
Probably shouldn't stand too close, it's about to get flattened.

>> No.53807013

>30$ in spices
You must be a retard to pay that much for some herbs.

>> No.53807029

>leafy veggies
>oats, lentils or barley
>add cheese an/or alcohol for a treat
>any herbs and spices you want
>simmer for 3 hours
>delicious healthy nutritious cheap stew
>make it on sunday and you have food all week

>> No.53808904

six hours?
I could prep that in fifteen minutes
a useless soldier can't look after himself

>> No.53809649

hey fren you forgot about pricing the Cups and the Fridge

>> No.53809707

You destroyed that wrap by using cucumber instead of avocado

Almost not worth eating

>> No.53810146

AI Nigga stop it with this stupid time wasting panini press shit. Faggot

>> No.53810634

oh god how could i forget to add 5$ avodado. how dare i use simple cucumbers.
if you dont like it dont come to my threads. watch your coomer threads FAGGOT

>> No.53811001

Interesting parallelograms.

I used to work at a grocery store. I was always intrigued when girls came to the checkout with cucumbers. Evaluating them.

No kids.
No wedding ring.
No boyfriend around.
Dressed for
>professional work environment
Yeah.... imma evaluating alright. And I'm also getting a little harder under the checkout while I'm evaluating.

>> No.53811825

Forgot pic