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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53790905 No.53790905 [Reply] [Original]

> Greeted by Name
> Special Room
> Beautiful Women
> Exclusive Events
> Nice Food
> Free Checkbooks
> No Fees
> Free Goodies Water bottles backpacks, luggage etc
> Cool Gadget on my birthday

Then last month they made the threshold $150k for special privileges and I can't even go to the special branches now. Instead, I have to wait in line with the other cattle, getting rudely treated by some obese monkey on the other side of the plexiglass, and get my complimentary free lollipop.

>> No.53790930
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Tell me more about your life.

>> No.53790935
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Let that experience fuel your drive to make it. There's another world, free of niggers, out there. You've tasted it once, you can do it again.

>> No.53790948

yeah, cause they want your money. they want you to get a loan.

>> No.53790955

kek what the fuck? Maybe I should move my life savings (around $1.3 million) into a Wells Fargo account for like a month to see what they say.

Actually, I remember closing a savings account in a bank like 5 years ago and the bank manager sat me down and tried to explain compounding interest to me like I was retarded. Then he said "You sure you don't want to keep just $10 in it and let it grow?" He thought I was closing it because I was out of money. This was in 2016 so most of these people did not know a thing about crypto yet.

>> No.53790956

which third world country do you live in?

>> No.53790978

>73k in a SAVINGS account

BAHAHAHA they treat you nice because they think you are special needs

>> No.53791015


>> No.53791021

How much do I need to deposit to fuck the sluts who work at my bank?

>> No.53791035


That’s good amount of savings if you are like 19 and still in college. Also that’s a man.

>> No.53791036


>> No.53791039

Dude I have $125k in my checking account and my bank doesn’t give a fuck about me at all. I argued with them over a $10 fee and they wouldn’t take it off my account.

>> No.53791044

>puts 1.3 million in bank account
>bank fails
>gets $100k back

>> No.53791058
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Do burgers fill up tanks of milk at gas stations?

>> No.53791064

I mean this is the obvious reason why I don't do this, but I was thinking for like a month if what OP said is true. But remembering that FDIC only insures up to like 250k, nevermind.

>> No.53791069

Because no one keeps that amount of money in a savings account unless they're retarded or getting their ass kissed abundantly for doing so.

>> No.53791076

which cunt are you from?

>> No.53791120

>What is fractional reserve banking
>What are kikes

Trusting in kikes to give you back money they promise you. NGMI

If you ever need FDIC insurance, everything is already so fucked you may as well forget about getting your money back.

Wells Fargo is ((solvent)) and yet they still get caught stealing money from their customers and falsifying records, good luck proving they stole from you.

>> No.53791173

I let my account run down and now I get treated like a nigger. Once you have no money they start charging you loads of money it's crazy.
>$4 account fee for not depositing enough money
>set up auto transfers between 2 banks to stop the $4 fee
>let both banks run dry
>$5 dishonour fee because of not enough money for the auto tx
>$15 overdraft fee because paypal has the magical ability to overdraw my account which I didn't even realize was possible

Fuck banks holy shit. Ain't no crypto wallet ever charged me a dishonor fee.

>> No.53791187
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>> No.53791202

only wagies making <$20/hr get their accounts drawn down low enough to get charged overdraft fees

>banks know this
>they still charge them $35
imagine penalizing someone upwards of 2 hours of their lives for being poor. I was charged 3 overdraft fees in a day because I kept all my money in my credit union instead of my wells faggot account.

This is beyond blood sucking evil

>> No.53791205
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one time i swear the bank teller started flirting with me after she saw how much money was in my account. she kept asking about how to invest in crypto etc
cute young asian girl as well

>> No.53791241

what was the number anon

>> No.53791278

Why would you put that much in a bank & not into VALEs 7% divs???? UBS charges if you have too much in them...because they think you're retarted for not investing.

>> No.53791279

Everybody who's lived in the US can tell you about the milk jugs. I've had mine in my family for 3 generations.

>> No.53791331

if the bank teller didn't suck your dick too this wasn't worth a thread

>> No.53791342

i had the same experience with only 25k. thats how i knew it was literally over for america and this was the top

>> No.53791348

it's called keeping people in their place. learn to budget or suffer the consequences. by the way, many people you think of as "rich" are just one missed house payment away from being out on the street. learn to budget and live within your means

>> No.53791350

probably because they know you are a beta bitch who would never even threaten to switch to another bank.

>> No.53791381

No there isn't. I've had 250k in a bank for over a year and literally no one cares

>> No.53791388

>$73k in a savings account
Please don't procreate.

>> No.53791398


>> No.53791452

Do they really call it a dishonour fee? Is it a Japanese bank? Shamefurr barance, you pay dishonour fee or commit sudoku.

>> No.53791531


>> No.53791610

Kek no, we hate dealing with savings niggers. Unless you owe us cash you're a liability.

>> No.53791635

Nobody seems to knows that the FDIC only has about 1.35% of the money they are supposed to be insuring. They are just as insolvent as the banks. Fucking retards.

>> No.53791663

They will get you your money, even if it causes hyperinflation.

>> No.53791678
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B A I L - I N

>> No.53791677

I had $170k in my checking account and they didn’t even try to push me into a savings or CD.
I remember a long long time ago I had like $20k and they were like ‘well anon you should really put that in a savings account because if there’s fraud you can’t get it back’ and a bank manager being like ‘hey what do you do for a living?’.
It was definitely like $20-40k max and before I started moving money back out of my checking it was like $170k+ and no one even blinked.
I don’t give a shit I just thought it was an interesting shift in like 15 years.

>> No.53791681

The bank invests your 73k then gives you a measly 0.5%. Congratulations, you're retarded.

>> No.53791690
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>> No.53791691


>> No.53791736

I am 22 years old and in college and I have 27k in my checking account. You should honestly feel bad

>> No.53791773

tfw 80% of net worth in coins and stocks and bonds. I have like maybe 10k in my banks in total.Am I just a risk loving gambler? Parents see me as scum who cant save.

>> No.53791790

>in college
>you should honestly feel bad
pot kettle black

>> No.53791822

Yeah literally a "dishonour fee". Comes up as "unpayed payment fee" on the statement. It's Australia.

>> No.53791846

>midwit normoid understanding of banks
That's not what banks do. You are the retarded.

>> No.53791961

Yes I have an abundance of money, so might aswell get some prestige points out of it. Besides, my parents are paying for my college and neither them nor I care about this shit. I treat the whole experience like a leisure trip away from home.

>> No.53791983

>and get my complimentary free lollipop.
you just doxxed your bank

>> No.53792261

when I had 40k in mine the guy used to call me "mister". it was weird.
now with under 10k in it I only go through the drivethrough teller. One time I invited a cute woman to a board game night. She said that sounded fun and of course I never saw her again.

>> No.53792271

new strategy unlocked

>> No.53792350

That is literally what banks do. They used math to determine they only need to have 10%~ on hand for any day to day tasks the rest gets put into assets or loans for niggers that will default or be late frequently. Do you even 2008 bro? Lol. Lmao even
Why do you think kik- I mean your reddit bros are pushing cashless society?

>> No.53792447

This. To make matters worse, Frank Dodd act made bail-in's legal. So in a banking crisis, your money is gone, legally. The large banks are the riskiest. I'd only keep a small amount deposited.

>> No.53792486
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>> No.53792490

what's your main in dota 2?

>> No.53792509

Are you implying something like they keep 10% of OP's money as cash and invest the rest?