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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53787297 No.53787297 [Reply] [Original]

I seriously feel like 90% of /biz/ is unemployed. Of that, 1/4 are actually ready well neets who got lucky last bull run, and the remainder are are just absolutely poor broke neets who are trying to make it with pocket change.
The last 10% probably has some kind work, but I'd be surprised if more than 1% made more than $150k a year.

>> No.53787306

broke neet here, life is hell

>> No.53787325

neet who got lucky here, life is okay

>> No.53787328

why do you think this board only talks about shit coins that have a chance to do a 100x? Hardly any actual business talk.

>> No.53789345

Stuck in six figure hell

>> No.53789373

I have a job but only make $60K

>> No.53789419

Probably more than you think are somewhere in the middle who have a job that allows them to browse biz and perhaps a property or two. maybe some crypto.

>> No.53789439

im a work from home accountant. i make a modest $100k/year. i shitpost whenever i have down time.

>> No.53789469

>I'd be surprised if more than 1% made more than $150k a year.
You'd be surprised if more than 1% of a Bhutanese ant farming forum was in the uppermost quartile for income?

>> No.53789543

You say that, but there was a thread the other day where everyone was screeching that "$100k was poverty tier"

>> No.53789568

Most of the posters come from pol a large portion of that use pol so that should tell you the demographics of the posters wealth

>> No.53790047

dude its so fucking retarded trying to find a god damn job right now a lot of us are not asking to be fucking neets. im in my fucking 20's and i have no woman, no car, no property or home. i'm not fucking losing it, its already gone. the boomer on the tv telling you to work? no different than the fuckface in 8th grade who picked his nose and only stopped when he got caught and ridiculed. don't let wrinkly fucking skin and numerical value labels on the amount of time someone has been in physical existence deter you from seeing the truth that there is no authority and you should actively be spitting and chopping off the heads of boomers any chance you get and their children who don't know any better for putting people in this position, for fucking what. mental agony exceeds that of physical pain. start psychologically gaslighting and fucking with any god damn old person behind a desk with an attitude carrying a nametag or some "credential" they earned. it doesn't mean anything. it's hollow. managers. h&r. there are no restrictions on intellectual tricks to cause people mental illness and psychological issues yet in place in society because there hasn't been a generation of people abusing the power of it to such an extent. I am actively psy-opping any employer that doesn't hire me or ghosts me.

>> No.53790066

and what's more, think about this, just like fame and infamy theyre pretty much the god damn same aren't they. Even spelled pretty similarly.

Good impression bad impression. If greedy consuming middle aged goblin boomers don't want to fork over resources for my display of my best act at a good impression. I will give you the impression I am the devil. It will stay with you the rest of your god damn life. Just flash your eyes at them without any warning, say the most terrible curse-able thing you can humanely think of. Something you wouldn't even say if God gave you permission. Say that to them. Smile. Walk the fuck away, if they feel bad at some point and thought about their actions then they'll have no opportunity to make up for it with you at a later date. You'll be remembered as that "stranger that checked them" real fucking quick. if they're fat, tell them they're never gonna see their children grow up because their blood will have clotted before then. if they are bald, that's easy. if it's a woman, something like "that's why you were molested as a child you stupid yyellow teethed bitch" then leaving. it's vague enough it will work on most woman because most women consider themselves molested.

>> No.53790095

gonna be a lot of young public fucking enemies waltzing around without resources pretty god damn soon take a look at your cities growing homeless hot zone.

fuck with young people. lets fucking go dawg. fucking greedy boomers. you're closer to death than i ever will be, it's in the way you talk and walk and carry yourself. one slipped disc and it's fucking over for you.

>> No.53790102
File: 140 KB, 1280x1440, 6354735756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

33 year old NEET collecting welfare reporting in. I spend my days reading at the library and going to the gym. I have no idea what to do with my life and I have no real plans or goals. I have a mathematics degree but I've never had a real job. Had some pretty bad alcoholism for a few years, so that's probably why my life is so stunted, but I can't seem to make anything positive happen now that I'm sober anyway so maybe I'm just a loser.

>> No.53790116

broke neet here as well.

>> No.53790119

Currently making $270k. I'm sure a lot of FAANG WFH SDE posts are larps but that won't keep me from posting

>> No.53790133

Op here, just for disclosure, I am in IT manager making $120k. Network north of $300k. Sometimes I wish I was a broke meet still...I miss those days...

>> No.53790146

>you should be chopping heads of boomers
Why don't you go do that then sonny-boy, instead of of whining about it. If you have time enough to write a book of complaints, you have time enough to find a job.

Best wishes,

Ken Ferguson
Sent from my iPhone

>> No.53790149
File: 1.24 MB, 1431x1569, Mogged .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you need to do is make a rentcuck thread and watch how many broke ass rentcucks come out of the woodwork. The vast majority of people here work some hourly job with terrible hours and have to work weekends. About 10% of people here have a cliché 9-5 with weekends off and about half of those people make more than $50,000 a year. The vast majority of 4chan is comprised of poorfags.

I'd say 1 in 100 bizraelis are white, well off homeowners who can bench 2pl8 for reps. I am one of those people.

>> No.53790161

figuratively you illiterate dementia ridden corpse. if i chop someones head off, is it not that now I stand taller?

>> No.53790170

it's called an ego check. gonna be real humbling coming froma generation of angry kids.

>> No.53790196

its not so great at 30

>> No.53790206
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>> No.53790218

So is that your big long way of saying you'll do nothing about it because you're too chicken to? I swear, that's all you know how to do is complain. My generation, even when everyone painted us like the devil for fighting in Nam, we still managed to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps, buckle down, and make something of ourselves. In the end, you kids got no one to blame but yourselves.
Sent from my iPhone

>> No.53790220

Can confirm I'm broke
Was successful in every way before I started coming to biz

Since coming to biz for 2 years I quit my job because wagie hate threads and thought I was gonna make it in crypto. Then lost everything in crypto. Moved back in with parents. Can't find job. Can't get laid. Biz is evil.

>> No.53790242

that's why you lost nam you fucking retard we had idiots like you in the fucking trenches having ptsd sex with corpses. learn thy neighbor.

>> No.53790252

You still are broke 300k is literally nothing
My 12 year old brother has a higher networth

>> No.53790277

It's far better than I was 5 years ago. Hoping to get to $500k in a few more years and start investing in some kind of local business or real estate for passive income

>> No.53790288

5 years ago I was broke and in debt. I'll take the wins.

>> No.53790308

We were winning nam till those God dang hippie commies took over the government. They really screwed the pooch on that one, but we were winning mark my words. Meanwhile your generation can't fight it's way out of a paper bag, let along a jungle teeming with mud monkeys.
Sent from my iPhone

>> No.53790361

so you failed to overthrow your government and now you have passed the long awaited responsibility to children. congratufuckinglations. you were complacent on earth.

>> No.53790381

No he doesnt

>> No.53790438

There you go again, complaining and placing the blame on others. Didn't you ever read the Bible? There was a big part on honoring your mother and father you ought to read. You might learn a thing or two.
Sent from my iPhone

>> No.53790450

>did you read your goy handbook
you're pathetic. what the word pathetic points to.

>> No.53790485

33, live with mom, hate it, dislike her, life ruined from depression in late teens and all of twenties, tasted heaven, drowned in hell, felt great potential and feel it slipping away more and more every day. survived, began digging out of a hole that was dug to be buried in, made a quarter million last bull run, I aim to be a millionaire from the next one. I play rugby now and exercise instead of smoking weed and contemplating what life could have been. I'm eternally fucked from my awful experience, I truly wasn't meant to survive this, but life is so strange, I somehow know that it's still possible to make it...but that just brings a brand new dimension of terror. it's just something to lose. hope someone reads this. fuck you for the image btw op.

>> No.53790509

Broke wagie myself, it hurts.

>> No.53790515

i would bet its the same as any slice of population

>> No.53790591

"Guy handbook", I like that, best thing you've said all day. Or better yet "good guy handbook", that one's a zinger, I'll tell Pastor Tim that one this Sunday, he'll love it.
And you betcha I do. Pray every night too. It's why the Lord Jesus has blessed me with five rental properties and an Arizona vacation house to boot. It doesn't take much either, just get a job and work hard at it, and you'll be recognized and rewarded. Hard work and a little bit of elbow grease always pays off.
Sent from my iPhone

>> No.53790632

sorry, but it brings me a resounding sadness that's hard to put into words, and makes my heart feeling an empty longing that will never be fullfilled. thought others could appreciate that.

>> No.53790687

broke neet here, 5 years ago I had a $500k crypto portfolio, now it's all gone.

>> No.53790827

How'd you lose it or spend it? What are you up to no

>> No.53790991

i'll be reveling in the glory when my people's children reclaim the land you built your certified pedophile station onto.

>> No.53791268

Did you actually spend it? I'll never understand the myopic short term thinking that goes into this sort of behavior. You could have had a gaurenteed 15k a year for life with that, at least, if you put it in the bank, and that would have been exponential if you added it back. What happened?

>> No.53791270

Bob proctor

>> No.53791302

I worked a job in 1970 when I was only 15 years old, my pay was only $3.25 an hour. I would help part-time sell bicycles at the local shop. It wasn't some fancy modern job, it was good honest work for a youngster with at only $3.25 an hour

>> No.53791518

I'm white, 6'2", zero debt, perfect credit, stable unionized job with full benefits, can bench 2pl8 for reps... but I don't own a home because I live in one of the top two most expensive real estate markets in Canada.

What does that make me?

>> No.53791525

Depends on how many dicks you've sucked

>> No.53791550

Zero, sorry to disappoint you.

>> No.53791722

Still a frag

>> No.53791851

I make more than 150K on just salary but I'm also only answering because you are stating the contrary

>> No.53791865

this. I own a home with a few acres. have a crypto stack. long story.

>> No.53792601

>makes my heart feeling an empty longing that will never be fullfilled
This is why we move, Anon.

>> No.53792851

Well the prevalence of the meme stock cult threads here should've told you that this board doesn't make any money.

>> No.53793679

the prevelance of retards like you who dont know anything but claim they do is what tells you this board doesnt make money. You have to actually know shit about crypto and investing to spot you retards though, which few actually do

>> No.53793702
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Did you lose it to shitcoins, luna or ftx?
curious to know yow retarded you were.
Feel it's more likely to be FTX tho, probably trusted CEXs too much

>> No.53793713
File: 293 KB, 1920x1080, LAND_16_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poor broke neets
I'm a neet but i'm not poor. Cope and seethe wagie.

>> No.53793793

you're not poor, only have unrealized gains

>> No.53793804

anyone who trust cexs enough to leave their funds on them definitely deserve wherever they get.
getting a metamask, safepal or sylo is as easy as breathing

>> No.53793886

Definitely shitcoins
Happens with 90% of biz fags

>> No.53793890
File: 3 KB, 125x120, 1625866271921s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my guy

>> No.53793899

Tried sylo one time before, only shortcoming is not being compatible with multichains, fix that up and it's one of the best

>> No.53793988

Copium never felt better

>> No.53793998

I make 200k and live with my parents
hardly spend from what I earn and I have a huge stack of inheritance when my grandfather died

>> No.53794015

It supports tezos and cennznet, guess that kinda meets up as multichain, being compatible with more would sure do a lot of good anon
It's tezos baking feature is dope asf tho

>> No.53794023

Good advice Ken. Always putting the whiny bitches in their place.

>> No.53794489
File: 78 KB, 800x1136, Gman smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Currently attending uni
>Also about to begin attending a programming course (not at uni)
>About to take a project management exam (not at uni)
>Just passed a financial intermediary exam with 90% and am allowed to work as such in my cunt
>Up 80% this month


>> No.53794619

jerb here but not quite $150k... prolly next year desu...
nice data mining thread you got here though

>> No.53794633

Broke wagie here

Dont talk to me about hell faggot

>> No.53794650
File: 530 KB, 1000x600, 1676486631572895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100k is poverty tier now. Fucking the majority of Americans live under the poverty level now. Shit is fucked man

>> No.53794699
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>> No.53794713

that's because NEETs that inhabit this forum, big surprise, are retarded

>> No.53794765

>225 for reps
You are aware that’s fucking nothing? There are men who weigh 160lbs who can bang out sets of 5-8 at 225. Very fun in the world has many, many men who maxes around 250-275. Come back when you have 315x5 to competition standards. Then you have something to put you slightly above the crowd.
Also if you’ve done any roids, increase the above by about 50lbs.
God I have no clue why average people brag “muh C!”

>> No.53795042

You are so obviously baiting.

>> No.53795053

What makes you think that?
Sent from my Nokia

>> No.53795152

You're talking like a stereotype and went out of your way to get a pissed off dude more pissed off. It's kinda funny, I'll admit. Fuck I wouldn't be surprised if you were both baiting.

>> No.53795488

I didn't know asking for your toughtprocess was a stereotype. Would you have preferred I made assumptions about you instead?
Sent from my Nokia

>> No.53795706

too many newfags, we are definitely not bottomed

>> No.53796010

The remaining 10% are magic niggers who can type and invest. OP is a huge bottom signal and a power bottom for the 10%

>> No.53796081

I agree.
I don’t think the majority of /biz/ has more than 10k invested overall. Take all advice with a grain of salt.

>> No.53797670

sir, i have a job, and dont need crypto to "make it". anyone who needs crypto to make it is very unlikely to make it. the people who make it in crypto usually have actual careers.