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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53789331 No.53789331 [Reply] [Original]

it's better than renting.

>> No.53789362

So is killing yourself

>> No.53789368


>> No.53789372

which is what all rentoids should do anyways

>> No.53789398
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>> No.53789640 [DELETED] 

I hope those things at minimum have more than 2 bedrooms. I can stand the idea of a detached house on have one or two bedrooms.

>> No.53789734
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>I hope those things at minimum have more than 2 bedrooms
more like 2 rooms.


>> No.53789746


>> No.53789792

I know recent real estate investors are already sweating. It's going to be glorious when the deluge of inventory hits the market this year and shit really starts dropping. NOT GONNA BUY YOUR BAGS UNTIL YOU'RE DEEP IN THE RED

>> No.53789830
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>Build equity, sell, level up!!

>> No.53789845

this is not as bad as 2008. It will be slower and shallower. We may not see massive drops in dollar terms. We will see a drop in inflation adjuster terms.
>home prices stay the same and wages and everything else go up

>> No.53789891
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Am I the only person here who doesn't actually mind tiny homes? I get that people think it's a globohomo psyop to condition you to pod life which is probably true to an extent, but I've stayed at them a number of times in the past while traveling and if they're laid out correctly I find them fine to live in.

If I was living by myself and given the choice to buy a tiny home at 1/3 the price of a regular home I'd take it. I really don't need anything more than a decent bed, a kitchen with a couple elements, a shower/toilet, desk and a couch/beanbag/whatever to relax. It is genuinely better than renting because at least you own something.

>> No.53789906

Sure buddy. How much have mortages gone up for potential buyers? Doubled? trippled?

>> No.53789952


Looks cozy desu. I don't see the problem as a starter home, better than a trailer because it presumably appreciates in value like a real house instead of depreciating like mobile homes, I'd hope there's no lot rent but they probably do got an HOA for the pool and other shared amenities, etc.

>> No.53789961

real estate is a giant bubbble, thats just waiting to burst

>> No.53789964

I don’t mind them either. I don’t want a large house with lots of maintenance right now and at least it lets you get equity
I don’t get the hate, if you use it for when you’re young and don’t need the space and then rent it when you’re done with it you can get some sort of cashflow on an asset

It seems like a sensible option I guess the only reason it’s probably not a great investment is the secondary market is probably pretty small

>> No.53789974

yeah this, I like the design aspect of using space correctly. But if I want a family then I'm going to need a normal sized house. Land is a whole different thing though, it's always good to have land

>> No.53789993

What about the other side? Most current homeowners bought long before the madness. Then they refinanced at 3% rates. If they sold and bought the same house down the street, their mortgage would double.
So anyone living in a starter home won't sell it. They would be better off renting it out.
The market will take years to recover, as the current homeowner finally die or gets divorced and sell their starter home.
What broke the market was low interest rates. It made homes cheap for those who every currently owns a house and made getting mortgages cheap until prices catch up with demand.

>> No.53789995

>I really don't need anything more than a decent bed, a kitchen with a couple elements, a shower/toilet, desk and a couch/beanbag/whatever to relax.
This is not the normal human lifestyle - it's like saying a studio apartment is something to aspire to. Anything more than a 2-person family is an outrageous, tenement-style squeeze in a living space like that, and two people is already pushing your luck. Obviously holding gatherings indoors is impossible. Creating a family in this space is impossible.
It's a temporary, transitional home at best, but ultimately I think it comes down to the pretense that these kinds of living spaces are "intended" as starter homes, like a mobile home, but instead only the poor and those without social mobility end up occupying them. It's the same as with starter jobs - it's not just the young taking them, it's those with no other opportunities.

>> No.53790024

I would rather live in a cheaper studio apartment than a studio house where I'm on the hook for maintenance.
yeah, and that house is worth more than 50k~75k.

>> No.53790073

>Rows of tiny houses on all sides
>House is already covered in graffiti
Why would anyone want to invest in a future dystopian slum?

>> No.53790085


Maintenance would be comparatively less expensive as well. Smaller roof, smaller HVAC, etc. means replacing the "big ticket" items for a SFH when they wear out will cost you less.

I mean it's not like you aren't paying for the maintenance with the studio apartment either, the rent you pay covers all the landlord's expenses plus you're paying beyond that to fund their profits as well.

>> No.53790108
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>this is not as bad as 2008
Also everyone hoping for a crash needs to realize real estate crashes take years. The 2008 bubble took 3 years from top to bottom, and this one is much much larger.

>> No.53790153

>I don’t want a large house with lots of maintenance
muh Maintenace.
it's a house not a used Maserati

>> No.53790179

And its too expensive. You have to enslave yourself for a lifetime at these prices

>> No.53790275

>They are admitting it when before it was unconscionable to say it's going down
Oh yes.

>> No.53790297

I actually like these! Wait a few years and scoop up a few for $50k

>> No.53790328

It’s going to be insanely worse than 2008. There will be no rescue this time since inflation is around and the US can’t afford to have the dollar lose to Russia and China. Keep in mind boomers are going to be dying off in droves over this next decade and nobody is getting married or having kids. Ask yourself why a 40 year old childless lady would buy a 4-bedroom house? Multifamily will recover strong but single-family housing has hit its peak and may not recover to 2022 prices for another 20 years

>> No.53790419

>not as bad as 2008
kek this is many fucking dimensions worse my dude

>> No.53790475
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Is it just me or are 90% of “real estate investors” seemingly complete retards? None of them seem to see how unrealistic this is.

Pic related is still sitting on the market for $574k (kek) even though it’s realistically only worth about $300k

>> No.53790519

These will make great migrant housing.

>> No.53790583
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>> No.53790643

Climate Refugees. The US population will double within 15 years.

>> No.53790692

In 2024 when Desantis gets elected the migrant inflows will stop. We’ll be at net zero population growth for the next 8 years.

>> No.53790698

The GFC was not about a housing bubble bursting.

>> No.53790712

u sound nervous

>> No.53790782

These are banned in ohio

>> No.53790795

I think renting is better than killing yourself

>> No.53791057

Dems will cheat a supermajority, then the floodgates open.

>> No.53791075

Why is everyone on /biz/ so hell bent on owning a house in the subs? It's so boring here. I get it if you have a wife and want a kid or two, would seem cool maybe, otherwise, kind of miserable. Owning a home out in the country however, seems kind of based, not gonna lie.

>> No.53791094

Those tiny homes would be worth it if they were reasonably priced, but they basically try to charge you like $250k for an outhouse with no plumbing. I looked into how expensive it would be to live in a trailer park near where I live in order to save money, literally becoming trailer park trash, and it was still several hundred thousand dollars. The U.S. is on the cusp of something really nasty.

>> No.53791109


>> No.53791194

>a fucking ladder

>> No.53791438

it this outpainted? beautiful

>> No.53791845

I wish that were true

>> No.53792175
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Hey that doesn't look like a bad little home, too close to the neighbors though that's all.

>> No.53792191

If it would cost 20k, but it costs 140k.
The housing market will crash so hard.

>> No.53792205

There is no problem with living in a small house. The rebranding of "tiny houses" where you're paying $150k for a shed is heinous, though. Even worse if it's "mobile" of any sort.

>> No.53792273

it's just like Link!

>> No.53792411
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I can't argue with that, anon.

>> No.53793185

Forgot pic

>> No.53793355

renting is fine as long as it's a low percentage of your income
currently renting for 12% of net which is fine