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53785601 No.53785601 [Reply] [Original]

>House market all the way up
>Hoeflation is all the way up
>Inflation all the way up
>Mortgage and renting prices all the way up

Is it no wonder why so many have decided to drop out of society? It seemed like there was a point like 10 years ago in which you could become rich and even get pussy but now everything seems reserved for the top percent. What went wrong?

>> No.53785619
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Dating is basically binary now. Either all women like you, or none do. The top % of men are having more sex than ever before, the rest basically arent having any. meanwhile women's numbers are unchanged.

>> No.53785638

>10 years ago
Shit was fucked after the GFC, but now it's extra fucked.

>> No.53786011

please stop posting this nice young lady

>> No.53786035

Nice lady? Look at her neck marks. You are looking at a vampire, Nosferatu, das vampyr!

>> No.53786062

lol I'll add her on linkedin

>> No.53786084

Rent prices are going down to about pre Covid levels in my state. Ignore the apartment listings held by the property management companies; I think they’re holding their prices high to make it look good for refinancing or something

>> No.53786104

>Dating is basically binary now. Either all women like you, or none do.

Im 35, it was kind of like this 20 years ago as well, but nowhere near as bad as it is today for sure I'll agree on that, this hyper-gamy really skyrocketed with social media really going parabolically mainstream in 2010-2015

>> No.53786191

Men do the same retard, they only like 7s and above the rest are used purely for sex.
No men wants a relationship with a 6 or under

>> No.53786603

>Dating is basically binary now. Either all women like you, or none do. The top % of men are having more sex than ever before, the rest basically arent having any. meanwhile women's numbers are unchanged.
When I was still living in the shithole that is Seattle, I went up to a table with 1 guy and 4 women, looking to socialize
They said they had all met independently on Hinge and didn't work out, but kept in touch.

They weren't inviting to me at all though and pretty much told me to go away, albeit politely (e.g. "you should check out X" ). That's the state of the game right now. 4 single women looking for a relationship would rather hang out with 1 guy they've preselected online than have a conversation with some dude that actually exists and is available

>> No.53786720

id settle for a 5/10 who made tolerable money ($50k/year) with a middling IQ and no glaring personality defects. right now im settling for a 5/10 who is dumb as dogshit, makes garbage money ($35k/year if she's lucky), and has a ton of emotional baggage. it's hell out there.

>> No.53787021

>Either all women like you, or none do
Same is true for men nowadays

>> No.53787025

>Rent prices are going down to about pre Covid levels in my state. Ignore the apartment listings held by the property management companies; I think they’re holding their prices high to make it look good for refinancing or something
What's your state and what was the price spread between pre-covid and 2022?

>> No.53787061

Must've been a tiny manlet vampire.

>> No.53787081
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>> No.53787084

>Im 35, it was kind of like this 20 years ago as well, but nowhere near as bad as it is today for sure I'll agree on that, this hyper-gamy really skyrocketed with social media really going parabolically mainstream in 2010-2015
I'm 30 and it sounds like you and I both got to see the transition from no online dating, to online but every girl was saying things like "I'm willing to say we met at [non-online spot], to full on "ya we met on tinder" listed in the wedding notes.

The shift really was parabolic. I wish I was just a bit older. I hear women in yahoo chat rooms used to meet up for casual sex. NSA, not prostitutes, not high drama, etc. Just girls on the internet looking for whatever guy and you didn't need to bet ___maxxed across 3+ categories.

>> No.53787150

Why are you doing this to yourself bro? Pussy is not worth constantly being around someone you loathe. It has a draining effect on you and this chick can still fuck your shit up at any moment.

>> No.53787219

Not only that, but does her bringing in even $35-50k really matter?

The post-tax difference would be pretty small right?
Maybe it's because I'm a codenigger that makes $220k/year, but a chick making $35k/year has a hobby to me, not a job. A hobby that pays a little, but it doesn't really swing the needle. I'd rather just be breeding her and having her save me time, because my time is worth over $100/hr.

>> No.53787222


>> No.53787233

>Maybe it's because I'm a codenigger that makes $220k/year,
no it can't possibly have anything to do with you making a ~97th percentile individual income

>> No.53787266

Well whenever you find someone like this. You should tell her this line of thinking.

>> No.53787279

Do you have a source or are you used to your simping going unchallenged?

>> No.53787294

>no it can't possibly have anything to do with you making a ~97th percentile individual income
Ya it's probably that. I just don't know what it's like at pleb tier any more. I went up from negative 10k to 800k net worth in 2 years because of all the money printing + my career.

>Well whenever you find someone like this. You should tell her this line of thinking.
It helps that I'm in a developing country where chicks are less into pretending like they are part of the workforce. essentially LARPing as productive workers is cringe, but if a chick were making like $90k/year+, it could be neat if it didn't monopolize her time

>> No.53787317

It's because dudes like you are unironically autistic and have no capacity for self-reflection to improve your social skills nor empathy to understand why your presence dries pussy in the social contexts you attempt to get it in. Or you're just fuckin ugly and chinless lel gg no re
t. the 1 guy with 4 women

>> No.53787358

>It's because dudes like you are unironically autistic and have no capacity for self-reflection to improve your social skills nor empathy to understand why your presence dries pussy in the social contexts you attempt to get it in. Or you're just fuckin ugly and chinless lel gg no re
"muh empathy", as you just talk shit for a whole paragraph

I ended up just geomaxxing and have a pool of girls now. It's a fine cope and life to live

>> No.53787364


I need to escape the west and find a Slavic or goblina wife

>> No.53787371

Where are you geomaxxing? I make a similar income to you as codecuck. I’m white and want to marry a white woman

>> No.53787395

Again. Sit down. Have a conversation with her. And tell her this. If you believe it to be a good ideal then it should propogate. She'll end up doing the work for you and spread the ideal to her friends

>> No.53787415

Online dating statistics say otherwise

>> No.53787454

We all know you're really a fat Mexican kid posting

>> No.53787464

>Again. Sit down. Have a conversation with her. And tell her this
I'm not asking for advice. Perhaps I made it sound like I am. I'm a different person than the guy with the $35k/year gf, unless you're telling me to have a conversation with his gf?

My gf is a bangmaid.

>Where are you geomaxxing? I make a similar income to you as codecuck. I’m white and want to marry a white woman
I've got little to no tips if you want to get with white girls. I'm into dark meat these days
You want western white girls that are digital nomading or white local girls. For the former, head to a digital nomad meme spot and socialize. see how it goes. For the latter, idk where poorer white girls exist outside of eastern europe (never been there).

If you can, just accept getting into brown pussy. it's tight
Also, consider dropping the SWE career. I'm done with this shit after this role, which I've made chill for myself by toning my effort way down. I'm going into PM, aviation or something totally different; something that relates to the human condition.

SWE has tons of issues, such as draining your mental/learning energy, no socialization in the role really, makes you overly logical, etc. Plus all the chinks and pajeets. I'm not someone into a white ethno state, but these 2 cultures barely want to/know how to assimilate. they just hang out

>> No.53787467

> what went wrong
You never left the basement.

>> No.53787489

>SWE has tons of issues
I'd summarize it as low key a low status career, despite the decently high compensation
It also doesn't put to leverage our native English fluency. ESL chinks that can barely communicate can get into this

>> No.53787501

I'm 30 and didn't really enter the formal, real "adult" workforce until 24/25, or say 2018. I was saving and doing well. My older siblings were all buying houses on $50-60k/year jobs for like $200k.

Now here we are 5 years later and I'm making $240k/year and can't afford the same style or size houses they bought because they are all worth $700k+ now. The massive increase in my earnings vs theirs is insignificant given the huge discrepancy in housing costs.

It's super fucked and I'm real tired of it desu. Been trying to buy a house since 2020 right when houses started going up 25%+ per month.

Alas there is nothing I can do about it except save a ton of cash and hope my bags moon

>> No.53787518

You don't meet girls in bars dumbfuck. You take them there afterwards to loosen them up for fuckinf later.

>> No.53787521

So I capitulated and downloaded a dating app to see what it was like. 26M haven't been with anyone for about 2 years haven't looked, don't care. Haven't swiped right once over 4 weeks. Have about 64 matches from women coming to me. Of which only about 13 I opened a line of messaging with. I love to flirt. But don't care for a relationship. I'd say 1/3 (of total) are attractive looks wise. And from that probably 5 were worth actually talking too since they were fun. 3 gave me their numbers. Of which I chose not to pursue. Not worth my time

>> No.53787530

Top signal

>> No.53787536

>Now here we are 5 years later and I'm making $240k/year and can't afford the same style or size houses they bought because they are all worth $700k+ now. The massive increase in my earnings vs theirs is insignificant given the huge discrepancy in housing costs.
That's life in the developed world now. Income doesn't matter as much as generational wealth i.e. assets

find a new society.
That's what I did

>You don't meet girls in bars dumbfuck. You take them there afterwards to loosen them up for fuckinf later.
I've met women in a variety of contexts, including bars, now that I left USA. Out of curiousity though, where do you like to meet them?

>> No.53787549

She knows this is what she is to you. Yes?

>> No.53787579

>She knows this is what she is to you. Yes?
Ya it's a fascinating setup
She knows it's not forever, as I'm just getting setup here. A proper gf (who does a lot of the same things but with better language skills/hobbies/education) will be the next iteration

>> No.53787589

So you've. Told her this then?

>> No.53787599

>So you've. Told her this then?
I said yes. What kind of autistic interview is this? I'm requesting a attorney present for further questioning

>> No.53787638

>$50k to $240k salary in 5 years
>$700k houses
are you in niggerfornia or something?

>> No.53787642

Why would you waste your time with someone who views themselves as that low?

>> No.53787650

Yeah it is pretty low status, I work at fagman making high 200’s womens pussies still dry up when they hear I write code for a living. Idk what else to do tho, maybe once I hit 1-2 mil NW I’ll become a “tech startup founder” or some shit, even if I’m not successful I can just say that’s what I’m working on

>> No.53787744

Pray for nuclear war

>> No.53787843

>Why would you waste your time with someone who views themselves as that low?
I'm not committed. I still go on dates and if I need my place, I get her a transient house room.

She's a bangmaid. Consider it a "situationship" while I find a proper gf

My burmese chad SWE friend (k-pop maxxed strong jaw; tall for asian) said a girl from another department met him. Said she didn't believe he was a dev because they're usually short, creepy looking introverts.

That's our status.
>making high 200’s womens pussies still dry up when they hear I write code for a living.
They probably think you make 120k tops (boomers do too) and have no idea what your role entails, because it's too complex/abstract. They can't see or understand it, so they can't value it. You also work with a bunch of literal 3rd worlders or autists, so that's your network LOL. That's my thesis anyways.

When people ask what I do, I respond and there is never any sort of followup, because how could there be one? It's too abstract to have any sort of normie engagement.

Especially in SRE, we've got like 100 engineers and 1 woman and she's on the other side of the world (Tokyo)
>Idk what else to do tho, maybe once I hit 1-2 mil NW I’ll become a “tech startup founder” or some shit, even if I’m not successful I can just say that’s what I’m working on
"Idk what else to do" is sort of where I'm at. Look into PM or something VERY different. the money is clearly not serving you. it's serving me because I geomaxxed but I'd be looking for options and not waiting to be a "chad founder" or something. Put a timebox on that at least. By your early 30s or realize it's unrealistic as a strategy.

>> No.53787862

You are a paper tiger. LOL

>> No.53787890

>You are a paper tiger. LOL
Thanks for the assessment

>> No.53788035

car market should be cooling off soon, right?

>> No.53788037

I didn't have the $50k salary, that was my siblings.

I'm in south Florida.

>> No.53788045

>car market should be cooling off soon, right?
It's still hot. My parents wanted a honda odyssey and it's either out of stock or $10k over MSRP

>> No.53788055

jesus fucking christ

>> No.53788412

Same age. Dating was the exact same back then. Women only wanted the top 10-20% of guys.

They would chase guys from outside the 10-20% at other schools rather than take guys from outside the 20% at their own school due to the social stigma attached to it.

I'd say 70% of people my age are unmarried, and of those who are married about half have a kid. Rare to find anyone with multiple kids. It's why you see townhomes being built everywhere - gigantic increase in single female households and women don't mow the lawn or shovel snow.

>> No.53788463
File: 146 KB, 1229x719, home prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The top 5% was the one most affected by the rate increases. The high income earners got baited into way overpaying for luxury homes with super low rates and lowered qualification standards for jumbo loans. That's where you see most of the price decreases. Bottom of the market hasn't really changed.

>> No.53788482

I’m no more then 6 or 7 in the face but my wife (10/10 Latina zoomer) was indoctrinated by Disney channel to go after a tall lanky white dude with colored eyes and that’s what she got

>> No.53788514

So when can i get my relatively nice starter home on a firesale?

>> No.53788533

>I'd say 70% of people my age are unmarried, and of those who are married about half have a kid. Rare to find anyone with multiple kids. It's why you see townhomes being built everywhere - gigantic increase in single female households and women don't mow the lawn or shovel snow.
70% of people your age from your hometown and/or your current city or across the entire landscape? I'm interested in the details

I'm from Ohio and it seems like everyone is married/engaged or at least cohabitating.

Some cases of divorce already, but just a few.

The part I can corroborate is very few children, especially from the ones that left Ohio and therefore can't really afford the space to fuck raw and reproduce in properly. The ones that stayed in Ohio bred more/quicker.

Just looking at my group chat here: 12 guys, 1 divorced, 1 single (I'm doing a lot of dating and have always been particular), 6 married (2 w/kids). half the gfs are non-white. one of the guys is non-white