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File: 273 KB, 1300x958, convenience-store-interior-variety-good-shelves-display-57214846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53785207 No.53785207 [Reply] [Original]

I'm planning on opening up a convenience store in my college town. The stores there don't have vapes for the college students and the vapes on sale are terrible quality. I wish to bring high quality vapes to the students from my college.

>> No.53785226

Good morning dear sir

>> No.53785234
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I'm going to stock up on all weed related items and Elfbars, Tasty vapes, and Cali vapes. Black&Milds of all flavors and sell Newports and loosies.

>> No.53785254
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I will sell black&milds for $1 and Elfbars for $20. They're going to sell out like hotcakes. Loosies for 50 cents.

>> No.53785272

OP here. I stepped outside to use my watermelon vape and eat some fried chicken and pigs feet. I am posting here with my phone. I just wanted to tell everyone I am trans and hope this helps with everyone's decision making regarding my gas station idea.

>> No.53785298

I will carry the latest Doritos flavors. And also sell red bulls and monsters. I will have a sandwich station too where I will make a variety of breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals. I'm so excited as I type this.

>> No.53785317
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I can also have fried chicken in my store as well. Wings for $1.

>> No.53785349

Hi everyone, this is OP again. Phone posting and replying to my own posts. Did everyone read my previous post? I just want everyone to know I am trans. My pronouns are faggot/ OP

>> No.53785361

what are you ganna do about the thieves?

>> No.53785374
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I can also have lamb over rice in my store as well. Pancakes, hoagies, fried chicken, lamb over rice, cheese steaks too.

>> No.53785378

I am going to tell them I am trans and that will probably deter all criminal behavior so I can sell my weed safely in a gas station.

>> No.53785398

Jannies come prune this thread! This OP is a bigger faggot than anyone could have thought.

>> No.53785409

So you are running the counter. Oh boy...

>> No.53785411
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I don't know. Probably have strict measures put in place. Also I can't chase them down because that would be dangerous I could get shot. I will have to prevent theft by setting up next to students in a nicer area. My dad could help me with this. Also, my store will essentially be half lamb over rice/smoke shop.

>> No.53785425

get nice thick bullet proof glass if you plan to run this.

>> No.53785449
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Bongs, pipes, papers, wraps. Man I will have all the Bluntville flavors. I won't have vapes that will go out after 5 puffs, these vapes will ooze flavor to the very last hit.

>> No.53785485

>roasted lamb and hookahs
Might as well dust off your refugees welcome sign faggot. I know you got one

>> No.53785506
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Yeah, I will have bulletproof glass. But I will hire other people to work the store. I don't care how much it cuts into my profits. I don't want to run the counter myself. Also the store will be 24/7 so my fellow students at my college will never have to go through a smokeless night. I know how it feels to wake up at 3am and the store opens at 6am and they open the doors at 6:30am it really sucks balls.

>> No.53785549

Most college towns are surrounded by government housing and feral blacks. That is who your main customers will be. Most college students aren't degenerate like you unless you go some state college

>> No.53785611

someone post the indian convenience store clerk who recently got executed by that nog.

this is your future op if you arent careful

>> No.53785620
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A lot of the students smoke weed. I will be selling all kids of pieces and wraps. I can carry small bongs, medium sized bongs and large bongs. I can carry many different pipes. Every gathering I went to had a bong. I can also carry nicotine pouches. Plenty of items to stock my shelves with. I can also carry t shirts so my fellow students will look clean. And socks too. Also I can do lottery tickets, I will sell that too.

>> No.53785640

vape stuff makes you more lucrative to thieves

in my city they always get robbed they will drive from miles away to steal with a getaway driver. also your store being in a convenience style format makes you an easier target

>> No.53785646
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I am careful, I will hire for three shifts and I will visit only in the daytime.

>> No.53785651

sers good morning!

>> No.53785699
File: 658 KB, 1104x1010, staringpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I carried a smaller variety of vapes? Would they be less inclined to steal if it's only 3-4 brands of vape?

>> No.53785741
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The smoke shop near me only sells Newports. Could that be a theft deterrent measure?

>> No.53785921

Former C store owner operator. It is ridiculously hard to make it. Most of the items margin is around/under 30%. Cigarrettes are a fucking racket by the big 3 companies, its been a while but I believe you over pay up fornt for cigs and get a buyback from the companies for selling them at there price. The vapes might be a good sell, the gaming machines are higher margins, if your okay with taht sort of thing.

If its in a black area, don't, don't don't for the love of God do it anon.

Oh and don't do any credit with locals, they won't pay and you will lose the customer becuase they won't come in to a place they owe the owner money.

>> No.53785976
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Yeah, it's in a black area. The student body lives there too. There are cops everywhere.

>> No.53786177

>Yeah, it's in a black area.

abort mission, anon. do this elsewhere.

>> No.53786453
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>it's in a black area

>> No.53786472

>Watermelon and chicken bad :(
Fuck off, nerd.

>> No.53786689

You seem to think about trannies and faggot stuff all day anon, maybe you should get a job and go outside?

>> No.53788206
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>> No.53790398

Hire homeless vets in the area to sit outside your store, let them fight the niggers for you. Pay them $20 per scalp, and a free snickers. Win win.

>> No.53790501

Don’t get robbed OP

>> No.53790973


If you don't have every single item behind bullet proof glass and reinforced locked doors you will 100% lose money to theft.

The customers can't be able to physically touch ANYTHING until they have already paid for it.

Based on the area you live in trust me. Even in my area which is a college town people threw bricks at a local head shops windows and destroyed thousands of dollars of merchandise for no reason. They didn't even steal anything. Just being fucking assholes. Who knows why. The guy eventually closed up shop

>> No.53791287

A guy from my small town does this.
It's made him rich. Though his are JUST vape shops.
Make sure you learn how to expand to other shops.

>> No.53791316
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>im going to open a convienence store in a black are-ACK!

>> No.53791317

rents for commercial space in college towns are atrocious. let me know if you find rent under $6,000/month