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53785197 No.53785197 [Reply] [Original]

Happy monday anon! Gee, what did you do on the weekend that makes you look so tired?

>> No.53785227

I went to a casino by myself, sigma style. I'm da based alpha

>> No.53785248

its a holiday you weirdo im not in the wagecage today instead im jerking off to naked drawn japanese girls alone at my desk at home instead of my desk at work

>> No.53785283

Stayed up all night fapping to the slitty pics you posted on social media

>> No.53785315
File: 86 KB, 1146x1089, FH__62wWYAAHQmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't my coworkers look like this?

>> No.53785332

>Happy monday anon!
*racks M16*
*bullet holes everywhere*

>> No.53785385

It's Carnival, you dumb cunt.
I picked up 7 new fresh STDs from Stacy

>> No.53785451

The last time a co-worker asked what I did on the weekend I broke down crying and now nobody ask me what I do in my spare time.

>> No.53785723

she slipped off an erect nigger cock to have that conversation with you

>> No.53785800

Office niggers are off today you retard.

>> No.53785876

Get your filthy stinkin whore hands off my cubicle wall

>> No.53785933

>heh I just hung out hehe haven't had my coffee y-yet today heh *looks at ground*

>> No.53785960
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I was ughhhhhhh just relaxing haha

>> No.53786129

i drank a bunch of beers, smoked a lot of weed, and ate a lot of burritos

>> No.53786163
File: 37 KB, 637x358, wojj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had something like this happen too and sadly am 100% not larping, and yep they no longer ask
>pic related is painfully similar to me on weekends

>> No.53786798

I have this co-worker to keeps asking questions and it is very annoying. Luckily he does it in emails. I'm about to spend a good 2 hours responding back to him with the longest emails with tons of questions hidden through the email.
Hopefully, after 2 or 3 times, he will leave me the fuck alone.

>> No.53786846

Zoomers today are so fucking pussy, Just tell him to stop talking you and stop playing retarded game

>> No.53786937

Picrel and her coworkers wouldn't remember what they did on the weekend. Why do people keep posting this? It's nonsensical

>> No.53788874

think you're reading into it too much, just an office thing.

>> No.53789170
File: 11 KB, 252x297, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just say: “ oh nothing much, what about you?” instantly turn the question around on them and get them to start talking about themselves which people love to do then just tune it out. by the time they have finished replying they have already forgotten what they asked you in the first place and you have avoided answering a single thing. thats what i always do anyway.

>> No.53789226

>happy Monday!
>Time to get after it team!
>Hope you all are refreshed and energized for the week!
>Please respond to the mandatory poll so we can get some Tuesday lunch (josh will be presenting his new sales pitch to us during lunch!)

>> No.53789282
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>> No.53789284
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>> No.53789307

>Haha anon looks kinda grumpy, did your team lose on Sunday :)?
>Check out my Funko pop collection!
>Free donuts in the kitchen area!
>*Cracks a diet soda at 9:30 in the morning*

>> No.53789662
File: 319 KB, 800x1113, 1610480507116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


came here to post this. what jobs have a mix of co-eds with most being attractive? every office i've worked at, men were mostly young and attractive some straight out of college while the women no younger than 35.

>> No.53789683

inb4 "she" sees me fapping in the cubicle nextdoor

>> No.53789700

attractive women marry chad and arent working shit office jobs

>> No.53789723

tfw no thick Asian co-workers

>> No.53789732

found out god is probably extremely lonely because he's the only thing that exists

>> No.53789754

becuase anyone that goodlooking does not work in a cubicle, will be paid for by onlysimp or rich chad, or just fucking poor chad

They are not turing up for 9-5 like you

>> No.53789758

If you're not in a big city than you have close to 0 hope of seeing any attractive women. If you are, than the bigger the company the better.

>> No.53789773

yep rural areas are containment zones for failier men

cities are the hardest to compete in for men, so women can pick the hight tier men in the city

women hate rural areasm no shops health or edu op.

>> No.53789784

I got norovirus and lost 10lbs.
On the plus side I reached my goal weight with 2 months to spare.

>> No.53789828


im in NYC, i've asked around and people have said that modeling agencies and fashion companies (a la devil wears prada) have the attractive women for obvious reasons. finance/banking is second (inflated by college interns), and then after that it's a total crapshoot.