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53784093 No.53784093 [Reply] [Original]

There will be an announcement this week, just as large as the AWS announcement.

[T]redacted is exactly what you think it is. Make sure you financially profit from this.

>> No.53784123

"""Partnership""" with Walmart because Emin bought a 6pack in there the other day?

>> No.53784138

Tesla? Fuck off.

>> No.53784277

Doesn't matter, Avalanche never pumps unless the whales decide it's the perfect timing, Had it pumped on news it would've been top 5 coin by now because this project actually delivers every single time, Rare sight in cryptoland and from what it looks like, A disadvantage for the price action compared to promising everything and never delivering a thing kek, Crypto is a fucking joke at the moment but i'm hopeful for the future

>> No.53784422

Think bigger, and more relevant to the space

>> No.53784456


>> No.53784455
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Does there need to be a fourth podcast with AWS and AL executives to convince you retard?

>> No.53784734

I want to demonstrate how much I hate AVAX fags.

If some wizard came to me and told me "I can make any group of people disappear. Pedophiles, murderes, Jews, niggers.. whatever you want. Just tell me who"

I would, without hesitation, not even for a nanosecond, tell him to make AVAX faggots disappear. And I would gladly sacrifice one of my limbs only so he would make them disappear painfully (cancer or something like that).

This is literally not satire. I am serious.

>> No.53784938
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I think it is more related to gaming since Avalanche has been promoting gaming subnets for a while

>> No.53784948
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Toshiba or Toyota
Trips confirm.

>> No.53784971

Tencent seems most logical. Or Tencent Games specifically.

>> No.53785164

post proof this announcement will happen.

>> No.53785668

Toyota is a good guess, would fit with Emin talking recently about tracking of parts/logistics

>> No.53785857
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>> No.53786477

Amazon does that shit with literally any startup that makes business use of AWS lmao

>> No.53786618
File: 311 KB, 1170x1409, F8E7D373-55D3-4B84-8DCE-C735059CF793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s gaming related I’m thinking. Tencent gaming or The Pokémon company

>> No.53786673

Seething cunt KYS. I KNOW IT HURTS

>> No.53786765

Guy said bigger than Tesla. Ive never even heard of either Tencent or the pokemon company.

>> No.53786927

I wouldn’t read too much into “bigger than Tesla” lol. Screams pump my bags. I’m sure it’ll still be great

>> No.53786982
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>> No.53787878

Tencent is more chink garbage
just like ali baba was a nothingburger (avax had a 20% pump then went back to $10.50 following the markets)
how do you dumb cunts not realize by now all news is irrelevant in a bear market ffs