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53783792 No.53783792 [Reply] [Original]

>Finding Bitcoin’s Place In The Talmud’s Investment Teachings
>"To operate without a central authority aligns well with Jewish principles of autonomy and freedom"
>this is what the traditional Jewish diversified portfolio would look like: 1/3 land, 1/3 cash, 1/3 merchandise (stocks, business, commodities)
>mentions risk 14 times
is this bullish?

>> No.53783863
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Talmud, hang on a second, I thought (((they))) venerated the Bible.

>> No.53783936

Just the old testament part-- you know the part about genocide. Then they add onto it 10x the amount of retard teir commentary aka the Talmud. It's extremely cringe and stupid and genocidal.

>> No.53784126
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no, the talmud is where all the (((good stuff))) is, like considering goyim cattle, saying its okay to scam goyim, etc.

it's also the study of the talmud, called "pilpul" that gives jewish culture such a toxic devils advocacy that allows them to justify literally any bullshit action they want to make

>> No.53786159
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>Jewish principles of autonomy and freedom

>> No.53786173

144 is incredibly resonant in btc

>> No.53787516

That's not even the worst bit though.

>> No.53787733

Jews are incredibly based and your obsession is simply cope

>> No.53788031

>this poster is an Amerimutt or Jew