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53782686 No.53782686 [Reply] [Original]

Collecting neetbux and living the dream.
>eat only spicy ramen my dad cooks for me
>stay at home all day and don't drive for maximum savings
>dad buys me coffee and donuts everyday
>play GTA at home all day
>pocket neetbux at the end of the month and invest in RE
>going to collect rent soon through my dad and continue collecting neetbux
>no expensive addictions
>fap whenever I want to
>friend picks me up to hang out with him

>> No.53782696


When you hot age 20 that’ll get very sad and depressing anon. Enjoy till then

>> No.53782706

>playing video games all day
stop wasting your life.

>> No.53782731

based anon these goys are jelly of ur real estate

>> No.53782751

Once I have two houses, I will be set for life.

>> No.53782848
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Based. Wagies will seethe.

>> No.53782877
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Did this till 35. Based OP. Try to WAGMI before 30, work is literally hell.

>> No.53782890

You'll be a loser in a few more years when all your friends have lives, while you continue to wither away, a grown child in their parents home

>> No.53782891

your dad spits in your ramen. probably cums in it too

>> No.53782896

you have to become a diffrent kind of neet to stay happy. playing video games all day and eating spicy ramen noodles is going to destroy you

>> No.53782928

What do you mean 'collect rent through your dad'. Does your dad have multiple houses or something?

>> No.53782934
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>> No.53782966

I'm closest to 1 I think but I'm not addicted to porn, have a good job, and would grab a drink

>> No.53782981

Fucking faggot, I cook my dad every meal and practice gourmet
If you're gonna NEET at least do something

>> No.53782983
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Taking interviews sucks and every job has a risk factor to it.
Yeah, I'm working on getting RE so I can be a RE NEET.
I played video games after work before. That's what I want to do in life, enjoy my hobbies.
My dad is going to collect rent from the houses and hold the cash for me while I collect neetbux.

>> No.53782992

He means he’s going to fund a house in his dads name. Disability, likely his source of neetbux, won’t pay if you own a certain (pretty low) amount of assets.

>> No.53783012

I hope you get fucking reported to the police, thief

>> No.53783019

>spicy ramen noodles
i have a friend from high school who i still text racist memes to. he's in his early 30s like me and on permanent SSDI disability due to schizophrenia, depression, obsessive and compulsive disorde. his life is strikingly similar to OP's: plays video games all day or engages in other childish pursuits, and has the diet of an autistic 8 year old, the staple of which is spicy ramen noodles, funnily enough. he's not happy with his life. i guess this should be a warning to OP since i'm guessing he's in his mid 20s.

>> No.53783032

You don’t even smoke weed sounds boring as fuck

>> No.53783057
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>I hope you get fucking reported to the police, thief

>> No.53783105

he'll start smoking weed soon enough to cope with his sad existance of gaming. im surprised he isn't already actually. then things will go downhill even faster and heoll be 40 and still playing League of legends kek

>> No.53783115

So far you somehow convince yourself that you enjoy it. But once you'll reach around 30yo you'll realize you did nothing with your life, that playing video games is meaningless and you will become depressed.
Godspeed anyway

>> No.53783125

OK Ramenboy. Are you bored again?

>> No.53783169

Daddies little loser

>> No.53783204
File: 1.42 MB, 1085x775, 206ebc2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't you be waging right now?

>> No.53783245

Based. I rather give tax money to 4chan neets than to refugees like Muhammed and Samira

>> No.53783281

I work for a Chinese owned company that supplies China's military with top quality metals and minerals from a US allied country. No I am in my days off atm.

>> No.53783307

Dad is gonna job you and keep the rent payments. It’s all in my name and I did all the legwork while you played video games, anon.

>> No.53783650

Im going to get NEET bux

>Too intelligent to work