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53779112 No.53779112 [Reply] [Original]

No wonder they’re always seething about college grads, tradies literally make less than average holy fuck

>> No.53779174


Don't know where this reality is you speak of but here in Alberta it's the opposite.

>> No.53779506

They get paid in funny money and lose 50% to taxes.

>> No.53779527

Tradies are the worst scum on the planet.

>> No.53779529

>funny money

>> No.53779535

even worse, Canadian fiat

>> No.53779560

Imagine a monetary system backed by the state's monopoly on violence except your state was Canada.

>> No.53779573

Wow the left really can't meme

>> No.53779618

Kek baggies

>> No.53779659

Why not just look at welders? Why include 3 other low skill, low pay professions? Oh right, your a jew rat.

>> No.53779870
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then you start your own business after 5 years experience and make much more on your own schedule.

>> No.53779883

>people who keep civilization running are scum

>> No.53779901

whats going on in alberta? I live in edmonton right now.
im down to move anywhere at this point

>> No.53779936

Finally got my first union electrical job, 20.56/hr for the first 1000 hours, then it bumps to 25, after 4 years I'll be making 55-60/hr
Anytime the job ends you wagecucks support me via unemployment
You wagecucks pay for my unemployment when I go to (free) school for 1 week every 2.5 months
Union is a total scam so we get twice as long breaks and leave almost a half hour early
Kinda based so far desu, any oldfag electricians want to crush my dreams or is it as good as it seems so far?

>> No.53780061

In school for computer science now, but I welded stainless steel in a factory for 3 months
Don't go into trades bro, virtually always a mistake
Ventilation was poor and stainless releases hexavalent chromium
What are the chances I'm gonna get lung cancer from this?

>> No.53780083

The catch is that if you mess up you fucking die bro. Im a daydreamer, i cant do it.

T. Family of electricians, one died on the job

>> No.53780102

done all the residential housing trades and electrical is one of the comfiest but you will get sick of the grind, especially if you work around retards.
you can make a FUCK LOAD of cash if you grind and stack overtime. be pushy and try to get as much work/scab jobs as you can. throw all your post tax, post living expense earnings into crypto and you'll be retired by 2030

>> No.53780125

3 months? Fairly low probably. If you did that for 5-10 years you'd be fucked
>Just trust me bro

>> No.53780186
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>> No.53780709
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>> No.53780727

The overtime REALLY sucks in these fields
I quit when they started mandating 60 hours a week
Became very disillusioned

>> No.53780750

Behold, the last dying breath of the laid off redundant, overpaid tech worker. Good riddance. By the time the tech sector comes back around your job will be replaced by ChatGPT or some other AI. Hope you didn't waste your inflated wages on paying off student loans and rent in the Bay Area and managed to save some cash- you're going to need it.

>> No.53780816

>keep it running
Yeah, maybe after the third call out they might fix something, meanwhile they and their union mates are all too busy blocking off the streets and have stopped the trains because the maritime workers aren't allowed to import cocaine any more.

Face it, illegal labourers from the Orient, Eastern Europe and Mexico are the ones actually keeping the place running, not the Western tradies.

>> No.53780839

Chat gpt can't even answer simple math problems

>> No.53780848

>Face it, illegal labourers from the Orient, Eastern Europe and Mexico are the ones actually keeping the place running, not the Western tradies.

And AI and Indian h1-b visas keep your industry running, unemployed techie troon.

>> No.53780881

Half of college grads are underemployed and don't even have a job related to their degree lol. Highly overrated

>> No.53780908


>> No.53780936

It will do that and much more by the time the Fed decides to cut interest rates years from now and the tech industry gets flooded with cheap liquidity again. The tech sector might bounce back when that time comes, but this time there won't be a job for you to go back to.

>> No.53781061


>While applauding the management’s recent decision to lay off 12000 employees as “a step in the right direction”, Mr. Hohn said that the top management would have to go further with the job cuts. He also added that Alphabet should bring down its total workforce to 150000, which is near to the total workforce at the end of 2021.

>In the letter to Alphabet Inc, TCI Fund Management also called for a reduction in compensation (salary) to employees. The investment firm stated that the tech giant should take this as an opportunity to address excessive employee compensation in the company.

Tick-tock, tech-tards. The hedgies are out for your heads. Hope you managed to save up some cash and fond memories, because the golden years of overbloated, scam tech companies are over with.

>> No.53781104

I almost became a tradie. I'm so glad I didn't. I did my research. You only make good money if you could get into a union, which is nearly impossible without good connections. And even if you're apart of a union you're not guaranteed work. Even then before you make a good wages you'll be doing an apprenticeship for 4 years where you'll make below minimum wage and where the boomer journeyman will refuse to teach you anything. If you're non-union it's even worse, you'll be breaking your back for fucking peanuts, for shit pay. I'm so glad I didn't jump into it. I'm learning to code and getting a cozy WFH job. Tradies are borderline slaves.

>> No.53781123

>I'm learning to code and getting a cozy WFH job

In this market? You are either a delusional retard or a naive 17 year old.

>> No.53781155

And what do you suggest? That I become a tradefag? Yeah because breaking my back for Mr. Shekelstein every day for weeks on end and then getting nothing out of it sounds like a much better plan.

>> No.53781259

Better than having to compete with Rajesh from India who works for half the wages, double the hours and practically sleeps at the office every day. And in an interest rate tightening cycle that is gutting the tech sector the hardest and where layoffs are happening in the tens of thousands. Yes, dumbass, I suggest you be realistic about your circumstances and expectations. Maybe turn into the news once or twice a month. It's not 2021 anymore, and the retarded cheap liquidity mania of 2021 that artificially inflated the tech sector was never realistic and could never feasibly last for any extended period of time anyways. You're way too late to the party.

>> No.53781295

You sound like being a tradefag is so much better. Yeah I'll have to compete with poo skins but you'll have to compete with Juan from Mexico who isn't legal and can't even speak English or read a book. Juan will do your job way for less pay and will probably get hired over you. You act like trades don't have the same exact problem. If you're a tradie in the year 2023 you're a fucking brainlet. Unless you plan on starting your own business have fun destroying your body for this kiked society for barely 60k a year.

>> No.53781311

Machinist programmer is a good gig, people will beg for you to work for them if you have experience. Tough as shit to get going with both at the same time but holy shit its the opposite of a recession for that trade combo. Barely any exist

>> No.53781326
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Breh 48k ain't too bad tbphf

>> No.53781342

always figured it was a scam

i tried to inquire about being a welder
>went to find some schools in my area, they're all pretty far 30+ min drive
>found one that seemed like a good program
>went for a visit, the head of department wined and dined by showing me everything
>facilities were run down and look like shit.
>seemed like the students there had shitty lives and welding saved them, and some became teachers
>gave me spiel about how in demand welders are (my red flag started to blare a bit)
>started rattling off salaries and stats about welders and job placement.
>tried to get me to sign up immediately, saw the program was $18,000 and i had to buy my own gear
>check if i qualify for financial aid.
>don't because i already graduated college

I did want to try it but it seemed like i didn't have many options to learn it? not sure what else to do. i think it's interesting but I feel like i'm probably not right for it anyway. and i have some neurological issues.

regardless, my red flag was when he was rattling off all the stats and the usefulness of welders in the world. how maintaining is part of the job of welders. which made a lot of sense to me. but his "pushiness" about signing up and praise about how awesome welding is. made me think. boy this sounds like marketing and marketers are fucking liars and only talk about best case scenarios and never talk about the shittiness of their pitch. when it comes to schooling/education, they always rattle off about working hard means i'll always be in great hands. I also figured that if there's so many welders, wouldn't that reduce their value in the world? it all seems like malarkey at least from where i live.

sorry about wordiness. i kinda still wanna do it. i just dont know how to make it happen. i'm just too retarded.

>> No.53781381

Protip: If you want to make tons of money with barely any schooling, for something in HIGH demand in AB, get your ass into dental hygiene. They made it a 4 year course in AB, but in BC you can still do a 2 year course for it. $55/hr to start for TWO years of schooling. Dental Hygiene is extremely flexible too, you can do it part time if you want, and get a job in damned near any part of the world if you wish. But I know in AB it pays very very well for the amount of schooling you need.

>> No.53781426

I'm in a Union, so no to all of that. You cant even do my job unless you are a US Citizen.

>> No.53781478

Okay so then why even respond to me? You probably completely disregarded the first half of my comment so I'll start again. Unless you have your own business OR you're in a union you WONT be making good money as a tradie. The odds of getting into a union without connections are pretty bad unless you have connections. Even then though, eventually your body will give out. At some point I suggest starting a business at least. Being a tradefag simply isn't worth it in my opinion.

>> No.53781490

The difference is trades are actually in demand and unaffected by this quantitative tightening cycle, where as WFH Karens are being laid off by the tens of thousands and the over leveraged tech sector is being gutted by rising interest rates which are not going to stop any time soon. Trades are going to be unaffected during this econonic downturn while overleveraged and overbloated tech is going to get torn to shreds. The tech industry is already starting to fall apart- have you not been following the news at all since last year? The only brainlet here is you for attempting to get into an industry that has been flashing red all year, NPC's like you who clearly cannot see what is occurring in front of their face will fail no matter where they go.

>> No.53781491

Tradies think they are smart cause they get paid slightly more and can take cashies. But they dont realise office wagies spend all their time on reddit and drinking coffee and chatting up office sluts.
Some like me "travel to meet clients" but we are actually just went and played golf or went to the pub. Other times I just go home and sleep.

>> No.53781501

Did you ever consider the fact that not all "trades" are hard work? Things such as crane operations pay incredibly well and is the equivalent in skill and effort of playing an incredibly boring video game. Why do retards in this thread think all trades are just plumbers and welders?

>> No.53781524

This is tradie cope. I get you have this superiority complex because you do "honest" work but you clearly don't fully understand what the fuck you're talking about. Sure useless HR Karen's who do not work are being laid off, but no software engineers or other people who work with computers are not going to be replaced anytime soon at all. There is absolutely no AI advanced enough to replace many of these jobs. Most of these people are essential to the company and don't even have to put in that much work, they usually don't even have to work their full 40 hours and spend that time fucking around and shit posting on the internet. So while you slave away for the kikes, I'll take my comfy job in an air conditioner office. I'll make more than 3x your pay and do 10x less work than you. You're a brainlet, a faggot, and a retard. We'll have fun tradie.

>> No.53781534

Eh still the same thing though. I mean you won't be breaking your back but unless you're in a union or have your own business you won't be making very much money. On top of that working conditions can still be dangerous regardless of if you're doing herd work or not.

>> No.53781537

>ITT: 2 faggots who both have to work for a living (lol) having a tiny dick measuring contest

>> No.53781569

Except the experience should be in sales of your trade, not the trade itself if you want to retire in your 30s like me

>> No.53781631

I think you should talk to people on /diy/ and don't take everything in this thread to heart fully. I did welding school for a while and I actually really love welding, but the problem is putting your body through that. Anyway, talk to /DIY/ and research.

>> No.53781642

Lol cope. I only work 6 months out of the year and own a condo in Thailand. Why the fuck would I want to be forced to live in a shithole like the Bay Area year round for work?

>> No.53781647

>you won't be making very much money

Well into six figures for doing essentially nothing and going into no debt.

>> No.53781673

Do you not understand that only a very small percentage of tradies are in your situation? Again you're in a union, so of course you have benefits and make fairly good money. Most tradecucks are slaves. Anyways tradie, I think I'll stick to working in my air conditioned office while shit posting on 4chan. Enjoy your honest and fulfilling work though.

>> No.53781675

interest rates are in fact going to stop any time soon.
>thailand for the underage b&
sick fukc

>> No.53781688

He's a crane operator, they have aircon and comfortable cabs. No shit posting though, hopefully

>> No.53781698

I've worked less than one month since July 2022. Such is the power of highly paid union trade jobs where you can come and go as you please. In March I'll probably take a contract for 45 days in Asia and then go back on vacation again. I won't even need them to fly me back to the US, I'll just pop on down to the Philippines or Thailand or Bali when my contract is completed.

>> No.53781706

>implying I don't shitpost on the job and sit around most of the day doing nothing like everyone else ITT

I'm not a crane operator any more, I used to be one though.

>> No.53781711

What happened move up to management?

>> No.53781719

Lol dumbass did you not just see the CPI, Retail Sales and PPI over the past week? Interest rates are only going higher and the Fed's tone is full-on hawkish again. We're not cutting rates until next year at this point, if that, not matter what the equities market does.

>> No.53781739

No, my job just has lots of down time. They need me maybe for an hour each work day to perform some critical task, the rest is just sitting around all day waiting for the task to happen.

>> No.53781750

Yeah I didn't have my parents pay my way through school.
Must be nice to get a handout your whole life.

>> No.53781760

>funny money and lose 50% to taxes.
Cad does better than USD and our taxes are not 50%.
There's no way income taxes is 50% in Alberta.

>> No.53781762

>another divide and conquer thread
Fuck off kike. Your time is coming to an end.

>> No.53781773

>your state was Canada.
We won more wars and battle in both world wars.
Your welcome, faggot.
We also own alot of gold mines in Canada too.
Have even more oil than the middle east.
Kill yourself.
Here you go dip shit.
Google what Canada was doing during both world wars by the way.
Americans can't fight, never could, it's why it was easy for Germans to rack up a high kill count.

>> No.53781781
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>> No.53781793

Welders don't make good money.
But my father was making like 16 grand a month doing HVAC stuff.
Granted some of that is rolled into your pension, 401k, vacation fund and medical. But the take home was still like 60 an hour.

>> No.53781822

>white collartards think blue collar chads report all of their wages

such is life in the longhouse

>> No.53781841

Good on you strategically formulating your response over 6 hours for maximum emotional trauma.

>> No.53781844

Fucking poor cope. Time for you to get a clear understanding of how human biological life functions. The succesful breed and that breeds success. These families that were able to fund their children to get proper careers were so far ahead of your assembly line father and mother it's unreal (hilarious in a very depressing way). That genetic advantage got passed down to the children in the more affluent families. These people are so far ahead of you that they will likely own you at some point. And that's probably how things should be. It's so incredibly apparent that there are people BREATHING today that should never have any access to money. They piss it away down the gutter when it could have been used in more practical ways to spur economic growth and further aid other individuals. Hint hint poor. Time value of money favors these people too LMFAO. Good luck in life. Have fun hanging yourself when you inevitably accept fate

>> No.53781871
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>Time for you to get a clear understanding of how human biological life functions.
>That genetic advantage got passed down

>> No.53781893
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>Have fun hanging yourself when you inevitably accept fate

>> No.53782267
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I don't know where this kikes owning or being in tades malarkey comes from but in my 12 years i have yet to encounter one. The demand for highly skilled trades is only rising as more people have gone to University/college to study bullshit. Australia probably is the place to do this though because of how well guarded trade licensing is, especially Western Australia.
I can make an easy $2500 aud ($1725 usd) after tax for 40 hours of work as an employee.
Working for myself 2k a day before tax is a slow day, most weeks i am pulling 25k+. My car, fuel, phone, and part of my mortgage is paid by the business and is a tax deduction meaning i get it back. Im allowed 120k per year on assets, completly tax deductible.
Im 27 years old and left school at 15. My business is in plumbing, gas, roofing, heating and cooling. Life is pretty good bros

Pic related - 15k job, three story high Evaporation Air-conditioner head change over and dropper rejuvenation. Home by 2.30pm. If you look closely you can see the dicks i drew on the old cunts dropper.

>> No.53782301

>uses the worst paying trade as an example
There was thousands of threads about why this is the one trade you don't do OP.
You can't compare one trade to everything and then claim all trades have been compared without lying.
Compulsive liars have a higher rate of throat and mouth cancer. I hope it spreads to your dick when you fellate yourself.

>> No.53782307
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8k job

>> No.53782338
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3.5k job, manhole cut in and repair of overhead drainage.
The faggoty office bod whos apartment this was in, was sucking lemons when he asked about the mess, i told him "im a Plumber not a cleaner mate". made sure his insurance wouldnt pay out from my report because he didnt offer me a drink.

You will all have to deal with people like me you have no choice, you need me. I do not need you! Best of luck cunts

>> No.53782518

This is the real advice for US fags. If you want an easy job with decent pay, get into anything that requires US citizenship/clearance whether tech or trade.

I spent 5 yrs in server management as a contractor, worked like 5-10 hrs a week for around 100k in a high cost of living area. Now in private industry making more but working 40-60 hour weeks with the company slowly outsourcing my job overseas.