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53755552 No.53755552 [Reply] [Original]

How’s my Fantom bros doing? Which Fantom shitcoins are you holding sisters?

>> No.53755603 [DELETED] 

Biz I have to warn you. This right here is a mentally ill samefagging tranny trying to lure in unsuspecting newfaggots to a well known code stealing, scamcoin called Fantom. Buy HBAR if you want the real deal, Fantom stole the code of HBAR.

I just cannot, in good conscience, support a scam project that profit from the back of hard working american like Leemon. Stealing a code is immoral, unethical, and not to mention highly illegal. I suggest Hbar if you want the real dealerino.

>> No.53755645

Imagine buying fantom when they are based in cayman island instead of Hedera Hashgraph that us american based and backed by 30 international corporations controlling and securing the ledger. Plus you stole the code from the github enjoy the litigation trannoids haha.

>> No.53755720

ftm is like a ghost boo your money is gone hahaha ftmduuuumppp

>> No.53755825
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Seething Hbaggot. Not buying your bags retard.

>> No.53755845
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>> No.53755869
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fbomb unironically, literally the OG project on Fantom. meme coin chart doesn't care

>> No.53755882
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>> No.53755954

Insider here. In 2 weeks the lawsuit drops. FTM tranny coin is finished.

>> No.53756147
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>> No.53757364

I'm currently getting fbombed into a higher tax bracket, gotta love it

>> No.53757390

Yeah, I threw like 500 dollarinos at u last year for shits and giggles. It's worth 4500+ right now and growing each day.

>> No.53757404

I'll be honest, fbomb is next level big brain. the guy has been planning this for months and it is a genius plan. I may have fucked up missing fucking SLIZARD (FUCK, why?) but at least I have some fbomb that's capturing part of that revenue

>> No.53757554 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53757642

wtf is conk you useless fucks

>> No.53757888

What the hell is HEDERA, and should I buy some?

>> No.53757909

checked, also only buy hedera if you like throwing money in the garbage

no idea, but looks interesting, will probably through $50 at it

>> No.53757936

i hate conk desu

>> No.53757951

someone has decided it would be fun to pump random meme coins

>> No.53759105 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53759346

qrd on this CONK shit?

is it too late?

>> No.53759833

>Which Fantom shitcoins are you holding sisters?
I also added some liquidity to Metropolis waiting for airdrop.

>> No.53760452

100% on WSTA

>> No.53760648
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Whoever shilled me the bomb plans in December is honestly a king. I made bankloads on bomb, farming equal and solid lizard or whatever the fuck it is.
I think its still undervalued by a large margin because of the DAO pushing it. Farming Equilibre might pay off like Equal as well as its a launch partner
If Gay ever delivers anything Shade might 10x in a day kek
Pic rel

>> No.53761401 [DELETED] 

Ren, Boo, Uft and Dia
also hold sylo, buy on huobi

>> No.53761475

Ren, Boo, Uft and Dia
i also hold sylo, but on huobi

>> No.53761536

>He knows.
With this market cap it will definitely do 10x when whatever they are working on with Spiritswap is done. I want 100x. And I want it against 100x.

>> No.53761581
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I need more. I need more. I need more. I need more. I need more. I need more.

>> No.53763750
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any protocols where I can depost my Yvault boo token for extra yield?

>> No.53764299
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Picrel because moon if peg and needs less than $1M to do so

>> No.53765237
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*clink clink*
ladies and gentlemen
hbar is superior

>> No.53766176
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bombros, I don't think it's going to stop...

spoken like a true hbaggie

>> No.53766544

>bombros, I don't think it's going to stop...
Top signal :( fuck you bro

>> No.53767213

PIECE OF SHIT wicks down .7c for no reason

>> No.53767353

Yeah just keep on going down against everything else who the fuck is selling

>> No.53769301

inverse head and shoulders,
should eventually pump right/??

>> No.53769579

Boo sisters, are you staking xboo? Are you boosting with a magic cat? I decided to throw some at the oath farm. Can any anons red pill me on bomb? I'm an ftm oldfag and I though bomb was just another pnd like safefantom

>> No.53769603

I'm not sure they will pump. Money is still leaving Fantom eco. To me it looks like ftm was just a trade for most.

>> No.53769654

I’m staking xboo and earning tarot. But I need to check, might switch to Oath. Fucking fbomb. Use to have 500k. Fierydev is fucking based. He’s all over defi, and he’s serious about he tech and the intent of decentralization in general. So I’m not surprised it’s survived and has come back. Personally, I think it’s a restart, and as the ecosystem comes back , boo will come back (possibly being that based becomes the new better tomb)and Fantom will rise again.

>> No.53769704
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>money leaving FTM
>top 10 TVL
Did you get dropped on your head as a baby, or was your retardation from BBC slamming your mom while you were still in her womb?

>> No.53769735

Fugg I'm going to have to look deeper into bomb. And ya I'm farming oath bc I actually know what it is. And I think their deva are dedicated enough to build shit worthwhile so I'd hold my farming rewards

>> No.53769757

You know you could check it by yourself.

>> No.53769773

where should I park my FTM to earn more? I was using Tarot but it feels a lil too risky, considering bad debt etc.

I'm thinking BeFTM or sFTMx but I'm confused about how it all works? Is there a risk of depeg or any other risks I should be concerned with?

>> No.53769781

it's called fbomb now, bomb is the old version. it was taken over by the MCLB and they migrated to a new token to make it multichain.
old bomb can be wrapped and migrated to fbomb, but I don't know what the liquidity is like, so best to just get the new one. you can buy it on firebird

>> No.53769788

Im already 3x, should I keep buying? Or just wait until we are $3? Im a fucking poorfag

>> No.53769833

ftm pumps and dumps more than most, buy the dips.
a truly degen play right now is stacking tomb instead of ftm. once demand is back and it re-pegs you'll effectively multiply your ftm stack by ~25. super risky and not financial advise, but it's what I'm doing.

>> No.53769843

didnt harry effectively kill tomb for lif3?

>> No.53769892

definitely wounded it, but they aren't abandoning it. they are working on other use cases for tomb. it is certainly risky and it might never fully recover, but I don't think harry let's it die

>> No.53770191
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MCLB will have a bomb farm on every chain god willing
Its burning 0.5 to 1m a day currently
If we’re lucky MCLB will be the next Harry in this space

>> No.53771046

I'm not one to complain about price. But when will the bleeding stop? We effectively didn't pump before the weekend but are going down as hard as other coins that did.

>> No.53771177
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i dont know what you retards are complaining about

>> No.53771212
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> once demand is back and it re-pegs you'll effectively multiply your ftm stack by ~25.
Dubs confirm.
Not really. He just focused too much on LIF3 recently. It wouldn't be wise to kill TOMB without somehow compensating TOMB holders. He probably regrets taking it over but he won't abandon it.

>> No.53771429

The hbar meme is the worst fud I’ve ever seen or heard of.

>> No.53771444

God she’s so fucking hot holy fucking shit I support no bra club.

Look at TVL low iq fags. No mention of beets or Geist in here come on

>> No.53772335

Beftm already depegged. It's been pretty stable around 0.8 ftm though. The thing I don't understand is why it's so far off. Maybe their validator has a lot of bad debt? I'll have to check it out

>> No.53772718

Checked. Thanks for the reminder to pick up bags of each. Where are you getting yield from them? Single staking somewhere? Captcha trips confirm: 444nk

>> No.53773344
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Tomb is effectively dead bro. Tshares no longer emit, which means FTM-Tomb is no longer incentivized. The reason Tomb had that much TVL is because people could LP 1:1 while staking the rewards for huge APR. Thats not even an option anymore.
Look into Based though. Its like young Tomb; Fantom based, Bshare still emitting, full product/suite. Its a ticking timebomb.

>> No.53773963

I looked at the validator's ftmscan and it doesn't look like they ever minted or otherwise used sftm. Maybe the depeg is caused by the illiquidity of the underlying locked ftm? If you unstake a locked delegation you get slashed, but I don't have time to look into the loss you experience from that

>> No.53773972

bleeds for 48 hours, refuses to follow Bitcoin up, then dumps into oblivion

>> No.53775067

Been swing trading those wave movements, alone tonight gained 800 FTM more, it really is amazing

>> No.53775413

Nice triple dubs

>> No.53776578

Checked but the price right now is cancer