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53765253 No.53765253 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53765266

I read this as brain “fag” lol

>> No.53765275


>> No.53765277

Winter vagina, many such cases

>> No.53765284

It's not easy. But what helps is:
>sleep (minimum 8 hours)
>diet adjustments
>supplementation (vit d, zinc, magnesium are crucial)

Good luck

>> No.53765291

Stop smoking weed (or at least cut back), and get a job if you don’t currently have one.

>> No.53765315

Stop. Fapping.

>> No.53765322

While I'm not an expert on neurology, my current hypothesis is that brain fog is, at least in a significant portion of cases, due to persistent neuroinflammation as well as neural damage. The brain's ability to repair itself is quite limited, but there is at least biological plausibility to trying to help it along via anti-inflammatory mechanisms as well as upregulating brain-derived neurotropic growth factor.
The first can be accomplished through taking NAC, which is known to regularize glutamate- and dopamine-signaling in the brain, dopamine being downstream from glutamate. BDNF can be upregulated via the two main cannabinoids, CBD and THC.

>> No.53765326

Stop looking at screens

>> No.53765330

No refund vaxxies

>> No.53765370

smoke weed and jerk off all the time. don't socialize and don't sleep.

>> No.53765388
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I slept in today (2pm), so I feel a bit groggy, like a "sleep hangover". On the bright side, I am currently sipping Japanese Sencha tea infused with:

250mg Uridine Monophosphate
300mg Alpha-GPC (Choline)
200mg Panax Ginseng Leaf & Stem Extract (standardized to 40% ginsenosides)
900mg Aniracetam

Peak performance is imminent.

>> No.53765423

And start listening to classical music regularly. It is creativity boost material.

>> No.53765488



>> No.53765510

Are u vaxxed?

>> No.53765542
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canadians have the answer

>> No.53765548


>> No.53765561

Sleep, eat right, hydrate, manage your environment (the actual physical environment and your social one).

>> No.53765562

Fasting. Eat one meal a day. Cut out all sugar, juices. Eat one meal made from whole foods, no snacks. Drink water.

>> No.53765579

that's great

>> No.53765581

I had brain fog to college during covid lockdown. Turns out i had 9 ng/mL of vitamin d. I also started fasting and eating liver which helped my brain fog

>> No.53765594

Stop eating sugar. You don't have to pay me anything.

>> No.53765619

Yeah i would add cut off weed smokes and booze

>> No.53765633

turkeys tail and lions mane. EXTRACT! Also fasting

>> No.53765636

Smoke some spicy

>> No.53765936
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i have brain fog on and off and i can confirm these things help a lot. unfortunately you won't notice the difference until you stop so you have to just trust.

these things has the greatest imapct, these things seem to have a crystallizing effect on my mind
>reading (immediate effect)

things that fuck me up
>drinking (immediate effect)
>social media
>frequent masturbation and pornography

i struggled for a while with brain fog until i realised how similar a alcohol hangover is to it. brain fog is essentially an endorphin hangover, don't do things that release intense amounts of dopamine into your brain over a short period of time. so that is gaming, social media, smacking your meat around and obviously, doing drugs. you have to do these things as rewards only.

>> No.53766161

Travel to the past and tell yourself to not get the shot

>> No.53766180


>> No.53766213

Playing Doom Eternal fixed mine.

>> No.53766343

I put on a nicotine patch as a joke at a party. I forgot it was still on me the next day. When I woke up I got a lot done and my brain fog was gone. Got a ton of shit done that day.

>> No.53766354

Destroy your brain

>> No.53766728

cup of wine and exercise plus sleep

>> No.53766771

Based doom guy. Its my meditation too. Strongly suggest anyone who have depressing issues. Will literally turn your depression and sadness into anger.

>> No.53766775

This. The lack of acknowledgement reveals OP as a pothead, unwilling to cut down, smoke at appropriate times or manage his personal mental state.
I bet you don't even enjoy it more than your sober state anymore.
There is no cure for voluntary intoxication OP.

>> No.53766825

Nicotine leads to the release of acetylcholine, which increases arousal and focus. Cholinergic drugs are used to treat dementia (not very successfully, because a lack of acetylcholine is seldom the root cause) for this reason.

>> No.53766827

quit weed and alcohol, take sunlight, sleep 8h a day

>> No.53766883

a lot of times its posture related

fix your posture & neck to optimize blood flow to the brain

>> No.53766931

This is underrated. Dopamine detox is not a meme. You need to stop everything. If you've ever done fasting, you realize the first time is fucking brutal and anxiety inducing. Your whole life has been built around a (false) schedule of 3 meals a day, but anyone who's done it knows the benefits of how much more in control and focused you feel, at least in regards to your food intake. Now your whole life has also been built around constant external stimulation. Few people in the first world know what it's like to just sit with yourself and nothing else.

Just think about how people used to live. They had to go out of their way to find shit to do. There's no mystery as to why people in the past were so much more productive, the alternative was extreme boredom. They didn't need as much to feel happy, when they wanted to write a book or study a complicated subject, it was all that they did and focused on, there wasn't much else to take that time away. And thus their days were fulfilled and there was an obvious direction their life was going. Now you decide "I wanna do x" and have to fight the urge to fap, mindlessly scroll social media/4chan, watch hours of useless youtube/netflix videos algorithmically catered to what they know you wont resist clicking on, video games, tinder, order or make food etc. You can't just wake up, do your chores, and then get right to what you wanna do, you have reset your brain. The most productive I am, ever, is when by sheer circumstance I can't get to any of the usual distractions, so I have no choice but to do either sit and do nothing, or read that book or practice that thing. I regret setting up my computer when I moved into a new home. I had it shipped, so for the first few days I didn't have it. It was just me and a mostly empty room. I played so much guitar and read more in those few days than I have in years.

I envy those who are more disciplined.

>> No.53766959

Agreed, listen to this. I wish someone could take me and throw me in a room with absolutely nothing but white walls, and a white bed for a week so I have no stimulation at all. And then SLOWLY introduce to me things like a pencil and paper, a book, a guitar etc. Until I only form habits that I actually want.

>> No.53767098

most people just need vitamin d and fasting probably

>> No.53767110

just do shrooms it scrambles up your brain's neuro pathways like an etch a sketch then you can try to make better habbits

>> No.53767118

no drugs
eat healthy
lions mane

>> No.53767350

Good post.

>> No.53767456

Coffee and cigarettes.

>> No.53767540

good post, wish it wasn't like this, but afraid it is. now try being a programmer and somehow programming without getting distracted on the computer.

>> No.53767716

Low and high intensity strength training, balanced diet of good natural foods. Socialization with friends and family. 8 hours of sleep. I have insomnia and it fucks me up but i manage to lift 5 to 6 times a week

>> No.53767723

Everything is about vasodilation. Blood flow.

>> No.53767762
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>brain fag
First step, stop lying to yourself. Then, and only then, I will consider aiding you on this monumental journey of biblical proportions.

>> No.53767773

Said the greek, yep I remember how that worked out for you people... I was there

>> No.53767788
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Just be yourself.

>> No.53767843

if you have it from mercury poisoning (have any silver fillings drilled out lately? break any fluorescent lightbulbs?), emeramide and molybdenum
i'm making sure i tell you this because nobody else will

if from hanging/living around shitty people, find new friends/a new place
if from sitting around all day, go outside. head somewhere with a nice view, if you can—walk around. alternatively, get /fit/ indoors

>> No.53767900

>It's not easy. But what helps is:
>>sleep (minimum 8 hours)
My brain doesn't allow me to sleep more than 6 to 7 hours
Doesn't work for me
Doesn't work for me
>>diet adjustments
Doesn't work for me
>>supplementation (vit d, zinc, magnesium are crucial)
Doesn't work for me
Only something like methamphetamine or some other dopaminergic drug seems to work to clear brainfog

>> No.53767916
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My mentor Dr Ray Peat told me to eat more sugar.

>> No.53768158

This is also my problem. I work in tech, and have a passion for animation, both of which require long hours of sitting in front of the computer.
But if I saw the computer as NOTHING MORE than a tool to get WORK done, I wouldn't have this issue. The problem is when almost every source of entertainment, stimulation and distraction is localized on this one device, which is also where I get the information to do the things I wanna do, and actually do it is localized. I have to reframe the whole thing and it's likely worth it to sacrifice a long period of time without it, so when you go back to it, it's just for your work and not to mindlessly click around all day. If I had the will power to, I would download any software I need and disconnect from the internet and only reconnect whenever I need to. Lord knows that when I reconnect, I may take the "scenic" route and stop by 4chan/youtube or whatever, and here I am. Again this is how the people before us were so productive, and even some people now. They get their stimulation elsewhere so when they sit in front of a computer, they just load up whatever they NEED. They don't associated with all the "fun" things we do on it.

>> No.53768295

you're either socially retarded or a mong with the worst genetics in the world
Every single human is wired to sleep when the sun is down and rise when the sun is up. If you get sun exposure in the morning and stare at a screen all night you are doomed. Sit in your room masturbating all day like an incel or make a change buddy

>> No.53768306

I've broken 500+ fluorescents and used to have light saber battles with them at work. No ones getting mercury poisoning from just breaking them lmao

>> No.53768345

6 to 7 hours is enough sleep. What's wrong with sun exposure in the morning? I use blue blocking filters on screens at night. I masturbate once or twice a week to imagination.

>> No.53768372

is your head on straight? suss out atlas orthogonal. otherwise like other anons said, suss diet, lifestyle and imbalances with minerals/vitamins

>> No.53768750

Download smth like "Freedom" and just block every app and website besides the stuff you need for your passion for long times during the day.

This isn't a willpower or discipline thing, it's like fighting against magic with your muscles. This doesn't make you weak or a failure, it's just an effective method of gaining control over your life.

>> No.53768802
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Genetic dead end. Simple as

>> No.53768804

Im going to cure it for you: nmn, k, d3, l reuteri.

Youre welcome

>> No.53768811

your kids aren't going to know up from down

>> No.53768818

I'm a handsome chad though.

>> No.53768826

Anything on the internet overstimulates me and zaps my attention (porn, crypto, social media)
Drink enough water
I had SIBO and a diet w/o sugar + supplements fixed that. Steve Grant was my nutritionist

>> No.53768828

The NAC protocol

>> No.53768832

Okay, so that's good. When did the brain fog start? If you can pinpoint this, then the solutions are more apparent. In some cases getting rid of brain fog is as simple as sleeping more or eating better

>> No.53769576

More vinegar

>> No.53770588

Ur magically the only human that this shit doesn’t work for moron

>> No.53770705

eat less carbs, eat more meat and fish
screaming things like "fuck kikes" and "eat ze bugs for zelensky, tranny" also help

>> No.53770814

I'm sorry to tell you, but you are wrong.

>> No.53770866

I had adhd and got diagnosed/ medicated, significantly less brain fog for me.

>> No.53770871

Carnivore diet

>> No.53770885

lmao loser, yeah do meth that will help, maybe jerk off to more porn aswell

>> No.53770907
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>> No.53770909

Impossible to discern whether anyone who claims to have "adhd" actually has it or just has their brain rotted from indulging in the modern lifestyle. Whatever the case though stimulants will make you feel like a god

>> No.53771029

pure piracetam powder 1.5g 2 times a day. Adjust for weight - 0.5g per kilo starting at 1g for 60kg.
You need to take it for a week or so because it need to accumulate in your body for you to feel the effects.
Supplement with fish oil or choline to maximize effects and prevent headaches.
You can start with a high starter dose to feel the effects faster like 4g x 2 a day, but be advised piracetam is a mild anticoagulant and will take a toll on your body. Also the risk of headaches and tiredness.

>> No.53771221

Lol I got my brainfog when I quit smoking

>> No.53771235

Can I release that stuff in another way? I dont want to start smoking again...

I quit 10 years ago.

>> No.53771261

smoke cigarettes and gamble a lot

>> No.53771299

Do you smoke?

>> No.53771358

Besides exercise and clean diet
No booze no pot
Caffeine, some may disagree, tea is comfy
Fresh and clean air, go out for a walk, keep windows open, remove dust often
Hygiene/fresh smell is underrated, cold shower first thing in the morning, fresh laundry often, a room that smells nice and fresh, without clutter... will make you feel more comfortable and energized
Go out for a jog and get direct sun exposure, get vit D supplements
Get rid of porn (reduce to at least once a week, reduce to solo girls, rewire your brain and try to focus that energy towards real dating)
Focus on creative hobbies
Force yourself to do some productivity/improvement/chores in small increments or it'll seem daunting, 10 minutes every morning at first, pomodoro technique, you'll feel like you did something productive
Remove sources of stress if possible, focus on your goals, end goal should be passive income instead of waging, having a good community, owning your home without debt, couple of kids, your own garden and home gym etc.

>> No.53771513

You don't want to focus on removal to get rid of bad habits, you need to replace them

>> No.53771688

This isn't even Ray wtf

>> No.53771722
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good energy out=good energy in

>> No.53771741
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You have excess spike proteins in your bloodstream which is causing blood flow to your brain to be reduced.
Take nicotine lozenges or smoke a couple of cigarettes or a cigar in the morning (and don't get addicted) and you should be fine. I was having severe brain fog last year and I started smoking cigars every month or so and I've been much more mentally active since.

>> No.53771748
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Part 2

>> No.53771867

This and also fasting

>> No.53771875

i have untreated sleep apnea. get one of those done if you have trouble sleeping. Unfortunately i have complex apnea I think and they're gonna throw me on a bipap because cpap therapy didn't work

>> No.53772175

Stop smoking weed 24/7

>> No.53772186

By getting a job, you lazy slob

>> No.53772210

>two more years

>> No.53772237
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Anon, this is what comes up if you type in "Covid-19 Vaccine" into google. Are you sure people are not being hurt by the vaccine?

>> No.53772238

You can take lozenges or snus, though nicotine IS addictive as shit and has some negative health effects by itself.

>> No.53772241
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Actually working your brain, not jerking off daily, and eating better. Moderate to intense exercise also helps.

>> No.53772332

i love how the bar is being lowered from "look at this headline that sounds spooky if you don't read the article" to "look at this collection of headlines that appear to vaguely mention the vaccine in a negative light at a glance"

>florida department of health link
actually read it, it's just saying "hey in 2021 there were a lot more VAERS reports than in previous years" (no shit, probably 100x more vaccinations among adults than usual, hopefully you know by now what a VAERS report is so this doesn't concern you too much)

>CDC says Florida's..
this is the CDC responding to the previous articles and giving their take on why the FDH article is misleading (again, read it)

>usa today
this is refuting some bullshit about how the CDC secretly admitted the vaccine evil, pro-vaccine article

>tampa bay times
this is just reporting on what is said in the FDH post, no additional/new info

same as above

two republican senators with 0 scientific knowledge suggested a bill that isn't going to pass, wow

not in any way concerning and obviously true, the vaccine is a way to mimic natural immunity without having to first get the virus lol

lots of smoke and mirrors to dress up a single story of a red state agency talking about VAERS data from 2021 and being rebuked by the CDC. retards like you rely on the aesthetic of something looking vaguely spooky from a distance and hope no one will actually read too closely.

>> No.53772359

Diatomaceous earth and chlorophyll

>> No.53772368

reminder to everyone reading this that the schizo tactic is just to barrage you by throwing shit at the wall that they haven't read and hoping you will not bother to check any of it, and that you'll be gullible enough to just fall for the rough outline of what they're proposing. with that in mind, that's enough time wasted responding to retarded subhuman freaks today, go kill yourselves

>two more weeks

>> No.53772392

Very good post, pay attention kids.

>> No.53772393
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Take everything that has been said here, do the exact opposite and you should be fine.

>> No.53772427

No drugs
Sleep 8 hours
Reduce screen time
Adjust diet (more fats and proteins)
Socialise more
Do some problem solving puzzles/read

>> No.53772468
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This is what you sound like. Stop being a fag and take shit one day at a time, starting with push-ups and walks. You'll feel different in a week and if you keep it up for months, you'll feel strong enough to kick your old self's ass. Also stop cooming so much.

>> No.53772493

This is the answer OP. Except now I’m addicted to nicotine.

>> No.53772850

>wakes up at 2pm
Drinking all the meme supplements and tea in China won't fix your laziness and depression.

>> No.53773240

Unironically dry fast 1-2 days per week

>> No.53773386

Eat red meat faggot

>> No.53773495

You might have depression or anxiety. When i took my meds my brainfog cleared. Go and speak to your doctor anon!~

>> No.53773944

The greatest problem facing Toronto is that their current mayor doesn't smoke crack.

>> No.53774114

500 ug of acid

>> No.53774185

Krill oil has done me wonders. Also drink more water

>> No.53774218

agreed, nicotine is helping me power through. it will cause problems further down the line as i inevitably develop an addiction but that is something future me can resolve

>> No.53774237

lots of sleep
zinc, nac, fish oil

>> No.53774260

marlboro reds

>> No.53775056

Hmm. Is that a /biz/ness opportunity?

>> No.53775377

I think about it all the time lol, but I have no idea how the logistics would work. What permits/licenses and shit I'd have to get to have the authority to do it.

>> No.53775494

Intersting. My guess would have been heay metals and aluminum in the fat tissue of neurnal fibres. But they also cause inflammatory reactions. MSM combined medicinical charcoal and chlorella (out of responsibel production; not china, because their products are contaminated with heavy metals already) helps here. That way one can also cure alzheimers.

>> No.53775530


Jump in a VOLCANO!

>> No.53775606

Take fish oil and vitamin D, because you're probably deficient on both of them. Drink more water. Fix your fucking sleep schedule. Go to bed around the same time every night. Don't lay in bed if you're not sleeping. Cut down on sugar. Do a fucking push up every once in a while.

>> No.53775712

If you have to physically lock people in, the odds of it going bad increase dramatically.
Also, you're not dealing with substance abusers who need methadone or trick cyclists, just improoovers who have nowhere to put all their habit-forming stuff while they detox.
Without that element, you've got a basic motel/hotel setup with mindfulness/counselling/nootropics thrown in. Like this bunch:

I am in a very rural part of the world and intend to be able to complete my guesthouse to something that can function like this, with me custodying their electronics and acting as concierge.

>> No.53775903
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paracetamol ,ibuprofen, piracetam, follow instructions, gym, studying math or other sciences and reading

>> No.53776560

I was thinking of getting a storage unit or something to start with. I only provide them bare necessities, or even less if they want to fast (so no food). Or I just wait until I have enough money to own a house where I can designate a room for it, and upgrade things from there. A retreat is still slightly escapist. I think the best for what I'm talking about is to deprive of all stimulation and just slowly introduce the things they need to be who they want to be but can't due to all the noise. It's like voluntarily putting yourself in jail, except the bed is still at least comfy and you don't have to worry about getting stabbed or raped, and you can actually leave if you really want to. While they're in there "resetting" I'd also be reorganizing their living space to only be conducive to their productivity. Just wish I had people to partner up with on this, it's so hard to try and do anything alone.

>> No.53776924

Stop eating sugar and stop watching porn

>> No.53777439
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Stop cumming

>> No.53777757
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You forgot to post this, king.

>> No.53777837

Stamets believes Lion's mane, vitamim B3 and psilocybin improves brain functioning. I bet you could stack it with Noopept and a lot of eggs for more brain gains. Maybe fish for omega 3s (fish oil is bad).

>> No.53777929

How do I know if I have brain fog? What the fuck is this?

>> No.53777975

that is a child

>> No.53778104

checked and topkeked

>> No.53778179

Thanks, currently fasting till Tuesday actually.

>> No.53778263

Just came off a five days fast and feeling great. Yesterday I broke the fast with coconut water, then a clove of garlic 15 minutes later, and 15 mins after that 4oz of salmon and a pan-fried yellow sweet onion. Was delicious. Kind of ironic you are fasting until Tuesday because that's far Tuesday, aka Mardi Gras and Catholics fast after that to kick off lent. Tons of synthesis between fasting and Catholic tradition once you break the barrier and begin studying and even practicing it. For instance some of my most successful and sublime fasts have been broken with the holy Eucharist on Sunday. Good luck to you.

>> No.53778288
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Based cowboy killers

>> No.53778316

Especially fasting. Thank God it's finally lent.
I'm fasting from Tuesday night to Sunday night.

>> No.53778351

Cured mine with nattokinase and bromelain. Two digestive enzymes that can be had on amazon for $20 total

>> No.53778378

This is the only correct answer everything else is cope and too much words and you are retarded

>> No.53778410


Is your fog associated with bloating, gas, reflux or gastrointestinal discomfort?

If so, try a 30 day carnívore diet: Beef, lamb, burger, water AND Salt.

Reintroduce carbs slowly and see how much you can tolerate before getting fogged.

>> No.53778466


>> No.53778500

Fasting and going zero sugar (also not artificial sugar)

>> No.53778541

do you think you had long covid?

>> No.53778542

There is nothing wrong with it, and If I would recommend one thing for brain fog it would to get at least 10 minutes of sun exposure in the morning, within an hour of waking.

>> No.53778548

Just you wait, next year the jabs will for sure start dropping people left and right. This time its for real

>> No.53779492

> check your blood type, eat diet according to blood type (research blood type diets)
> exercise 3-4 times per week, start small
> drink 2L of water per day, make sure pee is never too yellow, aim for light yellow-clear pee
> psychedelics, research about them
> meditation
> socialize, have at least 1 person you’re close enough with, that you can open up to regularly if you ever need to vent
> blood test, stool test - make sure your body is functioning properly and check for bacteria, parasites and fungal infections
> minimize gaming time
> minimize weed, alcohol and drug consumption

>> No.53779538

bacterial and fungal infections are quite common and effect most people on some level
If you eat junk food regularly and eat take out often, you likely have some sort of bacteria or fungus.
Most people don’t realize this and live their entire lives in suboptimal states
Check for PARASITES BACTERIA and FUNGUS, almost everyone in today’s society has one of these
Once you clear these up, it helps a lot
The main thing is getting your organism back to optimal levels
Diet and exercise are the 2 main pillars

Also make sure you are breathing correctly
Diaphragmatic breathing - breath into your stomach, not your chest.
It’s crazy how most people don’t even breath properly
Research on how to breath properly, it will CHANGE your life

It comes down to the most basic stuff for most people

>> No.53779546

with a bullet

>> No.53779669

>check your blood type, eat diet according to blood type (research blood type diets)
Redpill me on this

>> No.53779800

this. After about a week of lifting there was a noticeable improvement in my energy and memory.

>> No.53780336
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by simply not taking the vaxx and drinking coffee.

>> No.53780462

I've really only heard of post-coof brain fog happening to americans. Either asians are immune to it or we're already permanently fogged

>> No.53780704

>My brain doesn't allow me to sleep more than 6 to 7 hours
you have allowed this false belief to take root. You should seek medical help on this. Some people need well over 8 hours to be optimal.

>> No.53780716

Oh my god take some fucking drugs my dude! Down it with jefre cantu ledesma and tyrone fucking your wife and you'll be brain CLEAR to vote socialist next elections and own the science damned loveless listening racist chuds!

>> No.53780763
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Underrated post
Parasite and heavy metal cleanse saved my life
Chlorophyll and water enemas also helped a lot

>> No.53780938


>> No.53781041

Looks a /b/ thot according to google

>> No.53781171
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check for sleep apnea or upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS). Everybody else seems to have covered all the other possible solutions.

>> No.53782102


Literally this. The only solution that EVER worked me. Not only does it ease the brain frog, it melts it away. Very similarily how some men describe hopping on TRT as 'a dark cloud finally lifted from their eyes'. It's the hardest thing to do but FUCK I need to get back on track with quitting screens. I got more shit done in a year than the previous 10 years combined and I felt amazing.

>> No.53782788

chest breathing is fine, people that cant breathe properly are retards in general, not much to do with chest or stomach

>> No.53782796

you get off this wretched place

>> No.53782805

proper rest

>> No.53782873

its pure cope to say its because entertainment also happens on the computer, you just dont want to do the work as much as you think you do

>> No.53782897


>blood type

Go away, chink

>> No.53782908


It’s a scam where they prescribe random healthy diets to the blood types and charge you a shit ton for results.

>> No.53783068

You google blood type diets and experiment with the foods they recommend
Why did this insult you? Kek

>> No.53783074

There’s literally no scam
You just eat the foods they recommend and see if you feel better
People like you should be abolished from this world

>> No.53783085

holy shit a literal fucking retard just appeared on this thread

>> No.53783095

A bunch of bullshit. Inflammation does not result in brain fog. Brain fog is a cholinergic issue.

>> No.53783100


Not bad. Nootropics work and there are more than a handful of good ones. For me, it's a bit too much power in most cases but I may do another cycle soon.

>> No.53783108
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by turning into brain mist

>> No.53783119

>be me
>15 years as a heavy alcoholic(20+ drinks per day), don't drink anymore
>been a pothead for 20 years, smoking a ton every day

Literally never had brain fog. Just smoked a joint. Clear as a fucking bell. Brain fog has a strong correlation to will power.

>> No.53783188

When do you have your activated almonds and alkaline water with added charcoal?

>> No.53783212

Be sure to find out whether you are choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic or sanguine and only consume the right diet. Don't forget to season with himalayan salt.

>> No.53783252

How do you fix a cholinergic issue?

>> No.53783257

Let's be honest, you're probably just stupid and always have been. Drinking that much alcohol for that long lends credence to this idea. My dad drank similar amounts and he's very much a changed person for the worse.

>> No.53783356

I cruise at 150 IQ pal, I have an incredibly talented mind.
Exercise, diet, supplementation, perceptual framing

>> No.53783370

>I cruise at 150 IQ
That's bullshit but I believe it. Smoke another for me, I'm trying to cut back. And sorry for calling you stupid.

>> No.53783430

Will do. Apology accepted.

>> No.53783939
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It's the vax. sorry anon.

>> No.53784288

only viable answer kek

>> No.53784343

Glad this ON TOPIC thread has 200 replies fucking mods.

>> No.53784537
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you cooked your mind with drugs, there is no going back. Even if you kill yourself you will still have brain fog in the afterlife.

>> No.53785309

Na, as I said before, when I don't have access to those things, I immediately am super productive and enjoy doing it. It's only when I click away for even a second I go down a spiral. It's really that severe, it takes DISCIPLINE to do it. It's like working out. You DO want to get in shape and be healthier, and the work to do it isn't even that bad once you're finally doing it, it's constantly thinking about eating junk food and watching something/playing vidya etc that makes it so difficult to get going. I'm lucky that I made it so routine, that even when everything else is falling apart I still get my workout in, but every single day It's a slog to get started.
Give me no internet and It would be the first thing done during the day. Like right now I should have just went straight to the gym, yet I'm here responding to you.

>> No.53786086

Disable all wireless, use cabled internet only.

>> No.53787335

you dont

>> No.53787351

for me its the morning wank, atomoxetine, and covfefe

>> No.53787444

This and only this

>> No.53787487

A lot of you retards suggesting supplements are the most hopeless people of all.

The answer is quite literally in front of you. Screens and wireless, Bluetooth etc. Brain fog wasn't a thing before computers.

>> No.53787962


>> No.53788359

have life purpose, a social life and loving wife

>> No.53788408

+1 for racetams only thing that worked for me

>> No.53788419

This, I have a work laptop and a fun laptop. Fun laptop stays locked away in another room while I'm working and work laptop has everything but relevant stuff blocked. When I'm done I close it down, go to my cupboard and swap them out. Really helps trigger the pavlovian "work time is over, now you can relax" reflex.
And same thing for starting work, just the act of putting my fun laptop away and breaking out the grindstone helps me focus.