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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53759664 No.53759664 [Reply] [Original]


fudders when Chainlink starts doing marketing to normies

Caption: SXYT0Y

>> No.53759677

I already watched the vid of Ari doing Fortnite dances. He was surprisingly good!

>> No.53759688


>> No.53759689


Cant wait for the sergey mukbang

>> No.53759703

who's excited for Adelyn broekn english ASMR?

>> No.53759705

at this point i wouldn't even mind if sergey, ari, and schmidt all did the badger dance just please make the price go up

>> No.53759714

fundamentally bullish

>> No.53759785

I don't get it.
Why didn't adelyn do this 5 years ago. What the fuck has she been doing this entire time.

>> No.53759802

She was on MySpace. They're cutting edge at Chainlink.

>> No.53759835

A B2B service trying too hard to chase hype from retail investors is bearish and all of the people who said Link needs to be marketing itself in this manner more are and always were shitskin retards.

>> No.53759868


Salesforce literally do advertising on tv between normie sitcoms.
VISA sponsors football games for decades, and advertises heavily on TV in asia where they are trying to expand.

You have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.53759915


>> No.53759937

Did you just compare companies making billions in revenue to a shitcoin company that only makes money when they dump on retail?

>> No.53759941
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>> No.53759957

they were too busy sharing ChainlinkGod's blogposts for five years

>> No.53759963

Well clearly this is OPs account lmfao

>> No.53759965

Salesforce sells its software to the mass market of small-to-mid-sized businesses on top of servicing large enterprises. VISA is literally a consumer product that only succeeds when millions of people walk around carrying their logo in their pocket and corner stores use their payment processing. LINK is not analogous to either of these at all, if they succeed it will be like SWIFT: Most people who "use" their network won't even realize they're using it. Thank you for underscoring my point.

>> No.53759977

5G is a better example. They broadcast it into peoples' devices

>> No.53759989

5G is a selling-point feature on a consumer service contract and a consumer device.

>> No.53760003
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Sergey is a fat retard. He will somehow make a disgusting appearance at a mcdolands parking lot dancing while eating burgs and dumping tokens. Then stinkies will literally put the rest of their -99% portfolio into link.

>> No.53760045

No it is a global recognized standard and a household name

>> No.53760638
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>> No.53760662


First goalpost location:
>B2B shouldn’t market to normies

After goalpost relocation:
>b-b-bbut muh revenue!

>> No.53760676

Collab with Nicocado ?
Can we make it happen bros? He'd put nico to shame

>> No.53760679

Steve was so far ahead

>> No.53760733

why would you put a middleware technology company on Tiktok. Who the fuck is this supposed to appeal to on there?

>> No.53760952

i think this is bullish NGL

>> No.53760962

Has everyone seen that thread on here going around called "CIA explains what Magick is?"

I've researched this topic prior to that thread but basically consciousness and thoughts actually direct reality.

If enough people visual a specific outcome intently for long periods of time the universe actually rearranges itself to manifest the given outcome.

That being said the more extreme the outcome varies from current reality than the more conscious energy(prana) it requires along with more time.

Honestly just consider the whole visualize copy pasta that started with Chainlink since the beginning.

YOU MANIAC etc. OGs know what I'm talking about. Even newfags have probably seen it as well.

So everyday visualize Elon Musk tweeting out something that is obviously Chainlink related. Take just a few minutes and see it in your "mind's eye".

This isn't that far off from reality either. It wouldn't take a lot thought to catapult a simple tweet into the zeitgeist.

When a certain thought permeates the ether it spreads to others in their vicinity. Especially if these people are high vibrational individuals. In fact it can be so pervasive that as a high vibratory person your thoughts and emotions enter people's minds just being around them and they believe its their own. They have what they believe is a random thought but its not.

The occult elites of the world understand this phenomenon and its why they spend infinite amounts of resources and currency in order to implant thoughts in the minds of the masses via propaganda because the efforts are seriously amplified because the affected spread it as well.

>> No.53761186


>> No.53761194
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>> No.53761211

>chainlink on tiktok
>(((they))) allowed Sirgay to flip the maximum shilling overdrive switch

>> No.53761226

>legitimate projects
Market with actual billion dollar businesses and institutions in mind, have charismatic leaders who golf with other elites and enter their circles
Market to the dumbest, most gullible people on the planet in the places where they congegrate, such as Tik Tok, have an autistic fat leaders who are incapable of making deals with elites and get completely embarassed

>> No.53761239

Behind the curve much? Watch n learn.

>> No.53761253

Chainlink does both. Which is exactly what you should do.

>> No.53761321


Salesforce have tiktok

>> No.53761495
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Because if they hyped it up in 2018 with all the other shitcoins, it'd still have delivered nothing, but would have sullied it reputation as just another scam project.
People can screech what they like about Chainlink, but it hasn't overhyped features and timeframes like other projects/coins out at a similar time, that are now dead.
The fact they're now suddenly advertising, to me, sounds like they finally have a product they can start rolling out.

Chainlink needs to become "the google", everyone uses it because everyone else uses it. The self-feeding loop assures dominance and has a snowball effect on Chainlinks capability. Chainlink can just be copied, but it's network cannot be.

Why weren't they advertising to the plebs?
They were focusing on the people their company actually needs.

>> No.53761584

>Chainlink creates a TikTok account
>immediately pumps and becomes the current best performer

>> No.53761663

if link can pump this year it will save me from having to get a job after 3 years of glorious neetness

please lord strike down the kikes and allow chainlink to pump into the triple digits

>> No.53761674

>sergey does a few dances with a big mac
>adelyn skips some rope with great coordination and style
>ari dresses in balenciaga and walks a shiba inu around on a leash

>> No.53761706

Dumping on retail = were at the top

>> No.53761799

Even microsoft has a tiktok account.
This whole thread is literally a nothingburger

>> No.53762853

yes, this is why people pray

>> No.53762991

>wall of cope

How does everyone “use” something that doesnt exist? Theres nothing there but buzzwords and infographics.

>> No.53763029
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Maybe you should google it first lol
Even Anthony fucking Hopkins is using Chainlink.

>> No.53763165

I created a TikTok account just to like and follow their account and am one of their first 70 followers!
We are so early guys!

>> No.53763232

What's the next tiktok?

>> No.53763418

Oh noo fud bros?!?! We cant let sergey make 30 second videos explaining his technical jargon to broke adhd zoomers.. Heaven forbid he even starts dancing on there and goes viral!!! Im scared fud bros this is gonna make chainlink pump! Everybody loves decentralized oracle solutions!!

>> No.53763588

This! Every average joe should be using chainlinks decetralized oracles for their smart contract needs!
Tiktok Zoomers will tell their grandmas about chainlink and their grandmas will finally have a great decetralized oracle service! Oracles! Its what the plants crave!

>> No.53764511

Checked but sarcasm aside, what if DECO helps make chainlinks killer app? What if it does what the name says, and links the chains? Through DECO and CCIP, some kind of one stop dapp that functions as both a normalfag friendly wallet, and a currency exchange platform? Would something like that even be possible?

>> No.53764662

The thing is zoomers are the main audience of tiktok, and they are notoriously tech illiterate, they dont even know how files work, so shilling chainlink services is conpletely futile. Also they just doom scroll looking for a dopamine hit, so posting tech explanations is not gonna grab anyones attention. Chainlink is notoriously boring as evidenced by their mountain of youtube videos with 200 views.

The only positive thing I can see coming from this is brand recognition, to make the general public atleast aware of the company like btc or coca cola.

>> No.53764978

lold irl

>> No.53765017

Good to see the 250k salary HR roasties using their social media skills

>> No.53765344

>250k salary HR roasties
Stop making shit up.

>> No.53765515

Oh WOW a tweet!


Linkies, THE cuckolds of crypto

>> No.53765518
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>This whole thread is literally a nothingburger
>Stop posting new things about chainlink!
>why are people here?!

Do you need a cup under your mouth 24/7 to catch all the drool?

>> No.53765532

Meaningless buzzword babble. Whats the exact use again, in common english?

>> No.53765551

But there are no “services”… wtf are you retards babbling about

>> No.53765664

t. cuck

>> No.53765703

Are they going to make an actual attempt to market their product and stop relying on word of mouth?

>> No.53765714

The problem is that people still don't know what it is or that it exists at all. There is nothing wrong with marketing your product in a way that gets it out there. They aren't trying to pump the price. I just want people to fucking talk about it.

>> No.53765737

TikTok is a social network. People of all sorts use it for various reasons, including talking about crypto. It makes sense for Chainlink to have a presence everywhere the crypto community exists, which is basically everywhere.

>> No.53765750

the cope

>> No.53765766

Their product doesn’t work, why would they market it? You can just use a centralized oracle on a mutable chain, and don’t have to pay insane amounts for staked oracles

>> No.53765910

Kek if this is the state of fud at this stage then we've 100% made it

>> No.53765916

Do you ever wake up and decide not be a complete fucking retard?

>> No.53765922

i dont have the screen now but its fucking real , check their postings

>> No.53765977

That is not an argument? What purpose do decentralized oracles networks provide exactly

>> No.53765999


see >>53763029

>> No.53766004

It really isn't

>> No.53766114

Tiktok is a clickbait dopamine generator geared towards the lowest common denominator. Its not a serious social media network. You wont find bill gates on there dancing and lip syncing about microsoft.

I cant see what chainlink would even post on there. People on tiktok are looking for funny memes or hot girls not some 30 second clip about technical specifications of decentralized oracle networks... lol lmao

>> No.53766137


Hmm. You might be right. Should I sell my Links?

>> No.53766250

>I cant see what chainlink would even post on there. People on tiktok are looking for funny memes or hot girls not some 30 second clip about technical specifications of decentralized oracle networks... lol lmao
>Why doesnt chainlink market?!
>Why are they posting promo videos on tiktok?
>lol lmao

It takes two seconds to take a video they already posted on twitter and post it on any platform they choose.

>> No.53766270

SOmeone please create a deepfake and put Segay's face on this:

>> No.53766304

lmao if they struggle to get 200 views on their youtube videos what makes you think tiktok of all places will be any better? Surely sergeys slides with tech mumbling will go viral bro.

Ive followed link since day one and even i struggle to digest their boring ass videos, i have to force myself to pay attention because its so mind numbingly boring and barren. Their content is only interesting for giga autist programmer nerds which is like. 0.01% of the population. It basically sounds like gibberish to the common person

>> No.53766340

>incoherent rant

What makes you think theyre trying to go viral? So to get this straight, youre saying, they shouldnt post on any social media?

>> No.53766366
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To put it into perspective chainlink has 918k followers on twitter and around 700k wallets which hold link, yet their youtube videos about the actual product barely have 300 views, most of these views are most likely the same couple hundred autists who watch all of it, most of those are probably from /biz/.
From this phenomena you can see why everyone feels like nobody understands link and everyone is behind on the potential of it. Theyre basically speaking in another language most people cant understand.

>> No.53766388

linkies are legitimately so fucking insane

i mean, /we/ are legitimately so fucking insane

>> No.53766403

But if they didnt post these videos, retards like you couldnt post them on biz ranting about how no one views their social media accounts because people dont understand what they do.

Sounds like rent free.

>> No.53766405

Im just saying tiktok is not the place for chainlinks type of "content"
Those moonboy videos have more views then chainlinks own content.
Best case scenario is some normies watch moonboy videos explaining cl really simply with 1k eoy memes, kinda like the youtube crypto fags clickbait shit like "could chainlink reach 1k eoy? Lets find out!"
Basically if youre not talking price and telling normies they can be rich, theyre not interested. And as we know chainlink doesnt discuss price

>> No.53766438

>Im just saying tiktok is not the place for chainlinks type of "content"

I stopped reading after this. Theyre posting promo videos, either watch em or dont. Deal with it. You sound like my little bitch sister whining for no reason.

>> No.53766449

>if they didnt post these videos, you couldnt post them on /biz/ ranting about how no one views them
Ok? Wtf are you even saying retard

>> No.53766468

Dont discuss just shout and cry. Youre the one coming hostile

>> No.53766503

>why doesn’t the company itself just talk about the investment prospects of their cryptocurrency and promise returns so it leaves a nice trail for auditors when they have to securitize

I’m all for it. Can we please get video evidence of Sergey promising us $1000 EOY so the lawsuits quick and easy?

>> No.53766514
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>Dont discuss just shout and cry.

>> No.53766594
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>bringing up a discussion on the potential for chainlink using tiktok
Youre the only one throwing personal attacks, kinda childish. Usually people resort to throwing mud when they have no point they can substantiate.

>> No.53766650

>kinda childish
>We cant let sergey make 30 second videos explaining his technical jargon to broke adhd zoomers
>Their content is only interesting for giga autist programmer nerds

How old are you?

>> No.53766661

You hold Link

>> No.53766667

>cant understand sarcasm
Sorry maybe i should of put /s to make it easier for your kind

>> No.53766692

>videos of literal whos