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53766254 No.53766254 [Reply] [Original]

My toxic trait is I get drunk and send really long texts. What about you

>> No.53766279

I'm moody and self-pitying.

>> No.53766286

oh god where to start

>> No.53766297

i don't have toxic traits or anything, i'm perfect

>> No.53766299

I got drunk last night and started flirting with other girls just for the sake of it even though I have a girlfriend. This is an improvement because the last times I kissed them too. I feel real bad about it, I’m a narcissist and I wanted to stroke my ego.

>> No.53766319

When I get drunk I say things that make me have massive anxiety the next day as I remember them curse my high iq

I also apparently flirt and lead girls on but I just want people to like me and more importantly not have awkward moments. Then they get mad at me for being some awkward wannabe player

>> No.53766337
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I get drunk and use the N word in public.

>> No.53766342

Where do you guys go drinking at I don’t leave my house like boo radley

>> No.53766357

When I get drunk I text my ex wife. Been doing it for years. She never blocked me but only replies like once per year on Thanksgiving

>> No.53766365

I went out with some colleagues and I told them shit I shouldn’t have as well like I had a street fight with a gypsy at Christmas and they saw me flirting openly with women when I have a gf, I also bought some coke but decided I didn’t want it and gave it to colleague. I don’t really care though

>> No.53766374

based. i do the same when i can't sleep at night. i've been disowned by half of my immediate family for dredging up old memories of them abusing me. for some reason they don't care until i tell them that i hope they do it to their own children

>> No.53766385
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When I get drunk I usually flirt with girls waaaay younger than me
It worked a few times but its starting to look really weird (im 34)

>> No.53766390

See this would've killed me. I once at company holiday party tried to chat up a younger colleague about cocaine for some fucking reason she had to tell me to stfu. The good news is that it seems if I ignore them for a week or two they forget my awkardness and things go backt o normal at least on the surface life is hard

>> No.53766395

I'm 35 going through divorce. My literal goal is to get 18 year old hope I can pull it off ..

>> No.53766396

i get drunk and talk mean shit about everyone and everything

>> No.53766397

I will go out, find a mix race couple and befriend the male, I will buy them a few drinks and say no its fine my dude, I made a shitload of money from ETH back in 2017... havent had to work in 6 years.

Tell them I think theyre cool, they should come out on my yacht sometime.

>show them photos of me and my boys on a yacht we hired for a weekend on my instagram.

I ALWAYS befriend the male, but it always results in the female giving me her attention, theyre gold digging cunts lmao.

Truth is I have a little money, but not much.

Either I take this niggers female that night or she ends up texting me later.

I have sent snaps of these losers girlfriends taking my cum on their face so many times...

Actually dont consider it toxic, I just felt like you faggots need to up your game.

Also, invest in HTR hathor.

>> No.53766408

Same for me but happens when i take a lot of adderall or rail cocaine. I just start texting people massive walls of text and picking random fights on my company slack.

>> No.53766417

I also do it while lucid

>> No.53766423

I'm a faggot, and a clingy one at that

>> No.53766425

Zoinkers bro you’re so fucking cool! This happened

>> No.53766431

got really drunk and admitted i had feelings for my roommate last month when she just got a bf. I'm basically hiding at my parents now. I get way too open when i drink even a bit

>> No.53766437

Seethe nigger, your girlfriend is cheating on you.

>> No.53766440


I mean I'm a real life racist but I'd like to keep on the down low considering the societal implications these days.

>> No.53766564

He's probably not racist you piece of shit. Some people just like to say the word for fun

>> No.53766570

I find myself less "racist" as I get older but I don't even know how I'm supposed to date when all girls are basically leftist scum

>> No.53766696

Apparently im toxic in online spaces. I get banned on every social app and every reddit sub. Either that or people have become colossal faggots.

>> No.53766705

I care too much about money but I am unable to get much of it making me miserable
Same with women
I cope with saving money, being muscular, twinks. I have no vices, maybe sweets

>> No.53766735

gpt4chan thread

>> No.53766854

Enjoy it while it lasts. One day you'll wake up getting fully rejected by the women you find fancy. The age wall exists for men too

>> No.53766897
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I get instabanned. I think they monitor our online activity and certain people are flagged. I'm not even the type to go to some "safe" space and spam nigger.

>> No.53766910

Roastie cope. Charming men can be charming men into their 60s meanwhile. The whole point of the wall is that all women have is their looks meanwhile men offer much much more.

>> No.53766987

>The age wall exists for men too
You sure?
My 38 year old cousin still flirts with 18 year old zoomer girls in college and somehow still gets laid.
idk how he does it, he's a broke unemployed loser

>> No.53767007

I drink every night and come into work hung over and high on caffeine

>> No.53767057
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i redpill people on finance. i have no more friend

>> No.53767067

I block people, get high off edibles and just masturbate till I fall asleep.

>> No.53767115

Hard mode would be pulling this off against a mexicans white gf. Easy mode would be doing it to an asians white gf.

Respect though but kinda gross hitting blacked goods

>> No.53767193

What did the nigger say when you sent him the pic?

>> No.53767217


>> No.53767223

I tell the truth to people as their internal bias/noise interprets my message for them in their head alone. To some, it looks like I'm shouting. To others it looks like a statement. To some it'll look like a rant. Only I know how I was when I typed. Sad really. So in reality, the trait isn't my toxic trait but my reader's toxic trait.

>> No.53767224

Post a screenshot of you texting a picture to the guy or larp and your mom dies in her slee tn

>> No.53767233

I guess, my toxic trait is that I forget things a lot.