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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 23 KB, 200x200, 12859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53763535 No.53763535 [Reply] [Original]

I bought more today because price is still down. Gonna do it everyday untill something happens.

Stopped smokin, drinking and junk food, all that money goes now to this.

I eat now only healthy food, drink water and exercise daily.

What could go wrong? Nothing, that money was wasted anyway, so it doesnt make any difference if i lose it with this.

You can call me stupid, but atleast im getting fit and have better mental health. Its priceless.

>> No.53763558 [DELETED] 

kys dogbat tranny

>> No.53763589

So edgy.

>> No.53763627

based dog + bat enjoyer

>> No.53763975

Its over. The same 3 mentally ill baggies jerking each other in their schizo tg group will spew anything to get you to buy their bags, dont do it.

>> No.53764187

Bonk telegram is for faggots.

Unironically 50B EOY.

>t 100B holder

>> No.53764508

We can agree on that, but its still unironically over, unless someone has been working in the shadows for the past 6 months to pull something out of their ass to revive this dead pos again.

>> No.53764661
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I agree, the only choice now is to keep buying.

Janny please don't ban me for seven days due to replying to a dogbat thread.

>> No.53765456
File: 19 KB, 586x345, bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53765621

shit memes
dead shitcoin
no hype
literally who coin on twitter or social media

stop marrying your bags, this shit ain't going nowhere, take the friendly advice

>> No.53765657
File: 105 KB, 888x888, 1660252508828641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK but that goes against everything D0B0 stands for. It will be hard for you to avoid the hedonism once it skyrockets, though.

>> No.53765723

doggen batten is a good investment. If you disagree with this statement you dont understand how memes work and that everything youve been told/think you know is a meme

>> No.53765742
File: 42 KB, 680x425, photo_2022-01-20_08-31-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it lives

>> No.53765785

fpbp. can b*b0niggers just fucking end their miserable lives already and stop shitting up the board with your embarrassing shit coin!?

>> No.53766025

knowing my luck, as soon as I sell, this will rocket to the moon and I will miss out on generational wealth just like I did with SHIB. Literally would have 10m right now, instead I have $4 worth of a different shit coin

>> No.53766153

>no ghostbro
>no amy
>no santovi
>dev pocketed memetools money and abandoned project
Glad I sold. Also I hate to break it to you but the "meme" isn't funny

>> No.53766272

>outright lie
what did ghost shilling his scam tokens in a bear market accomplish?
every single one of them is dead
while this continues to spurt green dildos when BTC gets any positive movement.
40 thousand people have held this token, most are in stables, thats twice as many as at ATH
1b is a conservative estimate

>> No.53766311

>outright lie
Where's the tg and where's the money?

>> No.53766428

I like dog with bat. Indeed, I do own some dog with bat coins due to their pleasurable qualities.

>> No.53767102

>>dev pocketed memetools money and abandoned project
D0b0 has no devs, lmao. It's a renounced contract.

>> No.53767162

Still hodling mines, D0br0s. Not selling til atleast Safemoon ATH levels. This will run like no other here soon.

>> No.53767175
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Thanks for the bump, 50b eoy bitches.

>> No.53767219
File: 89 KB, 540x426, 1672332848892733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discord mods are devs.

>> No.53767744

Discord mods are not "devs".

>> No.53768816

You’re smart for buying DB
Look at all the success it’s had and how longs it’s been around