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53763858 No.53763858 [Reply] [Original]

Great Depression 2 when?

>> No.53763874

Half a moon cycle

>> No.53763877

>Twitter screenshit thread
all fields

>> No.53763899

Peter Shiff is fucking retarded
He's been shilling gold for like 10 years+
and gold is pretty much the same price.
Fuck jews

>> No.53763926

boomers still love him. my parents for instance think hes a genuis

>> No.53763955

They're both correct you retards, interest rates have to go WAY higher to defeat inflation and if they do that muttmerica is done

>> No.53763970


>> No.53763987

we're in the great depression, it's just that inflation has masked it since 2009
the only way to save yourself and increase your standard of living is to own entries on a public ledger

>> No.53764008

This. We even have hoovervilles except we call it the undomiciled now

>> No.53764037

if you're not a bot, you're a giga-retard

>> No.53764168

that's just the tip of the ice(((berg)))
liabilities go way deeper than that, you can also count on state debt defaulting and you cannot measure the depth of a treasury bond default for both the federal government and private equity

also LMAO at the cripple fag thinking Brad's affinity scam has anything to offer

>> No.53764199

boomers love shiny rocks for some reason

>> No.53764211

they're shiny + cool to look at and hold

>> No.53764213

there's unironically nothing wrong with shiny rocks

>> No.53764219
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>gold boomers are shilling XRP

holy fuck, thats worse than i ever imagined

>> No.53764357
File: 103 KB, 800x800, e20b9c92-3154-4096-b184-6f809d1e5b1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen my blue spinel yet?

>> No.53764418

>2% inflation target
>never been achieved except twice in 50 years
>average inflation y2y is 7%
>every year 7% of your money is stolen
>the incompetent slobs who do this get paid tens of millions while you slave for a nickel

abolish the FED, lynch their entire families down to the last infant, burn their houses down and kill their pet dog

>> No.53764443

>tfw own a diamond worth around $6000
>can't sell it because i found it on the sidewalk and they have ID codes lasered on the sides
even when i win i still lose. it's nice to look at though.

>> No.53764464
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Nice gem.

>> No.53764465

t. undercover soviet

>> No.53764472

>boomers don't understand modern econmics

>> No.53764488

I dont get the reply. Why would the USD collapse if rates increase further? If anything, wont it increase the demand for the USD as a high-yield currency?
Or is it simply arguing that the US government will have trouble making true on its higher-coupon debt?

>> No.53764512

>buy digital gold goy
>it’s like real gold but better
>and a steal of a deal at only 20x the price of those worthless boomer rocks

>> No.53764524
File: 42 KB, 491x491, 6ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy muh artificially inflated shiny rocks
>dont invest in THE 4IR goy

>> No.53764622
File: 174 KB, 1536x1437, 215694ED-10D6-4928-B561-C19BAC5F436F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off jew. we see through you.

>> No.53764691

So why is the ultra jew Peter Schiff shilling gold and his jewish buddies in big banks artificially inflating golds price?

Keep scamming those boomers, they deserve it

>> No.53764746

>artificially inflating gold prices
the dollar price is about the same as it was a decade ago, but the value of a dollar has dramatically decreased, which means adjusted for inflation gold is significantly cheaper than it was 10 years ago. also we aren’t buying to later sell for more fiat. we are waiting for the dollar to die, and before it does, no amount of dollars will buy you a piece of gold or silver. don’t worry tho, you’ll be eaten by niggers by then. I mean that in a literal sense. they will raid your neighborhood, murder you, and bbq you in the back yard of a house they are squatting in.

>> No.53765321

bro no one gives a shit about ur shiny rock

CBCD is the future

>> No.53765908

Why do cryptofags keep spreading that bullshit? Do they think it will pump their bags?

>> No.53766258
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Why cant you sell it. Its not stolen.

>> No.53766402

there's enough gold in the earths core to cover the surface in a few feet of gold
we don't even need to mine asteroids, just mine the core and we'll have hyperinflation in gold
crypto can't have hyperinflation

>> No.53766413

He's logically correct. But we don't live in logic. His followers are therefore the type who think they are smart but are actually the losers (MANY such cases). In a "proper" world, Peter should be the big winner

>> No.53766451

The XRP schitzo is correct. Peter Schiff (a kike btw) is making retarded comparisons (possibly intentionally to subvert goyim into making poor finial decisions)

>> No.53766547

because i found it on the sidewalk and if they run the serial they might return it to the real owner. i don't want to give up my sparkly precious.

>> No.53766618

2008. Not 2009.

>> No.53766698

just say you won it in a poker game, works every time

>> No.53766731

should i try a pawn shop? jewelry stores, even ones that deal in loose diamons, wouldnt give me the time of day since i dont have paperwork for it

>> No.53766786

yea I meant a pawn shop. I'm guessing the jew-ry stores will pay you more though. Maybe see if it's easy to forge the paperwork?

>> No.53766978

Go to the diamond district and sell it to the jew man

>> No.53767252

Explain to me what you think “all fields” means.

>> No.53767541

If by "boomers" you mean most of the world's Central Banks and governments (who are stacking gold at historic rates) why then yes, yes they DO love shiny rocks. But you should not do what they do because they don't know what is really happening with world finance.

>> No.53767550
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>> No.53768123

>gold and silver is real money because they were used in the past
thats like saying horses and carriage are the real mode of human transportation and that we should all return to owning stables and horses for travelling everywhere. anybody with half a brain will know that this is just not feasible anymore our cities are too big and our lives are too spread out to go back to travelling on horseback everywhere. using a gold standard woul be like pricing everything around salt like the romans did 2000 years ago. Our economy has just changed since then

>> No.53768193

Just get it set into a ring and then sell the ring.
No one is going to ask questions if you're paying for a service.

>> No.53768244
File: 198 KB, 500x689, AA11DE0F-84B5-4194-864D-9832B516E0B2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly. glad you’re understanding.

>> No.53769233

brilliant, thank you anon!