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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53758470 No.53758470 [Reply] [Original]

And how do I profit from this?

first option

>> No.53758478
File: 782 KB, 1306x1206, Screenshot 2023-02-18 at 02.41.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

second option

>> No.53758491

2nd. First is fucking gross

>> No.53758493

Jesus Christ man it’s better to scour Twitter if you’re going to go this low on quality

>> No.53758497
File: 1.32 MB, 1330x1250, Screenshot 2023-02-18 at 02.43.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3rd option
and the rest of the links but I'll keep posting pics as I go

>> No.53758498
File: 63 KB, 550x604, 1675295999663959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey thats my mom

>> No.53758499

is fuck the shit out of her

>> No.53758501


>> No.53758509

what tags should I search for that?
any links?

>> No.53758518
File: 963 KB, 1340x1286, Screenshot 2023-02-18 at 02.46.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skipping just to the ones I don't think are catfishes

>> No.53758521

Hey OP! Feeling lonely? Need to talk to strangers on the internet? Need some attention?

Why not make a memorial website and then KILL yourself so we can all join up again and talk about our fond memories of you? Please? Just do it?

>> No.53758523

first one looks like a prime slampig desu. considering how gross looking the average prostitute is 150h seems like a steal

>> No.53758528
File: 896 KB, 1350x1272, Screenshot 2023-02-18 at 02.47.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just one more option after this then you can choose don't worry

>> No.53758539
File: 960 KB, 1326x1258, Screenshot 2023-02-18 at 02.49.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that's what I'm thinking. I'd only go for half an hour though. still quite tempted by the others


>> No.53758563

All these women are terrible and gross, they 100% have stds also and have already seen 10 guys that same day before you. Just jerk off

>> No.53758576

These are all really bad
I went to a friends wedding in Mexico a few years ago and the bachelors party was at this strip club.
All of the women there were insane. They all looked like the Telemundo weather lady.
I had lap dances all night until some narcos showed up and complained that they were down from Tijuana for the weekend and we were monopolizing the best girls.
The owner comes and tells us that we should leave on our own two feet while we still can.
Anyway, whole night was like 800 pesos or some shit which at the time was like 33c US.
These hookers op posted are just sad

>> No.53758581

this doesn't look real lol why did she post another site where she was supposed to put her snap

>> No.53758587

Sure you did buddy

>> No.53758596

This anon

>> No.53758603

yeah I know I should do some sex tourism but it's just too convenient and tempting to see the ones here.
I'd need to be organised and stuff to go abroad and I probably wouldn't have the connections so would have a hard time finding the good places and talent.

>> No.53758613

based truth

>> No.53758632

They're all fucking ugly and expensive. I fuck better whores for a fraction of what these land-whales charge. I wouldn't pay $20 to fuck a fat whore, let alone what these bicthes charge.

>> No.53758668

Please delete this thread
It makes /biz/ look bad having to see this ugly bitch when people scroll thru
I want to throw up

>> No.53758669

>French kissing a whore that had a dick and cum in her mouth 5 minutes before your turn.

>> No.53758727

Go buy some meth and jerk off bro
It is better than having sex with any of these disgusting creatures

>> No.53758742

Gross. I wonder if any of them have a daughter

>> No.53758849

all these women look fucking disgusting and would be incels if they were born male. It pisses me off to no end how low the bar is for women.

These are the only 2 that are attractive.

same I wish I had connections to find good whores, without breaking bank. Dunno if there's a telegram or discord channel out there or what.

>> No.53758859

Imagine the smell.

>> No.53758867

honestly OP, this is pathetic, but you do you. I mean, lots of men pay for prostitutes, so whatever.
imo, the best one would be >>53758518
>>53758497 looks ugly but hot
the rest are men

>> No.53758878

Just jack off bro.

>> No.53758884
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1674666671049466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-americans really don't suffer. How can you claim to suffer when you can fuck a braphog for the price of a bigmac and not risk jail

>> No.53758885

They're all gross but she is the least gross. The other ones are legit ugly, this one is just trashy but decent looking.

>> No.53758888

Based, I want to fuck women but not as much as I want to not give them money or validation for being whores

>> No.53758889

I would spend alot of time and money just to stay as far away as possible from disgustingly freakshow trash creatures like this

>> No.53758895
File: 3.70 MB, 576x720, 1625334250348.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you pay for pic you should KYS

>> No.53758898

The british conquered the world to escape their disgusting pig women.

>> No.53758903

America facilitates anti-social incels and mass shootings by not having equal access sex via legal prostitutions.

Not even meming.

>> No.53758911


thats a fake pic. guarantee the girl who shows up looks nothing like her

>> No.53758915

forgot to mention, though
may have aids lmao but whatever

>> No.53758928

God I miss slampigs. Being married is cool, but banging fat sluts was amazing.

>> No.53758952

Dont they smell

>> No.53758966

Wtf even is this website
So you pay to talk to them?
Or you text them and meet up?
This has to be an exclusive bong thing because there's no fucking way this would ever work in the US people would literally die from it regularly

>> No.53758990

couldn't go wrong with 2-4. you might want to get your head examined for posting the rest though.

>> No.53759002

Damn that’s a steal compared to anything we’d get in the US. Do they all let you jizz in their mouths?

>> No.53759012


>> No.53759033


>> No.53759043

I'm not the OP, I've never paid or contacted a prostitute but, are you fucking stupid? it's a website for posting ads. you contact the person and agree on meeting, conditions and whatever

>there's no fucking way this would ever work in the US people would literally die from it regularly
that's how you know the US is a 3rd world country posing as a world power.

>> No.53759071

prostitution is legal in the uk. only pimping and soliciation in public is illegal

these girls on tinder probably have 1000 matches and want chad only, the fuck are u talking about

>> No.53759112

top kek. this is a pornstar. so I guess they're all scams

>> No.53759133

>thinking a whore wants a kiss
She literally fucks you after you paid up. You try and kiss her she will push your face away.

>> No.53759152

I had sex with a Chinese milf who felt me through my jeans, rolled the condom on and bent over for me after lubing up. All for something like $50

>> No.53759161

HOLY SHIT same!!

>> No.53759197

absolutely no suffering. in america this would cost $500 and you could get a felony charge

>> No.53759203


This one is my choice! Let us know how it is!

>> No.53759209
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>> No.53759242

you can hit up camgirl sellers on Snap or Kik. In my experience most of them are down for p4p (reasonable prices) if you just ask. You just have to make sure they're not catfishers trying to scam you, which easily be solved by a videochat chat call. I've never gone through with it though, because I always get sketched out if they're cops are not. Don't know if these concerns are legitimate, maybe an experienced coomer can chime in and say if I'm just being paranoid or not.

>> No.53759257
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>> No.53759278

Why does op insist on brown women?

>> No.53759368
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Nuke this thread. these women are not worth 1 freedom dollar

>> No.53759389
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I would prefer pic related than these "women"

>> No.53759398

i've been found out.

>> No.53759401


>> No.53759421

Lost my virginity to a prostitute and my first 15 times were to hookers AMA

>> No.53759470

if you have to pay for that.. bro...

just keep on searching, trust me.

>> No.53759501

>ask me anything.. please! just please!!
no you fucken faggot go die somewhere else

>> No.53759532
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how did not KYS already with such shitty life ?

>> No.53759561

10/10 in bongland

>> No.53759581
File: 192 KB, 862x1010, 1643757148127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you all so desperate?

>> No.53759649
File: 1.47 MB, 1168x664, 847596218457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about her

>> No.53759683

This is crystal chase, you're gonna get raped anon

>> No.53759732

How bad is your life that my humble story was beyond the realm of possibility?
What part of it defied belief? Genuinely curious.
Was it the $300 ticket to Mexico that beggared credulity or don’t you believe strip clubs are real?
This place is so weird. You tell people you bought a can of coke and they’ll accuse you of larping

>> No.53759766

who pays for whores like this when they're this trashy? even $100 per hour is too much here

>> No.53759775

how old were you and how did you break that cycle to fuck non-hookers

>> No.53759791
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21 to start, was in the military and went to Amsterdam with the boys. Broke the cycle when I got out, went home, and got a girlfriend

>> No.53759832

wish i had friends like you.
>tfw no bros that will go on coom trips with me.

>> No.53759837
File: 1.51 MB, 576x1024, 1676495714902310.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for the price of a bigmac
Those are 2/10 negroid obese trashes riddled with SDTs asking for $150/h. What the fuck are you smoking you triple simper?
Here in France i can fuck 20yo qt polish and ukro whores for 50 bux. And even that i don't do because whores shouldn't ask for anything more than minimum wage.

>> No.53759906

Yeah it was a good time. Got trashed and did shrooms that night. Or truffles I'm not sure if there's a difference

>> No.53759943

Whatever happen to phone sex nights. Anons would eat that shit up. Get rid of the e girls.

>> No.53759949

Sure thing buddy
You seem really defensive
Lying can cause defenses mechanisms to go up

>> No.53759950

hookers are not worth it because you have to wear a condom. and if you dont have to, that's even worse.

>> No.53759998

It's like enhh u can't really pay for the good thing
I wouldn't get all excited and ask the internet about such a sad expenditure.

Hey Anon, should I buy a Tamagotchi to keep me company?

>> No.53760019

then just fuck pornstars without condoms they must not have stds it's mandatory, but it will cost you I guess

>> No.53760328

What part of France? Asking for my sex deprived self.
Also how is France? Been wanting to go but the whole basic bitch "Paris" meme makes me not want to go.

>> No.53761011

exactly, prostitutions true value is minimum wage.
everything else is hoflation.

say min wage is $1
a prosititute rate = $24 for 1 day.

which is about the same as a wife.

>> No.53761044

Half of these girls are niggers why are Britsharts with their pajeet PM still so uppity.

>> No.53761049

Picture is misleading, she was a single mom but the kid was his.

>> No.53761124

And these are the type of women that think they deserve a man who makes over 1m a year...

>> No.53761159


>> No.53761178

I don't care.
It's funny how these losers are pretending like they're fucking girls when the reality is they're here scrolling through 4chan.
Hey OP, no one cares about your life.
>Hurr durr me get the sex!
Yeah, little guy, we all do.
Bragging about it makes you come off as a child or worse, someone sexually inexperienced.

>> No.53761188
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Based Narcos.
CNGJ is still the best Cartel.
>These hookers op posted are just sad
These are probably just women who live an expensive live and need quick cash.
These women are like solid 5s.

>> No.53761200
File: 634 KB, 648x365, 1644655120095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lose weight you fat fuck.
When my uncle mark was in the marines back in the 80s Tijuana was THE place to be for cocaine and strippers.
The night clubs really where something else back then.

>> No.53761202

whores are gross, better to just jerk yourself

>> No.53761216
File: 76 KB, 720x556, 6a00d83451c45669e2014e8aa7fa89970d-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they’ll accuse you of larping
You're texting fat, obese perma virgins who freak over any stories because they need to pop pills for their mental problems.
They never go outside, never did anything while at school, no friends (like anyone could stand them), no women in their life, stuck in moms basement while life passes them by.
It's/r9k/ to the T.
Pic related, some of the losers that sit in the internet and bitch all day.
Like when I said I fucked 50 women, that wasn't a lie, I lost my V-Card when I was 14, I'm now 26, that's over a decade of pulling and scoring with women.
These fuckers get upset because they sat on their FAT ASSES playing video games and doom scrolling 4chan, all their life and now their pissed others have done things.
It's weird, it's lame.

>> No.53761223
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>You seem really defensive
>Accusations and assumptions and good old projection.
Lose weight you fat fuck.
>Lying can cause defenses mechanisms to go up
Sure thing fat Boy, whatever you say.
Be sure to sit on your ass all day and play video games.
>Getting upset dudes go to strip clubs.
You're fat and gay, aren't you?

>> No.53761237
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I don't wear a condom.
But to be fair, I'm not a homosexual nor do I shoot herion into my arms.
All dudes with aids are faggots and junkies.

>> No.53761272
File: 599 KB, 1113x724, 79e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, I'm out, it's morning time so I'm gonna listen to P H O N K and lift weights.

>> No.53761279

no way ethiopian/somalian girls do this without being pimped. stop showing her face also

>> No.53761282

that white girl is peak slam pig, why would you want to fuck a nigger

>> No.53761284

the only girls accepting bareback already have hiv and all STDs imaginable. retard

>> No.53761294

Hookers like this are charging like 288.76 pounds in Australia.

What the fuck is this bullshit im moving.

>> No.53761327

demand > supply, that's why it's way above minimum wage. lrn 2 economics

>> No.53761359
File: 13 KB, 364x359, 4cba692ecb1af7055445ab2d2c29e1ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 min 120 usd for that, really? how much desperate you must be?

>> No.53761409


If you are going to pay for it, don't see some ugly mystery meats

>> No.53761413

nowhere in the world are you fugging girls like that for 50 bucks.

>> No.53761418
File: 213 KB, 450x396, new-punjabi-indian-girl-in-town---202302151841291676486489167071-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Indian goddess would be my choice.

>> No.53761428

i refuse to believe that anyone would pay $180 for an hour with that fat disgusting mutt pig.

>> No.53761454

the easiest way is to just proposition women in the street. I met one that was working at the mall at a kiosk and she's terrible with money and i see her 5 years later every couple of months when she is broke. Nice body, doesn't use drugs, etc. Way better than most professional hookers. When i met her i literally just asked how much. Said she needed a camera and I gave her my old Nikon D3000

>> No.53761474

desu, one of the hottest girls i'v ever seen was in a bar in tijuana, she was probably a hooker.

>> No.53761481

Condom sex is not real sex. You will always be a virgin.

>> No.53761568

Of all these whores you chose the most fucking gross and revolting.
You're a disgrace OP

>> No.53762436

Indian goddesses look pretty similar to the average american woman desu senpai.

>> No.53762441

>he doesnt know