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File: 615 KB, 1704x1704, cube-skyscraper-riyadh-saudi-arabia-mukaab-murabba_2_dezeen_2364_col_0-1704x1704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53756401 No.53756401 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink bros, we're all gonna make it.


>> No.53756449

>floating terrain
>giantess AI arbiters
crypto citadels are looking fuckin dope ngl senpai

>> No.53756650

Saudi Arabia looks like THAT?!?!

>> No.53757210 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 512x512, safe_chungus49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53757270
File: 177 KB, 447x1286, 26FBC7B3-7A52-4F35-8BAF-9C35DD1A8112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This world is a meme. This is loading up energy for what is about to come. God speed anons.

>> No.53757277

pedo tower?

>> No.53757290

fucking sir gay and his nigillion dollar cube apartments fuck

>> No.53757291

>countless duckfolk die
>scrooge already thinking of ways to profit
how did they know

>> No.53757312

implying any ducks died in those towers. they were all strangely somewhere else that day, with all casualties being generic duckburg dogfolk

>> No.53757374
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Look at the cube Nigga. Ponder the symbolisms.

You want to know what was one of the most amazing things Iv ever seen. When “they” started a movement on Instagram to have everybody post a black black screen. I think it was for some race shit or something. Almost every IG user followed like the programmed fags they are….

Not realizing they were part of a ritual creating a massive amount of energy toward and around the black cube. June 2020…. around the same time they had an absolute control of society via the common cold, and just repositioned all their assets in preparation for the next cycle. Amazing. I really have to give a bit of respect in the process. 28 MILLION NPC’s partook in a massave ritual


>> No.53757415
File: 61 KB, 900x600, 91749E24-577C-42CC-B943-0C0DA034CD8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember in 2010 when they “invented” the “bloom box”. The black cube was going to change the world and change how energy functions in our society. Scrooge mcduck remembers.

>> No.53757525
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>K.R. Sridhar, founder of the Silicon Valley clean tech start-up Bloom Energy, says he’d like to see his company’s Bloom Box fuel cell technology lighting up most American households within the next 10 years.

Remember the ev1? The car that was going to change the world. Look at the wheel design. There is a triangle in the center of the wheels. Now draw a line from the center hole of the 3 groups of holes.

How did they describe the ufo last week?
>"the UFO was hexagonal in shape and we currently do not know how it was flying"

They show what they can do, sign it with their symbolisms, then giggle.

>> No.53758519 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 512x512, safe_chungus14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53758566

These guys played too many ubisoft games

>> No.53758583

And then they launched 5G and COVID vaccinations started while Chainlink were psyoping us with pathetic gains we know faggot we were here celebrating and Twitter shills like ChainlinkGod were scamming nigs with defi scams

>> No.53758592

Daily reminder Chainlink is a psyop
>>53749161 #
Read this thread. They want you believing in magic and Elon Musk
but the shills fucking hate discussing tech standards like 5G.
The shill cannot mention 5G. It's hilarious anons. Mention 5G in a Chainlink shill thread and watch them ignore it
A successful technology standard cannot be discussed in a Chainlink thread.
Isnt that strange?

I like this new pasta seems to make the fake schizos seeth

>> No.53758620

Why didn't this ever reach consumers?

>> No.53758705

it did in the form of 5G towers and the vaccine to trace people. I think Bill Gate's 666 cryptocurrency patent is how you get paid in the future. The vaccine contains nanobots in it and they record when you do something and transmit that information to the 5G towers. That data is used to provide services and distribute resources. This is why there sre supply chain gaps right now. I think everyone should inject themselves with version 5.0 of the vaccine it has the latest updates. Together we can do it!

>> No.53758733

In all honesty, will chainlink ever go to $50 again?

>> No.53758783

Why are you so obsessed anon. How much did you loose in your hair cut?
>plan was to never list it on exchanges, cz did so on his own
Link is not for normals. The psyop is a truly profound new understanding of meme magic, manifestation, how deep it all goes. Yes it’s a psyop of the greatest kind
Magic is real.
Who gives a fuck about 5g? Seriously who gives a shit. If you are truly concerned you would not be Seeth posting on 4channel from your device.

Humans are literally going to be IoT repeaters/transmitters. The parents are there. So anon, what are you gonna do? Who cares? Link profits gives me the ability to minimize my exposure to ALL the Fuckary if I do need.

>> No.53758850



Graphene is a better transmitter than copper, and it is in every modern vax. What shape is graphene?


>> No.53758863

Has everyone seen that thread on here going around called "CIA explains what Magick is?"

I've researched this topic prior to that thread but basically consciousness and thoughts actually direct reality.

If enough people visual a specific outcome intently for long periods of time the universe actually rearranges itself to manifest the given outcome.

That being said the more extreme the outcome varies from current reality than the more conscious energy(prana) it requires along with more time.

Honestly just consider the whole visualize copy pasta that started with Chainlink since the beginning.

YOU MANIAC etc. OGs know what I'm talking about. Even newfags have probably seen it as well.

So everyday visualize Elon Musk tweeting out something that is obviously Chainlink related. Take just a few minutes and see it in your "mind's eye".

This isn't that far off from reality either. It wouldn't take a lot thought to catapult a simple tweet into the zeitgeist.

When a certain thought permeates the ether it spreads to others in their vicinity. Especially if these people are high vibrational individuals. In fact it can be so pervasive that as a high vibratory person your thoughts and emotions enter people's minds just being around them and they believe its their own. They have what they believe is a random thought but its not.

The occult elites of the world understand this phenomenon and its why they spend infinite amounts of resources and currency in order to implant thoughts in the minds of the masses via propaganda because the efforts are seriously amplified because the affected spread it as well.

>> No.53758874

because it was a scam that ate billions of dollars
sure why not
because of the bond energy

>> No.53758923

>you must be seething because you are raising all these issues
I'm not from Twitter
>Link is not for normals
Chainlink is making tiktok videos as of today. is tiktok for normals? who are they marketing to?
>Magic is real.
I know the CIA said it was real
>Who gives a fuck about 5g?
First mention of 5G by a Chainlink shill. This is an historic post. Save it print it and frame it anons.
Seriously who gives a shit. If you are truly concerned you would not be Seeth posting on 4channel from your device.
My device hmm? People are devices now I see your sick elite humor seeping through as you type from your device (you) hilarious and ironic.
>Graphene is a better transmitter than copper, and it is in every modern vax.
Graphene is needed to communicate wirelessly to the 5G towers?
I know the standard is probably classified and not published on the internet but 5G is the everything Chainlink aspire to be and it is never discussed. Either the shills are shitty researchers or Chainlink is a psyop a Massive Multipayer Psyop
>What shape is graphene?
The same shape as the psyop what a cohencidence that 5G has already succeeded and Chainlink has not!
These cohencidence are just too Jewish for me to keep up with

>> No.53758939

Your bright anon. Don’t waste energy on this fud shit. If link is shit, ifs shit. Who cares bruv?

>> No.53758976

>the elite nslaved the entire human race with 5G nanobots and COVID because Epstein's case went into the public consciousness and they knew it was too late for anything less
I care about the future of humanity. Chainlink and all of crypto are a psyop to distract people by dangling money in their faces while they lock us down and vaxx our children.

You will have to answer to God for your sins one day

>> No.53758988

5g from hewei is going to have their own secure oracle feeds to secure a 20 billion dollar derivatives contract between 2 banks?

Like I said anon, you seem bright, but then just totally loose me. You are eirher retarded…..or you’re the worst of skirzos, the ones that make no sense. Or a sorry attempt showing yourself. My fav rapper is TI…. U?

>> No.53758999

I was never locked down, never vaxed. I am a free man with god given rights. When you accept that you cannot do anything without capital…… you need to become the chameleon.

>> No.53759020

>go to 4chan, telegram, discord
>nobody can answer my question about why you would even want decentralized oracles for mutable networks

I can’t believe I ever bought into this being the future of finance lmao

>> No.53759063

>5g from hewei is going to have their own secure oracle feeds to secure a 20 billion dollar derivatives contract between 2 banks?
No 5G was already unrolled for tracking and tracing all humans by the controllers. They built new towers all over the world while you were locked down in your shitty basement apartment playing video games pretending that normies had it worse than you when everyone had it the same. Everyone too poor to afford luxury yachts that is.
sorry but I lost all respect for you with your unintelligible post. Retards obviously mock you and niggers want to be you. >>53758999
>it never happened anon
checked but yes it happened. it is not over and we already lost.
health tech is in your body monitoring you right now. They have evolved beyond money
>you need to become the chameleon
you are already part of the network anon it is permanent. I'm sorry I had to break it to you like this.

>> No.53759164

There were bombings at the WTC years before 9/11 so maybe that gave some people foresight about what could happen.

>> No.53759194

The thing is… what are you going to do anon? Besides being it up on 4channel in a bread wirh an inage of a box in Rydia? I think a fault of many is to think of this world as “us”. “Civilization”. “The collective”

Do you care vax fags have vaids and are transmitters? I don’t give a shit. You care people were locked down by tyrannical powers, I don’t give a shit.

When you care about what you can control, and looking out only for loved ones, while sticking to your basic moral ideology, life becomes easier.

If you are trying to start a movement of group thought, or a movement of any kind, you need capital. If you want to disconnect comfortably as much as possible, you need capital. Or you can be a thug and live off the land like real man did in history.

>> No.53759247

>use a cube
>compromise the structural integrity both towers
>do not illustrate this at ground level as every prior attack on building has

Ya anon, I’m sure it’s coincidental

>> No.53759909

there is a plan anon its underground and you need to be part of a high secretive club to know the plan. Right now I'm going to ask you to trust the plan, stay home, and practice magic to manifest the new reality.

You have to have faith that the downfall of the Reptilians is possible then manifest that reality through the power of positive thought.
>Do you care vax fags have vaids and are transmitters?
I care because they can transmit the nanobots to you through touch either indirectly or direct. You have hand shaken the vaxxed you are now part of the system.
5G tech brough to you by Yahweh was accepted almost as unquestioned as the Antarctica treaty God I hope we save those penguins

>> No.53759976
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Wtf, how

>> No.53760026

2 more weeks. Hope your discord group is going well anon.

>> No.53760039

After Rory had us banned for trying to blow up Smartcon last year many went into hiding and I have no control over their plans now. Their plans are not my plans. All I know is that they are mentally unstable and heavily armed so I wouldn't worry about them

>> No.53760109

These memes are so corny. God speed anon

>> No.53760117

>Be Saudi Arabia
>Build a gigantic Kaaba to the cult of consumerism

I'm not muslim but if I was I'm pretty sure this would be considered an affront to Allah

>> No.53760185

okay... okay... I'll talk! just don't electrocute my balls anymore man. they're sensitive.

Several of the hardcore link marines, you know those guys, shaved their heads and got homemade hexagon prison tattoos on their temples. they raided a second hand shop and stole all the flannel shirts one night to make flannel robes. I know they left carrying M16s and AK47 with enough ammo to take down an army heading for a mountain cave to mediate at least two weeks ago
As they left they vowed never to wash again.

that was the last I heard of them I swear man

>> No.53760209

okay I remember one more thing.
they took all our canisters of hopium
I heard from a discord sister they gas themselves with hopium, input numbers into their online calculators, and masturbate all night long

>> No.53760787


Predictive programming

>> No.53760826 [DELETED] 

Like that 42 guy spamming here non stop along with someone buying battlefield 2042 domain, a futuristic warfare game, where players happen to battle it out around mysterious black cubes?

>> No.53760830
File: 62 KB, 783x391, 4829192949592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like that 42 guy spamming here non stop along with someone buying battlefield 2042 domain, a futuristic warfare game, where players happen to battle it out around mysterious black cubes?

>> No.53760837
File: 3.49 MB, 611x518, 1562868169936.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

qrd on BF2042 thing

no idea it had black cube programming in it

>> No.53760842

>let's all calm down and play video games
>no this is not a psyop
this. fellow anons I think we should all spend time playing this video game
There could be answers in the game!

>> No.53760882

i would never play modern EA games

>> No.53760909

i swung trade my entire link stack for a 1% today, LFG WAGMI!!!

>> No.53760926

grammatical error in the first sentence
>in the future cities will be much more than a place to live IN
damn people are retaretd

oh also i saw a russian saying that these huge impractical construction projects the saudis are announcing (like this and "the Line") are just plausible cover so that they can buy up trillions in raw materials/raw materials contracts at current prices before fiat currency dies in the upcoming economic crash, which strikes me as plausible

>> No.53760941

>The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months

yep, 42 is the beast's number. If you needed any more confirmation that Chainlink is the mark, or part of it

>> No.53761075

Me either, got it cheap and a few maps have black cubes. Hexagons are everywhere.

>> No.53761109


>> No.53761135

Not even Geese were in the towers. Whole thing was staged on TV.

>> No.53761920

?? Bloombox was supposed to be a household generator hooked to natural gas line that was the size if an AC unit or microwave. They had working products supplying energy to Amazon and Google buildings. Idk wtf you are talking about. I want to know what happened and why I cant own one today

>> No.53762458

This game gets progressively more fucked as time goes on.

>> No.53762767
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