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53751443 No.53751443 [Reply] [Original]

My dad was going on and on yesterday at lunch about how the work place is full of mediocrity these days and if you put your best in to get things done and done well it gets noticed and will get you ahead. I didn’t have it in me to ask him “did you do that?, cuz if it did it doesn’t seem like it payed off that well” considering it never got him a super prestigious very high paying role. I mean he did alright was probably making 90k in the 00’s as a sales guy but I saw him get let go by 3 different companies growing up. Is it just boomer cope?

>> No.53751449

yeah its all cope bro best thing you can do for your future is lay around all day and smoke weed

>> No.53751457

Bro 90k in 00s was 180k today. He did great but he just blew it on dumb shit.

>> No.53751483

Bro just about everything in life is luck. Who your parents are, location, genes, and whatever else comes to mind. But people like to believe they got to where they are because they are smart not because they were born in the golden era of American and were able to coast by off of that

>> No.53751531

How is getting let go 3 different times over a 15 year period great if you were busting your ass for those companies? I mean shit he did pretty well but he def blew it on dumb shit and lived above his means cuz he inherited a bunch from my grandpa who inherited it from his sister. >>53751449
I’m not saying being a lazy retard NEET pothead burn out, but I don’t think being an autistic go getter that’s a slave/apex shabbos Goyim for corporations is the answer either and I’m asking I suppose what’s the balance that’s actually reasonable for success/what’s the point of busting ass if you still just get canned the second the company isn’t doing well?

Idk if I’d say it’s all luck but your intelligence/upbringing plays a huuuuge part that I agree.

>> No.53751580

intelligence is genetic. Just about everything is predetermined at birth

>> No.53751603

>t gets noticed and will get you ahead
Top kek. It gets noticed when you call the boss a nigger and quit to become a leech on their fragile society

>> No.53751627

sales people get laid off all of the time anon. It’s a very feast or famine position.

>> No.53751656

maybe he has regrets and hes trying to impart some learned knowledge to you

>> No.53751800

Boomers are all about status. They dont give a shit about truth, or actually doing things, they only care about how they are perceived as by others. Your dad is just using language to attempt to create the perception that he is higher status than he is. They don't actually think you can see through this, because like I said they dont care about truth, so its unthinkable to them. If you called him out on it he would likely have had a complete anger meltdown.

>> No.53751818
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Yes it is. "just work hard bro", in reality it's nepotism all the way down.

>> No.53751840
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The issue is what boomers considered "hard work" in their time is now the norm. People have to work themselves to the bone for long hours simply to maintain the position and make enough money to stay alive. No one can retire so there's no upward nomentum meaning everyone stays stuck in their position and the only way to improve you stqnding is to apply for a better position at another company and quit the old on. But the more you do that the more it makes people hesitant to hire you. Then there's the new trend where every bumfuck with a company expects to find a guy with with an 8 year harvard law degree and 14 years of experience to stock his shelves. The whole thing is just a shitfest where no one wants to hire, no one gets promoted, no one gets a raise, no one gets noticed. Hard work, which itself is now double what boomers ever did, for a 3rd of the spending power they made, will get you a "good job" and fuckall else. Which is why everyone gets so ungodly pissed when you're busting your ass every day just to make ends meet and these pricks tell you "just work harder."

>> No.53751851

There's nothing with working for. I feel like everything I earned is going to be taxed and handed over to someone that came illegally.

>> No.53752782

The workplace IS filled with mediocrity. We call those workers, "Boomers."

>> No.53752794

Lol "hard work" gets you maybe an extra 1% to your raise

>> No.53752815

No it won't. That's paperwork. Boomers don't do paperwork.

>> No.53752846

it's just survivorship mentality.
there are plenty of people with good incomes, on this board right now, that will tell you they got their job by hardwork etc.
it's really nonsense.
10% of your success is the effort you put and the knowledge you can pull from.
90% is how you present yourself, social skills, emotional intelligence.
you wanna make more money?
lift weights & work on being so positive you sound manic.

>> No.53752868

This is kind of what I was thinking he is still pretty successful financial wise but it’s because of inheritance for the most part since he lived way above his means most of his life. I mean sure you can’t sit and do nothing you need to put in work and not be a retard but it seems like nepotism is the real decider in who gets promoted.

>> No.53754118

based take
I can't wait for the boomer generation to fuck off from life or the workforce and it causes a huge squeeze in the total workforce available bringing wages up to where they should be
I can't find it right now but there's a reason that image of production vs wage increases is shared around here so much
Tired of the meme that companies NEED to be making profits in the millions every damn quarter, profit is profit

>> No.53754238
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If you think about it, the altcoin season and 100x we’ve had these last 5 years makes us the new boomers. Like that shit won’t be there for people in 2040-2050.

>> No.53754583

>worked hard at my first big boy job out of college
>got fired because the roast beef manager felt threatened by my competence

>> No.53754674

Why did you really get fired?

>> No.53754745

Boomers are incompetents who are simply aping the virtues of their own parents. They possess those virtues neither individually nor collectively, thus they themselves are not industrious, and in the society they've fashioned, industriousness is not rewarded.
What are you listening to is simply an echo of a greatness that once was.

>> No.53754758

>Then there's the new trend where every bumfuck with a company expects to find a guy with with an 8 year harvard law degree and 14 years of experience to stock his shelves
That will go away very quickly and very forcefully.

>> No.53754842

You haven't worked with women have you?

I got a new (female) boss one time, and she basically shut my out completely. When I asked if I could help out with some of her projects as I don't have a lot on (since she cancelled it all), she accused me of wanting to take her job, and started crying.

>> No.53754908
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>get a callback for an 'okay' job
>but it's been literally months since I applied
>took them months to get back to me
>it's in another state
>"can you come to our office tomorrow"
Boomerism doesn't work because HR people are retarded.

>> No.53754990

i was 1 of 3 new hires for my position. i had the best performance of all of us. one day they had a meeting saying our regional division needed to cut costs. they had to fire one of us and they chose me. at that point despite starting at the same time as the other 2 new hires, i was the one training them, they came to me when they had questions.

i envy your life if you've never encountered a bitter jealous mediocre cunt.

>> No.53755114

Why the fuck would anyone want to work hard in this joke of an economy. It’s not like it’ll get you ahead…it’ll just prove you are a yes man and some middle managers bitch.

>> No.53755136

Yeah man, you should start eating more pizza and maybe even start drinking alcohol every day.
It'll make those fucking poor faggot wagies really angry.

>> No.53755139

I'm not opposed to working hard, you just have to pay me more.

>> No.53755172
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>autistic go getter that’s a slave/apex shabbos Goyim.
That's you're retarded words, but whatever man.
I'm gonna keep lifting weights and working my job.
I'll see you bitches at 100k btc.
Yes retard, luck.
You didn't ask to be born, you were born by random, holy fuck you fat fucks are dumb shit heads.
Dumb fucking American.

>> No.53755193
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>intelligence is genetic
Nope, intelligence is experience compounded.
You can learn by reading, doing or being taught.
You're a fucking idiot being white doesn't magically make you intelligent, you still need to learn and be taught.
Fucking faggot.

>> No.53755215


As of February 2023, 50 Cent’s net worth is estimated to be $40 Million.

American rapper and businessman 50 Cent has earned over $250 million throughout his career from chart-topping albums and singles, as well as other business ventures.
What's it like knowing a African has more money than you by making rhymes?

>> No.53755235
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>People have to work themselves to the bone for long hours simply to maintain the position and make enough money to stay alive.
That's a fucking lie.
Stop spending all your money on drugs and booze, work 40 hours a week and invest.

>> No.53755253
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>you wanna make more money?
Yeah, I bought btc.
Lifting weights it cool too.
Working hard gets results.

>> No.53755282
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Not buying it.
You fags probably slacked off, behaved poorly or called out sick too many times.
I constantly have neet and trust fund friends telling me they get fired all the time for BS reasons but let's be honest.
You get fired for shitty performance, shitty attitude and not coming into work.

>> No.53755295


Think for a second. Let's say you have an all star employee. He puts up some good numbers for you. That's the level of performance that's expected from you as a manager from now on.

Now let's say the all star leaves. Now you're FUCKED. You can't put up the numbers anymore, and KNOW it's hopeless to even try. If you're too good and too hard working you just raise the bar for your team and your manager. Even if the company didn't raise standards for your manager, it means every other team does not stand a ghost of a chance when compared side by side. Now all the OTHER managers livelihoods are in jeopardy. They will go over all your work with a fine tooth comb just to find ANY fault so they can oust you and protect their position at the company.

The insidious part about all this? This dynamic is memetically emergent via natural selection. The managers who don't do this lose their jobs for the reasons listed above. Eventually, the managers who engage in this strategy are the only ones left. It's why every boss is an asshole, no matter where you go. Any boss that doesn't do those things is claimed as a victim of social natural selection.

Never forget that everyone's just in it for the paycheck. They don't own the company. They don't give a single solitary fuck about what's good or bad for the company. They only care about meeting the set of metrics given to them and not doing some socially weird shit embarrasses their direct supervisor.

You don't work for GloboCorp. You work AT GloboCorp. You work FOR the individual managers and decision makers that decide your fate. Do NOT do anything that's good for the company that makes things harder for your manager. Remember, you don't work for the company, just at the company.

>> No.53755296
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>Why the fuck would anyone want to work hard in this joke of an economy.

>> No.53755301

The older generation used do the work and train people.
The Boomers are selfish cunts who only do their work and don't train anyone.
The new generation are now making old mistakes and so working less efficiently.
This means less is done, which is seen as laziness by the Boomers who expect not to do any work now they "manage" a team.
Forgetting the older generation still helped them, even when "managing" a team.

>> No.53755319

>there is no way an employer behaved unethically
>as we all know, the holy faultless almighty Employer is never in the wrong and never does shady things
>you must be lying


>> No.53755323

Pro tip.
Making a lot of money doesn't make you happier and lots of times it ends up sucking balls.
t. makes a lot of money

>> No.53755324


How and why did intelligence evolve?
Intelligence can be defined as the ability to solve complex problems or make decisions with outcomes benefiting the actor, and has evolved in lifeforms to adapt to diverse environments for their survival and reproduction. For animals, problem-solving and decision-making are functions of their nervous systems, including the brain, so intelligence is closely related to the nervous system.
Life experience compounded.

>> No.53755433


>Behaved poorly

The only accurate thing stated here. Behaving poorly is code for "being autistic".

>> No.53755508

Have you ever thought that intelligence is actually only a means of survival and maybe ants and trees and Africans are the smartest and creating machines and having "civilization" is just some massive cope?

I mean, if not survival...what's the point?

>> No.53755760

This fucking show. Nothing ever happens.

>> No.53755886

For boomers, the economy had more room for career growth. We've plateaued for now. Preceding generations have had to tighten the belt, and because we're in worse debt and have to put off milestones we have smaller or zero families to care for. When the boomers retire, we will have our pick of the jobs to fill. When the boomers begin to pass away, we will have an over supply of houses. We just can't allow the institutions to trap us with debt so that they can take the homes and rent them back to us.

>> No.53755917

On the flip side, the illegal residents that work through temp services our getting taxed to fund social security which they will never be able to draw from.

>> No.53755963

It's not cope. It's just what they were told by their parents and maybe it's the way shit worked when their parents were running the world. Look at old time ceo's like Jack Welch. Literally went from the mail room to the ceo office. But the world changed and they already became too inflexible due to middle age to notice those changes. It happened starting in the 1970s. Started with exporting work to Japan. In the 80's we the MBA corporate bullshit culture arose. Then it really picked up in the 90s when all the work was exported to China.

>> No.53756093

People genuinely get fired just for having incompatible vibes with a boss. Let's not pretend like lousy bosses don't also exist who would screw over someone they don't care for.

>> No.53756156

>You don't work for GloboCorp. You work AT GloboCorp. You work FOR the individual managers and decision makers that decide your fate. Do NOT do anything that's good for the company that makes things harder for your manager. Remember, you don't work for the company, just at the company.
Great advice. That's probably one of the reasons I liked my last job. I was the only guy working in my department and I received instruction directly from the owner himself. He was a hardass but the only person I truly had to please in the end even if it meant going against the other managers.

>> No.53756167

this is assuming that boomers occupy positions deemed to be an absolute necessity.

Boomers don't do anything that can't be replaced by a $20/month software or a mexican.

Your best bet is to unironically claw as much wealth from them as you possibly can before it's pissed away into a reverse mortgage and medical care.

Seriously, get conservatorship over your parents or put massive amounts of their money into crypto.

>> No.53756229

I actually work for my boomers' family business and I feel like I need to demand more money from them, like an unhealthy amount.

They will NOT stop spending exorbitant amounts of our income on bullshit. They're also becoming alcoholics, which I have no clue how to address since the moment they start drinking they just forget about their fucking career.

I've made about $20k off of them since I started working for them two years ago, but I need a lot more. They probably owe me $90k relative to the work I've put in. I need that in my bank because they will literally waste it on complete nonsense.

>> No.53756418

I work sales and can confirm. Say quota is $250k sales a year. A rockstar comes and closes a $1 million dollar deal. Everyone's happy at first and people feast on commission, but guess what the quota becomes next year? That's right $1.5 million, no one will get paid and everyone's numbers will be shit. No one will be talking about last year's record numbers, just the 'failure' of the sales team to achieve results. It's bullshit and I wish I could hang every 'revenue planner' by their balls, but that's the deal. Board always wants more regardless of how retarded and unfeasible the targets are. That's why we win $1 million but only take credit aka report $100k, still get the full commission but keeps the actual sizes out of Plannings fat grubby Jewish fingers.

>> No.53756436

>how the work place is full of mediocrity these days
He's not wrong but it's more because a lot of businesses are retarded and invest nothing into equipment or product expecting that somehow they can compete with imports on cost and turnaround (no one is going to pay for domestic manufacturing or service if they can just order it 6 months out for cheaper instead).

>> No.53756448

>I've made about $20k off of them since I started working for them two years ago
I'm sorry is this full time?

>> No.53756523

Yes and I've probably brought in $300k revenue

>> No.53756550

Fuck that man, not fucking worth at that pay.

>> No.53756629

What the fuck. Anon those guys are laughing all the way to the bank, probably hence the day drinking. You better demand at least $80K from them this year upfront or you walk. Make sure you do it right before or during the start of their busiest season where they can't afford to give up their money maker at such short notice.

>> No.53756652

He’s right. The workforce of today is so shit in a lot of fields that if you can do just like 10% above minimum you stand out

>> No.53756708

hard work is a fucking meme. I know because that's what I did and it led to nothing.

>> No.53756883
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>$20k over 2 years
Anon I- uh, look even if all you do is suck the old boomer off and let him destroy your bussy on demand, you should still be netting more than $10k/yr. What the actual fuck are you doing nigger??

>> No.53756945


>> No.53757022

bro wtf is wrong with u why are you doing this? 20k is nothing

>> No.53757101
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>> No.53757219

Yikes that butt stock

>> No.53757272

I just can’t believe that that happened at an actual mid-high paying level job. Maybe at waffle house or some call center.

>> No.53757318

There is another side to hard work. Those who have highest work ethic, may not necessarily have much sympathy for their colleagues. Work ethic can be used to justify treating colleagues badly, and is.
Idgaf about making jewberg more shekels. My motivations are primarily defensive: stay out of trouble. Anyway, workplaces are snake-pits, so it's best to move on every so often. IN a new job you generally get 6 months leeway.

>> No.53757328

are you retarded? this isn't japan dude people don't work at the same company their whole life how fucking out of touch are you?

>> No.53757343
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Yeah your dad is a fucking retarded old boomer faggot, tell him to shut his fucking mouth before you break his neck

>> No.53757356

my boomer parents are pretty well off and refuse to retire. they have zero hobbies or interests besides working hard. i made 3 mil off crypto and basically gave the middle finger to the workplace so i can paint and write and spend time with my kids and they unironically think i am, and in fact directly call me, lazy. it's not even jealousy since they're still richer than i am, they just can't fathom not working 40 hours minimum (and closer to 60 if we're being honest) until they die of heart failure in their office

>> No.53757365

yes it is just boomer cope. Just like "ask for a job in person and give the boss a firm handshake" is cope in the same vain. Boomers are too fucking dumb to realize that those autistically honest and hard working traits are only valuable in a high-trust homogeneous white protestant country. But in ZOG's multiracial experiment what really matters for getting ahead is skill, being a tactful liar/being able to game the system, and nepotism.

I'll always remember when my Dad royally pissed me off right after I got out of college and was desperate for work so I took an underemployed gig and was complaining about the drudgery of it and he looked at me straight in the eye with a deadpan expression, and condescendingly said, "don't think you're too good for something". Yeah man, fuck you. I spent years busting my ass making the Dean's list and some sheboon get's hired in HR at X company making 100k+/yr simply to fill some diversity quota while I can't even get a call back? The who fucking system is rigged . And yes I do think I'm 'too good' fore somethings. American Boomers have this weird infatuation with working from the ground up in an honest way as if it's their own sort of personal Hero's Journey. I don't understand it. I think accepting drudgery it's just a slave mentality.

But my Dad has also given me very shrewd advice. Whenever I was job shadowing him and we were doing monotonous labor, he would tell me, "If you play your cards right you can have people working for you doing this shit - work smart not hard." So I guess it's just his own personal cognitive dissonance. A collision of his "value hard work" boomer upbringing and his sober grasp on reality.

>> No.53757400


The higher you go, the worse it gets. This is a behavior that is evolved over time. It's just the dominant strategy for keeping a middle manager position, and guess what? That's the person who decides the Frontline wagie's fate.

The higher you go the more layoff seasons that social organism (manager) has either survived or avoided by moving to a new company. Either they are a natural, or they've been burned enough to learn how the game works.

>> No.53757469

Shockingly, and unlike all we've seen throughout history (lmao), women are shit judges of character. With HR positions being overtaken by females (oh, they;ll do well there because womne are more socially attuned than men)
This is all the Germans' fault, if they hadn't expensively tried to fuck the world twice in single geenration we may not have women's sufferage.
Fuck the hun.

>> No.53757489

women's suffrage predates ww2 by like 20 years

>> No.53757579

yuh huh, and when was WW1?

>> No.53757588

checkmate chud the fucking Germanics have been a detriment to civilization for as long as civilization has known about them
(this is an auto reply)

>> No.53757631
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>> No.53757637

The only area of employment in which “working hard” makes you any greater amount of money nowadays is organized crime

>> No.53757703

>intelligence is life experience compounded
you are a retard trying to sound intelligent. Please stop typing on your Thinkpad Ranjesh.

>> No.53757746

Your argument was "tried to fuck the world twice", moron. Don't goal post move and act like you were REALLY only talking about WW1. Then again, you couldn't even spell suffrage right.

>> No.53757833

>German empire tries to fuck the world
>get shit deal at the end, US diplomats beleve the punitive peace treaty is recipe for another war
>women sufferage pushed triugh cause not enough men to work factories in wartime cause killing technologies advance faster than automation technologies
>ww2 beraks out as predicted, no chance of sending wives back to the kitchen cause theyre need to make bomb fuses and airplane dials
Go back to Austri, Hans. please stay there and yodel.

>> No.53758272

Season 1 was great season two is def slow though.

>> No.53758321
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>> No.53758666

intelligence is genetic but genetics are a lot more complicated than smart dad->smart son
so today our 'elites' are retards descended from competents without any appreciation for the finesse their positions demand, and everything is decaying
doesn't matter how much you teach a natural-born idiot, we've been drilling 'critical thinking' into kids minds for decades but they're still just obedient narrative-consuming drones

>> No.53758949

I stopped putting even 90% of my effort at work because it just creates unnecessary enemies and bitterness in the workplace. Its Layoff season and My boss is intimidated by my communication skills, so I just pretend to be an autistic sperg (well, even more of a turbo sperg) so that no one sees me as a threat.

>> No.53759034

If the boss is afraid of you your goose is cooked either way.

>> No.53759078

Your dad legitimately did well. you don't make 150k (which he made, adjusted for inflation) with total stability for 15 years in a row. he got mad unemployment gains 3 times in that period. I would expect him to be savvier than you make him sound though. you don't make 150k with "hard work", you make it with hard "work".

>> No.53759093

>jobs expect you to dance and sing psalms of praise for the company to get hired, then hit you with "layoff season" a year later

the vaccine had better kill wagies or i'm quitting catholicism and taking up weed

>> No.53759116
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nice trips

>> No.53759176

Their 5 kids more than make up for that with how much they draw down from the system with free k-12 education, food stamps, subsidized rent and utilities.

>> No.53759195

Stfu boomboom

>> No.53759428

>You get fired for shitty performance, shitty attitude
I come into work but I have these two in spades and it feels like I'll never get fired even though I'm straight up gunning for it