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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53751204 No.53751204 [Reply] [Original]

chainlink build program twitter spaces starts in about 15 minutes. they will be interviewing someone from "space and time," one of the first members of the build shitcoin program. also it's a company microsoft is funding so it's probably the most kino build member. ( https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/space-time-valued-300-mln-after-microsoft-venture-arm-led-fundraise-2022-09-27/ )

>> No.53751250

Gibsmedat free tokens meng

>> No.53751262

What is the company about?

>> No.53751290

GRT but better in every way

>> No.53751478

The crypto mewtwo does not hate a voice for radio. Bad hire.

>> No.53751514

Microsoft funds a bunch of scams in this space, you're fucking retarded if you think this means anything.

>> No.53751532

I really don't feel like learning new tools for indexing...

>> No.53751570

>n-no it DOESNT mean anything that MICROSOFT is behind them, chud
point at this porn addicted third worlder and laugh

$1000 EOY

>> No.53751595

> Microsoft funds a bunch of scams in this space, you're fucking retarded if you think this means anything.

*Cough Cough* OpenAI

KYS faggot.

>> No.53751709


You people obviously have no clue how large corporations work. Just because some random innovation division of Microsoft throws a few pennies at some random projects, doesn't mean that they're making some kind of significant investment.

>> No.53751776


>> No.53751859

yeah bro, Microsoft hall janitors are throwing 300 million dollars at random projects

>> No.53751895

I agree that they will fund things that won't work
they're taking a chance on a variety of plays, not king making projects
it's still not a bad thing

>> No.53751987

Where are you getting 300 million dollars from? They only invested $20m. They actually invested more in that NFT project from the link above, so don't you think that's an even more innovative project? Aren't NFTs cool bro?
Good on you for admitting that then. I'm talking to all the hopium addicted faggots who usually come out in these types of threads and assume that because some corporation threw some money at a startup (which they do frequently), that it's somehow kingmade and signifies some kind of secret pact between all these corporations/WEF and chainlink.

>> No.53752190

Who cares about it being kingmade? I don't give a shit about the project, I only care that their token pumps when I get the free tokens

>> No.53752535

Nobody cares

>> No.53752640

Its crazy, chainlinklabs got one cycle of pure attention while their token performed like a piece of shit, and what did they do, dump and create runaway capital for their tax evasion company. Wasted

>> No.53752723

>Space and Time valued at $300m
Why don't we do a little bit of Bulgarian maths, fudsisters?
I can't find the exact token percentage that they contributed to the BUILD program, but let's say it's 5%. That means $15m divided among LINK stakers.
With 22.5m staked LINK tokens, that's $0.666 per token.
Meaning each wallet with 7k staked is going to get $4,666 worth of Space and Time tokens.
And how many other BUILD projects are there now? 15, 20?

>> No.53752772

>"may" be eligible
You are not guaranteed anything at all.
Also read the TOS of staking lmao its a clever legal rugpull

>> No.53752860

It's not guarateed that's why they said "may" be elligible. You will not get anything remotely close to that.

>> No.53753191

You don't even believe this

>> No.53753584

Who cares? Who sits around listening to nerds have conversations about vaporware on Twitter?

>> No.53753609

Oracle was behind Gravelcoin. "Web3" is all cash grab vaporware hoping to pump up a shitcoin and dump on retail

>> No.53753723


>> No.53753747
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This is 100% believeable. I got $21k in Forth from an airdrop, and that coin is fucking worthless. LINK is god's coin.

>> No.53753814

>Oracle was behind Gravelcoin
this is not true you fucking idiot

>> No.53753908
File: 292 KB, 750x531, 211C5A75-280A-4352-B281-6A11210771D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember chainlink , the ‘Oracle’ cryptocurrency (ETHEREUM) erc20 token “LINK” is aligned with WEF- the organization bent on programming human minds with brain chips [MUSK] and making bug cuisine a reality for the average American consumer.


When WEF enforces bugs on the American population via these communist ‘capitalist’ conglomerates , every owner of the chainlink crypto currency [The logo of chainlink is a cube, literally Saturn worship . (It’s the Jews)] and ETH crypto currency platform is responsible and guilty of making this bug eating a reality for the average American

>> No.53753931

>“LINK” is aligned with WEF
Sounds bullish

>> No.53753937
File: 311 KB, 750x1294, 06E6C9E2-A51C-4987-9468-4DFE38E9E52E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go in the chainlink telegram and start talking about Palestine. See how the kikes react. I dare you /biz/ anons. Ask yourself how many Israelis own thousands of LINK

>> No.53753972
File: 198 KB, 680x1066, 7428A111-8089-4717-8C5E-F259B126EA2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rot in your hell (Saturn)

>> No.53753978

janitors lick my asshole

>> No.53754018


Yes it is

>> No.53754119

How is this a Chainlink problem exactly?

>> No.53754338

link to free video?

>> No.53754652

The fact that you're in this thread seething with multiple posts proves the opposite of the point you're trying to convey. Nice job dipshit. NEXT!

>> No.53754683

>2 more weeks guys
>he says nervously, for the 500th time, 6 years later.

>> No.53754795

How am I seething? Do you want to just sit in an echo chamber and dismiss anything you don't like as "fud"? Sounds awfully familiar to me. Sounds like GME/ICP/literally any shitcoin that died several years ago but still has holders who are married to their bags.

I also bet I have more LINK than you, faggot.

>> No.53754921

Did you forget to change your ID back faggot? Kys

>> No.53754938

Holy shit they are definitely going to fire your ass over this mishap. Your 12 little pajeet kids are going to starve and this puts a smile on my face.

>> No.53754941

Arbitrum will be released in the next 24 hours and LINK will skyrocket

>> No.53754972

I'm using my data instead of wifi since I got banned for racism. But that's irrelevant, since you didn't address anything I said :^)

>> No.53754989

>posts fud
>it's not fud!
>enjoys celebratory banana as special treat to himself for being so cunning
You're a fud poster. You post fud. It's fud. Bye bye, Mr Fuddy McFudface

>> No.53755004

And ironically, I got banned because I was sick of all the currynigger threads shilling dogshit, so I replied to every one of their posts calling them curryniggers and telling them to kill themselves.

>> No.53755013

Don't reply to him anymore, he just wants attention.
Notice how he's begging you to "address" his shit.

>> No.53755033

shut the fuck up faggot. You got caught and I'm never selling.

>> No.53755061

>he thinks he'll ever sell.
you have no idea how much I've been buying.

>> No.53755079

That's the same kind of reply I see in GME/dogshit threads. You're making yourselves look bad.
Kill yourself
I got banned 2 days ago you dumb nigger, if you're using data then even leaving the house will switch ids.

>> No.53755118

You replied to my post that I addressed to ID "1uyUf7NF" and when I called you out on it you said you got banned. That last Id commented 1 hour ago. How would a ban you recieved two days ago have any bearing on the fact that you changed ID's IN THIS THREAD and forgot about it? I swear you guys are getting so sloppy that it's not even fun anymore. I used to enjoy bantering with you guys but now it's just pathatic.

>> No.53755123


We must stick together and keep out the filthy haters.

Any unwanted criticism is FUD and should be ignored.

The smarter of us already understand all the technical details!

>> No.53755138


>> No.53755168

Are you dense? I use my phone data to post. I don't sit in my room all day since I have shit to do, so leaving the general vicinity of where I made my first post caused my phone to pick up a signal from a different tower, which gave me a different id. Is this difficult for you to understand?

>> No.53755230

It's time for you to leave this thread and never return.

>> No.53755233

You samefagged and got caught, faggot.

>> No.53755293

Make me
I never pretended to be a different poster, how did I get "caught" samefagging?

>> No.53755334

HAHA that was great we owned this guy >>53755168

Its always nice to see a dumb 4channer getting destroyed

Even though I frequent reddit more often, this board can be fun!

>> No.53756121

>mommm get out of my fort, I I foughteded le fuddderz!!!!

>> No.53757593
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>> No.53757676

What a lying faggot, most mobile range ips are already banned. I can almost never post on the go.

>> No.53757900

I don't know what to tell you, but I live in the Midwest and it works fine for me. Bet my id changed again since I just got back from the gym :^)

>> No.53759177
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