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53749383 No.53749383 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that NEETs are the lions of the financial ecosystem.

>> No.53749826

but your eyes cant see good in the dark after decades of staring at a led screen and your obese body produces excessive amount of odour and smell catastrophic

>> No.53749904

Lions don't live off the kindness of others. They take what they want.

>> No.53749940

We neets take the kindness of our parents shoo shoo wagie this is a NEET Lion thread

>> No.53749951

>tfw no harem of females to hunt for me

>> No.53750072

>We neets take the kindness of our parents
You don't take anything by force. You live off the kindness of others. You're a charity case.

>> No.53750324

>first reply already a cope reply from a wagecuck projecting
you could literally stop slaving for shekelberg today
but instead you build elaborate fantasies on top of elaborate fantasies to convince yourself everyone else has it worse
all because you want to afford the next iphone 16 or pay onlyfan whores
tsk tsk tsk

>> No.53750340

you best believe neet takes wagie's gf by force
in the end she likes it but that's besides the point

>> No.53750378

what's stopping you?
all women desire is availability
if you give them content in words, if you make it thoughtful and relevant to them, they will literally go out in the world to do your bidding, then come back home and cream themselves when you take them to fuck
this is fairly easy to do and i don't understand the "tfw no gf" meme from people who otherwise express sociopathic tendencies. i don't exploit women because i have morals, but 80% of anons on this board claim to hate roasties yet choose to be slaves instead

>> No.53750434

neets will brag about sucking up the money other people earn, and in their next post cry about jews stealing their family money or yell about niggers on welfare

>> No.53751635

>They take what they want.
i take my neetbux every month

>> No.53752851
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>niggers bad because uhhh they dont work and just mooch off welfare
>neets good because Uhhh.....
At least nigga neets spend their time hanging out with their gang on the block and go to parties and have lots of sex and children.
These "based" neets are typically obese friendless recluses with 0 social skills and they spend all their time jacking off to weird fucked up furry tranny hentai and playing video games.

>> No.53753181

Niggers do crime. NEETs don't.

>> No.53754196

Neets possess CP and do disability fraud by faking severe autism or something for neetbux.
The neet is arguably worse if you believe niggers are just 80 iq subhumans only evolved for the tribal age, if thats the case then you cant really blame them in the same way you cant blame an elephant to rampage and break stuff when you release it into the city square.
Meanwhile neets are smart and able bodied "aryans" who are only a net drain on society and squander their manpower

>> No.53754225
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>Fat asses spend all day on their asses.
That's cool, I sit at work and then sit at home lifting weights.
Anyway, amerifats, you guys getting your goyslop from mommy soon?

>> No.53754252

yes fuck you . no pussy no work

>> No.53754254

>cope reply from a wagecuck projecting
Most fat people smell rank.
>iphone 16 or pay onlyfan whores
Android, I pay a chinses lady to suck me off for 50 bucks.
Any more projection from you? Fat boy.

>> No.53754288
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Lose weight fattie.
>don't exploit women because i have morals,
You don't even talk to girls you fucking fat homosexual.

>> No.53754330
File: 3.12 MB, 4624x2084, 20220502_173951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know an obese kid at work and he constantly talking about niggers and their gentiles.
USA faggots are all fat and gay.
Secondly, I will continue to work, lift weights and invest my money.
Fat kids on 4chan can keep being fat and gay.
Enjoy the goy slop, fattie.

>> No.53754382

That picture is wrong. It should be asian porn.

>> No.53754400

it's over

>> No.53754425
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>go to parties and have lots of sex
No you don't.
Let's say you do? Great! I went to parties in highschool.
I fucked girls in highschool.
My notch count is at 50.
You should totally lose weight though.
>These "based" neets are typically obese friendless recluses with 0 social skills
>NEETs don't.
Mother fuck, this site used to host actual child porn.
I avoid 4chan niggers like the plague.
You are the nigger, ngl.
Most white dudes in my town just shoot herion or are obese.
I don't care though, I own 113 million shiba inu, even if it goes to a penny I'll have over 1 million dollars and guess what? I can afford to buy more every time it dips even slightly.
I'm so glad I stopped living at my grandmother's house and moved out to my apartment.
Working and learning to be independent is why I have all this money, fuck collecting welfare and fuck living at home off grandmother/mothers tits.

>> No.53754478
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>no pussy no work
A man's job is to protect women and provide for women.
A women's job is to be a homemaker.
You fail at being a man and thus, you won't get any pussy.
Keep sitting and doing nothing though.
I'm sure Africans, Mexicans and Muslims can move here and work.
You know? I've gotten laid in middle school and high school but ever since I started making good money I realized how easy it is to get hookers.
I'm sorry but most of these fat fucks aren't getting pussy.

>> No.53754490

More like no work no pussy. How do you expect to get pussy as a broke skilless neet who never goes outside?
Are you mfs actually expecting state issued gfs or something?

>> No.53754521
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Pin up girls are better and less homosexual.
Thank God I stopped collecting welfare and started working, some day I'll not only buy land but I'll build my own house my self.
Rent isn't really that expensive...

>> No.53754533
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>are waifus trad?

>> No.53754537
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>slaving for shekelberg
Nah, ill keep working.
My portfolio and silver is just accumulating.

>> No.53754562
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You're not a lion, you're a fat kid on 4chan.
>We neets take the kindness of our parents shoo shoo wagie this is a NEET Lion thread
Nah, I'll keep working, ill buy my parents a house.
You enjoy your hand outs, fat boy.

>> No.53754603

>itt wagies malding
Chuds won again! Dilatesisters, what can we do?!?!

>> No.53754610
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>neet takes wagie's gf by force
100 percent believe you faggots are all rapists.
That! My friend! I agree with.
I know for a fact you neets and live at home with parents are rapist.
Too lazy to work to earn a women?
Too fat and ugly to pull women?
Demanding others take care of you?
While you do nothing?
Typical for a rapist/nigger.
Good to know "NEETS" will take women by force.
Assuming you're not too fat and lazy to actually try to take a women.

>> No.53754632

>sociopathic tendencies.
>neet takes wagie's gf by force
Lmao, fat, dumb, ugly and a hypocrite.
Truly the trust fund to a tee.

>> No.53754911

I've noticed the opposite desu. My hairline is great and my skin is still really healthy at 28, when I meet my friends who went for their phds and got suckered into the corporate hellscape almost all of them have some noticeable physical change from the stress of slaving away, whether it's early balding or the beginnings of a beer gut or forehead wrinkles they all look like a decade older than me already. Chronic high cortisol levels from constant stress will fuck your body up.

>> No.53754954

I fucked more holes than I care to even think about. If I could undo half the bitches I've fucked I would. All I want to do all day is play video games and watch anime and do like 30 minutes of trading in order to facilite the former two activities.

>> No.53755336
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>all i want to do is play video games and watch anime
Wow watch out we got a giga chad over here

>> No.53755529

Ironically this is what a lot of the people I'm talking about end up looking like. And at least I know what I want and how to get it. I've made 80k this year without even having to work.