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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 488 KB, 1330x1515, vet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53753789 No.53753789 [Reply] [Original]

>inbefore chink scam
Unlike some other coins these guys have been putting in the legwork, this latest development is exciting. Multiple high profile partnerships with actual REAL WORLD companies, and not just some shitty crypto partnership with a project that spawned yesterday. If you like money then I would at least get a small bag for this emerging bull run.

>> No.53753863

dropped this shit like a sack of bricks when the introduced vethor and master nodes. classic scumbag "token is nothing but funding for the team" move. company may have a future but vet does not.

>> No.53753920

WTF are you talkling about?
The token is used to generate the gas (vetho). Educate yourself on the dual token system they have and you will see that the token is very much needed and not just a money grab.

>> No.53754022

explain why they needed to create a secondary token (VETHOR) to be used for gas instead of just using VET for gas

>> No.53754073

I said "educate yourself" im not spoonfeeding

>> No.53754139


>> No.53754650

TLDR is it keeps transaction fees stable.

>> No.53754979


>> No.53755081
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>> No.53755105

>inbefore chink scam
Ive probably been around before you anon

>> No.53755133

OMG was the true china hustle

>> No.53755213

to avoid the massive bottlenecking failures of ETH gas being linked to token price. if you understood the token economic model you wouldnt have sold. and btw the team gets paid in VET not vtho idiot

>> No.53755243

im expecting this thread to be slid or pruned because i've tried to post about vechain and its greatness for years on biz. tranny jannie mods only allow schizo xrp and stinky linky threads

>> No.53755292

Kys chink rat shill

>> No.53755343

Nevermind, Thats just the old addage biz hates money just been proven once again. I have seen it touted here as the thinking mans crypto, which incites you actually need to be able to think for yourself. That automatically alienates half of this mongolian basket weaving forym.

>> No.53755367

how does it keep transaction fees stable?

the team gets to print money by farming vethor with their massive stacks of vet and then dump the vethor. how does eth face bottlenecking by having gas linked to token price? fees go up because demand for transactions increases. how does a second token avoid this?

i love how neither of you shills actually answered the question. you just claim it's better this way.

>> No.53755391

Vechink doesnt even have oracles
They have to meet with their chinese overlords if they ever want to adjust vtho generation rates

>> No.53755416

>how does it keep transaction fees stable?
Burn and generation rates can be altered.

>> No.53755432

that's all fine and dandy but when 0.7?

>> No.53755442

it's not dictated by overlords you muppet

>> No.53755536


>> No.53755550

£500k BTC this year, basically.

>> No.53755643

Who knows, what I do know is the latest developments are attractive for a fair few real world use cases, it's a step to what enterprises in the real world need for implementation. I'm sure it will drive demand quite nicely.

>> No.53755671

>how does eth face bottlenecking by having gas linked to token price? fees go up because demand for transactions increases. how does a second token avoid this?
i guess you're too retarded to understand that companies building on the blockchain don't want to pay thousands of dollars for single transactions. eth price rising literally chokes out any projects trying to operate on the blockchain because the gas fees are directly proportional to the price of eth. the economic models break. i wouldnt expect the average biz user to understand this though

>> No.53755868

how is vet supposed to increase in value if businesses only need vtho and the team can simply increase the amount of vtho they generate? how is vet not a security when its only purpose is to generate an asset whose value is single-handedly determined by the team who created it?

>eth price rising literally chokes out any projects trying to operate on the blockchain because the gas fees are directly proportional to the price of eth
retard, the price of eth has nothing to do with the price of tx. there is literally no connection between them. the price of tx increases because the amount of tx increases. creating a second token to be used as gas doesn't solve this. controlling the supply and generation of the gas "solves" this.

>> No.53755986

I'm sure you know how supply and demand works anon. Businesses have a choice, they can long hold vet for the gas generation they need. Or they can buy from the open market. Either way it creates demand.

>> No.53756046

A lot of crypto projects are going to be under the security, not a security scrutiny. But considering that VET was incubated by PWC one of the biggest auditing firms in the world I'm sure they have that base covered.

>> No.53757697
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