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53752812 No.53752812 [Reply] [Original]

How are my fellow lwpwfh chads doing? plan on doing nothing today and collecting my check.

>> No.53752864

I thank god every day that I was born slightly over 6' (so I never get accused of being a 6' liar) and with a slightly above average penis

If I didn't have those two things I 100% would have roped by now, im sorry manletbros i dont know how you do it

>> No.53752900
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Only big dick chads ITT, callin it

>> No.53752914

why does every white "biz" girl in california wear those flats? it makes their feet stink and hurts them I imagine. is it festishization?

>> No.53752922

living with long term gf who I think secretly wants to murder me. I have meetings all day................................... ;(

>> No.53752923

It’s easy really when you’re not ugly, you don’t rely on height as a cope for your empty life

>> No.53752977

I'm 6'1 and still a virgin, excluding the hooker i had(felt like nothing, but I'm still glad i did it because i realized how mid sex really is).

>> No.53753022
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This is me but when I was 19. Just dont be an incel, be funny, and work out. There is some tight, TIGHT pussy out there that'll make you think sex is way better than mid.

>> No.53753042

>t. perma virgin

>> No.53753092

>sex is way better than mid
Sex is boring, messy, and tiring. Your hand feels better. Sex is only worth it when it's with someone you care about. Otherwise it's just one more flighty, ephemeral pleasure in an endless sea of empty hedonism.

>> No.53753123

I live with parents but ni work from home ;_; Just glad I have a loving mom and dad who support and care about me.
No love will ever com3 close to that of your Mother and Father.

>> No.53753140

>I've never had ultra-tight pussy before
you will make it financially, but not at all in anything else

>> No.53753172

i am 6' tall and have been accused of lying before. I showed her my ID and she said I lied to the DMV

>> No.53753173
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Sex with a loved one is significantly better, anon. Btw buy hbar if you want to experience real love sex

>> No.53753274

>tfw had to move dad in after his 4th divorce and 3rd heart attack
>tfw working labor and barely home
>tfw semi-senile dad almost burns the place down while I'm at work
>tfw he wasted a whole dozen eggs and destroyed my 1 gallon stew pot
Someone please legalize boomercide.

>> No.53753299

Sex with hookers is only mid because you have a condom on and you have no emotional connection. It’s totally different when your good little girl girlfriend is taking your dick raw and moaning.

>> No.53753321
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>average size penis
it's over

>> No.53753323

I tell the truth, im 6 foot in normal running shoes
but not actually 6'
no one ever argues with that.

>> No.53753330

>started doing this in 2021
>get constantly interrupted by parents who definitely do not respect the fact that I'm quite literally at work when the door to the room is closed

If I knew then what I had known now I would have just rentcucked.

>> No.53753368

>tfw my dad and stepmom are screaming at each other while I’m talking to my boss.

>> No.53753377

been doing it for 4 years. i need a better job so i can get my own place. but now they're in their 70s so i feel like at most i'll have 5 years of on my own time before i need to live with them again. so is there really a point? idk

>> No.53753394

Nope. Just keep saving. It'll be worth it in the end.

>> No.53753397

fuck I want a tall gf so bad bros holy shit

>> No.53753411

sex is amazing unless you're depressed, get some help.

>> No.53753595


>> No.53753616

do tall women have tight pussies? my gf is short (5'0) but she has the tightest pussy i've ever fucked.

>> No.53753621

checked and truth-pilled. literally NOTHING better than rawdoggin' a bitch that's into it.

>> No.53753634

sex is too much work. Who wants to pound the same twat for the next 70 years of their miserable lives? I can tell you faggots are not married either. Try getting married and after 3 years you wife will be more dry than a piece of stale bread. Most women will only fuck you at best once a month after a few years of marriage, and you will be so sick of eachother by then it will be more of a chore than anything else

>> No.53753653

Legal in Canada

>> No.53753663

na. I fucked a white girl at uni who was on the womens basketball team. She was 5'11 her pussy was a big cavern.

>> No.53753671

loose and gross looking, often lips are on the outside and are flapping in the wind. it's probably true across all breeds.

>> No.53753673


>> No.53753679
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>> No.53753694

I don't understand why some women look at black men and think : Wow that's exotic. I wanna try that. It's been the downfall of our species for a long time. Not many black kids have dads.

>> No.53753734

I've been with the same girl for 11 years (married for 6) and the sex is still great. That's why it's so, SO important you marry a chick with a tight twat. It's just as important as looks/personality. Also, yours is dry? You do realize that eating her out before fucking her/lube literally solves this issue right?

>> No.53753810

I'm going to break this thread down real quick

The only benefits of living with your parents past high school is to save money. If you're in college and are living with your parents to save money... wow. The only years where you will be constantly sourounded by hot, young females... and you go off campus and back home to mom and dad every night. Not only is that embarrassing, it's pathetic.

Past college, you should have a career. If saving $1,000 a month/$12,000 a year has such a massive positive impact on your life that it is literally worth sacrificing the social benefits - such as bringing friends/girls over to your place at night and actually not having to explain why you can't bring people over (living with mommy past the age of 20 is a MASSIVE turn-off for girls) - then you are poor.

Essentially, this thread is a culmination of poorfags all celebrating that they are poor and social outcasts. Working from home is great, living with mommy and daddy as an adult? Pathetic and poorfaggotry. This is 4chan, so I'm sure you all are down with the celibacy. However, from what i have observed, nobody here is ok with celebrating poorfaggotry

Just wanted to make you people aware that is what you are doing. I guess have fun patting eachother on the back ITT and telling eachother it's all going to be ok.

/COPE General/ should be the title

>> No.53753896
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I lived with my parents when I met my gf in college. She didnt give a fuck because she also lived with her parents. My parents are chill af so they let me bring her over whenever I wanted and they eventually let her move in for free.

We are both married now and have our own home because we didnt have to pay a landlord during our most vulnerable financial years.

Living with your parents while you're working or going to school so that you can save up for an independent future is not cope. It's god-tier financial planning. Seethe that you had to rentcuck for a landlord and we ain't about that life.

>> No.53753911

With 6' and a big penis you'll never pass, hon. Sorry.

>> No.53753956

You have to live in a short place. Inlive in AZ and so many short mexicans have notmalized womens standards. When I went to Utah I saw reality for what it was. If I was European for example I wouldn’t live in the Netherlands but in Italy for example.

>> No.53753984

6'2 same. only had sex with escorts. whatever

>> No.53753997

nothing is more important than having milions in the bank

>> No.53754009


>> No.53754023

you can go back to plebbit nigger faggot

>> No.53754027

Imagine being a grown man living with your parents. Your parents want privacy too retard lmao

>> No.53754036
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sorry housies! not paying your income!!!! KEK

>> No.53754056

I have a tall gf who is 3cm taller than me. It sucks, it bothers her and she won't shut up about it even though I'm quite tall myself. I can't leave though because I'm addicted to the big tiddies and long legs.

>> No.53754068
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moms bringing pizza home lads

>> No.53754070

sorry landlordnigger i m not paying you

>> No.53754079

Me also, sucks being big and tall because they always assume your dick will be massive and they get let down. What’s worse is average size looks small on us

>> No.53754090
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I own 113 million shiba inu, I also own btc.
Good for you living at home.
I like living in my apartment.

>> No.53754116

I'm like 90% sure I know this couple, is this image taken in australia?

>> No.53754175

6’5 with an avg penis crew checking in. I know that feel. Going to do some more PE soon see if I can get to 6.5” bpel currently around 5.6-5.75 bpel.

>> No.53754215

im above 6' but i still lie and pretend im taller

>> No.53754291
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Damn. That's sad.

>> No.53754370

See paragraph #2

>> No.53754377
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My gf lives at home with me at my moms, I normally have sex and she probably hears us in the other room.
My gf is happy she doesnt have to pay rent, she uses the money saved to buy gold like i told her to.

>> No.53754441
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>moved out of parents house 2 years ago
>parents saw insane home value increase during the pandemic housing run-up
>parents are cashing out a small fraction of their equity to match what I have saved for my down payment

Is this a good idea anons? I have been renting for a little under 2 years (graduated 2021). Worried with where interest rates are at it's not worth it. The area I'm in has remained remarkably stable and hasn't seen a crazy run-up like the sunbelt has in recent years. I plan on living here for at least a decade, likely longer.

>> No.53754517

my ex is 5'11 (played water polo) and hers was super fucking tight. It was really funny bringing her to fraternity events and she was one of the tallest ones there lmao

My new gf is 5'8, the perfect height imo

>> No.53754543

I'm short as fuck and I love being titty height. He knows you know he knows etc.

>> No.53754574

i got a 1.5 million in crypto and still live with my parents, am i doing it wrong?
also yes i contribute to living expenses, energy and whatnot.

>> No.53754775

I make my parents listen as i bang girls i bring home from the bar

>> No.53754879

I'm 5'10.5 and always thought my weiner was in the 5s. I measured a few weeks ago and found out I'm 6.3 - 6.5 inches long. It honestly completely changed my perspective on life. I walk around with so much more confidence knowing I have an above average pp. I have sympathy for small penis frens, life is truly unfair.

>> No.53754888

Personally I'm a lwgfpsfh Chad (living with girlfriend's parents and studying from home)

>> No.53754936

You don't have sex, please stop lying on the internet.

>> No.53754937

Holy based

>> No.53755084

Non-virgins spotted, the best, most fulfilling sex to be had is with the girl you're in love with who loves you back, and all the normies on the cock carousel are learning this the hard way.

>> No.53755602

If you were truly rich you'd be able to fuck a girl some place in one of your huge homes. Moving out right after college just because is retarded unless you don't mind passing your income on to some landlord. It's not about saving money it's more about not throwing it away just so you can pretend to be on track in life.

>> No.53755615

I could have had sex with so many girls during my teen and 20s years but had low confidence because I felt my average sized penis was small. It all worked out tho I am happily married.

>> No.53755725
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Anyone have the screencap of the anon with the gf who would pick him up and put him on top of bookshelves? And hopefully not in the low-res form like my faggot self saved this one in?

>> No.53755802

I had a big penis but it shorten from peryoines disease and having to wear two pairs of tight underwear from epidymitis for a whole year. Plus I've never had sex so no one will believe me fuck yeah I'm a manlet too

>> No.53755848

Stretch it and jelq it you will get the length back.

>> No.53756087

>SO important you marry a chick with a tight twat.
I'm uncircumcised so I can get pleasure from looser pussies. I actually don't like them tight because I might cum too quick.

>> No.53756107

idk i think it's better if i keep thinking it's mid.
It's easier to picture myself making 200k a year than getting a gf.

>> No.53756132

Cope, the post.

>> No.53756184
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