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File: 100 KB, 1600x805, OPTIONS-TRADING-HOW-TO-TRADE-OPTIONS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53752283 No.53752283 [Reply] [Original]

Options trading gets you rich much faster than crypto
Why is it less popular?

>> No.53752291

It also makes you poor just as fast.

>> No.53752309

Well yeah, point still stands

>> No.53752319
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1000x leverage on fx trading gets you rich much faster than options
Why is it less popular?

>> No.53752432

I got rekt hard gambling on dailies. Don't even bother with options unless you have actual insider info. And, you're 100% wrong about options being better than crypto, time decay will rape whatever you have left.

>> No.53752529

Can't do it easily in canada like robinhood usa fuckers

>> No.53752541
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Because you will loose your money in ~99% probability with options. Even if you predicted it right and are above the target, you will still be in the Red because of time decay. if you still want to try it, never hold an option longer than a week (i.e. sell with loss at day 7)

>> No.53752595

>Why is it less popular?
It isn't.

>> No.53752669

You're doing it wrong.

>> No.53752803


>> No.53752826

Betting all your money on a number at the roulette wheel and hitting is the fastest way.

No actually spending your entire networth on MegaMillion lotto tickets is the fastest.

>> No.53752885

I been in crypto for over 4 years, I'm hesitant to try something new after earning some good money with crypto and that old saying if it ain't broke don't fix it

>> No.53752907

Placing $10000 bets on 00 at the Caesars Palace roulette table in Vegas gets you rich much faster than crypto
Why is it less popular?

>> No.53752910

Don't even bother. crypto is the only way plebs like us are able to WAGMI without excessive risk

>> No.53752917

Because it gets you poor just as fast.

>> No.53752988
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I don't know, man

Spending 0.01 ETH (~$20) to potentially win $13901 USD makes sense to me.