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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53745751 No.53745751 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53745944

Fake news

>> No.53745965

yeah right.

>> No.53746017


>> No.53746050


>> No.53746438


>> No.53746676

>state assigned gf
wtf japbros can't stop winning

>> No.53746688

>Abe gets assassinated
>Country immediately starts going full 1964 immigration act

Really makes you think doesn’t it

>> No.53746692

Sorry pajeet, the visas will be for whites only

>> No.53746700

indian men are unironically the ugliest motherfuckers on the planet
if I was indian i would just kill myself, there is no recovery from being born a greasy jawless brown fuckhead

>> No.53746708
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>le hecking asians

>> No.53746710

There is no hope for you if you actually believe this kek. Fucking retard, it's embarrassing seeing the likes of u

>> No.53747028

they're all the same. either you have the genetics to produce a blue-eyed white child, or you're an unevolved dead end. jeet, nigger, sandnigger, all the defunct.

>> No.53747109

Where to redeem visa now? Do the needful sirs and tell

>> No.53747155
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>received my breeding visa
>government is already threatening to kick me out, because I've only mating pressed lonely middle aged japanese women so far
>they say that I have to knock up a nagatoro tier tomboy before months end, or I'm outta here

>> No.53747204
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almost as if assassination is an effective means of political reform

>> No.53747276

Damn, and I thought I had it rough being asked to breed Hitomi Tanaka lookalikes every week :(

>> No.53747613
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> t. pic related


>> No.53747622

Giving asians my chad Aryan seed sounds tempting but not sure if i want to have my children be half-asian, what do you guys think is financially the better choice

>> No.53747845

2100 every place will be an african/indian shithole. What's the point? Why not have beautiful countries full of productive healthy and creative folks.

>> No.53747862

hapas will inherit the world!

>> No.53748190

Someone post the collage

>> No.53748227
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>> No.53748303

Take ur meds schizo

>> No.53750585

we need to go back to a time where politicians had consequences for their betrayal against the nation

>> No.53750614

have her abort it if it's a boy

>> No.53750628

Still haven't dropped dead from the vax huh? It'll come.

>> No.53750693
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where dem yella biznatches at

>> No.53750706
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i'll take 4

>> No.53750770

imagine that 3rd bitch getting stretched and impregnated by a 30cm long big black cock full of thick voluptuous black cream

>> No.53750777

>breeding visas

The issue is that Japanese women ALSO don't want to have kids
The implication here is that you just come into Japan and the women are so sexually repressed that they are practically sucking you off at the airport.

I have been to Japan, that's not even close. So many women are becoming western women and it shows. I am 6'2 and not terrible looking, yet some of these girls literally LAUGHED at me when I asked them to the bar.

>> No.53750812
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>I am 6'2 and not terrible looking
translation: i am 5'11" and terrible looking

>> No.53750859

Like Indians could afford a plane ticket to and sandwich from the vending machine in Japan.

>> No.53750907
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I`m a tall guy so...

>> No.53750963

damn does she have 180° unobstructed vision with both eyes no matter the direction? If I close one of my eyes and watch the opposite direction almost half of the image is my nose.

>> No.53750991

I bet she'd be an ace pilot.

>> No.53751049

Abe's assassination deeper entrenched his own party and gave them an axe to grind. He wasn't even in power when he was hit, he stepped down gracefully. Him being taken out, while sad is the best thing that could have happened for the status quo to remain in Japan. And the status quo is a bunch of 80 year old elderly Japanese who want the country to remain as traditional and old school as possible.

>> No.53751113

Fake news but Japan is actually making a government sponsored dating service and will even teach people how to flirt. Also, South Korea is in a far far worse position than Japan birth-rate wise

>> No.53751119

>>le hecking asians
Fucking newfag. /biz/ has ALWAYS been about
>Making money
>Asian women
>Making money
>Asian women
>Making money
>Asian women

>> No.53751151
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>> No.53751161

Those digits add a bit of gravitas to your already terrifying statement.

>> No.53751234

>who want the country to remain as traditional and old school as possible.
Thank God. It's fucking hard when your ally is also your enemy. Japan needs to stave off American cultural influence for as long as they can.
Ironically this lack of influence will just make the american niggers slobber for Japan even more, and like a leper it will ultimately spread the infection until everyone is sick.

>> No.53751492

They are Asian women like that?!!

>> No.53751539
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>noooo culture can't change the way it literally always has for all of human history we have to freeze this particular one in a time capsule and never change anything about it!

>> No.53751550

I'd rather die alone than with an asian wife

>> No.53751616

You must be one ugly mofo if you can't get laid in Japan of all places, you don't even need to talk to girls, they come talk to you

>> No.53751620
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>my son is a blonde USMC
>token not needed
Enjoy your hapas, J-bois
I promise, they'll be very handsome.

>> No.53751629

Thats actually pretty good idea

>> No.53751641

I DID get laid in Japan my point was that it wasn't any different than here
I basically struck out a dozen times before I chatted up this qt at the arcade

>> No.53751698

When the current cultural changes cannot feasibly he reversed without mass genocide yes, I don’t want to see innocent people killed off en masse. I just want people to be insular and only share things along technological and cultural lines from a sage distance. I can make my own Japanese food.

>> No.53751710
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Except for Israel, which has some of the tightest immigration policies and has literal walls surrounding their border.

>> No.53751729

>government is trying to teach men how to court women
The mistake here is they're accepting women's terms. Don't play their game. Just fine people every year for not having kids, don't allow single people to own small pets until they have kids, promote being motherly and having children/families in media instead of promoting degeneracy. Any single women who hit age 25 without kids on their own are put on a mandatory state-sponsored breeding program where they will be be artificially inseminated with alpha Chad DNA every year until they are 30.

>> No.53752734
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Wh*te bois have the highest suicide rate, highest incel rate and invented all the degeneracy in the world. Cucking, furries, trannies, homos all created and pioneered by degenerate wh*te bois. You are known globally as effwminate soft beta pussies, the only race that derives pleasure from black men fucking your whore wives.

In india most women are virgins when they marry, you losers marry girls with triple digit body count whove had trains run on them by the high school football team

>> No.53752764

Why are Americans so vile and fixated on cuck fetish? Absolute subhumans.

>> No.53752836

Difference is indian women are shit colored and white women arent

>> No.53752879

>Cucking, furries, trannies, homos all created and pioneered by degenerate wh*te bois
you mean degenerate jews

>> No.53753011

Indian women dont have gallons of nigger sperm in them. Indian women are submissive trad wives, coming from 20000 years of tradition.
Your women are strong independent fat ugly feminist hags who pull you cucks around on a leash like a dog.

Biggest cope. All this shit is promoted by white soiboy betas. Loser incels who watch anime and then want to become a cute anime girl because they are so pathetic they cant get a girlfriend so they become the girlfriend. Or they take the other route and fuck their dogs and become a furry freak. 99% of all furries are white males

>> No.53753075

Forgot mlp bronies, subculture made entirely of white male autistic freaks. Imagine the mental illness of basing your whole life and sexuality around a little girls cartoon show about horses. Wh*te boys literally fantasize about fucking cartoon horses from a kids show LOL completely degenerate.

>> No.53753142

Your indian women smell and look like literal shit, which i guess is just okay for you indians

>> No.53753227
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Cope harder cuck. Not like you even have any room to judge since youre a virgin and cant even get a 3/10 fat white girl, you get out competed by tyrone for those

>> No.53753243

and that's a good thing
america corrupts everything

>> No.53753252

keep coping 164cm ranjeesh

t. 187cm chad

>> No.53753294
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>gets Btfo
>changes subject to start bragging about being fatter
Sorry in india you will not find 500 lb obsese whale people like you pink pigs

>> No.53753390

I won't deny that white men are in a worse state than they have ever been before but that is largely the result of a 20+ year shame and hate campaign against them

who's spearheading that campaign? jews
they're responsible for all of it
for the same reason I don't hate blacks or browns is because they're being controlled by the jew

of course if you're being controlled you're part of the problem but I can't expect NPCs to do anything but be NPCs

>> No.53753528

>the peak of indian masculinity is copying white people fashion and having pale skin and a white-looking facial structure
you can't make this shit up

>> No.53753707
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Firstly the clothing is completely irrelevent to the point, secondly you dont have a monopoly on pale skin and beards you fucking moron, Asians have pale skin, so do pigs, that doesnt mean theyre coping you.
Also india is far older then your country. India is 20-40000 years old. We have civilization while europe was still stone age neolithic gatherer. So you are copying us if anything.

Now please, go ahead and show me the jew in pic related. Where is he?

>> No.53753797
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>> No.53753802


>> No.53753876

jew is behind the camera

>> No.53753878

>be faggot leftoid techbro
>refuse to knock her up
in my state "doesn't want to/is incapable of having children" is a valid reason to FAULT divorce someone, on the same level as adultery

>> No.53754623

Gee is a korean song actually.

>> No.53754639

No the other one with the dude who went from neckbeard in a kimono to neckbeard with an asian wife(whilst wearing a kimono)

>> No.53755026

what they don't tell you is who you will be breeding with...

>> No.53755045

I wonder what is the reason she's freaking out so badly
is she over 30?
is it a cultural thing? something like she thinks he doesn't love her because he doesn't want to make a baby since I assume where she's from the first baby gets made on the honeymoon

to be fair she looks like a jungle asian
I wouldn't expect this level of a freakout from a nip or a gook

>> No.53755082
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>either you have the genetics to produce a blue-eyed white child, or you're an unevolved dead end. jeet, nigger, sandnigger, all the defunct.
My grandfather has blue eyes.
Blue eyes are weak baby eyes.
Fuck white people, weak and fat.

>> No.53755098
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Imagine being a fucking fat white kid and still a virgin beyond high school?
All the Hindus I know in my town alone own the apartments, the gas stations, the liquor stores, all of them married with kids.
You guys need to go outside more.