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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53745931 No.53745931 [Reply] [Original]

New Landlord needs help

>> No.53745945

not my problem.

>> No.53745958

Who gives a fuck? I hope debtors get buried.

>> No.53745966

it feels like all the landlords are competing for a sucker to pay their mortgage. But all of the suckers are moving away. who's gonna pay it???

>> No.53745987

imaging thinking buying the job of being a landlord is an "investment"

>> No.53746013
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The issue is that I'm just not gonna rent

I KNOW I KNOW.... I'm sorry but... I'm just not renting....LOL

yeah I mean it's kinda acceptable among our generation....you know to stay in your parents house

My girlfriend already lives with me so I already have sex AND don't pay rent LOL imagine LANDCHUDS when they realize I'M NEVER GOING TO PAY THEM RENT AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.53746069

NO NO NO I just doubled the rent. you can't just move back in with your parents. I barrowed against this rental property to buy a 2nd rental home, now i can't pay either. GET BACK HERE AND PAY MY MORTGAGE

>> No.53746138

Imagine 10,000,000 people with the brilliant idea of acquiring debt thinking that there will be others to pay it.

>> No.53746158

My landlord raised my rent over the summer and I told him that would make me fucking homeless and he basically said tough shit so I've been living in my car and accumulating USD + these random shitcoins ever since landchuds can get the rope I've saved more money in the past 5 months than I have in my entire life altogether.

>> No.53746206

Kek, based as fuck.
Sorry, just not paying your income housies!!

>> No.53746226

buy in an already established neighborhood in a zipcode where most people own their house.

>> No.53746282


>> No.53746290

You discovered the path to freedom. I started doing this in 2019. Briefly moved in with a room mate in 2020 for comfort for a year. I lived in my office for 2 years, now living with my parents. Kept my income above $70k for the last 3 years, so I’ve been able to save up and invest a fuck ton of money that would have otherwise been used on paying some boomer’s passive income. Thank god I’m not a normie.

>> No.53746305
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did you cement his septic tank to make his tough shit fairy tale a reality?

>> No.53746333

That really is a dipshit move. Makes me realize I took my old landlord for granted. He was a weird army veteran Mexican guy, that was super paranoid. He lived in some rural area hours away, and he'd only come down to check up twice a month, but most of our conversations were him bitching about how he hates living in California. He also would ask me to keep an eye out on my neighbors and make a log of every time they did something sketchy to use as leverage if a dispute ever happened.

Anyways, his parents died in a car crash, so he sold all his properties and moved back to his home town. Some house flipping shitbag got a hold of it, and I realized it was time to go.

>> No.53746339
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Tick tock baggies

>> No.53746343

Lol what a fucking pussy

>> No.53746386

I should have never moved into that place at all it was literally some hyper anal investment firm I knew I wasn't getting that security deposit back, that shits just a joke anymore too, more free money for them

I'm feeling pretty confident now honestly, few months ago I was really thinking about giving up and finding a cheap place to live but after actually seeing my cash account have a secure 5 digits, that's VERY nice, I cheated and stayed in a hotel a few times but only when I really feel like I need the feeling of a bed

>> No.53746444

>I should have never moved into that place at all it was literally some hyper anal investment firm I knew I wasn't getting that security deposit back, that shits just a joke anymore too, more free money for them

yeah, they're not fucking people. They don't talk to you like fucking people. There's something about money where these sacks of shit lose their humanity, and take yours from you, and it's irredeemable.

My first week with the house flipper was them calling me, and giving me a to do list. This before they had drafted the new contract (that was like reading a slave manual about how I was gonna live on egg shells while I'm there).

>> No.53746474

Im done with renting. ~8 months ago I moved in with my girl and her parents, shits so cash. A whole downstairs to ourselves pretty much. I just have to mow the yard and take out the trash while she cooks and cleans. I may get a job for extra cash, but I'm in no hurry to do so. The hustle and bustle of a 9-5 and hardly getting by seems demonic to me now.

>> No.53746483

>and he'd only come down to check up twice a month,


i havrnt seen my landlord in years, he sends an agency to inspect once every 6 months

>> No.53746492
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>> No.53746522

landlords who don't outright own the building in the first place or have enough loans to build hundreds of buildings in many places to diversify location are dumb as fuck and deserve what they get.

>> No.53746535

When I say this guy didn't trust anyone, I meant it. Not sure how much he trusted me either. But he did say if the house became unlivable over something he had to fix, I could choose between him paying for a temporary space, or just crashing at his house, and him paying me directly.

I would've never taken the offer (he seems to have forgotten I would have to drive hours a day to get to school), but I appreciated the option.

>> No.53746543

Based and same

>> No.53746798

This thread just got COMFY

>> No.53746842

Our last raise this month was 21 Euros :( Next one is legally allowed in 15 months.

This is only the case because we live here since 1997. They can't increase the rent on us like crazy.

>> No.53746853

>but most of our conversations were him bitching about how he hates living in California'
That sounds pretty right, or not? At least everybody here does that too.

>> No.53746863

Eh, I think her parents are expecting you to find some work or any form of income. Otherwise they'll probably kick you out, even if you are the bf of their daughter.

>> No.53747062


>> No.53747353

Works for me. Pay my mortgage nigger cattle faggot

>> No.53747364

I wished I could do that, Canada you can only raise rent a minuscule amount each year. Like $25, people before the inflation crises still paying $700 while others are paying $1400 for the same room

>> No.53747752

Yeha, so am i with my crypto lol, lamo.
No, one of us is a debtor.
It's a joke.