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53731598 No.53731598 [Reply] [Original]

Is HBAR about to moon?

>> No.53731639

Incredibly bearish chart. $0.05 by mid March.

>> No.53731677
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up, down, sideways, who gives a shit. I'm never selling anyway, currently making 30 hashies/day from staking

>> No.53731689
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Since you are retarded anyway Ill tell you the secret for the price action. It's due to btc going up.

>> No.53731708

Hedera is up 20% over the last 7 days.
Over 4 billion transactions and counting, most used ledger in existence
You still have time to come aboard

>> No.53731729 [DELETED] 
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> Incredibly bearish chart. $0.05 by mid March.

>> No.53732391

what? no, of course not. the fundamental didn't change, that's why i'm staying away

>> No.53732915

I bought a 10k bag of hbar ages and almost bought more when it was super low but didn't follow through. Considering fomoing in again at this point but I'm on the fence

>> No.53733028
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>> No.53733908

realtps dot net
hederatxns dot com

>> No.53734017

Wen Sauce moon?

>> No.53734928

Inshala brother. I forgot to pull down my rewards yesterday and now I have 107 waiting for me. Praise Leemon (BPUH).

>> No.53735505

inb4 some retards try to claim that these arent "real transactions", Hedera doesn't count gossiping events as txns. These are all real, paid for, Hedera is the only chain with actual real life use cases live on it

>> No.53735683

Fedora Cashgrab is the pooman's coin

>> No.53735699
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it's alright anon, we'll get another good buy in.
Frtizz said he thinks $0.05 -- $0.06 HBAR in march.
I like the coin and will continue buying in at $0.07.
but this next dump is the last dump, so don't be a pussy and fomo in at $0.07 if you wanna be 'safe'.
my price target has been $2.67 for 2025, but not sure what bullshit I read, I think the updated version is a target of $2.94.
this current run-up that deviated from btc is due to dell joining, google gonna give a meeting and some other anomalies, but that stuff drops off 'fast' from the graph.

>> No.53737232

Is Sony joining the GC hash chads? Please tell me it's real

>> No.53737264
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>He's in it for the tech

>> No.53738069
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Insider here. Yep, its confirmed

>> No.53738260

I remember the halcyon days of gothposting and footposting. Of all the tripfags (may they never return). Of Baird's Harvard speech and the first inklings of the gossip about gossip protocols.

I have DCA'd from .12 to .33 to .40 to .08 to .04 to now. I even made a staking calculator to help figure out what returns migjt be like based off tps, years before the 6.5% figure of today.

I have hope, and will continue to have hope, and unsubstantiated gossip like this helps keep me going.

Thank you.

>> No.53738631

I still believe that years from now, when Hedera accomplishes all that it's set out to, footfag will return to us

>> No.53738852

Checked and i'll hold you to it. Don't forget office waifus. Hbmlhfblamf

>> No.53738940

what's this acronym stand for?

>> No.53738958
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Our prodigal prophet will return, of this I am sure. The excessive promise of $50 EYO was but a glimpse too far into the future, and when he returns he shall be cleansed in water and myrrh, and all will be forgiven.

How could I have forgotten, I have so many saved from those days.

>> No.53738972
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hbar? more like hfart because leemon and mance farted.

>> No.53739054

Every ICP shill is a grassroots community marketer who gets paid in ICP to do it. They reply to themselves with different IDs and create lots of fake interest and discussion. If you browse /biz/ for a few days you'll see how inorganic all of this is. Their objective is to make you buy ICP, hold it and maybe even stake it (for a negative inflation adjusted yield, which they will lie about). They will manipulate you with hope, technojargon, ICEEPEE shitcoins and dreams of riches while getting paid by higher-ups who slowly dump on retail with the tokens they created for themselves for free. Go look at EOS/ETH chart and read about the history of EOS. This is the exact same scam all over again for newfags like you who don't know how this works. Don't fall for it, they are masters at manipulating.

>> No.53739165
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>8 cents
>$4,500,000,000 FDV
>HBAR holders predicted $50 in May 2021
>the members of the governing council don't have to use HBAR as a prerequisite for being on the council
>the members of the council all hate crypto and have not innovated in 10 or more years
>"enterprise solutions" in new fields, as which HBAR is marketed, have a consistent track record of failing.
>the founders, Mance and Leemon, have left
>the circulating supply is 18B, the total supply is 50B, with the non-circulating part held by Hedera
>Hedera WILL keep massively diluting existing holders by dumping literally billions of HBAR on them. The price has doubled over a 1-year horizon, while the market cap has QUINTUPLED.
>this is a 500% inflation rate, marketed as "distribution"
>this inflation will continue for years, according to the published distribution schedule
>HBAR has 16 dapps, 16 after how many years?
>HBAR's fans keep fanning an idiotic and baseless feud with FTM, which used open source code for DAG consensus, yet they imagine that some lawsuit that nobody at Hedera is even talking about it coming
Why are you guys always the most deluded bag holders? You lot make the ADA XRP schizo's look flat fucking normal.

tldr: enjoy your 1.00001x gains and op is gay and aids

>> No.53739355

if you own 1MM HBAG's the WEF will guarantee you a pod in the NWO.
the cost of a pod is currently only $90k.

>> No.53739376
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weak fud heres your (You)

>> No.53739411


>> No.53739444
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Where did you hear that nonsense?
Did you share your excel here? I seem to recall something like that being posted. You're not hashchad are you?

>> No.53739467

The Mance and Leemon
World Economic Forum
In it they farted

>> No.53739569
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May they never return.

>> No.53739636

Look as long as you spell it like Mants we're cool

>> No.53739643

>>HBAR's fans keep fanning an idiotic and baseless feud with FTM, which used open source code for DAG consensus, yet they imagine that some lawsuit that nobody at Hedera is even talking about it coming
HBAR holders never bring this shit up on their own. Only spazzes like you bring it into a conversation ever, and it isn't even real, it's like a rapper who tries to chase clout by disrespecting a big star in the hopes that the beef will fuel his career.

The lawsuit will literally never happen, because FTM would have to start doing business in a country that doesn't end in "-stan" for there to be a reason to pursue it.

>> No.53739669

Just let him be. The argument about dapps alone is retarded, these people don't understand what Hedera is doing anyway. Same people keep pretending that Hedera's txn aren't "real"
You're right about Hedera not caring about Fantom, they literally have 0 real life use cases

>> No.53739693
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remember what foot fag said:
HBAR $0.5 by april [Spoiler]2021[/Spoiler]

>> No.53739722

Personally I hope all our fantom frens make it and I hope the fact that it's based in the Cayman Islands is in no way predictive of a catastrophic collapse

>> No.53739744
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I dont mind anybody making it really. Mostly I think its just bored bagholders from either side pretending to shit on their own product. Just alot of bored funposting

>> No.53740547

We buy, no breadcrumbs, we eat hbars, don’t troll, just stake

>> No.53741991
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Ive never shat on Hedera and see no reason evem if for shits and giggles. I domt want that karmic voodoo on my investment. Id rather educate or point people to useful info. Theres no such thing as a Hedera bagholder if one is staking... With that mentality all our parents or boomers are bagholding their 401ks... Hedera staking will be seen as the next lifetime investment, boomers will start shilling it at 5$ omce they understand how a web3 wallet works. My paremts just figured out how to buy from Amazon 2 years ago so their timelone is delayed 5 to 10 years.

Hedera is unfuddable, every fud point has been countered and rebuked ad nauseum and in depth by both Mance and Leemon. Their FREE youtube channel has EVERYTHING timestamped just cant be an ADD retard to take in the info.

Hashgraph came to Leemonnvia divine intervention. Its been bestowed upon us as a key to unlock our freedom and for those that invested ENOUGH early, theyll be able to inevitably help others FOR LIFE.

10hbar reward/day at 50$ per hbar (in 10 years) is 500$/day, 14k/month. Either you fall into consumption or buy what you need and give back to those you love or wamt to help. The usurious judaic mentality is not what this technology is about.

>> No.53742906
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>> No.53742941

that $.50 spike was April 2021

>> No.53743697

It was in the Fall when HBARF was announced and Shayne dumped his bags on us

>> No.53743731

>107k hashchad
>73k dovu
Who else stacking $dovu? (HTS token for the retards)

>> No.53744326

sold mine today for a quick 15% gain of 6k hashies. Seems good in theory but there are only 3 carbon farms on their website?

>> No.53744347

Enjoy your insanely inflationary tokenomics for the next couple years

>> No.53744437

I see 6 on the marketplace. I think there’s still a lot of room to grow here.

>> No.53744523

ah I see, I didn't click into it. Still would like to see more farm participation but yeah it's potential

>> No.53744763

I agree. That’s why I only have a bit, tempted to buy more though.

>> No.53745417

It would be better to split your capital and DCA anon, that is what I do on Hbar alongside web3 alts like Sylo and Flux for the long term

>> No.53745444
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>> No.53747320

you fucking retards shouldve bought fantom

>> No.53747669

You should've sold at 3 bucks but instead you're bagholding and one episode of Cronjic depression away from 0

>> No.53747705

You guys told me Sauce and Lucky would mint millionaires before hbar. Now I missed out on the huge hbar pump and Sauce and Lucky are currently below my average buy price.
Thanks a lot you dumb faggots, never gonna listen to you again

>> No.53747715

why would you sell any hbar ever

>> No.53750142
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>I domt want that karmic voodoo on my investment.
That is an excellent point. Combine it with :
>Hashgraph came to Leemonnvia divine intervention.
and you understand we are dealing with something else. I am spiritual by nature, and this feels like a new paradigm was gifted to us by the Universe.

>Hedera staking will be seen as the next lifetime investment, boomers will start shilling it at 5$ omce they understand how a web3 wallet works.
Exactly. We are so early it hurts my eyes. I have friends working in banks who don't know about blockchain stuff. They don't even know about ChatGPT. All the thing about Bing using it ? I had to tell them. They don't realize how the industry is going to change.

The most painful thing is the slowness of execution, independent from Hedera's team because giant corporations and governments need to coordinate but when they move, they don't change trajectory. I understand it's boring to see people complaining about issues that could be solved right now were the hashgraph to become the defacto blockchain network. But good things take time, and I am secure in my investment, even grateful for the time to accumulate.

>10hbar reward/day at 50$ per hbar (in 10 years) is 500$/day, 14k/month
You are even more optimisitc than me, that's good. I will keep a "make-it" stack just for the staking rewards and live off of it. If Hedera is adopted, unless something better, cheaper, faster and stronger comes, it will not be replaced.
Everyone who built on blockchain and tried Hedera will stick to it, like Hedera Helix sticks to walls.

If you lurk, please learn about Hedera. If I help even one person make it, that'd be a joy I gladly embrace.

Not selling one single Hbar before staking is live (IT IS), sharding is live and stocks are tokenized.

>> No.53750898
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>> No.53752127
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Oh its going to moon alright….in 100 years KEK. Meanwhile I already made it with Fantom, thanks for the code chuds. Goodluck with the lawsuit LMAO