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File: 94 KB, 966x551, 3000 charts analyzed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53736301 No.53736301 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related. I analyzed 3000 altcoin charts to find the next 100x candidates for the upcoming bull run. Let me know what you think.
I will answer any questions you have in this thread.

Last threads:

>> No.53736595

Normie scam shill thread buy RLC if you want to make it

>> No.53736600

I called the absolute bottom. Did anyone buy with me?

>> No.53736837

fuck off with your dogshit list

>> No.53736867

I am making money and you are not. Enough said.

>> No.53736919

ah yes, 11bil mcap dog coin that’s only up 8% this month is definitely where the largest gains to be had are

>> No.53736947

Why dont you fuck off instead. These threads are great. What are your posts, larping as a bobo/mumu like an 8 yr old? Carry on OP

>> No.53736993

if you think the best bet for the next bullrun is doge and filecoin then i don’t know what to tell you

>> No.53737002

Learn 2 read.

>> No.53737003

jesus christ fuck off shill

>> No.53737019

this fag should be buying advertising on 4chan. report this fucking ad

>> No.53737032

now this is a scam

>> No.53737044

he’s got a big donation qr code on his dogshit page
that’s the only reason he keeps posting it here

>> No.53737076

I am not the reason you are poor bro. Go back and read every post you made in this thread. You are your worst enemy.

>> No.53737091 [DELETED] 



>> No.53737119

im not going to buy doge and filecoin you mouth breathing spacker

>> No.53737128

You are not going to make it. It is encoded in your DNA.

>> No.53737158

what a fag. he posts a thread begging for donations every fucking day and jannies dont remove the threads.

Then he trashes others that call him out on his bullshit filecoin and doge tokens

report this fags thread and ban him for fucks sake

>> No.53737178

You used to post indian pics attached to your posts when you were posting with another IP in the same thread before to make it look organic. Did you drop that habit?

>> No.53737184

Please post your portfolio so we can compare to OP

>> No.53737218

1 post by this ID. Here comes the useless comments from OP

he changes his own IP to make the threads seem like people care.

bruh you have a brown fucking ID gtfo

>> No.53737219

He doesn't have a portfolio. That's the point.

>> No.53737243

dont worry OP everytime you post these begging threads I will trash them for what they are, useless.

Have fun trying to pump your bags!!

>> No.53737288

>doge up 8% this month
>filecoin up 20% this month
impressive you might have actually picked the worst bags, practically everything is up 75-100% this month

>> No.53737314

Your thoughts on EGLD?

>> No.53737323 [DELETED] 

>These threads are great.
OP get over yourself you IP changing fag you will never be a woman or a great investor also your website came from Namecheap, Inc. I will be looking into more about this

>> No.53737344

349 is the top for EGLD

>> No.53737376

Just some sort of DiD projects are becoming concerns since hacks and data theft is on the rise.

>> No.53737380

GRT has had a nice run. Do you still think it's going to pump hard my nigga?

>> No.53737404

Yeah it's gonna reach my target.

>> No.53737526

>I am making money and you are not. Enough said.

>> No.53737797

Learn to read the charts instead of wasting your time on the internet.

>> No.53737903
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>> No.53738482
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strg + f Nano

> 0 Results

And you want us to take you seriously?

>> No.53738583

what about the board's pet.. LINK?

>> No.53738593

So whats your call?, I've got ZEC, MINA and RAIL on my list.

>> No.53738624

the power of fomo is unreal

>> No.53738811

Checked and yes, remind me of your estimate for current top? Took a screenshot but can’t find it

>> No.53738916

What’s your prediction for FIL for the 2025 run, OP?

>> No.53738981

OP do you really believe FIL is a good pick for this bullrun?

>> No.53739006

Privacy protocols and self custody trends could be huge, enough reason to bet on ORE

>> No.53739192

Any curious for any good metaverse project

>> No.53739222

I hear crypto is a scam yet y'all are still getting on it. What's really the secret?

>> No.53739418

Bought 1K FIL at 2.5 cause of you OP, have another 200 at 4.8. Pretty happy so far with it, never said thanks, thanks again.

>> No.53739513

Lol this is the faggot who thinks filecoin is gonna do a 28x by April 3rd.

That's the magnitude of the mongoloid we're talking about here.

>> No.53739568

price target is the potential column multiplied by the current price stated on the sheet.

>> No.53739580

Tell me more about "echo bubbles".

>> No.53739716

Lowcaps are where you want to park your funds and AI,privacy and web3 seems like the right places.

>> No.53739943

I saw your first thread and bought a stack of FIL and GRT almost at the bottom. Thanks.

>> No.53740094

I was going to say the only thing that isnt shit on this list is Doge because of its doge/btc chart. But I just looked at it again and its dropped 50% since october.

>> No.53740118

Thoughts on Cult & revolt ? I dont see them on the list

>> No.53740306

another person who didn’t pay attention to the supply. will be lucky if this ever gets back to $.75

>> No.53740369

This clearly describes Allianceblock

>> No.53740388
File: 3 KB, 141x130, 093948384743792y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Privacy protocols are not talked about enough with the show of regulation even though more protocols are springing forth.

>> No.53740395

The surge to self custody is just perfect timing for privacy protocols to peak. I'll bet my ball on it.

>> No.53740834

You're welcome.

>> No.53740840

Memecoins usually cant stand the heat in a bear season. Only projects with working products in useful areas like privacy or web3 will survive.

>> No.53740871

It's a good project, especially considering its products.

>> No.53740892

More like a combination of ALBT, RAIL and CTSI.

>> No.53741154

It will take sometime but its moving, especially with the need for asset security.

>> No.53741583


>> No.53741700

VRA top for next bullrun?

>> No.53741709

VRA top is 0.054

>> No.53741760

Ok this genuinely made me lol

>> No.53742056

DYOR on OFE, ETH, BNB, XRP and OGN and get the best out of crypto. Don't fail to add self custody focused project to your bag, that's the real deal.

>> No.53742080

Our perception is key to our decisions about any crypto gems right now, because the market is unstable.

>> No.53742176

op whats the best coin at the moment to buy? and what's your reasonable target for QNT?

>> No.53742462

Are you still thinking it's bull trap?? Come on lad, the bull is here and the bear is over. DCA some low caps

>> No.53742754

Getting my bag prepared with ppTORN vault and CVP because the next few weeks would be crucial in the space, Mark my words.

>> No.53742786

I've seen it's going to be replaced/converted into NXRA. Should I buy now and let them convert or wait for the new token to drop?

>> No.53742788

He's not alone... I need one sad

>> No.53742870

I look forward to the best DiD project on web3 where hackers ain't finding it easy to steal funds

>> No.53742967

However I am focused on accumulating as much CVP as I possibly can, the long term potential for this coins is very high and I'm not sleeping on it while its on sale.

>> No.53743061

Identity management on the blockchain is vital as long as the space exists. ORE and ENS will be here.

>> No.53743458

chainlink sucks

>> No.53744130

You wasted your time.

>> No.53745170

What's your take on FLUX and SYLO for the long term anon?

>> No.53745399

Good post

>> No.53745565

Clearly XRP will be the biggest champ

>> No.53746589

those are new coins?

>> No.53747312

Thoughts on ALGO and rlc?
Also on xrp vs sec?

>> No.53747351

Flux is newish, sylo has been around for a while

>> No.53747498

DiD in web3 seems very new and not a lot of biz guys knows about it.

>> No.53747509

Security is key and everybody wants to keep up with self custody.

>> No.53747514

Only web3 based tokens I can buy now are LINK and ORE.

>> No.53747634

Just buy ORE if you want to make it.

>> No.53747652

I'm sure you get asked every thread but what's your timeframe here OP?

>> No.53748431
File: 4 KB, 250x247, 1673965446480841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm now buying this on MEXC

>> No.53748610

After the partnership with Telos, I know it's flying upward

>> No.53748660

Your website is gold so why the fuck are you here? Focus on building a twitter base

>> No.53749291

Look at what happened to FTX and Celsius. I would not put my money into a Jewish project if i were you. The main coder of XRP is a Jew.

>> No.53749300

April 3rd

>> No.53749319

I'm just bored. I don't have an active internet presence hence why i don't post on twitter. May be i will start doing live trades later YouTube.

>> No.53749667

when to sell FIL?

>> No.53749746

lol @ this impotent screeching
nigga this is 4chan just close your eyes and go to another thread lmao
this nigga bussin frfr ong

>> No.53749830

Okay, give me your rundown on these:

>> No.53750299

Any word on trb

>> No.53750361

I'm gonna make 6 figs on Kambria.


>> No.53750560

i’m literally gonna buy it just from reading this comment

>> No.53750952
File: 58 KB, 212x165, E07BF711-8367-4853-AF8A-A6C91A5B1386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FIL up 2 dollars, do you really think we will hit a 30x? I mean that just baffles me. Should I take some profits at 30% already?

>> No.53752247

Tea leaves tranny has 6 weeks to hope that the market has a parabolic shift upwards or be proven wrong.

(You) are welcome for bumping your thread in hopes that the crypto dust you receive in donations will pay for your transition surgery.

>> No.53752296

are altcoins worth it for daytrading with around a 50 dollar initial investments? just wanna try my hand at this thing

>> No.53752580

I was holding this shit for 3 years and sold for a 2x fml im ngmi

>> No.53752951

sylo is one of the old boys from 2018, started strong with it's product going live almost immediately but hasn't really lived up to expectations imo

>> No.53752971


>> No.53752998 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 1000x666, 20230216_130801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's good, easily one of the most underrated L1s and you got a top project like holoride building on the chain, it just needs time

>> No.53753188 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 1000x666, 20230216_130801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's good, easily one of the most underrated L1s and you got a top project like holoride building on the chain, it just needs time

>> No.53753198

2x in 3yrs? Premium kek

>> No.53753248

Lot's of projects from that 2018 ICO era have been forgotten
It still getting mentioned at least

>> No.53753257

your right do not buy RLC

>> No.53753311

Noob here. What's a good place to buy crypto with all the controversy of FTX/Coinbase/Kraken? I want to get into it. Ideally it would allow me to trade at the PC because my phone is shitty with bad battery.

>> No.53753369

it's solid asf, easily one of the most underrated L1s and you got a top project like holoride building on the chain, it just needs time

>> No.53753398

Made lots of improvement to it's app in the past few months, nft support, in-app tezos baking, building then futureverse etc

No way it doesn't get talked about with all of these in place

>> No.53753412

I don't need any donations. The donation box is like a handshake. You pay respect to someone who helped you. It's heartwarming. But i doubt you understand this stuff.

>> No.53753413

Binance and kucoin
only two I use

>> No.53753468

Recall I rode egld from $33 to $450 during the last bull run, nice to see the chain expanding and top projects getting on it.

>> No.53753521

I have $10000 each in SHIB and TSUKA but wouldn't go near anything else with the rest of my money

>> No.53753647

They had Keanu Reeves on their advisory team one time, flufworld really went big with the narrative

>> No.53753665

How much you expect to make from those two?

>> No.53753718
File: 20 KB, 399x322, 1625883184091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't think it has done much to be tagged as a top project.
down bad from listing price and most holders are just stuck

>> No.53753799

There's much chance you become rekt than you make it

>> No.53753829

binance cos I trust cz

>> No.53753867

Literally every project got hit hard by the bear market, you must be dumb asf not to know this.
And you ain't stuck when when you're staking for up to 25%
fucking bobo

>> No.53755286

You can enter now on spot. Target is 48k BTC.

>> No.53757430


>> No.53757464

You didnt call the absolute bottom. You told people to buy ur shitcoins at 20k BTC and we went down 25% from there you absolute fckn piece of shit loser.

>> No.53757481

Wow. Someone is mad he missed the bottom.

>> No.53757508

yes you are mad that you were wrong and your TA is useless because you have 0 clue, ur portfolio is like 100$ and before you start bragging about predicting the doge pump - bear market rallys are normal and you are only correct if ur price targets are met not a second before that.

>> No.53757517

Where on my website says i bought Bitcoin at 20k? My portfolio mentioned on my website with all my buying prices is in green. I am not the reason you are poor dude.

>> No.53757521

OP do you actually think bull run will be 2023? I know we've only had giga bear since last bull but nobody has anybody fucking money anymore in this economy. Wouldn't a bull in 2024-2025 make more sense?

>> No.53757536

where did I say that you bought btc at 20k you moron, you literally have it on ur website that u were bullish on BTC when it went down to 15k from ur 20k bottom - holy fuck people need to be saved from ur delusion. You are one of those mental ill traders that cant take a loss and will be in denial until they are homeless.. biz dont say we didnt warn you

>> No.53757548

>you literally have it on ur website that u were bullish on BTC when it went down to 15k from ur 20k bottom

You don't get it do you. We didn't buy BTC. We bought alts and we are in green.

>> No.53757563

Lmao this aged well. Kys

>> No.53757584

Bahahahahahahaha. Less than 24 hrs after your arrogant post. Come eat crow bitch

>> No.53757648

Wait wait wait…so youre infuriated that someone on this shithole made a post trying to help us make money? Is it the donation box? You dont have to pay him bro. In before

>muhhh samefag id switch

Nah i work too much to be a chart guy. Him and fritz both called FIL and it made us money. Now why dont you head back to the rest of biz…unhinged link cult threads, bobo mumu larps, and “why dont girls like me”

>> No.53757776
File: 244 KB, 1020x574, 8F78FCD4-F08A-4F8D-93B9-C02CD98680FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey what are the highs on GRT and LINK?

Tried to find GRT in past threads and only saw references to good things but no targets

>> No.53757795

GRT top is 1.80 dollars. I will sell 80% there in case it moons higher.

>> No.53757855


Wow that’s high. I’m surprised.

What about Chainlink tho?

>> No.53758439

Link tops:

First target : 34 dollars

Second target: 44 dollars

>> No.53759402 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53759459

I bought the bottoms. Idk if it was enough though. We'll see

Filecoin has been a hit

>> No.53759481


Dude... what in the world is your reasoning behind that? The project is super, super dead looks like. Youtube has like 300 subscribers. Their own subreddit is fudding them.

>> No.53759488

I'm up 50% on filecoin

>> No.53759627

chain link schizo predicts a dip later this year after a big pump, is 34 where you believe it will happen? Also, thank you sincerely for your efforts and your sharing of good karma

>> No.53759736

Who in their right mind would trust the people of the tribe after Celsius and FTX?

>> No.53759867

Now I’m just confused desu. If chainlink reaches your target at 34, do you predict it will dump before reaching the next target at 44? You don’t have to tell me or anything, I’m just grateful to be here

>> No.53759871

Tellor prediction?

>> No.53759925

Do you think Fil will retrace/correct a bit, or is it just up from here? I generally dont like fomoing into pumps cause that almost never ends well

>> No.53759936


Two factors to have in mind for selling:

>btc reaching 48k
>alt reaching its top

You have to consider both of this and sell 80% and if it started crashing sell the rest.

>> No.53759945

Thank you for your advice 100xanon

>> No.53760007

I just want to know how dangerous of a gamble it is to wait for a lower entry point into Filecoin(as greedy as that sounds)

>> No.53760081

What's the best bet coin/token I should buy with only 300 bucks and want to sell on April without checking market every week?

>> No.53760297

i love it when a project is slowly finding it's way to the top.
I picked sylo and ocean in that sector, and they're doing well.
Never been a fan of meme desu.

>> No.53760323

How bout ICP? What’s your target?

>> No.53760509

33 dollars first target
292 dollars second target

But it's super risky

>> No.53760536

Please x100 anon, I must know if there is an opportunity to wait for a retrace or just fomo in now to Filecoin

>> No.53760553

just dca in retard

>> No.53760636

Stop being greedy

>> No.53760637

>nkn potential

you know damn well that its pulling a x50 minimum

>> No.53760656

hello sir what do you think about gmt

>> No.53760843

I took at 50%. Nothing wrong with being cautious at this time.

>> No.53761386

I only post what i see in the chart.

>> No.53761387

Stopped reading after i saw doge coin.

Fucking mongoloid.

>> No.53761388

LINK ORE ENS could make a great deal if you give a try

>> No.53761502

Wtf you on nigger, you are saying link tops at $44 next bull run? That’s not even an ath LMAO

>> No.53761841

>coins I'm bagholding
>coins I don't have

>> No.53763127

>completely misses Litecoin

lmao even

>> No.53763275

What is your thought on Allianceblock Nexera Protocol?

>> No.53763591

No. These tops are all for this local run.

>> No.53763619

ser stinky linky to $34 by 4/3 then what? what's the retrace and ultimate high in next bull?

>> No.53763637
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So, doge will arrive at the ATH and that's it? or will it continue to rise? ty for your threads

>> No.53763697
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Thanks again man. I am learning a great deal from you, and how you approach trading. Your threads are greatly appreciated.

>> No.53763808

Why the fuck did you talk about bull run then in the original post? Retard

>> No.53764426

We have local bullruns and global bullruns.

>> No.53764521

I've been following the list till this 3rd thread and I can't see Railgun yet.

>> No.53764540

>Privacy protocols
Bros who don't buy any of these is retarded and definitely ngmi.

>> No.53764554

>Privacy protocols are not talked about enough
Because you don't fucking read, it's all over the place pajeet.

>> No.53764938

Probably going to be down the list, it's a lowcap.

>> No.53765226

You're fucking waiting for bullrun when the market are booming. Get your ass on promising low caps

>> No.53765779

ORE should be on this list.

>> No.53765782
File: 13 KB, 276x277, 1568039167460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been in your threads before they're mostly dog shit.
and the shit u are shilling, just no dude. stop.
your site is also fucking gay.

>> No.53765790

This was just listed on MEXC, I'm buying.

>> No.53765799

I got a couple before the latest listing, wagmi anon

>> No.53765812

Promising as fuck with millions of new users.

>> No.53765823

ID onchain data management projects are on hopium.

>> No.53765924

So you think ore is a scam?

>> No.53765931

>You're fucking waiting for bullrun when the market are booming

>> No.53766042

WAGMI or Degen?

>> No.53766310
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how do i get a big tiddy goth gf?

>> No.53766429
File: 35 KB, 750x466, 734723210224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is still time to buy RLC, FET, and UTK. AI and Crypto payment is the next trend. Join now or have fun staying poor.

>> No.53766460

Biztards only love to FOMO and end up getting rekt.