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53736377 No.53736377 [Reply] [Original]

my fiancée wants to pay off my student loan debt (<30k) before we get married. I’m on track to pay it off and I feel incredibly weird having her do that. She’s inherited a lot of money from her family and while my salary is higher than hers, her net worth is much much higher than mine. I asked her why she cares so much and she says it’s a Jewish value (which I don’t really get but ok) she has, her husband shouldn’t be in debt and if anything I’m better owing her than the “man”. This still feels weird, what should I do?

>> No.53736412

Why do people worship this whore? It's just a set of tits with a beak coming out of it.

>> No.53736414

>wut do?
rejoice, and throw in your credit card bills while the going is good

>> No.53736424

do what the fuck you want to do

>> No.53736428

You hit the jackpot anti-gold digger and you're worried?

>> No.53736430 [DELETED] 

jews worship slaves and you’re one. muzzies get virgins, christians heaven, jews thousands of slaves.

>> No.53736437
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The shapiros are def related to Dani Burger from Bloomberg her early life is hella scrubbed. Abigail has nicer Khazar milkers tho

>> No.53736441

Yes, and?

>> No.53736452

She's Ben Shapiro's sister. The idea of defiling his sister is the main appeal (along with the big tits)

>> No.53736458

god damn I want to coom on those big jewish titties. didn't read a word you wrote btw

>> No.53736471

Now that is understandable

>> No.53736479

Let her pay it off and then balance it with her post-haste.

It's even better than if you were a 'real man' and did it yourself, you'll earn net positivity doing it this way even though it's essentially the same thing.

She could also lord this over you and fuck up your relationship dynamic if you don't get to balancing it really quick.

>> No.53736484

Your children will be jews, would you really do that to them?

>> No.53736494

this man hates milkies

>> No.53736497

> She could also lord this over you and fuck up your relationship dynamic if you don't get to balancing it really quick.

I’m so paranoid about this

>> No.53736549


It's something to fear alright.

if she's really Jewish nothing will get her off more than seeing a well-established repayment plan where she can appreciate you're credmaxing by paying the fixed amount with the same depreciating FIAT currency.

>> No.53736615

Consider factors that could prevent you from paying it off and staying on-track. Maybe she's worried about hard times and you being charged more or becoming less capable of paying it, thus better that you owe her than collectors.
However, if you think you can make it then just show great appreciation for her offer and tell her you'll celebrate instead once you pay it off yourself. Ask her to think of a place she'd like to go or something. Keep her updated on your progress with confidence and thank her now and then for having your back. You know, like you're glad you can count on her if things go off track. Something like that, you know her personality better.

>> No.53736679

Worse case scenario she breaks up with you over it, but you're still debt free. Not much of a dilemma if you ask me.

>> No.53736760

It's a test, don't do it. You will earn her respect for the rest of your life if you pay it off yourself.
If she helps you the chance of slow, torturing resentment is not guaranteed but a real chance.

>> No.53737486

The interest will make you wish you've never done it.



>> No.53737665

>it’s a Jewish value (which I don’t really get but ok)
>my salary is higher than hers
She's just making a long term investment. She wants you to feel in debt with her.
Also if you're White and are in a relationship with a jewess, you deserve to die. If you are desperate for sex or love, it is okay but only if you intend to avoid having children at all costs.

>> No.53737736

Whats the rate?

>> No.53737771

big milkies
long neck made for deep throating

>> No.53738442

This. Also enjoy her being railed by the BBC and your new Nintendo >>53736377

>> No.53738576

I was once in his situation and accepted and this 20k became a way to blackmail me. Don't do it bro.

>> No.53738825

>if anything I’m better owing her
>balance it with her
>a way to blackmail me

If you or your future wife keep account of moneys "owed" to each other, you're just better off alone. You're describing a FWB roommate arrangement pretending to be a family unit. If the sex tapers off over time, you'll just be left with a shitty roommate. Good luck.

>> No.53738904

>why are men obsessed with a large set of breasts after having been descended from billions of years of evolutionary pressure to like big breasts
No idea boss

>> No.53739032
File: 35 KB, 715x608, C0F5DAC0-89B4-43B7-A6BF-E412E6BF5C54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t usually reply to fags but if you are intending to marry her, have her pay off the loans to feel more intertwined with you. It’s a biological action that will embolden her feelings for you. If you take her for granted you will fail. You’re basically an idiot who wants to be divorced a few years from now, LMAO.

>> No.53739589

Take the game theory approach and think about outcomes
>accept money good outcome
Your debt is gone and your relationship doesn't change
>accept money bad outcome
Your debt is gone and your relationship ends
>accept money mixed outcome
Your debt is gone and your relationship changes (estrangement or blackmail)
>decline money good outcome
You must pay $30k and your relationship doesn't change
>decline money bad outcome
You must pay $30k and your relationship ends
>decline money mixed outcome
You must pay $30k and your relationship changes (estrangement)

Your relationship could go bad at anytime and the bad outcomes mirror the good outcomes except you are $30k less wealthy. Take the dosh luv

>> No.53740292

I can't tell if you're a genius or a psychopath. Probably both. I'd take the money only if I loved my GF in a similar situation. I'd save little by little and pay her the full amount in the future to recover my pride as a man

>> No.53740376

it's crazy that people like you spend your time wasted here

>> No.53740423

I was $10k in debt when I got married and my wife insisted in paying it off but it was credit card debt and the interest was crazy.
She took away my credit cards for like a year after that.

>> No.53740945

Checked & keked, fellow khazar milker enthusiast; my Jewish gf also inherited a bunch of money (and put all of it into outright buying her Manhattan studio apartment). She makes over a hundred bucks an hour tutoring "special needs" kids, and I'm an unemployed NEET living off of my modest crypto (and my aunt left each of us like $19k last year when she died a centenarian). My gf has sweet tits. She's five feet tall, very, very pale, soft but firm, with perfectly sized pink nipples on her swollen, pendulous tits, which are getting bigger due to her ass getting fatter (but still very firm). She's tutoring some fat little autistic Jewish kid right now all the way downtown, so I took a walk, smoked a joint, and am now shitposting from this Manhattan cafe before my IP gets bannd (yet again; fuck jannies). BTW: NYC is *cozy* on a warm, rainy, Spring afternoon.

>> No.53741211

Don't do it. Women are parasites naturally, so when they "give", it has a million strings attached. She's going to use it to have leverage over you

>> No.53741483

Obviously you put her in the oven.

>> No.53742451

>Implying each possibility is equality likely

>> No.53742486

Who cares nigger.

>> No.53742495

if youre gonna be married then its not your debt/income its both of yours
makes sense she would want it paid off

I'd wait until after the marriage though

incredibly based situation though, you are lucky

>> No.53744160

a classic jewish trick, she is going to hold it over your head to pressure you into being okay with circumcising your sons. my advice is to take the money and run, but if you plan on staying with her, dont accept her offer.

>> No.53744217

If the roles were reversed in this situation, she would accept you paying off her debt in a heartbeat without even thinking twice. Do it fren.

>> No.53744335

Accept, then pay her back if you want to but never signing anything (shes a jew so beware) or just dump her

>> No.53744363

Only way I would marry a jew is if she had no relatives. You're so fucked.

>> No.53744375

doesn't the debt become shared between the two of you once you get married? you could just get married and she could pay off her own new debt. you aren't signing a prenup, are you anon?

Isn't there something you could easily and safely do with the 30k that would earn more than the interest you are paying on it? none of this makes any sense to me, nor does it seem very jewish (unless there's a prenup involved). you should talk to a lawyer and an accountant, and ideally a reformed ex-rabbi to make absolutely sure you aren't getting jewed. how the fuck can you even marry a jew? how could you ever trust her or respect her at all? she's a fucking JUDEN for christs sake.

>> No.53744450

marrying a jew, wild stuff. you're going to wake up the first morning of your honeymoon in a bathtub full of ice, circumcised, and with kidney missing.

>good mohning buby, good news! i traded ya kidney for a 5 shekel off coupon for gefilte fish! our appetizer at dinner tonight is on me, my treat. you cover the main course.

>> No.53744778

What whore? All I see is tits.

>> No.53744855

Most trannies look less like men than Shapiro with a wig.

>> No.53744877

why is your fiancee makes those faces?

>> No.53744985

>it’s a Jewish value
She wants to be able to coerce you into doing what she wants. Speaking from experience.

>> No.53745056

>my fiancée wants to pay off my student loan debt (<30k) before we get married.
>her husband shouldn’t be in debt and if anything I’m better owing her than the “man”.
pick one.

>>it’s a Jewish value (which I don’t really get but ok)
using inheriting money to profit even if from future husband. I wouldn't say mutually beneficial, but beneficial to her, marginally less unbeneficial to you. Once you accept she will starts offering the same deal to your college buddies and co-workers with student debt and before you know it she'll be earning more than you.

>> No.53745101

>current situation: other people are profiting off the interest on your loans
>proposed situation: money stays within the relationship

The only reason you shouldn't let her pay it off, is if your interest rate is so low you can get a better return on that money through SAFE investments.

That's why I take out a car loan at 0.99-1.99% interest rate for 5 years rather than just pay the entire sum at purchase.... because I'm earning 4-6% dividends in very safe bank stocks (in addition to the share price going up), which more than pays for that interest in the long term.

>> No.53745138

The main appeal is defiling yourself with a jewess

>> No.53745429

>thinking about ben shapiro while you fuck an inbred jew

you're fucked, faggot

>> No.53745571

You shouldn't marry someone you feel natural to "owe money" to. You should literally only marry someone you feel comfortable pooling assets with. Also you should only marry someone who accepts Jesus Christ as the Lord and savior and will not for absolute fucking sure, force you to raise your kids religiously/culturally Jewish, with her side of the family being a nightmare insisting/without consent inacting same. Being completely serious.

>> No.53745617

At this point why don't you just put it in a pure government moneymarket fund. I am getting that rate and a sufficient base is hyper-safe and liquid instruments (reverse repo, treasuries etc.) not vulnerable to financial crises that are clearly building in banking.

>> No.53745635

absolute power corrupts absolutely. She'll def keep score.

>> No.53745645

100% this. You love and don't think she will, but even if she doesn't realize she is subconsciously doing it, she will use this to shape relational leverage in the coming shaping of your family dynamic. Family members of hers probably told her to do it honestly. Sounds paranoid but in the Jewish culture this is not seen as conspiring it is just what you do, this (kids) being a particularly central aim to lock down.

>> No.53746291

This. Once the deed is done, she can't take the money back. If she says anything about it just be blunt and say this.

>> No.53747586

not marry a Jew for starters... but put the equivalent of the payments into investments or savings or something... You'll turn paying off interest into gaining capital.

>> No.53747768

>which I don’t really get but ok
They see someone in debt as a slave (to them, but it's ok if it's a goyim), she doesn't want to marry a slave.
Also why are you complaining, impregnate her instantly, you'll have a couple schlomos and they'll get into banking or media on tutorial mode.
Meanwhile I fell for the marry a white girl /pol/ meme and god damn I knew these bitches were bad but legit monkey brain? I sometimes wish I was a faggot or something

>> No.53747772

Bonus: marry her, put a couple schlomos inside her, find a way to jew her out of her shekels.
You'll get to unlock the Outjew the jew achievement.

>> No.53747774
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rolling for those quad sevens while I'm at it.

>> No.53747794

let her pay your debt then after a year or two when the marriage laws really settle and there's a couple kids; just stop working and let her be the sole income.

let her inevitably cheat on you with BBC and then catch her in the act.
she will owe you alimony and child support
record everything; especially the emotional verbal violence she throws at you for being a lazy fuck who doesn't work

when she eventually hits you make sure you file a police report and get a restraining order asap; you just won the lottery

>> No.53747932

Mate if you love her you would let her pay it off without second thought. My gf's parents are putting down like half a mil for a house for my gf and my poorfag ass. I'm not complaining. I'm guessing this is bait though since you explicitly mention she's jewish.

>> No.53748032

>I’m better owing her than the “man”

So you are borrowing it? From your wife?

>> No.53748054

You cannot be blackmailed for money you were given for free. You can simply just move on if shit turns bad.

>> No.53748111

I’m surprised no one has told you this yet, but you should not marry a Jew. They are the cursed seed of the serpent and you do not want to create offspring with them.

>> No.53748218

Retard, power attract the corrupt.
The kikess isn't going to be corrupted by anything, she's already a demon on a genetic level.

>> No.53748234

It's crazy 'people' like you think that's mind blowing

>> No.53748253

Never let a woman have anything they can use against you at a future date. Financial or otherwise.

>> No.53748289

Jewish women tend to want to wear the pants in the relationship. Let the bitch do it but know that she'll expect your loyalty.

>> No.53748325

put a baby in her belly and you doomed bloodline might escape the global genocide

>> No.53748574

Just imagine the milk she could produce bro

>> No.53748582

>tfw no rich Jew gf

>> No.53748600

As a jewish woman, I would never do this.
Would just let my hubby wait on the jubilee year.

>> No.53748605

LMAO bwhahahahh

>> No.53748609

Hello m’lady
Will you marry me

>> No.53748622

>billion years
>satanic jew tits
Nigger, fuck off with your milkers meme
Her milk would be as acidic as battery acid. Muslim gangs in the UK have used her milk in the past to carry out acid attacks.

>> No.53748651

>pride as a man
Gaypride shit.
Pride is the first sin.
Honor is something different

>> No.53748657

nobody checked
nobody cares

>> No.53748668

Dude, she is an orphan. Her whole family got eradicated during the holocaust

>> No.53748706

Facts don't care about your feelings

>> No.53748730


Her head is always tilted up to hide the hooked nose

>> No.53749296

Let her pay it off, get married, and save up 30k over the next couple years to hand back.

Problem solved

>> No.53749607
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imagine if brett cooper had those tits

>> No.53749657

Let her pay off your loans. It's clear she cares about you and wants to help. Don't make it weird and be lucky you have a dope wife to help.

>> No.53750578
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>Her when i show my Link wallet

>> No.53750640

That’s a surprise, usually it’s the other way around. I’d take it and then sign a loose contract with her for 0% interest in the same time you have to pay it off now to save money on interest. Shows respect, commitment, and that you will keep your personal shit in order. You gotta allow her to show her love and commitment to you too. Also you save money and deprive the banks

>> No.53750663

Moron, hips are the real key. Boob size obsession are for children and teens, don’t get me wrong I LOVE tits

>> No.53750697

she sounds like a keeper, never let her out of your sight tho. treat it like you owe her money. and save enough to pay it off during a rainy day.

>> No.53751760


>> No.53751783

Fuck. Don't let her circumcise your kid, Jews literally suck baby penis as part of their religion so watch out for the mohel and call them dirty kikes if they try to suck your baby off.

>> No.53751803

>your baby off
His children aren't going to be his.
Their father is going to be the god of this world, Lucifer the Satan.

>> No.53751828
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It's called Metzitzah B'peh, dirty kikes!

>> No.53751844

Poor bastard, it's like she wants to pay off his debt so she's in control, I wouldn't let her.